About the connection of eternity and nothingness
Creation as the unity of eternity in time and nothingness out of time
Eternity in its infinitely flowing time ensures the existence in the present of the finite changing forms, both living and inanimate. But where do these forms come from and how are they delivered into beingness? And why are they finite in their existence?
Keywords: nothingness, eternity, infinity, information, consciousness, inanimate, alive, beingness, finite, matter, time.
Table of contents
What is the basis of the manifested (reality)?
Chapter 2.
New - paradoxical - representation of the picture of Creation.
On the enduring coexistence of consciousness and inanimate matter.
Chapter 4.
Alive as a converter of information into beingness.
Chapter 5.
Time as a sliding present, formed by alive.
Time as an information product of alive.
Chapter 7.
Time as a condition of the finite in infinity for consciousness.
About the manifestation of the connection between the otherworldly and reality.
Chapter 9.
About the sources of change (motion) and development.
Chapter 10.
Creation - a hologram at the base or a matrix.
Chapter 11.
Whether there is the presence of the invisible God in us?
Infinity is more or less strictly defined only mathematically. The average person is unable to imagine the meaning of infinity, especially the infinity of beingness.
However, it is quite obvious to us that the world consists of finite objects in the process of change, or otherwise - in the current time, which, as we imagine, will end in the form of the collapse of the universe, while eternity in the human imagination by its term says that it lasts infinitely.
However, some scientists claim that eternity is not subject to time at all, having the entire fullness of all beingness single-time, thereby equating being ness to eternity, but falling into a contradiction, since beingness cannot but be in the current time.
In fact, these scientists have taken for eternity nothing, so how exactly nothing, or nothingness "is" outside time, since it lacks the change and development, which are possible only in the current time, but it, indeed, contains potentially everything.
Other scientists claim that, on the contrary, our very existence (beingness) as eternity is in time, containing any finite interval of it, and the duration of eternity is a repetition of one and the same cycle.
Similar thought denies development as such, imposing a time limit on it, which is nonsense in itself, since a world without eternal change and development is only the reverse side of non-beingness, and has no meaning. Therefore, the world with this approach turns out to be, in essence, finite, although in endless uniform cycles, which, as if someone winds up again and again, when the winding up is ending. Such picture has nothing to do with God or randomness, that is, it is false.
Moreover, this view of the world omits the question - where did beingness itself come from and why did it come from in the current time?
Other scientists do not agree with the same cycles repeating over and over again, believing that the duration of eternity has no cycles.
At first glance, it seems that this approach to Creation is quite adequate, since beingness in it falls into eternally current time.
But they also do not answer the same question - where did beingness itself come from and why did it come from in the current time?
It is curious that these contradictory points of view on eternity hint that the complete picture of Creation, in addition to time, must also contain something timeless, but science is powerless to go beyond the boundaries of beingness known to it in own methods.
Nevertheless, it is clear that a state outside of current time is a timeless infinity, or nothingness, since it has no edges.
Therefore, we must take a look at nothingness in the views of modern scientists, drawing the appropriate conclusions.
As is known, in the "Great Soviet Encyclopedia", nothingness is characterized as the non-existence of a certain entity or the absence of beingness.
Here the scientists also fall into a contradiction, since the absence of beingness, that is, the current time, does not mean the absence of a certain entity that can potentially "be" in nothingness.
However, despite its potential, since everything can "be" in infinity, in nothingness is no change and development, which are possible only in the current time.
Our idea that nothingness is not emptiness and not a negation of beingness is confirmed by mathematics, since the empty, not containing a single element, by definition contains nothing, but at the same time this empty set (nothing) is a subset of all sets, since in any set there is a place for emptiness.
In other words, zero is the most significant quantity, since, for example, it can be represented as an integral collection of the infinite negative and positive digits.
So, nothingness, or a timeless infinity, can be an unmanifested source of everything, thereby solving the problem of the foundation of Creation.
Indeed, the finite objects must come from somewhere in the process of their changes.
But throughout the history of mankind, only two answers have been given to this question without any evidence, namely: God created everything, the other answer is that everything arose spontaneously from the moving matter.
As you can see, the answer - where did God oneself or the moving matter, that produced, again, suddenly living beings? - come from? - has never been given.
It is clear that it is impossible to give a more or less adequate answer to an incorrectly formulated question, since the very question of the emergence of everything from some original source requires an explanation again of where this original source of everything came from, etc.
Therefore, it is reasonable to eliminate this origin, assuming that everything exists infinitely in two hypostases - eternally in time, and as infinity outside of time, or nothingness.
However, where, how, and in what form does matter enter eternity, localizing in the form of universes in reality, or as beingness in the current time, that is, where does it come from, since there is nothing else except nothingness.
There can only be one conclusion - it comes from nothingness, since there is nowhere else.
But then a problem arises - how does this happen, and even together with beingness, since without beingness within the current time nothingness is not capable of manifesting itself. At this, in process of manifestation, this nothingness should not change, remaining as before nothingness.
Nevertheless, this problem can be solved by assuming that matter, which is extracted from nothingness is nothing more than a copy of information from it, which falls on media having opposite signs, but which are not mutually destroyed, being conditionally in a spaced state in the form of projection of nothingness.
Thus, both of these parts can respectively supply matter to eternity (beingness) of one sign and, accordingly, of another sign, being integrally nothing, that is, in this respect, the infinite projection of the infinite nothingness is no different from the nothingness itself.
The next problem in this model of Creation is the connection of a timeless nothingness with eternity, or an endless beingness in the current time through a projection a timeless nothingness.
Such connection can be carried out informationally with the help of the material carriers available in the projection, carrying copies of information from a timeless infinity, necessary for the existence of the current time, at this, these carriers are restoring beingness as a whole, but are renewing each of its objects with an ultra-high frequency, that is being felted by each living being as sojourn oneself within the flow of this, in fact, artificial time in beingness due to the automatic exclusion by living beings of the interval between high-frequency impulses.
Therefore, such carriers may well be, like radio waves, ultra-high-frequency oscillatory wave-like structures, in the harmonics of which the corresponding information is contained.
The information that is so necessary for the functioning of Creation can be perceived, processed, changed and transmitted only by living beings, since, by definition, an information is data about the state of the material objects that are recognized by other objects by the means at their disposal.
The inanimate objects are not capable of carrying out this operation, since they do not have the appropriate means for this, whereas only living beings are capable of perceiving, processing, changing and transmitting certain data, transforming it into information, that is, into something understandable for themselves, due to the fact that they have sensors (sense organs), centers for processing incoming signals and a program of metabolism, growth and development on a protein carrier (genome).
Thus, only the combined active and passive components of Creation in the form of alive (see below) center fall into the information flow.
They constitute on an information basis within a certain association all living objects, included in beingness, and this information base is the wave-like ultra-high-frequency structures of the projection of an infinite nothingness, some of which are the simplest, forming the information basis of the inanimate objects of beingness, others in their harmonics carry the programs that form the basis for those objects of beingness, which are able to perceive, process, change and transmit information, thereby acquiring the opportunity for initiative and self-development.
Therefore, not one beingness, but the totality of eternity (beingness) and a timeless infinity with its own projection, represent a complete system of Creation, which functions only due to the unification of inanimate (passive) matter and active matter in the form of living beings. They convert information from timeless nothingness through its projection into the corresponding objects of beingness with its current time, giving them motion and change in a certain space, as a result of which an infinite nothingness manifests itself in the form of beingness known to us, which is being formed by the living beings infinitely in the form of a series of universes, that is, eternal.
As a result, thanks to the finite living beings, which, due to its structure, are in the information flows perceived by them, both the stable infinite existence of the entire system of Creation and the development of an infinite consciousness (the active) through the same the finite living beings are achieved.
Thus, an infinite nothingness is capable of manifesting itself only if there is that which manifests - alive, and a means of manifestation the information within the framework of the system of Creation, containing the timeless structures and a structure with the current time, coexisting without beginning and end for the reason that integrally they represent nothingness, thereby solving the eternal problem of the emergence of everything, which never arose, being both eternity in the infinite flow of time, and infinity outside of time, being therefore both nothing and everything.
The mechanism of permanent creation of the current time, and with it beingness (eternity) can be presented in the following form.
In any living being there are sensory organs that perceive the frequency fluctuations and an internal computer that processes the received data, eventually converting them into both images and objects of beingness, surrounding the living beings, including themselves, that is, updating them and themselves constantly by the choice of some frequencies from this set of frequencies and mathematically converting them into sensory perceptions.
But this process of the updates that is so important to change them, is automatic, more precisely, under the control of a single consciousness (see below) of a projections of an timeless infinity, and the change itself, which is being marked by living beings both in themselves and in changes in environment around them, occurs as a result of the automatic formation of the current time by them, which is created through them and for them due to the fact that they do not perceive a pause between impulse signals coming to the senses.
In particular, in the human perception, the pause disappears due to the delay of these impulses when passing through nerve fibers. Along with that, for the simplest creatures, this pause is skipped in perception due to the delay required for processing the current packet of information in it by the corresponding information processing center, that, of course, is typical for a person.
Thus, for a person the information is being formed by the separate portions, which in his mind merge into a continuous stream, which seems to him by the present, since the processing of each packet of information, which has a certain duration, displaces from consciousness the interval between the successive packets of information entering the senses.
The general information packet for every moment passes to brain neurons from different human organs in the form of the sequences of nervous pulses, in each of which the relevant information is included. The speed of distribution of the nervous pulses fluctuates in the range from 1 m/s to 120 m/s. Frequency and character of the pulse sequence, bearing, in particular, the visual information, depend on intensity and spectral content of light, and value and duration of each separate pulse does not depend by nature and powers of irritation.
Directly after the pulse generation, the nervous fiber is in, a so-called, the refractory state and can't be excited again during 1-2 milliseconds, i.e. the nervous fiber is able to conduct nervous pulses with a frequency not higher than 500 Hz. The duration of the pulse which is passing along a nervous fiber makes shares of millisecond in every moment, and, in principle, there can't be more than a lag time, i.e. than the duration of restoration of a nervous fiber (a refractory state).
The pause between the nervous pulses, containing information, means that they don't go continuously. However, this pause together with shorter interval of processing of a signal in every moment is below a threshold of sensations and therefore doesn't get to consciousness: in particular, the moving picture for consciousness of a person is provided with an interval between the running consecutive shots about 0.04 seconds, which makes the specified threshold. Its duration, as can be seen, more than an order of the magnitude greater than the duration of a pause. Therefore, the forming the discrete sequential moments of the own time of a person, which include in its sequence all patterns and all events of life for a person, merge in the continuous, indivisible flow in his consciousness.
Therefore, almost everything around us, both for a person and for other living beings, turns from the frequency into solid reality in which one can live and develop, but this kind of artificial reality is based not on something illusory, but on completely material ultra-high-frequency formations.
The loss of pauses between the positions of the renewal of copies of the relevant information packages for each individual consciousness in the living is equivalent to the absence of the sensation of changing copies of things, including one's own body, which means for the individual consciousness in the living being "getting into" a moving world with its own laws both in the physical and chemical, as well as other spheres of the present beingness. In fact, we observe this around us.
Thus, the absence of real move in the projection of an infinite nothingness is "converted" within beingness by means of alive into the current time, which we associate with the change and move of various objects of beingness.
It is this fact of participation of each individual consciousness of a living being through its own sense organs and control centers in the formation of the surrounding "reality" that allows each living being to join the forming surrounding world, to become its actor, unlike the viewer in the cinema.
Thus, the motionless becomes moving without a mover and the question of the prime mover, be it God or the self-movement of matter, disappears by itself.
By itself, an infinity outside time is nothingness, or zero, but the active is active by definition, in order to not forgetting the passive, project itself into wave-like formations that are in antiphase, thereby remaining zero in material balance. Nothing prevents the active from showing himself as consistently, updating his own projection by completely replacing it with a high frequency after some pausecy, that is, discretely.
Each updated projection is stationary and represents a "unfolded" zero, which through a pause representing a "pure" zero is replaced by a zero with a slightly different "reversal."
This manifestation of an infinity discretely in its finite ultrahigh-frequency form requires neither space nor motion, since nothing arises except "discontinuities" in an infinity, which can be considered the prototype of time.
The infinite, motionless nothingness, thus, is a dual system outside of time, informationally united with beingness in the current time, constituting Creation thanks to the active in a timeless infinity and its projection, which also remains the same infinite and motionless, but already torn apart by finite, consistently renewing formations. Therefore, these formations separately are already quasi-temporal, and under the condition of their unification in itself through the living active receives beingness, where it can, in particular, realize itself in real actions, thereby converting a timeless infinity through own projection from nothingness into everything that exists.
That is, nothingness, or a timeless infinity comes out through projection into real existence.
The active, merged with the passive in a timeless infinity, in its projection must manifest itself as one and as divided in its information copies, capable of demonstrating itself as living in the case of unification with the passive in beingness, that is, in the current time, which is being formed, as was shown above, by the living, who is skipping a pause between the positions of renewal.
It is curious that this current time, due to the fact that it is based on discrete sequential packets of information, although it is artificial, automatically formed by alive, but it becomes the only possible field for own change and development of alive.
Thus, the active in alive is "creating" an irreversible flow of time, in which things move and change in space, as well as living beings themselves.
The moving, colorful world becomes a direct reality for each individual consciousness, outside of which it, in combination with its own carrier, cannot function in terms of growth, development, all sorts of life aspirations, feelings, thought processes that are not interrupted, since the duration of the renewal position is too short for any thought process or experience, but in which, when pauses occur between them, thoughts, feelings, as if clinging to each other, flow non-stop, replacing each other until the very death of the body, at the moment of which the connection of consciousness with the environment is lost, that is, when information from it through the senses ceases to flow to consciousness. At this moment, the basis for comparison disappears, and feelings, thoughts lose their beingness as a basis in which one can act. Consciousness has nothing more to do in such a situation in this world, and it withdraws.
The system of the universe is not capable of dividing into an independent infinite nothingness, a separate projection and eternity (beingness). It constitutes a single whole, in which the form-building active is being fed by the passive, which loses its form in finite formations. The passive, losing its form in finite objects of beingness thereby restores the form of the active during their interaction. The active, therefore, does not lose its basic form and form-building abilities due to the passive is being destroyed in being, but it, "calling" the passive from the infinite nothingness in the form of the information copies for the duration of the existence of this finite, restores the form of the passive and changes it. So, by turning to the finite in the form of the passive losing its form, the active becomes eternal in form, properties and can hold the entire system of Creation in actual existence.
Despite the fact that Creation is zero in balance, it is also everything and therefore cannot but manifest itself, demonstrating to itself in the quality of the active this everything consistently and infinitely in eternity (beingness).
Creation, being everything and nothing, contains opposites in itself and denies itself, since in the face of the active it constantly strives for novelty, destroying the former in itself and manifesting in this the freedom of consciousness (active). But everything that has passed does not disappear without a trace, but is retained in the memory of consciousness (active).
The property of being one and along with that divided outside of time is possessed only by such a high-frequency formation as a hologram, since any section of the hologram is interconnected with any other outside of time.
In other words, each section of the hologram contains information about the entire object, but with a proportionally corresponding decrease in clarity.
The principle of the hologram "everything in each part" allows a fundamentally new approach to the issue of organization and order. The hologram shows that some things in beingness cannot be studied by the analytical method: to dissect the object and study its constituent parts. If we dissect something arranged holographically, we will not get the parts of which it consists, but we will get the same thing, but with less accuracy.
The hologram itself is a high-frequency formation as a product of superposition of several coherent waves, giving a stationary interference pattern, since the difference in the phases of the waves does not change.
However, the active, or consciousness, being a hologram in a projection of a timeless infinity, cannot itself be clearly present in the solid reality of beingness(in the current time), since it forms it through a complex passive structural formation based on proteins (an organism), which the active (consciousness) as if covers, making it alive, that is, capable, in contrast to the usual passive in the form of inanimate matter, at least of feeling and thinking.
That is, without the living beings that form the current time, beingness is deprived of this time and becomes non-beingness, although potentially in this timeless non-beingness or nothingness, there is everything, but only the living beings are capable of reviving, that is, making this everything move and develop.
In more detail, the problem of Creation as the unity of eternity in time and nothingness out of time in its various aspects is disclosed below.
Chapter 1.
What is the basis of the manifested (reality)?
Some problems going beyond a consideration circle science and religion, nevertheless, do not disappear anywhere. Some of them are a subject of inescapable interest, in particular, that which concerns the ultraboundary for our sensations (otherworldly). The following are considerations on this issue, which, at least, are original, and may be of interest to those who do not belongs to the philistines.
The objectivity, more precisely, the existence, independently of the person, of the objects and the phenomena, surrounding him, is proved by scientists-materialists by the fact that they "are delivered" by the sensations into a brain of each person approximately equally, constituting the surrounding reality. This viewpoint the scientists-materialists extend to all alive.
But, at this, a certain circumstance is missed, that instantly destroys such logic, namely, the difference in the sense organs of living beings, remains "overboard". This difference leads to the fact that the surrounding reality for an earthworm, cuttlefish and a mole, not to mention plants, microbes and viruses, is being presented to each of them in accordance with their sensitive organs.
In other words, the same object for different creatures may have a completely different appearance or even be absent for them, as such, being present for other creatures.
Modern materialist scientists will immediately say that this difference in sensations does not disprove the presence of the entire objective world, which can be felt firsthand or using devices and instruments.
However, all data of the surrounding around a living being as well as inside it enters to its brain, if it is, and if it is not, then to the signal processing center from the external and internal "world" through the same sense organs - a kind of sensors, that fix what they can, but they can only catch certain signals in the form of discrete information packets. And only the processing of these signals in the relevant information center - at the person the brain is this center gives as a result a form, color, the movement and other features of an external and internal environment of a being. The being more or less consciously uses some of them, others only take note, and the rest it does not perceive in the type of information, that is the deciphered signals, owing to the absence of appropriate organs of sensations, or because of limited opportunities of the center processing information.
In this sense, in particular, the world of a person is limited by the collection of his sense organs and his apparatus-thinking abilities. In other words, if he had a wider set of sense organs and a more powerful thinking apparatus, a person would have built with the help of the latter some different own environment - with other forms, color, spatial distribution, movement, etc. And all this would also be a reality for him, although the basis from which this reality came from would remain for him all the same unknown, since he is able to use only his own sensitive organs and his own brain, but he is not able to get out of limits of their actions.
If the TV could savvy and glance on the screen outside, then he could contemplate quite real image of moving objects appearing on it too, but for it existence of the transmitter of this image and also a transfer form in the form of discrete information packages impulses, following one by one would remain a secret.
That is existence of the things world in the form of the last, true and independent of us (objective) is disproved by the fact that it is being represented by our sensations and is being formed by a brain, and this world for different types of organisms can be other, and its basis can quite be frequency-wave, on which information is written down.
However, this frequency basis of beingness is outside the current time of beingness and therefore is non-spatial and zero in terms of material balance.
The hologram [1, Chapter 3] can be the "formation" of this sort, appearing and right there disappearing in a conditional point with opposite characteristics - the waves in anti-phase making zero in the sum, but capable along with that on separation in the same conditional non-spatial point, that leads them to disappearance. It gives as a result pulse "gaps" in an infinite nothingness that it is possible to consider as the manifestation of an infinite nothingness in the form of some kind of projection coinciding with an unmanifested infinity on all properties: infinity, non-spatiality, the zero material balance, absent of the current time and motion, except one the finite durations between the gaps-ruptures" of an infinity.
These "gaps" can be presented as a prototype of time not only because between them there is duration, but also because their elimination in certain way can lead to formation of already continuous duration, that is, the current time in our understanding. And it, in turn, means emergence of space and motion in the event, if manages to convert into this time some multi-subject - the thing and bodily, having filled space with moving "objects" which are in an unmanifested infinity potentially, since in it is everything, though an unmanifested infinity without own projection remains no more than nothingness, or zero.
If we take for axiom the fact that there is everything in an unmanifested infinity, then all possible objects in their diversity are hidden in it. But this diversity can be reduced to two essences - the passive and the active.
All objects which do not perceive information belong to the passive, that is they are capable to react to these or those influences as a film on light, but cannot interpret by no means these changes (to analyze, structure), turning them into clear to themselves, which can be used in one way or another, that is into information.
In other words, all this variety of passive objects is capable only bear information, without knowing about it, into those objects which are capable to apprehend this information.
As is known, only the living beings are capable to perception and analysis of the incoming data - subconsciously or consciously.
One may ask oneself: where did they get this ability to reason?
After all, the body of any living organism consists of the same elements as inorganic matter.
This question can only be answered in the following way: among these elements, combined in certain compositions, something nests, which is not perceived by us, forcing the structured elements to be active, in particular, to analyze and combine the data coming to them through a special kind of sensors (sensory organs), turning these data into the material, which are understandable for themselves by means of processing of these data in the relevant centers. An external analog of it can be any robot, however, with that difference, that he understands nothing (does not savvy) in this process, and only works in strict accordance with the programs enclosed in it by those, who is capable to savvy.
And, despite all achievements of biologists in the study of the structure and principles of functioning of organisms, they still cannot fabricate even the simplest living creature, since the object, seemingly in everything similar to a living organism, does not give in to revival, that is, consciousness in it does not appear.
This fact is one of the most convincing evidence, that consciousness can be attributed originally only as otherworldly, and at the same time we are witnessing its reality, despite the invisibility and impalpability.
Thus, if all objects, except alive, are passive fixators of data from the environment, the interaction with which for them is reduced to reacting to it by changing their own properties up to disintegration and occurrence in a new quality, however, is not chaotic, but accordingly rules, it is not clear by whom established in the reality, known to us. These rules is opened or installed by scientists.
That is, if these inanimate objects do not show any own initiative (activity), then the living objects can, thanks to appropriate processing of the incoming data, figure out, how given information to use, changing for their own benefit own surrounding.
Naturally, the living being first of all wants to stay in the information flow, which it is able to perceive and comprehend - each at the level of its consciousness, - distinguishing itself from not the brainless things by what it uses them for own benefit and preservation, competing in this with other living beings.
Therefore, all alive actively, that is, consciously, however, except for the person, purely instinctively-reflexive uses the environment for maintenance of oneself in operation (food and metabolism), seeking to push back their competitors from food (domination).
The finiteness of own existence, which they, apart from man, do not understand, but feel because of the deterioration in the functioning of certain parts of the body, they overcome by continuation of the species (transfer of their own genome) by all possible ways, up to budding, which requires a special program of growth and development as an individual, and the general (generic). Therefore, without the genome a living beings cannot do.
All these active objects present potentially in an unmanifested infinity, but in the merged state with the passive objects.
But, since they is in the form of alive and inanimate in front of our eyes, it somehow transferred here.
What is required for such transfer?
First, an information "bridge" between beingness (reality for sensations and a brain) and an unmanifested infinity is necessary. This function can be performed by a holographic projection of an unmanifested infinity, since its impulsive wave-like structure is convenient for transmitting data and for the maintenance of information copies of the active and the passive, the originals of which are potentially in an unmanifested infinity,
Secondly, the not perceived directly the active is required, which, nevertheless, animates the corresponding objects of beingness, making them conscious to one degree or another, unlike inanimate (dead) objects.
Formerly this active and invisible was called souls, because people understood the difference between animate (living) and inanimate (things) objects.
This active, presenting in all alive, is situated in it, because it is only it that is able to extract its own informational copies and copies of things from an unmanifested infinity through a hologram by means of the sense organs and information processing center of the body, converting them successively into all objects of beingness - from universes to microcosm, from living things to the surrounding favorable environment.
Thirdly, one cannot do without combining the active with the passive in the form of alive, since only alive can by means of its sense organs, request and perceive information from an unmanifested infinity through a hologram, and, after processing in the corresponding centers of the incoming data, convert informational copies into a reality display both for each living creature (own time of a living being) and for all living creatures - into a holistic beingтness in the form of near and far surrounding of the living beings (total time of living creatures). for their "upkeep" in it.
The mechanism of this conversion of pulse information packets coming from an unmanifested infinity through a hologram to the sense organs of the living beings is similar to transmitting signals from a transmitter to a television receiver through the ether, during which, in particular. the pause between packets-pulses is eliminated, with the result that a moving image appears on the screen for the duration of the session.
The above analogy with a television receiver shows the possibility of such process.
Thus, the world, and if wider, universes, radiations, microcosm, living beings and inanimate objects, or the whole beingness, turns out to be different than it is represented by modern science and each person, partly resembling the same television receiver, namely: it is an information product.
Therefore, it is possible to present in a new light both time and information that comes to us in the frequency-wave form, being therefore quite material, and further converted into the surrounding of the living beings and the living beings themselves. Along with that similar conversion is carried out both individually and collectively by these creatures quite synchronously, and each specific being fits into this general thing world with the general current time with its own set of senses and information processing center, and therefore with its (own) current time, although, in particular, one of the types of these creatures, that has self-awareness, despite all its savvy, represents its autonomy in the form of free will, whereas will is actually a inducement of the person on the part of dissatisfaction of self-consciousness by oneself to sustainable progress towards the goal, as well as the person does not mark own current time, believing that he is in objectively existing time, whereas actually the total current time, associated by the person with the calendar time, is being formed by the totality of all living beings.
Nevertheless, each living being only by its presence in beingness, contributes to the maintenance of Creation in a capable state, without feeling or understanding of this process.
In this regard, it would be appropriate to make the following analogy, rather close to the interaction of a single consciousness and all form of individual consciousness: the person consists of a set of cells which are functioning in him, not knowing about his existence, as well as not knowing that the person undertakes in this moment.
The subsequent cells replace dying off cells rather quickly, allowing an organism to function fully. Relatively long human life in a certain degree is provided with short life of each of its cells. Time of life of a cell is its "now"; the human life time covering the periods of life of all replacing cells of its organism is as if their external time which directly doesn't depend on their "now", but, nevertheless, in the issue it is determined by quality of cells, the indicator which is the duration of their life. It means that "now" of all cells of an organism in the aggregate forms also time of life of a human body, determining its duration.
Any person also has weak concept about difficult autonomous process of functioning of cells of own organism, but, overall, everything is interconnected and works organically.
However, this analogy has significantly difference infinite single consciousness as a hologram and each individual consciousness in the person as part of a hologram coincide. Therefore, the individual consciousness is eternal as and a single consciousness.
Be that as it may, though a person, unlike all other living beings, is capable to be aware of himself, he, nevertheless, is quite sure that the world around him is the single real and unique, since he cannot penetrate beyond its borders by any means, while all his surrounding, is formed actually from the frequency signals, decrypted in its organism about which he does not know and which also are fixed by nothing in any way, being beyond possible frequencies in beingness.
Though the "walking" representation of the person that behind visible reality is not anything, at least, material is illusion, but is true the fact that only in this world of the changing (moving) objects and the proceeding phenomena it is possible to live, develop and change that is impossible in any frequency formations.
It is for this reason that the eternal cycle takes place: the frequency active and the frequency passive of a hologram are combined when converted into the embryo for subsequent development and life in limits, denoted for structured in the body of the compounds of the passive, after which the active (consciousness), which has lost its competence due to the disorganization of the corresponding the compositions of the passive, is separated from an incapacitated organism-carrier, and, taking the former frequency form, returns into the initial frequency-wave hologram, but only in order to return again the same way into beingness, i.e. - into life.
Any other options are impossible because beingness with discretely appearing in it active (consciousness) in living beings holds Creation from disappearance.
In other words, only due to the action of living creatures is the information bridge between an unmanifested infinity and beingness is being supported, that is, without the living creatures, information, and, accordingly, objects and phenomena cannot appear, and their place - in non-existence.
From all this can be seen that information, that is, data coming to living beings in the form of signals, which they are able to streamline and consciously or subconsciously use, is the most important basis of beingness, without which is not only impossible the formation of beingness, but also - the existence of Creation itself.
Let's note, that the mass of data which people, in principle, are capable to perceive, but cannot order, cannot be attributed as information, and they remain just noise, without speaking about those signals, which are just not registered by our sense organs, though can be caught and converted into objects and the phenomena by other organisms.
Thereby and from the information position the world, surrounding us, appears only as a result of ability of our sense organs not only to accept some signals, but also to decipher them, transforming as a result, for example, to the visible image of objects, which along with that become the subject reality.
However, all these considerations remain outside of scientific research, which is based on the repeatability of open phenomena and the possibility of verifying the processes that take place, which in itself imposes certain restrictions on this field of activity, although science is ashamed to recognize it.
Therefore, men of science, contrary to the known facts, still, claim, in particular, that information is reflection of objective reality, and not vice versa, believing that information is the order of the follow of objects of a material world, as well as considering the information as the data exchange, which can be interpreted.
Along with that, according to modern scientific ideas, information is considered intangible, which in itself is meaningless and, moreover, contradicts the above definitions, if only because any reflection is a material copy of what is reflected.
Nevertheless, to any in the slightest degree to the educated person it is clear with all possible definiteness that out of consciousness no information exist, because there is no one to form and perceive it, that is, it is nothing, or non-existence.
But what then exists?
This question can only be answered in the following way: nothing can exist without the living creatures, more precisely, cannot get out of non-existence.
Therefore, we have to admit, willy-nilly, that the manifestation of being known to us or surround us, from some unmanifested infinity (non-existence) is due to the activity of living beings through their informational influence on it, since only these beings are capable to recognize all objects of beingness due to their organs of senses (a kind of sensors) and information processing centers (brain for a person).
Thus, information arises only by means of the sensory organs and the information processing center, which consciousness, more precisely, the carrier of consciousness possess, but not differently, being the quite material copy of the object or the objects, which are available through sensations for consciousness and which the living being in varying degrees are able to realize, that is, to convert into a specific environment for oneself.
Information can't be qualified as something non-material and independent, as far it is copies of data about objects selected and decrypted by consciousness from the boundless environment surrounding consciousness, but in fact, from an unmanifested infinity.
The consciousness processes these deciphered copies of fragments of the material objects through the appropriate centre (centres) into images, meanings, emotions which are also the quite material components of consciousness entailing the subsequent actions of the carrier of consciousness. On their basis together with memory it interacts with environmental objects every moment of own "now", which are also converted by it by transformation of the frequency-wave formation (hologram) which is a seamy side of beingness, like a reverse side of a mirror about what it will be mentioned below in more detail.
Thus, all interactions of the being having consciousness are carried out in this end-to-end, irreversible process only on condition of arrival in his consciousness of the appropriate portions of information, each of which is processed, being laid down in a certain duration, making a row of sequential moments from the birth to death of the carrier of consciousness.
The asymmetry of selection by consciousness of information from the environment, unlike material or energetic interactions of objects of our three dimensional measurement, is explained partly by that consciousness has other qualitative nature, it is not the material object of three dimensional-measurement of our universe. Therefore, it can't exchange directly by substance or energy with objects of three dimensional-measurement, but consciousness is capable through the sensations of the carrier of consciousness unilaterally, restrictedly, selectively, but to perceive copies of data about environment, suitable for it, and then to process them for own needs (all organisms) or purposes (the person).
This process proceeds by unilateral scanning by the consciousness through its own carrier of the environment (an unmanifested infinity), during which the consciousness automatically kind of looks through objects of scanning without their change thanks to only copying of those information about them which consciousness is capable to decipher.
Otherwise, if the energy and/or material exchange took place during receiving information by consciousness in the same way as it occurs during the usual interactions of material objects, then both sides of the information interaction would be changed one way or another or destroyed, losing their original properties, and life in such an unstable world would not be possible.
The difference between the human consciousness and the consciousness of other living beings in selection and information processing consists in that the person understands part of information and therefore uses it not at the reflex-instinctive level as, for example, animals. That is, he realizes himself in this process, and the part of the received data uses consciously, making from current and accumulated data the mental projects as self-active subject, i.e. the subject who changes environment according to these projects, but not just only adapts to it, as all remaining live beings.
The integral and changing from a moment to a moment picture, which is folded every moment in human mind, is perceived and understood by him as his present, or current time. This "now" arrives as it seems to the person, from some unknown to him the future, and flows away somewhere back irretrievably - in the past, and in this stream passes his life.
Anyway, it is clear, that "now" provides interaction of the person with surrounding, or gives him life.
However, the past as the data base and the future as mental projects exist only in human imagination, manifesting itself again and again in the present.
The edge between the past and future seeming to people as the invisible, the impalpable, the non-material, is the quite material present, or "now" of the person, created by himself. This present or own time of the person so real that comprises in itself all his life. He lives just in it, but - not in the past and not in the future.
We will mark at this that each of the sequential moments making time of the life of the person, and which thereby comprise in itself his life, is the quite material process of selection, copying, transfer of the prepared packets of the deciphered data about objects as well as processing of these packets, at this the discontinuity (discreteness) of this process is caused by the technical pause, separating every moment of own time of the human.
The information packets, received through sensations, only in the processed form, that is, having transformed to images of environment, thought and emotions, make a moment, quite specific and various on filling and duration, so as the volume of the arriving information can change depending on a state of environment, from a state of the consciousness, from opportunities of fetch from memory of additional information. Each such moment, merging in consciousness with subsequent and so on, is represented to the person as his present time of life.
It follows that time does not "falls down" from anywhere on the person, but the human consciousness itself creates own time which therefore the person himself intuitively calls by the present.
Technical pause between sequential moments of manifestation in consciousness of images (objects) environmental, as well as emotions and thoughts accompanying them, consciousness doesn't register.
Therefore, all sequential moments are merged in the uniform changing pattern which the person as consciousness in the carrier and, at the same time, the acting subject, can not only watch but within which he can interact with the surrounding.
It is also necessary to mark that any quite real moment of own time of the person is a single event point, because for a person (any living creature) events happen only in his "now", and the past and the future arise only in his imagination manifesting itself just in the "now" in the form, respectively, of databases and projects.
The person thinks that actually there are the past and the future separated by the present as far he doesn't understand the mechanism of formation of present and considers it by a product of the general temporal process in which the future, the present and the past exist really.
Actually, only one moment makes "now" of the person, but their irreversible sequence is represented to the person as the current of time which comprises the current of his life, events happening to him.
There is in each of these moments an integral selection at all levels of consciousness of data from environment which the consciousness is capable to recognize, and their processing, making finally "the shot" by clear for consciousness, on the basis of the accepted information with these or those corrections from already accumulated information in databases of the person. Further the process repeats. This procedure, thereby, is on technique by the discrete, but on perception it by consciousness - the continuous.
This one-sided on directivity (asymmetrical) process of pulling by consciousness of information, or process of obtaining copies the surrounding, more precisely, from an unmanifested infinity, consists, thus, of three main phases: the selection of fragments of environment from which the information will follow (the selection is being made by the consciousness of the person partially consciously, but, generally by the automatic scanning covering and decrypting all available to consciousness through the sensations) ; copying and transference of information in the appropriate centers of consciousness of the person; its processing consisting in conversion of information packet into images, meanings and emotions as well as inti the objects, during which the instantaneous assessment of data is produced resulting the part of information is discarded or remains as hidden, and the rest is manifested for consciousness of the person like the shot after which follows the similar shot, as a rule, with changed contents.
These "shots" are merged in consciousness in the moving picture, i.e. the intervals between them isn't fixed by consciousness and all process seems to the person as the continuous. The formation of each "shot" can fluctuate rather slightly on duration. This process goes from the birth to death of the person, without being interrupted even during a dream or a faint. Information arrives as outside, and from the organs containing in the person and the processes proceeding in them.
This information procedure is the discrete, the automatic for all live. As a result, the adaptation of all live to the environment is carried out. However, the person together with this is capable also to target selection of information, i.e. to perception of the objects interesting him for conscious transformation of these objects according to in advance planned projects.
Summarizing, we can note the following.
The active (consciousness) is an ultrahigh-frequency wave-shaped hologram - a projection of an unmanifested infinity. Each area of the hologram contains information about the entire hologram, that is, everything is contained in each part.
This means not only that any individual consciousness in alive coincides with the unified consciousness of a hologram, but also that consciousness cannot be investigated analytically, that is, in detail, in parts, to compose a holistic picture of it, for example, on the basis of those or other manifestations of it in a person. Consciousness will always be in its essence inaccessible for analysis of any kind.
Therefore, in particular, the scientists studying a brain of the person which, as we already noted above, functionally is the center of information processing, forming for the person a picture of the surrounding, represent a brain as the top of perfection on which everything depends, forgetting that any tool is not capable to guide, being only means for the chief executive, especially as this tool in itself cannot arise someone had to contribute to this.
In addition, the three-dimensional world known to us, judging by duration, minimum possible for it, in seconds with the basis 10 and the exponent 24 (according to other scientific data this exponent can be-44), can give frequency structures in hertz with basis 10 and exponent 24 (44). This frequency is the limit for the formation of the things copies of our measurement, which are "produced" by a single consciousness. The frequency spectrum of the copies of a single consciousness is above this threshold - and therefore, it is impossible these frequencies, and accordingly copies to fix in any ways in three-dimensional measurement.
Unlike consciousness, practically, all objects of our (three-dimensional) dimension, which our sense organs are capable to perceive directly or through instruments, are amenable to analytical studies, the result of which was the discovery of fundamental and local laws of beingness.
It happens because all the objects of beingness are being formed in the form of the current time by consciousness, that is, the hologram, pulsing into Nothingness and being nothingness integrally, is transformed due to the action of the active in it from frequency-wave formation, equal to zero integrally, into a stable, dynamic and things structure of universes, which are not, like all their components, holographic.
All this, so-called, beingness is being formed from discrete consecutive information packets by consciousness, which is a single-plural, by means of alive, in which is being eliminated the pauses between these packets, and thereby is being obtained one changeable point of the present time.
This infinite point seems for the living beings as current time, and, unlike a hologram, this "point" is already able to manifest itself as a space in which there are can move and change objects, which ensure the existence of alive.
Other objects are absent as in this point useless for the existence of alive.
This fact of the connection of one with the other, even beyond the known limit - the speed of light, - at that, the loss of this connection destroys the entire structure of the universe, and in fact beingness, leads to confusion researchers of life and matter, the most advanced of which are forced to recognize the existence of some extraneous force that ensures the harmony of beingness.
Thus, as a consequence of the fact that beingness in its basis is a holographic projection of an unmanifested infinity, at that, the hologram serves as an information "bridge" between beingness and an unmanifested infinity, and in turn, this projection is being formed by consciousness, it is impossible to recognize as truth the independent existence of time, as the calendar, and own time of the person (all living beings), which besides is considered science by independent of consciousness and connected with motion.
Motion, which is absent in an unmanifested infinity, as well as in its projection, is necessary as phenomenon in which all living beings can develop. Motion also is being "produced" by consciousness together with space, objects and smoothly current time through the living beings, who exactly this surrounding, which they also are forming within the framework of the total time, formed by a single consciousness only, are capable to perceive as reality and, respectively, to live and develop in it.
However, time, as discrete durations, is formed originally not in beingness, and in a holographic projection, merging in uniform stream of the moving and changing things only after processing the information packets in the processing centers of the living beings, updating one by another consistently,
The active in beingness, which is called here consciousness, is a converter, a collector and a storage of information acting in alive, but only to live and develop in the form of the living beings in information flow, which manifests itself for all living beings in the form of the current time and moving in it things, a set of which is compiled as a derivative of their sense organs, both individually and in total.
Thereby consciousness is both a producer, and a product, and the dynamic data carrier about itself and environmental which in order to avoid stagnation has to fill up sequentially the available information through the hologram from the inexhaustible reservoir of an unmanifested infinity not without the aid of alive, providing the infinite own development.
Perhaps this hypothesis will be of interest to the reader, since it shows that the visible does not always coincide with the true, but always leads to the unknown.
On this occasion, you can quote the famous German philosopher and scientist Kant and the prominent American philosopher - the founder of the theory of pragmatism - Pierce.
The fact that time doesn't exist in itself, Kant assumed, along with that he, as consequence, absolutely adequately put time before motion, that is, he recognized motion as impossible without its basis - time: Time is not something which subsists of itself, or which inheres in things as an objective determination, and therefore remains, when abstraction is made of the subjective conditions of the intuition of things. For in the former case, it would be something real, yet without presenting to any power of perception any real object. In latter case, as an order or determination inherent in things themselves, it could not be antecedent to things, as their condition Time is the formal condition a priori of all phenomena whatsoever If we abstract our internal intuition of ourselves and all external intuitions, possible only by virtue of this internal intuition and presented to us by our faculty of representation, and consequently take objects as they are in themselves, then time is nothing. It is only of objective validity in regard to phenomena, because these are things which we regard as objects of our senses [2; 1.1., 6]; Time is nothing but the form of our internal intuition. If we take away from it the special condition of our sensibility, the conception of time also vanishes, and it inheres not in the objects themselves, but solely in the subject (or mind) which intuits them [2; 1.1., 7]; the conception of change, and with it the conception of motion, as change of place, is possible only through and in the representation of time our conception of time explains the possibility of so much synthetical knowledge a priori, as is exhibited in the general doctrine of motion [2; 1.1., 5].
: Time is therefore merely a subjective condition of our (human) intuition (which is always sensuous, that is, so far as we are affected by objects), and in respect of all phenomena, consequently of all things which come within the sphere of our experience, it is necessarily objective. We cannot say, All things are in time, because in this conception of things in general, we abstract and make no mention of any sort of intuition of things. But this is the proper condition under which time belongs to our representation of objects. If we add the condition to the conception, and say, All things, as phenomena, that is, objects of sensuous intuition, are in time, then the proposition has its sound objective validity and universality a priori [2; 1.1, 7].
Pierce purely intuitively realized a phenomenon of this process of motion of feelings and thoughts as derivative of interaction of sense organs and consciousness with the surrounding, or, in our understanding, as information process of interaction each individual consciousness in own carrier with the surrounding in which all moments of time in perception of the person are merged together sequentially: At no one instant in my state of mind is there cognition or representation, but in the relation of my states of mind at different instants there is. In short, the Immediate (and therefore in itself unsusceptible of mediation--the Unanalyzable, the Inexplicable, the Unintellectual) runs in a continuous stream through our lives; it is the sum total of consciousness, whose mediation, which is the continuity of it, is brought about by a real effective force behind consciousness [3, V. II p. 211-242].
In more detail, this problem is presented in the monograph Everything and Nothing [4, Chapter 2.1].
1. Nizovtsev Y. M. Our true life is endless. 2014. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. No Yury Nizovtsev.
2. Kant I. The Critique of Pure Reason. University of Adelaide. 1781/1998. The web edition published by ebooks Adelaide. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: ebooks.adelaide.edu.au > Library. ebooks
3. Peirce C. S. What pragmatism is. The Essential Peirce 1 2. Vol. II. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.iupui.edu/-arisbe/menu/.../bycsp.HTM
4. Nizovtsev Y. M. Everything and Nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. No Yury Nizovtsev.
Chapter 2.
New - paradoxical - representation of the picture of Creation.
The work explains how nothingness turns into everything, remaining nothing. Creation is presented as a dual system of infinity out of time, and its holographic superhigh-frequency projection, which is integral zero in any position. Beingness in the form of universes with inhabited planets is a derivative of a hologram, and is built on an information basis.
The initial for the person can only be what is being appeared, since it is impossible for the human consciousness to penetrate into the transcendental "space", from where all that is comes from.
This situation with the correlation of sensations (consciousness) and things was understood several centuries ago to Hobbes and Berkeley.
Hobbes detaches sensations with all their derivatives from objects, which are generating in us sensations: And though at some certain distance, is presented, that the image, produced by our fancy, is the real and very object it begets in us; yet still the object is one thing, the image or fancy is another [1, p. 50-51].
The separation by Thomas Hobbes sensations and objects, in essence, was the basis for the idea of Berkeley, consisting in the fact that without existence of senses and reason the existence of everything else is problematic, because nothing and no one perceive it.
Berkeley has believed the existence of things only due to their perception by the human mind, or his soul, inasmuch there is no evidence of separate existence of things outside human sensations: "You have force to imagine or form the ideas in your spirit, but it doesn't show that you could imagine a possibility of existence of objects of your thinking out of spirit. To reach it, you would have to imagine that they exist as the unrepresentable and unthinkable, that, apparently, is contradictory" [2, p. 76-79].
Similar situation of complete isolation of the manifested to us through sensations, as well as some incomprehensible otherworldly, from which everything emerges, and which, due to such separation, Kant called the unknowable thing in itself, seems insoluble within the framework of science, the basis of which is the repetition of phenomena, assuming thereby a possibility of their studying and qualification.
However, such view of science is, in our opinion, artificially limited, so that, for example, history as a cross-cutting unique process of various events cannot be recognized by science, which is nonsense.
Besides, in researches, probably, are acceptable hypotheses, based on the principle of similarity (fractality), as well as those assumptions, the positive corollaries of which, giving the solution of much, being to us, not explainable within traditional science, is possible to use with advantage for himself or for specification and addition of the known regularities.
In particular, similar hypothesis can be that in which basis the principle of holography lies.
But first, we note that beingness, if we assume everything existing under it, or existing real, cannot manifest itself in the absence of consciousness in it. In other words, if consciousness were not, as such, then there would be no beingness - nothing would exist. This situation is, apparently, the root cause of the appearance in the human mind of the concept of God-Creator.
Berkeley was the first to quite clearly understand this correlation between consciousness and things, although in his own way: True, there is a strikingly widespread opinion among people that houses, mountains, rivers, in a word, all sensed objects have a natural or real existence that is different from their perceptions by the mind. But no matter how confident and general agreement this principle may be affirmed, anyone who has the courage to subject it to research will find, if I am not mistaken, that it contains a clear contradiction. For, what are the above-mentioned objects, if not the things that we perceive in sensations? And what do we perceive if not our own ideas or feelings? And would it not be a complete contradiction to admit that any of them or any combination of them exists without being perceived? [2, p. 60-64].
In this statement, Berkeley traces the idea that without the existence of feelings and reason, the existence of everything else is problematic, since there is nothing and no one to perceive this else. True, Berkeley draws a conclusion from it, characteristic of his time: ... there is no bodily or material substance; it remains, therefore, to recognize that the cause of ideas is an incorporeal active substance, or spirit [2, p. 76-79].
Be that as it may, Berkeley is right in the assumption that without consciousness the world does not exist, it simply cannot be as beingness: in this case, the world - already non-existence.
Our own existence means that in the infinite and eternal otherworldly Nothingness is a contradiction, as a result of which, while remaining one and timeless, along with that it manifests discretely in an infinite series of finite worlds that acquire a time of existence. Otherwise, Nothingness would have "remained" as non-existence.
Our existence also means that timeless Nothingness potentially comprises everything, including something passive and something active who are capable as a projection of Nothingness to exist in time, that is - in finite changes.
The question consists only in the "mechanism" providing this duality: potentially Nothingness contains Everything, and along with that it can't be present, since separately Nothingness - non-existence; however, its presence can provide its duplicate (the double or shadow), more precisely, a projection, in which there is time.
In other words, Creation is the infinite, timeless Nothingness and along with that - something finite, manifesting itself in time infinitely, which in its last incarnation, which we sense, we call beingness, or existing reality.
The fact that there is some kind of mechanism for the manifestation of the world in a form known to us is beyond doubt, and its simplest realization is God's power, or the power of spirit.
This is the conclusion Berkeley has made, having considered as possible the existence of only the incorporeal, spiritual.
However, the incorporeal is non-existence, which must remain in it because of the impossibility of the appearance in this Nothingness of internal contradictions with the exit of them outside - into beingness. But we observe a very real picture of the world, and the things that are in it are by no means incorporeal, on the one hand; and consciousness, on the other hand, interacting, in particular, with the body, despite its own elusiveness in the conditions of our measurement, is a quite effective and material force, reflected in the psyche and the transformation of sensations into a changing picture of the world.
It should be noted at the same time that the same thing (object or phenomenon) a person, a lizard, a spider perceives everyone in own way and use it respectively. In some cases, the thing, perceived by the person, is inaccessible for a worm, without passing across canals of his feelings, or it is felt by a worm in absolutely other form and properties. That is, the worm has own time, own surrounding, i.e. own world anyway, and the person isn't able to get into it and vice versa.
In other words, the sense organs of various creatures form own surrounding, as a result, not from ready-made things outside, as it seems to us hourly, with absolute certainty, but they form own surrounding in accordance only with means, which they possess, in which in addition to the senses, they also include data centers that come to them from the senses.
Therefore, the form of a thing, obtained in the minds of any living creature. depends initially on the means available to it (sense organs, data centers), and not on the matter on the other side of sensations.
That is, the most paramount for the living being in his correlation with a thing, , is the process of a discernment of a thing by scanning of surrounding by its sense organs and existence in individual consciousness though hidden, but accurately operating form-building abilities, or matrixes, corresponding to opportunities of the sense organs which the living being has.
And the sense organs, both in the set and in the properties, differ significantly in living beings.
For example, birds sense a magnetic field and are even able to navigate it, while a person does not possess such ability. However, he was able to understand its nature by expanding the range of his sensations artificially - this is his difference from other living beings - a person used the appropriate devices, discovered a magnetic field, determined its essence, and then began to use it for his practical activities.
Anyway, but the sphere of a surrounding of different types of living beings is their own, and it depends on opportunities of their sense organs and also on the hidden form-building abilities corresponding to them, which are determined not by individual consciousness in its open expression, but by means of a single consciousness, holographically uniting all types of consciousness of all living beings. But for man, the form-building abilities of consciousness are partially revealed also in his ability to determine in one way or another the essence of things on the basis of experiment and his own intellect.
Interestingly, if we assume that on the other side of sensations is the superhigh-frequency hologram, which is existing and acting, integrally is zero due to the wave formations constituting it in antiphase, then such hologram can serve as the projection to the infinite and single Nothingness, not being for it a contradiction.
Thus, this holographic formation, carrying in itself the prototype of time, due to the gaps between high-frequency wave pulses, can serve as a kind of informational backing between Nothingness and beingness, arising from the hologram.
In brief, the history of emergence of a holography is as follows.
Group of physicists under the direction of Alain Aspect at the Parisian university in 1982 revealed that in particular conditions the elementary particles, for example, electrons, are able to instantly communicate with one another regardless of the distance between them. In other words, each particle knows always that another does, irrespective of distance between them. On this experimental basis the theory of the holographic Universe was developed. Any particle of this Universe is a holographic projection of the single reality. It has been assumed, as a corollary of this theory, that the physical density of the world is holographic frequency setting, and, in particular, that the person is the hologram.
The physicist of the London University David Bohm deduces the main postulate out of this experiment: "The new form of comprehension probably can be called the Inseparable Wholeness in Flowing Motion". This point of view means that the stream, in any sense, precedes "things", whose origin and dissolution happens in this stream. Bohm notes that "each relatively self-contained and steady structure has to be understood not as something independently and constantly existing, but rather as the derivative, given rise in complete motion of the stream and, eventually, dissolving in the same stream. The fact how it is generated and supports the existence therefore depends on its local function into the stream". As suggested by Bohm, motion is primary; and that seems to us by constant structures, is only relatively autonomous subordinate essences which are appearing out of integrity of flowing motion and then are dissolved back in it. This process of formation goes infinitely. It is possible to believe also that Bohm brought out of discovery of Aspect following: the objective reality does not exist and that, despite its apparent density, the Universe in the basis - fantastic picture, the huge, magnificently detailed hologram [3].
By itself a hologram represents the three-dimensional picture taken by means of the laser. To make the hologram, first of all a photographed subject has to be shined with light of the laser. Then the second laser beam, mixing up with light reflected from a subject, gives the interference figure which can be recorded on a film. The ready picture looks as senseless alternation of light and dark lines. But, once the picture will be shined with another laser beam, the three-dimensional image of an initial subject will arise. The three-dimension - not the single property, inherent to the hologram. If the hologram, containing the image of apple, cut in half and each half of the hologram shine by the laser, each half will contain the whole image of the same apple. If we continue to cut the hologram on more shallow slices, on each of them we will find again the object image as a whole. Unlike the routine photo, each site of the hologram contains information on all subject, but with proportion corresponding decrease of clearness.
The principle of the hologram "all in each part" allows approaching to problem of the organization and the regularity in a new way in essence. The hologram shows that some things in the Universe do not give in to research by an analytical method: to dissect any subject and to study its constituents. If we cut something arranged holographically, we will not receive parts of which it consists, and we will receive the same, but it will be less accuracy.
In this regard the interpretation of works Aspect by Bohm is as follows: he is sure that the elementary particles interact at any distance not because they exchange by certain mysterious signals among themselves but because their separation is illusory. He explained that at more deep level of reality such particles are not separate objects, and actually the particles are extensions of something more fundamental.
According to Bohm interpretation, apparent superlight interaction between particles says to us that there is more deep level of reality hidden from us, higher measurement, than ours, as in analogy to an aquarium. And, he adds, we see particles as separate because we see only part of a real. The particles - not separate "parts", but sides of more deep unity. This unity is ultimately the holographic and invisible. And so how everything in physical reality consists of these "phantoms", the Universe observed by us is a projection, the hologram.
Such Universe can possess and other properties. If the apparent separation of particles is an illusion, means upon more deep level all subjects in the world can be infinitely interdependent. Electrons in atoms of carbon in our brain are bound to electrons of each floating salmon, each beating heart, each flickering star. Everything interpenetrates with everything and though human nature divides everything, dismembers, spreads all natural phenomena on shelves, all divisions are necessarily artificial, and the nature finally appears as a indissoluble web. Even time and space cannot be taken as a basis in the holographic world, because such characteristic as position, does not make sense in the Universe where anything actually is not separated from each other; time and three-measurement space as images of fishes on screens, should consider no more than projections. On it, more deep level, the reality is something like the super hologram in which the last, the present and the future exist at the same time. It means that by means of the corresponding tools the penetration into depth of this super hologram can be carried out and we can take pictures long ago the forgotten past. That else the hologram can bear in itself - still far it is not known. Bohm speaks: "Let's assume, for example, that the hologram is the matrix giving rise to all in the world, at least, all elementary particles is in it which accepted or will take any possible form of a matter and energy, from snowflakes up to quasars, from blue whales up to gamma rays, i.e. there is all in it "[3].
In our opinion, Bohms interpretation of Creation as a kind of holographic lining is somewhat vague, since it lacks its connection with both the infinite Nothingness, and beingness, known to us, as well as it is unclear, why and how this hologram functions, and how it produces beingness.
Human consciousness in own limitation, in particular, due to the recognition of unary (the lack of layers) of Creation, almost always searches the beginning in any process, at least.
Even the best minds of mankind, for example, Descartes, Berkeley, Kant, Husserl, basing their reasoning on unary (the absence of several strata) of Creation, were forced to reconcile to need of recognition of external impersonal force as prime mover, although the contradictory and fantastic nature of this force - God - is obvious.
The materialist theory of the self-motion of matter, which, according to dogmatic materialists, should explain everything, is actually inadequate for a number of reasons.
The self-motion of matter, by definition, is supposed to be eternal.
In this case, several questions immediately arise.
In particular, it would be desirable to know, for what reason the self-motion of lifeless matter has produced the live and has passed into the channel of development of the live, having provoked the beginning of "progress"?
Inasmuch materialists, including Marxists, are not able to give any reasonable explanation for this fact, so far the beginning of development (progress) is recognized by materialists as aught spontaneous, i.e., in contrast to Christian views - as a matter of chance, fluctuation, i.e. some indeterminacy not clearly whereof. So this indeterminacy concerning the beginning of beingness the dogmatic-materialists (the case) and Christians (the external fantastic being) is the same in its depth, despite statements of Marxist-materialists and the Holy fathers. But materialists keep silence about the end of all live, so how this fact is unpleasant and unclear for them though, if was some beginning of progress, then must be some its end.
Further, any motion is impossible without time on which motion is counted. However, counting of time requires the observer without whom it is impossible to judge, whether there is motion or it isn't present; so, lack of reasonable beings as observers means problematical character of the motion, as such.
Besides, any motion in the conditions of the resisting environment - another environment is unknown to us - demands continuous "charging" of moving matter for motion preservation. Self-moving matter thereby is impossible without extraneous source, or some propulsor, so how matter is not a perpetual motion machine.
With regard to the beginning and the end of all entities, more reasonable is the model of Hinduism. Proponents of Hinduism believe that the processes taking place in Creation pass infinitely, but, they are afraid of infinite development, without presenting essence of this process. Therefore, they reduce these processes to endless series of repetitive, identical, closed circular motions-cycles.
Therefore. and here it isn't possible to avoid the beginning, inasmuch it is in each cycle, ergo, again a certain external or divine force is required for an initiation.
However, Creation in whole cannot have the beginning for several reasons.
Every beginning requires some extraneous force for initiation and a certain material. However, it should be noted in relation to Creation - neither that, nor another couldn't be till the beginning so how, by definition, there was nothing and no one until the beginning.
On the other hand, if to recognize that potentially nothingness is everything in own infinity and timelessness, then this as if Uniform isn't capable to organize exit from timelessness into changes in its separateness (unicity), inasmuch some extraneous force would be required again for this exit. At this, timeless and infinite Uniform owes remain the same it can't turn into the finite in itself.
Consequently, the beginning of the world doesn't happen by itself and the weak human consciousness can admit it only by means of the appeal to some uncertainty in the form of God, self-development of unclear of what and from what, some senseless circular motion.
However similar approach arises only from powerlessness.
More perspective, apparently, is the equilibrium model of a dual Creation offered by us. In compliance with it becomes clearly, how Everything is capable to come out from Nothingness (nonexistence), and why the world order does not need any beginning.
An Infinite Nothingness, potentially containing Everything, so and remains hidden in timeless infinity and along with that it exists in the "unwrapped" state, inasmuch "Nothingness" can be presented not only as pure zero, but also as set of material formations, which integrally make zero, i.e. they are formations, having opposite characteristics.
For such "deployment", or the presence in the finite, in time are required only the material and the guidance, i.e. the passive and the active, which potentially are in an Infinite Nothingness, because there is everything in infinite.
Thus, the dual equilibrium system of Creation has no motion and formally it is zero as in timeless state, and in "unwrapped" state, or in time.
But exactly in time the infinite can address to the finite, i.e. in case of discrete updating of material formations infinitely (the infinite can "come out" into the finite infinitely only this way) that it is possible to designate in the form of a temporary projection of Nothingness on condition of participation in this eternal process the active, material, understanding and leading formation, which has to be for this purpose both the single, and the divided. Such is possible only in a holographic hihg-frequency formation. In it the single active discretely updates the copies of the things, recognizable by it oneself in Nothingness, forming thereby ruptures of infinity with certain duration, which in irreversible sequence make namely prototype of time.
However, for development of the active, as distinguishes it from the passive, it is required not only time, but also life, i.e. a smooth and periodical-progressive course of events at different levels in the worlds of moving and changing things.
The opportunity at the active for the transfer of oneself in the world of changing things and events is available only one to eliminate a pause between positions of updating, more precisely, somehow artificially close technically mandatory pauses between consecutive position updates.
This opportunity is being realized by the single active through own separation in a holographic projection of Nothingness, inasmuch in each own particle of the single active owing to the mechanism of processing of packages of information, described above, a kind of its inertia, there is loss of a pause between positions of updating of copies of things, whereby, in particular, in human consciousness durations of each position of updating are consistently being linked like merging in consciousness of individual frames on film, when scrolling it at a certain speed in the cinema with a projection on the screen; it for the person, as well as for any another particle of the active (alive) is equivalent to manifestation of the moving and changing world of things and phenomena, containing as particles, so wave matter.
In this world the single active can "unfold" in own particles through things, which are formed by each particle of the active in alive by existing sense organs by means of the single active, anyway, i.e., ultimately, acquiring in actions of own particles not only the changes in things (the passive), but also own change [4, Chapter 1.2].
Thus, both a holographic projection Nothingness, and surrounding of each individual consciousness in beingness, or its "present", are formed by a single consciousness through individual consciousness of each living being, who are uncountable within Creation, and their sense organs.
A holographic projection is being formed completely, or rather, discretely completely updated by a single consciousness, which is the totality of all individual forms of consciousness, at this, the present of each individual consciousness is being formed by oneself through the sensations of the carrier (the body) with the hidden helping of a single consciousness based on the basis of uniform Nothingness.
In this regard, there really are no things without consciousness and consciousness without things, since things themselves are hidden in the timeless Nothingness, and consciousness updates only what is at its disposal in the holographic projection through copies of things (the passive) from Nothingness, which is being recognized by it.
Therefore, things in this process of updating a holographic projection are connected with consciousness, if it on base of things, more precisely, on the basis of the passive from Nothingness, is forming copies of things and updates by them the previous copies in a holographic projection, but not inextricably, since each moment of updating is a certain duration, after which the next update occurs after a pause. These pauses - gaps constitute the prototype of time in which the infinite is being manifested infinitely as the finite, and this prototype of time in the consciousness of living beings is being transformed into continuous processes. Otherwise, information about things for consciousness would remain hidden in Nothingness, i.e. Nothingness would not manifest through own projection, which means nonexistence, but we do not observe this, since a changing world is open to us.
And if without consciousness there is no matter, and without matter there is no consciousness, then this does not mean their identity - one is active, the other is passive, but they are completely merged only into Nothingness as infinite and timeless. At this, in a holographic projection they exist as the finite infinitely, but discrete, or in time. Thereby, they get the opportunity to be separated in each process of updating of a holographic projection.
In this temporary process, before each individual consciousness through the sensations of own carrier, becomes possible in beingness, arising as a result, separately to study things, digging into their essence and along with that live among things.
The holographic essence of a projection of Nothingness is reflected in beingness not only on coincidence of each particle of beingness with the whole by all hologram, but also externally expressed in similarity of the simplest structures of beingness and in fractality of its more difficult structures.
Fractality is characterized by complicated similarity of some kind, more precisely, - by self-similarity of part and whole too: the whole completely or almost completely coincides with the part or parts (has the same form) with dimension, bigger dimension of topological spaces.
Crones of trees, blood system of animals, clouds, snowflakes and many other objects are fractal.
Therefore, for bigger clarity in understanding of this or that process or some difficult structure it makes sense to address to analogies on the basis of this similarity.
In this case the state of the living being in Creation can be compared to work of a television receiver in a network (the computer on Internet).
Let us choose for convenience of comparison a living being having the vision.
This being in relation to the visual perception of the environment reminds the television receiver combined with a television camera which (eyes) catches the pulse signals going further to the processing centers (the relevant departments of a brain), converting these signals-packets of information into the moving image.
Eyes like a television camera catch signals in certain range of frequencies (light). Eyes of the person, for example, don't fix light in the infrared range.
Thus, the person through eyes can obtain only information, predetermined by opportunities of own eyes and no more. Thereby he isn't capable to see the radiations in another range of frequencies and to see the objects reflecting these radiations or radiating them. In this regard, the world (environment) for him is narrowed by opportunities of his sense organs.
People believe, to all appearances, that these signals go from objects, outsiders and independent of them, in the form of light reflected from objects, in particular, and therefore that all people see seemingly same objects before themselves, and these objects are not lost in front of them.
Indeed, exactly thus the world is manifested for us, but it would be desirable to learn that is behind this.
The science, alas, has stopped on the fact of this phenomenon and hasn't gone further, motivating such approach by lack of a possibility of experimental check of what stands behind the manifested.
Kant called this - the inaccessible for sensations of the person - "thing in itself" (transcendental object).
As for the objects, surrounding us, independent existence of objects of strictly certain forms, by which they appear to us as such, is very doubtful concerning other living beings.
The matter is that beings of different types in own way perceive the same subject (thing or phenomenon) within its kind and concerning its sizes, color, smell, form, permeability and - even in relation to its existence, that is determined by opportunities of a concrete being to convert the arriving signals into the data which is understandable to it from a position of usefulness for his life-activity, i.e. into information. This process of obtaining and converting the information into own surroundings are based on the action of the sense organs and the information processing centers of the organism.
If we return to the comparison of a living being with a TV set equipped with a TV camera (the computer with a camcorder), then, unlike them, for example, the person has no separate external screen monitor on which he could watch both environmental, and oneself from outside. Therefore, in case of open eyes in front of him has a partial view of the surroundings and own body.
It means that, unlike the screen of the TV, the person demonstrates to oneself of himself as if from oneself in action in own "now".
In other words, the person (any living being) thanks to the sense organs and processing centers forms internally the own surrounding.
At all not eyes create the picture seen by the person only the unwrought light signals come to eyes. The picture appears afterwards as a result of combining the pulse signals at their processing into the uniform changing picture in which the person is the main character, transmitting this picture as if outside - like the projector in a cinema hall directed to the screen.
But, unlike the flat reflected image on the screen of the cinema hall, which moves thanks to moving the tape in the projector with certain speed and, on which light from a projector is being transformed into the set of the ordered light spots, which is replaced all time, that is perceived by sense organs of the person in the form of the movie (the virtual materialization) the materialization of the pulse signals inside the person after their transformation is carried out by the principle, the close to operation of the 3D-printer.
As a result, specific objects in motion, that is, the environment, appear around a person (and inside him).
As you can see, both in the television set and in the living being, the separate portions of information in the form of pulsed signals, due to the delay in processing, are converted into a visible, moving picture of objects, i.e. - in time.
Only you are watching movie at screen, which is separate from you, and movie hasn't a direct bearing on you, and own picture you form yourself, although automatically, like any other living being - in yourself.
However, all living beings in their variety are connected among themselves anyway, and connected with the things surrounding them.
In the same way television receivers (computers) in themselves don't work. To receive the image on the screen, it is necessary to connect them to power sources and to catch by means of antennas the signals from the general radio space, in which signals (radio waves) come from transmitters.
For the living beings this radio space (ether) is a wavy holographic projection.
Approximately much like the image on the screen of the TV "undertakes" from the radio emission of the certain transmitter (TV program), chosen by the TV viewer through of ether, exactly so and each living being "chooses" itself, the adjoining living beings and things (own time, or own beingness) for itself by means of a holographic projection according to the available set of sense organs at these beings with their opportunities as well as opportunities of the centers processing information, bound with the form-building abilities these living beings.
However, this choice is carried out not from the transmitter, since outside space the transmitter cannot be, but, nevertheless, this transmitter on call is an infinite Nothingness which potentially is Everything.
Thus, the specified choice carries out the living being thanks to the form-building abilities, which are available for it (they can't but be in the active, being at their absence as the passive owing to impossibility to exhibit itself) by means of own sense organs - by their "contact" through a holographic projection, similar to some extent to radio space for TVs and radio receivers, with this Nothingness, which is similar to some kind of transmitter containing potentially everything.
From this potential Everything the active component (individual consciousness) of the living being produces the specified choice of own time (its surrounding), as well as single consciousness on the basis of all set of living beings produces the choice of global beingness in the form of universes with a network of the stars and planets creating as a result a favorable situation for existence of all live.
At this, only living beings can be actors in this eternal performance of beingness, since everything else in beingness has neither the sense organs nor the information processing centers, and therefore cannot make a choice for its existence by determining the corresponding forms (this choice for every living creature corresponds his form-building abilities). A person, in addition, can make this choice according to his conscious desires.
Form-building abilities of data-processing centers of each living being correspond to his sense organs, and their automatic action is controlled by a single consciousness.
All this wouldn't be possible if each living being in the basis wasn't a part of the general hologram-projection of the infinite Nothingness and thereby would not coincide with it.
It is the holographic nature of living beings that allows them to be separate, each time living own life, having own time, own beingness, and along with that in their totality - to be in a basis the single entity which is eternal both in the singularity, and in each separateness.
At this, the life of a body of the living being comes to the end when the passive component of each living being gets out of the shape providing activity of a body, unlike the active component of the living being capable to hold own form (identity) owing to what eternal individual consciousness should "get over" after each disintegration of passive components of a body into a new corporal appearance.
The coincidence of each separate active in a living being with a single active (single consciousness) in the hologram means their inextricable connection in beingness. In particular, precisely for this reason, a single consciousness ensures the automatic functioning of the organism of every living creature.
The indicated procedure for selecting data through the sense organs and processing centers of this data can also be compared with mirror reflection: the surface of the mirror itself is empty - it is nothing without relation to something.
But this surface is filled with one or another content in the form of images if consumers of this content begin to contact with this surface, highlighting familiar forms on it and missing an unfamiliar that their consciousness cannot decipher. Then this mirror Nothingness represents everything, that consumers can identify in it.
So and the untimely, infinite and motionless Nothingness responds to the requests of consciousness through sensations, transforming Nothingness in consciousness into Everything, which is not Everything at all, but represents only that consciousness can understand by its own means at the moment.
Thus, the world behind the looking-glass is some kind of analog not of the otherworldly, but the true foundation of this world, since only from there (from Nothingness through its projection) is possible to receive everything, but only it is possible to receive this own Everything, if an idea of all this is had and if there are appropriate sensory organs.
In other words, only in the timeless Nothingness can be found by scanning the forms, that are intelligible to the consciousness (which it can decipher). These forms in the option of copies manifest themselves in consciousness, becoming for it in its finite form by no longer information-wave matter, but transforming into the dense environment, known to us.
The automatic connection in the processing centers of a living creature of information packets, due to a certain inertia of information processing, which is to some extent equivalent to the threshold of perception of information packets successively arriving in the form of discrete pulses, ultimately there is a process of converting information into the reality of beingness with things, space, movement, smoothly flowing time.
The living beings can exist, multiply and develop in this beingness since the wave material formations in this macrocosm, surrounding living beings, already display for the most part the properties of corpuscles.
In this case, an analogue of the transformation of wave matter into corpuscular by consciousness can be the currently widely used 3D printer, which translates digital models into various things, up to organic ones.
It follows from the foregoing that for all living beings, the main thing is not thinking (rationality), not sensations, but the complex process of recognizing objects hidden in a kind of otherworldly Nothing, that is, the main thing for living beings is obtaining information.
Information in the general sense is data about the state of material objects that are recognized by one or another means.
From this it follows that the grouping of certain data their translation into a form (information) that is digestible for possible use, cannot be carried out by objects of inanimate matter.
To recognize, get (copy) and use the desired set of data can only be a creature, that has, at least, form-building abilities (templates, tracing-papers, matrixes etc.), by tools of scanning the surrounding, the data from which are transmitted into the processing centers of this creature. After decryption, this identified and grouped data - information - is used one way or another or is present as an environment.
This means that information in the form of a genome code could be copied, compacted as an encoded program, and placed on the corresponding molecular chain only by a rational being who knows how to do it.
Although, of course, without material objects-carriers, including consciousness itself, information does not exist.
From this it follows that the time of any living creature, in particular, and man in reality is an information process during which material objects are recognized by the consciousness by scanning the surrounding by the tools, which are available for it (sense organs in combination with processing centers).
The impulses (packets of information) entering the consciousness, or more precisely, to its corresponding centers, from the sense organs, contain encoded information about material objects that consciousness has been able to identify. These signals merge in the consciousness into a picture of a constantly changing environment, since the pause between the impulses coming one after another is lost in the consciousness of a living being due to a certain duration of processing of each piece of information and arising thereby the delay, that makes the discrete process of receipt of information (perception threshold) continuous for consciousness.
More details can be expressed as follows.
Generally, information arises only at allocation by the consciousness from general "noise" of those data which the consciousness is capable to recognize according to the form-building abilities.
Information arises only in the active (consciousness) thanks to the means which are available for the consciousness carrier sensations for the person, - being the material copy of fragments of objects from Nothingness, identified by consciousness, available to sense organs, the products of which are processed by the relevant centers for forming thereby of the current time and things, which are moved in space.
Data about the respective recognized objects from Nothingness in the form of separate portions-impulses consistently come through sense organs of the living being to the centers of their processing. Each impulse, thus, contains an information copy of the corresponding fragments of objects from Nothingness.
This copy completely updates the previous copy in the course of its processing in the centers of the living being. At this, the existing gap or pause between the impulses, arriving one after another, falls out for consciousness of the living being due to certain duration of processing every portion of information, and of the delay arising thereby, doing for consciousness discrete process of receipt of information by continuous.
This delay (inertia of perception) is reflected in consciousness of the living being by perception by it consistently of separate portions of information which is processed by its centers in the form of ever-changing picture of things among which it is, and with which it can interact.
The living being iis in this case as if inside the changing picture, formed by his consciousness, like the character of a computer game, but with that difference that it self "produces" this "game" by means of sense organs and the centers processing information. In other words, the current irreversible present time emerges for each living being here - its "now".
Thus, information arriving discretely (by means of single consciousness) is converted automatically for each person into things, images, meanings, sensations which are also quite material components for each individual consciousness, which entails the subsequent actions of the carrier of consciousness.
On the basis of this changing information, together with personal and genetic memory and already in many respects consciously produced thoughts (process of knowledge), as well as experiences, aspirations, perception of separate objects and imagination, the person every moment of his present time interacts with environment, which as beingness in general is formed by single consciousness whereas through available set of sense organs of each living being is formed its personal surrounding and, partly, - the being oneself - with the hidden help of a single consciousness.
In this regard "worlds", for example, of a birch, an earthworm, a cuttlefish and the person are absolutely various both in thingness, and in temporary manifestation, but they have as the general basis - beingness, which is formed by single consciousness.
All actions of the being, having consciousness, are carried out in this thru process only on condition of inflow in its consciousness of the corresponding portions of information, each of which is processed during certain duration ("now"), making a number of consecutive moments from the birth to death of the carrier of consciousness.
So, eternal, but discrete update and keeping of beingness is produced through the finite living beings who are not only owners of sense organs, but also - owners of consciousness. This process results from interaction of a temporal holographic projection and timeless, infinite Nothingness in the face respectively of the active (consciousness) and the passive from Nothingness. At this, information is the bridge which connects them and forms eventually as the world, surrounding living beings, and self these beings. The infinite at this is expressed in the finite infinitely, but discretely.
The active in the form of living beings is essence of beingness and all Creation.
The information process that things are not capable of, due to their lack of form-building abilities and sense organs, but consciousness in the face of living beings is capable of, means the presence of time that forms in the finite durations of infinity breaks, which is represented by a holographic projection of Nothingness.
The transformation of high-frequency waved updated structures of a holographic projection through the living beings into a dense world means the existence of beingness with moving and changing objects in space and current time.
Since the process of obtaining information is characteristic only of creatures with consciousness, since the inanimate has nothing to do with the recognition process, insofar beingness is being formed by consciousness through living beings, that is, neither planets, stars, nor universes, nothing can exist without consciousness at all.
Summarizing, we note that a holographic projection is being fully formed, or rather, discretely updated by a single consciousness, which is the totality of all individual consciousnesses in living beings, eventually transforming through this single whole into external time, or into global being, while the present of each individual consciousness is being formed by oneself on the basis of Nothingness, which gives him his own beingness, or rather, his own life within the framework of external time through the sensations of the carrier with the hidden helping of a single consciousness.
In this regard, there really are no things without consciousness and consciousness without things, since things themselves are hidden in the timeless Nothingness and the consciousness updates only what is at its disposal in the holographic projection through which the consciousness recognizes and copies things (the passive) from Nothingness.
As for the person, then only he obtains self-consciousness, while certain sensations (sensory organs), one degree or another of intelligence (centers that process incoming information in accordance with existing form-building abilities) have all living things, even plants and viruses.
Therefore, the main difference between a person and other creatures, also involved in the formation of information flows, which eventually convert into time and space with moving things, consists in self-awareness, that is, in separation from the environment and the definition of oneself in it.
Thesis statement of material assumes at the corresponding interest more detailed acquaintance with these matters, for example, on the websites www.liters.ru and Amazon.
1. Гоббс Т. Избранные произведения. Т. 2. М., 1964.
2. Беркли Д. Трактат о началах человеческого знания. СПб. 1905.
3. 1980. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-7100-0971-2.
4. Nizovtsev Y. M. Everything and Nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. No Yury Nizovtsev.
Chapter 3.
On the enduring coexistence of consciousness and inanimate matter.
Until now, there are only two main positions regarding the emergence and existence of Universe, which is considered to be synonymous with beingness: the eternal moving matter progressed until the appearance of the living beings; some life-giving force created everything that exists in a one-time way. The opponents could not come to an agreement, although there is a third solution to the problem - the coexistence of consciousness and inanimate matter (things) in the sense that each of them does not produce the other, but only interacts with one another by means of living beings that have both in themselves.
It is a priori assumed that consciousness is the leader in this pair - it itself and inanimate matter, - despite the fact that materialists believe that consciousness is a product of matter, and idealists that consciousness itself creates matter.
Of course, this preference is obvious, since dead matter (things) is not capable of thinking and setting tasks for itself.
But the following conclusion from this thesis, scientists still do not want to do or consider it impossible.
And this conclusion is that if things cannot reason, then how from this dead arose something that understands how to be and what to do in order, at a minimum, to preserve oneself.
In other words, consciousness in the form of alive is never satisfied with what is, believing that its own existence can be improved, while dead matter is indifferent not only to its own state, but also to its own existence in one form or another - this matter completely thoughtlessly obeys only the laws one or another system of objects. At this, where from and how these systems arose with certain laws that give a certain stability to the entire system and its individual objects, for example the universe, and also how matter itself arose from nothing, science has not yet been able to detect and is unlikely to be able to, based on the thesis of the eternal existence of matter with ready motion.
It is at this point that religion catches science, sarcastically noting the impossibility of this kind of matter without a prime mover, offering, in its own opinion, a more plausible solution to the problem in the form of a certain creator of everything from nothingness.
Indeed, this second solution to the problem of everything appearing from nothing seems preferable due to its final character.
However, it also has a drawback - the lack of explanation of how it is possible to create everything out of nothing and where the creator himself came from if there was nothing, that is, what this miracle is.
Of course, it is logically impossible to explain this situation.
However, it is possible to propose a third solution to this problem, although it is unacceptable for science, which is based on the concept of testing a particular hypothesis using experimental and logical methods.
This hypothesis is that, firstly, beingness in the form of Universe manifested to us or, perhaps, a whole infinite series of universes is only an actualized component of whole Creation; secondly, the current time itself is characteristic only of beingness, and not of the other components of Creation, unmanifested to us, since they are outside this time; thirdly, completely material consciousness and dead matter, although they are of different types, are equal in Creation in the sense that each of them does not produce the other, but only interacts with one another, since they cannot exist separately, but the leading role in this interaction, indeed, plays consciousness, since only it is able to realize, what laws are needed to create, stabilize and change or develop certain systems that are suitable for conscience in the guise of alive.
In other words, Creation does not exist on its own, that is, automatically oscillating one way or another, but because consciousness is present in it. Therefore, consciousness, as active, cannot freeze, but must change and develop endlessly, which is possible only in the current time, which consciousness is forced to create on the basis of dead or passive matter in the form of a certain form, which consciousness is able to control.
This form is a living being, which differs from non-living or things (passive) in that it is capable, at a minimum, of perceiving, processing and transmitting information, that is, data that can be deciphered by this living being.
Therefore, the basis of the form of every living being that consciousness is capable of possessing is the following.
A living being has sensors that sense signals from the environment (sense organs); a system for processing these signals(the human brain) allowing the being to understand the meaning of these signals in order act in accordance with them, responding to changes in the environment and thereby implementing feedback to own surrounding; a program of own existence and development (genome) in which the possible changes of this creature are encrypted, supporting its existence from emergence to death, including the reproduction of this being.
Thanks to such set of properties, each living being falls into an information flow, which is automatically converted by it into the current time, which is its own, and the entire set of living beings converts this flow of information into the current time of a given local sphere of beingness.
In this current time, which is converted in their consciousness into beingness with all its attributes, all these living beings, and, in essence, instruments of consciousness, are able to change, complicate, improve, that is, evolve to a certain limit - the completion of the development of a civilization of beings capable to aware themselves in time - in consequence the onset of an information collapse, that is, the end point of the compacting time of the development of living beings, personified in human with his civilization.
In this case, civilization either ceases to exist or radically changes its shape for the next development cycle.
The fact is that continuous growth of volume of information coming to consciousness of people and affecting external expression of this information process acceleration of own time of a civilization, has to fit into the existing possibilities of human consciousness, inasmuch the finite (strategic) decisions are made by a person, but not the computer. Therefore, inevitably there comes the moment when the main centers of a civilization cease to cope with the avalanche flow of the arriving information the speed of information processing begins to lag behind its receipt. At this extended moment (a singularity point) own time of system of a civilization is being completed crash of a civilization. In other words, the system loses the quality, inasmuch it isn't capable to function the same way.
However, the information collapse, preventing the movement of civilization into the bad infinity of technological development which provides more opportunities for improvement not for a person, but for an artificial intellect that does not have consciousness, that is, to a blockhead, in fact, is a renewal of humanity, which does not disappear and does not degrade irrevocably, but begins a new cycle of development, thereby confirming that a person exists only for the development and life of consciousness in him.
Thus, the process of the emergence, formation and development of civilizations goes on all planets suitable for human habitation infinitely, but discretely, without the formation of some kind of phantasmagoric superintelligence based on artificial intelligence and without the transformation of a person into an animal, since self-consciousness, once it has arisen, can disappear only with the death of all mankind on a separate planet, but there are also an infinite number of similar planets in the infinite Creation.
Therefore, the development of consciousness through a person and his communities is not interrupted thanks to the preservation of humanity by systematic renewal through the points of singularity of the highest external form of its collective existence - civilization.
Thereby, consciousness in alive achieves its goal as an active component of Creation - its own change and development in the current time of beingness, formed by living beings by converting incoming information flows into them, manifesting also in beingness the other components of Creation.
That is, consciousness as the active, uniting with dead matter, manifests itself as alive in beingness, remaining, nevertheless, together with inanimate matter (things, or the passive), in one of the unmanifest components of being - a timeless nothingness (Uniform). In this timeless nothingness - consciousness and things, existing virtually, are fused together, but their information copies are already divided in a wave-like form in a holographic projection of this uniform, and can serve as an information bridge from Uniform to beingness and back.
Through this holographic projection of this timeless Uniform, consciousness as active and located immediately in all components of Creation - in a timeless nothingness (Uniform) in the form of a non-self-sustained original, in a holographic projection of Uniform as its independent copy and in beingness in the form of alive, manifests itself in converting the frequency-wave passive into more or less dense matter of beingness, updating every moment of it, as and itself, at this, all information packets emanating from Uniform at the requests of consciousness in alive, are merging inside this living at the current time [see, for example, 1].
The fact that consciousness, like living beings, is not a derivative of inanimate matter was shown back in the 20th century by experiments by physicists and psychologists.
As it turned out, the human body is something like a biological robot, and it is incapable of independently generating consciousness. For this, as it turned out in a number of experiments by physicists and psychologists, it do not contain the elemental base.
In particular, philosopher A.I. Vvedensky in 1914 formulated the law of "lack of objective signs of animateness". The meaning of this law is that the role of psyche in system of the material processes of a regulation of behavior is absolutely imperceptible and any thinkable bridge does not exist between the activity of a brain and the area of the mental or spiritual phenomena, including consciousness. Professor of the Moscow State University Nikolai Kobozev has shown in the monograph that neither cells, nor molecules, even atoms cannot be responsible for processes of thinking and memory. [2, p. 85].
Thus, the components of Creation that are outside the current time, that is, as if otherworldly in relation to beingness, actually produce beingness, manifesting themselves in it, but remaining behind the scenes. Without beingness, or the current time with its living beings in the infrastructure of things, this otherworldly would have remained nothing, but this do not happen, since we contemplate beingness, which in itself indicates the manifestation in it in the current time of the otherworldly outside of time, as well as that consciousness is nothing more than a hologram due to the fact that it embraces everything that is in beingness, both as a whole and as all its parts, while being, meanwhile, in the endless beyond.
Only a hologram has the property that each of its parts coincides with it as a whole, representing a high-frequency formation as a product of the superposition of several coherent waves, giving a stationary interference pattern, since the phase difference of the waves does not change [see, for example, 3].
As a result, each individual consciousness of any living being coincides with the entire unified totality of these consciousnesses - a single consciousness of the hologram, which can thereby control each of its parts outside of time.
This assumption is confirmed by the fact that in each of us there is present, albeit imperceptibly, consciousness, which cannot be denied, no matter what one thinks about its appearance.
But the most significant example of the holographic basis of beingness is a person oneself, consisting of trillions of cells that have no idea why they are working in the insignificant time allotted to them compared to the life of a person, whose behavior, like the functioning of each cell of his body, is controlled by his own consciousness. Moreover, these cells are not able to live without a person himself, but he cannot also do without them.
Thus, already by the presence of consciousness in living beings, one can judge some properties of such components of the universe as the projection of Uniform in the form of a hologram and Uniform itself, although for us they seem to be absent at all [see, for example, 1].
In addition, the very structure of beingness, which in the understanding of modern science is the entire Creation, actually indicates that this container, supposedly, of all things, is by no means the solitary, which will also be shown in a number of examples below.
The above analogy to a certain extent shows how the super-mind (a single consciousness of a hologram) controls all living beings in existence, being both in them (in the current time) and outside it, and through these living beings a single consciousness also controls the change in inanimate matter, Moreover, both aliveg and non-alive things have a common - frequency-wave basis in the hologram. This their commonality in beingness is also manifested in the effect of emergence - the presence of properties in a system that are not inherent in its components individually - which in other words can be described as the enhancing effect of the interaction of several factors compared to their action separately (synergy).
Therefore, the material beingness cannot but be related to the hologram, which, although located outside the current time, manifests itself in beingness in the form of the current time.
In this regard, the question arises about the origin of this hologram. But how could it arise, being outside of time?
Obviously, nohow. And this, in turn, means that it is nothing more than nothingness and has never arisen.
But how can a material structure be nothing and at the same time manifest itself in beingness?
This can only be the case if this structure represents equivalent frequency-wave formations in the opposite phase, thereby integrally constituting a zero, which, for example, being separated into parts, do not destroy each other. Each half of these wave-like high-frequency formations can serve as a store (memory) and transmitter of information like radio waves in the ether, connecting timeless nothingness (Uniform) and beingness, as well as this half is an endless reservoir of energy.
This kind of structure, which does not have movement, but is capable of being updated by replacing existing one that follows it, and in this respect is a prototype of time, in essence, reflects the timeless infinity of already pure nothingness (Uniform), thereby being a projection of this nothingness, which contains everything what was, is and will be, since it, as we observe, manifests itself in the form of a changeable and infinitely varied beingness, using its holographic projection. It is through this projection that the information extracted from this One manifests itself in the form of a completely real beingness.
In other words, a hologram, being nothing, at the same time represents equal parts of the opposite sign, which are already material formations, while the basis of the hologram - timeless nothing - is Uniform, in which all forms are inseparable, or potentially present together, which can appear in the current time if there is a developer.
But there is no need to look for such developer because everything is in Uniform, but this all represents the inseparable unmanifested in one form or another of the active and the passive.
However, the active, like the passive, is reflected in the projection of Uniform, and thus the active turns out to be capable of transferring itself together with the passive into any conceivable forms from Uniform in the form of corresponding information copies.
Nevertheless, in change and action, the active can manifest itself only in the current time.
For this reason, nothing is discovered except a hologram that is capable of being in the current time in the form of its parts, without breaking away from itself - the entire hologram outside of time as a whole.
As a result, the manifestation of Uniform through its projection with the help of the active, interacting with the passive, is completely possible by combining the active with the passive in the form of alive, which is able to establish and maintain a connection with Uniform, being in the current time, which alive also forms through the use of information extracted again by them, that is, active in the form of a living organism, from Uniform through the active (consciousness) of the hologram.
Since any living being, to one degree or another, understands what it must do for the sake of its own preservation, it acts consciously, in contrast to the passive objects around, indifferent to their own preservation in one form or another. That is, what is active in the form of the living is the effective manifester of oneself and ones entire environment in the current time thanks to the connection through the information bridge of the hologram with the inexhaustible Uniform, using its bottomless reservoir for ones own change in alive.
Thus, consciousness in alive is capable of changing both itself and its environment, adapting to it, but not only, as we know, since people, as the most perfect beings, are able to understand their stay in the current time, and therefore they strive expediently to master by it, drawing up and implementing their own plans and intentions to change the environment, and therefore themselves, in contrast to animals, which are controlled by instincts and reflexes in their desire to survive and somehow get comfortable in their own environment by only adapting to it.
All this is possible precisely in the current time, which introduces itself to person as his present. This is his own, or the present time is been forming from consecutive packets of information, delivered from Uniform toward the sense organs at the requests of each individual consciousness in alive by means of a single consciousness of a hologram. These packages merge into a single stream for all living things, due to the structure of any living organism, unable to instantly process incoming information, and therefore does not record a pause between individual packets of information successively entering the senses of each living being.
In this case, the information that only alive is capable of extracting for its own preservation through a hologram from Uniform is not only the specific information necessary for this, but also part of the bottomless energy emanating from the endless frequency-wave hologram, being converted in alive at the current time in form of already denser matter in quality moving and changing objects in space in accordance with the formula E=mc«, where E is energy, m is mass, c is the speed of light.
In this regard, the active, becoming the consciousness of one or another level in living beings, manifests Uniform in the form of beingness by informational influence on Uniform through a hologram, making both itself and the One not only manifested in being, but also eternal in the flow of information, which is converted into the current time , and living beings themselves, containing decaying elements of passive matter, appear and disappear in the current time, creating the possibility of a discrete but consistent change in each individual consciousness during the passage of the lives of these living beings, being renewed due to the consumption of the decay energy of the dead matter contained in them.
It is interesting that alive and non-alive are two hypostases of beingness, which are opposite in their abilities to perceive information, but which, nevertheless, complement each other, since consciousness in any living organism cannot do without some kind of carcas inside it and without the accompanying infrastructure outside for its own functioning, creating, in particular, from inanimate matter on the basis of information brought every moment not only by similar living beings, but also by these inanimate carriers of information, appropriate opportunities for both reproduction and retention of oneself for some time in the flow of life, and even for improvement ones living conditions, as well as for profitably change oneself by creating additional material forms and relationships.
This is another reason that consciousness cannot do without passive objects of beingness. Although this passive is not capable of perceiving and processing information to solve its own problems, which it does not have, it can be a carrier of information, ensuring the functioning of consciousness in the living in the appropriate environment. In addition, inanimate matter constitutes the infrastructure for the existence of living beings, from galaxies to the microcosm.
Such interaction of consciousness and things in the current time proves that consciousness in the living can manifest itself in action only in the presence of inanimate objects (things). In this regard, active and passive are equal, since they cannot exist without each other, and neither of them is the reason for the appearance of the other, although in beingness, that is, in action, the active has to be in quality the leading side, by definition.
If we concede that living beings will suddenly disappear from Creation and no longer appear in it, then everything remaining in its passive forms, although all these forms are a product of the activity of consciousness in alive, but the inanimate is not receptive to the use of information to solve their own problems, and this inanimate matter will turn out to be unmanifested, that is, unnecessary and meaningless, being rightly drawn rightly into an infinity outside of time (Uniform), and Creation will turn into non-existence.
Therefore, Creation directly depends on living beings, which combines both hypostases of Creation - the active (consciousness) and the passive (things), found in constant information flows.
Moreover, the own surrounding formed by each living being in its own current time is combined with all beingness in the general current time of beingness; beingness itself as a whole, as the basis for the existence of alive, is formed by a single consciousness through the entire totality of living beings, thereby being within the framework of common time.
As a result, a single consciousness (projection of Uniform in the form of a hologram), associated with each individual consciousness, and therefore with each living being, participates in the formation and combination of the individual environment of each being with the common environment for all living beings.
We can only give below some examples demonstrating, despite the timeless character of Uniform and its projection, their manifestation in beingness, thanks to the active (consciousness) and the passive (lifeless matter) in the flow of information created in the relationship between alive and Uniform through a holographic projection of Uniform. Thus, in the current time, the process of changing and developing consciousness in alive is been organizing, while modern science is completely implausible and, in essence, unproven claims, that alive evolved from the dead matter.
In addition, science has left the question unanswered: where did this matter itself come from? The answer, in turn, can be given only if we go beyond the limits of existence into the otherworldly and timeless.
An analogue of timeless nothingness (Uniform) is vacuum, which has always been associated with emptiness, that is, with barren nothingness, but, as it turned out thanks to the latest physical studies of this phenomenon, vacuum is a virtual sea of unborn particles in the field of zero-point oscillations. These vacuum fluctuations can be considered as the excitation of the vacuum, as a result of which, as physicists believe, it is capable of generating matter, although, in reality, as we showed above, the inanimate matter and material consciousness are not generated, but are always in beingness, that is, in the current time an eternal derivative of Uniform, being updated with the help of the active (consciousness) of a hologram by copying what is in Uniform according to requests emanating from living beings, both individually and by their entire aggregate.
In other words, beingness - matter and consciousness together in the current time, never arose, since, on the contrary, time itself is formed by the alliance of inanimate matter and consciousness in alive under the control of a single consciousness, which is outside of time, on the basis of also timeless nothingness (Uniform), for own change and development. As a result of this, neither beingness nor Uniform with its holographic projection are capable of manifesting themselves - so to speak, the effect of the egg and the chicken: without beingness, Uniform with its projection is not capable of manifesting, so how only in beingness the current time is present; and beingness without Uniform with its projection is not able to exist, since there is no one to update and control it, forming time in it on the basis of information flows emanating from Uniform at the requests of living beings of beingness.
The fact that a holographic projection of timeless nothingness (Uniform) is reflected in beingness, confirming for us our own presence in Creation, although this projection is outside the current time, is shown by the research of neurophysiologist from the USA Carl Pribram [4].
Pribram was attracted to the holographic picture of the world due to reflections on where and how memoirs are stored in a brain. Numerous experiments for decades showed that information is stored not in any particular site of a brain, and is dispersed on all volume of a brain. The researcher of a brain Karl Lashley in a number of decisive experiments in the twenties the last century has found out that irrespective of the fact which a site of a brain of a rat was deleted, he could not achieve disappearance of the conditioned reflexes received by a rat before operation. The only problem consisted that nobody could offer the mechanism explaining property of memory "all in each part".
Later, Pribram faced with the principle of a holography and understood that he found the explanation which neurophysiologists looked for. Pribram is sure that memory is contained not in neurones and not in groups of neurones, but - in series of the nervous impulses, "braiding" a brain just as a laser beam "braids" the piece of the hologram containing all image entirely. In other words, Pribram is sure that the brain is the hologram.
Pribram's hypothesis also explains how a human brain can store so many memoirs in such small volume. It is supposed that the human brain is capable to remember about 10 billion bits for all life.
It was revealed that one more feature can be added to the properties of holograms - the huge density of record. Simply changing a corner under which lasers light a photographic film, it is possible to write down many various images on the same surface. It was shown that one cubic centimeter of a film is capable to store to 10 billion bits of information.
Our supernatural ability to fast identification of the necessary information from the enormous volume of our memory becomes clearer with accepting the fact that the brain works by the principle of the hologram. If you ask that occurred to you at the word "zebra", you should not shuffle mechanically lexicon to find the answer. Associations to the words "striped", "horse" and "lives in Africa" appear in your head instantly.
Really, one of the most surprising properties of the human thinking is that each piece of information is correlated instantly and mutually with any another - one more quality inherent to the hologram. As any plot of the hologram is infinitely interdependent with any another, it is quite possible that it is the highest exemplar of cross and correlative systems.
The location of memory is not the single neurophysiological riddle which became more solvable in the light of the holographic model of brain of Pribram. Another riddle is how the brain is capable to translate such avalanche of frequencies, which it perceives by various sense organs (light frequencies, audio frequencies and so on), in our concrete conception about the world. Coding and decoding of frequencies are procedures with which the hologram it copes best of all. Just as the hologram serves as some kind of lens, the sending device, capable to turn as if a senseless mash of frequencies in the concrete image, so and a brain, according to Pribram, contains such lens and uses the principles of a holography for mathematical processing of frequencies from sense organs in an inner world of our perceptions.
Pribram's thought that our brain designs mathematically "solid" reality, relying on entrance frequencies, also received the experimental confirmation. It was revealed that any of our sense organs possesses the much bigger frequency range of the susceptibility, than it was supposed earlier. In particular, researchers found out that our organs of vision are susceptible to audio frequencies, that our olfaction depends on what that now is called as "osmotic frequencies" and what even cells of our body are sensitive to a wide frequency range. Such finds suggest an idea that it is work of holographic part of our consciousness which transform separate chaotic frequencies to the continuous perception. The most curious aspect of holographic model of a brain of Pribram comes to light if to compare it with the theory Bohm. Because if the visible physical density of the world - only a secondary reality, and what "there", actually is only holographic frequency setting and if a brain - too the hologram and a brain only chooses some frequencies from this set and mathematically transforms them to sensory perception, what remains on a share of objective reality? [ibid].
The holographic model also shows that consciousness is not the brain function, and, on the contrary, the brain is controlled by consciousness, more precisely, the brain is the instrument of consciousness, which, thus, in case of death of the brain, does not perish. In the holographic reality the thought, eventually, is as well real, as consciousness.
If the hypothesis about the holographic basis of the reality around us is close to the truth, then this will be an additional confirmation of the use of this reality, due to its characteristics, as an adequate tool for work, or rather, the development of the particles of consciousness through alive in beingness.
It is difficult to argue against the fact that consciousness exists and that it is quite clearly and effectively expressed in the person.
If to assume that a person in the basis is the hologram from the superhigh-frequency passive and active, then the last can't but be the leading willy-nilly, otherwise it would lose its activity and it would be "found" in nothingness, but not in the living being, which is capable, undoubtedly, to change also itself and surroundings.
At the same time, each person, as is known, combines two polar properties: on the one hand, he has only the individuality and personality inherent in him, but, on the other hand, he is not able to exist without his own kind, like, indeed, all living beings. In other words, a person is the separate, and he is a whole, just like everyone else in the multitude, like him. Like an ant that has lost its anthill, a person perishs alone.
This fact also allows us to assume that at the core of a person there is a hologram, which in any part is a whole, and vice versa.
It is this property of the separation and along with that universality that allows each person to be separate, independent, unique and at the same time unable to realize himself and his existence without communication. Such acquisition of self-consciousness and self-activity in the community means for each person, in struggles and trials, to purposefully do what he is still capable of, striving in this process to reconcile his own egoism (a reflection of his own specialness) with compassion for the people around him, who in fact are him himself as a whole.
As is known, each universe, having finite dimensions, has a certain mass and energy, which came from somewhere.
Science does not answer this question, whereas in accordance with the hypothesis of the holographic nature of Creation, the energy of ultra-high-frequency wave-like formations, which are mutually in the opposite phase and therefore integrally constitute zero, in the separate halves of these formations is infinite. Therefore, there is no question of where the universe received its energy corresponding to its mass - E=mc«, where c is the speed of light.
Thus, each separate universe has, so to speak, its share of energy, which is constant. This is evidenced by the law of conservation of energy, all the laws of thermodynamics, the constancy of the speed of light, etc., the violation of which would mean a loss of stability of this entire finite system, and, therefore, the possibility of staying of alive in it.
A reflection of the holographic nature of Creation, the principle of which is the coincidence of each particle of the hologram with its whole, is also found in the similarity of the simplest structures of reality (beingness) and the fractality of its more complex structures.
To clarify, we note that fractality is characterized by a complicated similarity, more precisely, self-similarity of a part and a whole: the whole completely or almost completely coincides with its part or parts (has the same shape) with a dimension greater than the dimension of topological spaces.
A variety of scales of objects that do not have exact quantitative characteristics, but have a relative constancy of ratios and dimensions, is included in the field of fractals, regardless of whether these objects belong to the microcosm, the macrocosm, planets, the living things. Fractality unites almost everything, including self-organizing systems such as a person.
Almost everywhere we can see repeating lines and shapes in inanimate and living nature: in the structure of DNA, lightning, minerals, planetary systems.
Fractal are the crowns of trees, the circulatory system of animals, clouds, snowflakes, etc.
The objects of the universe known to us are also located in it as self-similar structures, that is, fractally.
The fractal analysis is also widely used in human activity.
The fractal analysis of markets postulates the dependence of future prices on past changes, borrowing the properties of fractals to obtain forecasts
Fractal geometry studies processes and phenomena that have fragmentation, brokenness and curvature, creating a fractional (fractal) space.
Fractal art is digital art, that is, the results of calculations in the form of still images, animations, and automatically generated media files. All these images reflect such properties of fractals as self-similarity, algorithmicity, multidimensionality, unevenness, repetition, incompleteness.
Thus, the holographic essence of Creation is reflected in a number of concretely perceptible phenomena of beingness, which, in accordance with the principle of fractality, repeat the frequency wave-like form of formations of the holographic projection of timeless infinity, but with a much lower frequency, as well as in the repetition of lines and forms in the inanimate and living nature.
The model of Creation, we proposed, also allows us to resolve the dead-end problem of the origin and existence of universes.
Within the framework of our proposed model of Creation, we can assume that each universe, being in the current time, experiences a kind of periodic oscillations through a point of singularity.
That is, each universe is not formed once, for example, as a result of the Big Bang [5] at a certain point, but the universes passe through the corresponding points of inflection (singularity), in pairs, when one universe from matter, having contracted to the point of singularity and passing through it, begins again expand in the form of the same matter (Big Bang), and at the same time another universe, but made of antimatter, also passes through the singularity point and begins to expand in the form of the same antimatter.
So integrally it turns out zero.
This kind of model excludes the starting point of beingness. This process of the transition of universes through the point of singularity or, a kind of equilibrium oscillatory process, from the position of our understanding of time, always goes on: it had no beginning and will have no end, corresponding in this regard to the timeless holographic projection of Uniform, also representing zero on the material balance.
This eternal process in beingness excludes the one-time occurrence of the universe as if out of nothingness, which would inevitably presuppose the same one-time end of this formation with its transformation into nothingness.
In other words, beingness in the form of an infinite series of universes manifested for us in the current time, is only an actualized copy of its unmanifested basis - nothingness outside this time, and this beingness is a manifested timeless nothingness (Uniform) in the dynamics of change and development, despite the fact that beingness, as a derivative of its base, according to the material balance there is no more than zero.
However, an unbiased observer can ask such question how can living beings in any universe create it, renewing, and keep it in existence if the conditions for the existence of biological objects are simply absent at the early and late stages of expansion or contraction of the universe, when planets did still not exist or no longer exist?
The answer to this question, again, lies in the three-tier structure of Creation, the components of which in the form of Uniform and its holographic projection are outside the current time of beingness, which includes an infinite number of universes, going through their time cycles in different ways, and therefore containing an infinite number of living beings , renewing and maintaining this entire endless system of the universe, regardless of what time stage this or that universe is in, especially since this system is controlled by a single consciousness.
In addition to the coexistence of consciousness and things potentially in a fused form in Uniform, and as their information-wave copies in the holographic projection of Uniform, as well as in the form of more or less dense matter in beingness, in this beingness the guiding force of a single consciousness of a hologram is quite clearly manifested, spreading not only to control each living being through own particles that coincide with it outside of time, but also to form inanimate matter through the same living beings in those forms that make possible to exist living beings in suitable for life environment.
Let us give some examples in this regard.
As is known, the dark matter, inaccessible to observation in the electromagnetic wavelength range, manifests itself only in gravitational interaction, since the mass of stars and gas is not enough to hold visible objects of the universe, without participating in other types of interaction and not containing any elementary particles related to the matter of the universe.
The dark energy is evenly distributed in space, experiencing gravitational repulsion instead of gravitational attraction, that is, the negative pressure of dark energy generates repulsion, or antigravity, causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate.
It is assumed that the dark energy, as a super-weak scalar field, after it reaches a state of equilibrium, will slow down the expansion of the universe and, most likely, it will be replaced by the contraction, making the universe a kind of the oscillating system.
Thus, both of these types of matter are involved in the control of the universe: the anti-gravity of dark energy counteracts the gravity that dark matter controls.
It is estimated that the accelerating expansion of the universe began approximately 5 billion years ago, and before that, the expansion was slowed down due to the gravitational action of mainly the dark matter.
Curiously, if the acceleration in the universe had begun earlier than the specified moment, stars and galaxies would not have been able to form and life in the universe could not have arisen.
All these above facts regarding the dark matter and the dark energy indicate the opposite nature of their effect on the ordinary matter of the universe, similar to the fact that in the holographic projection of timeless infinity, ultrahigh frequency wave-like formations also have the opposite sign, and, therefore, may well project this property from a kind invisible dimension, respectively, into the dark matter and the dark energy to create an infrastructure in the universe suitable for the emergence and development of life.
In other words, it is quite possible that through the dark matter and the dark energy, the thinking matter in the form of a single consciousness of a holographic projection of a timeless infinity (otherworldly) penetrates into our universe, more precisely forms it, controlling at the same time both its structure and its changes for the sake of emergence and distribution. life, and therefore, by the development of consciousness in it.
The confirmation of the control of the thinking matter of the spread of life and the optimal development of living things together with their consciousness, that is, the thinking matter itself, is also the Fibonacci sequence, in the framework of which to one degree or another there are all phenomena and objects in the universe, including galaxies, microcosm, crystals, various natural phenomena in the form of cyclones and thunderstorms, as well as flora and fauna. In accordance with the Fibonacci sequence, branches and leaves of trees grow. In accordance with this sequence are also formed the various parts of the human body and the structure of a DNA molecule. In short, everything in the universe follows this sequence, but with varying degrees of convergence to it, the maximum indicator of which is felt by a person as beautiful.
The Fibonacci sequence itself is: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21...
In this numerical sequence, each subsequent number behind 0 and 1 is the sum of the previous two.
The further this series continues, the closer the ratio of neighboring numbers in it to 1.618.
Geometrically, as the ancient Egyptians have noticed, this number is obtained if you divide the line into two parts so that the long part correlates with the short one in the same proportion as the entire line correlates with its long part.
In the future, this number was called the golden ratio, since it, both in natural and artificial phenomena, and as this has been shown by practice, even in the case of any complication of a living or inanimate object, leads to flowing various physical processes with minimal energy costs.
For this reason, different living organisms do not develop by chance, but trying to follow the Fibonacci proportion, and the "golden section" gradually appears almost everywhere, which, in our opinion, is the meaning of the evolution of the living, which brings to a self-conscious and independent subject in the form of a personality.
In particular, the DNA molecule is 34 angstroms long and 21 angstroms wide. And these numbers are adjacent in the Fibonacci sequence, and their ratio is 1.618.
All best works and works in the fields of architecture, technology, painting, music, literature, as shown by their analysis in relation to the number 1.618, also followed, according to the thoughts of their authors, consciously or not the Fibonacci proportion.
These facts cannot but point to a clear attempt by living organisms to avoid chaos in their change in order to ensure their own economical and at the same time accelerated growth and development in the form of any degree of complexity, which, in turn, contributes to the development of consciousness in alive.
Thus, this type of living and non-living objects of beingness in the most economical state of the "golden section" guarantees them maximum stability of development or existence, reducing the likelihood of both decay and stagnation.
In particular, a person who is aware of his own existence in time, unlike other living beings, is able to respond to this expression of the form of things and living organisms, which is maximally far from chaos and stagnation, as perfect, or excellent.
The immutability of world constants and world laws, ensuring the stability of the environment surrounding living beings, create conditions that allow living beings to arise and function, also testifies to the fact that everything around us works according to certain programs that must be someone or something defined. Recent model experiments have shown that even the slightest deviation from them leads to the impossibility of creating conditions for life.
Probably, on this basis, N. Bostrom has thought that the world is a simulation adjusted to human perception, that is, something like a computer forms all the objects of our world, including human consciousness [6].
This fashionable but opportunistic hypothesis is immediately dispelled by the fact that it does not give an answer to the main question - where did the matrix come from in the form of the corresponding material part and the very first programmer, whereas the hypothesis we proposed gave answer in the sense that there was no origin, based on the attribution of the current time, cannot be, since this time itself is formed alive under the control of a single timeless consciousness (hologram) on the basis of timeless nothingness (Uniform).
An argument in favor of our proposed hypothesis that is quite close to all of us is the planet itself on which we are located.
The earth is home to more than 8 million kinds of the living beings.
If we consider the conditions themselves that developed on Earth about 4 billion years ago, then significant doubts arise regarding their natural, that is, spontaneous origin, since in comparison with the rest of the planets of the solar system and the known exoplanets of the nearest stars of the galaxy, almost everything on Earth, inside it and near it is designed for a fairly comfortable existence and development of living organisms.
More than 4 billion calendar years, life appeared on Earth, and therefore its atmosphere and the upper layer of the hard shell, under the influence of the original organisms, changed significantly in favor of the further development of living beings, influencing, in particular, the formation of the ozone layer, which, together with the magnetic field The Earth, formed approximately 3.5 billion years ago, that significantly reduced the harmful effects of external radiation on living beings.
In addition, photosynthesis allowed living organisms, through the direct use of solar energy, to gradually fill the atmosphere with oxygen and the upper layers of the planet with ozone.
The Earth's magnetic field is generated in its liquid heated metal core. This field is a dipole, the poles of which are located at the geographical poles of the planet. The magnetosphere formed by it deflects external charged particles with high energy, which thereby not reaching the surface of the Earth with its inhabitants.
The Earth rotates in a nearly circular orbit at a distance of 150 million kilometers from the Sun, due to which its surface does not warm up to high temperatures and does not cool to low temperatures. In addition, molecules of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone store thermal energy, preventing it from escaping into space, creating the greenhouse effect. As a result, on the surface of the Earth, on average, the optimal average temperature for the life of organisms is maintained without significant fluctuations - 14.8 degrees Celsius.
The Earth's atmosphere has sufficient density to protect its surface from meteorite bombardments, also regulating the transfer of heat, air masses, and the water cycle, without which the existence of life on land becomes problematic.
Most of the hydrogen in the atmosphere is converted to water without leaving the planet, and the concentration of oxygen necessary for life at the Earth's surface is approximately 20%.
Unlike other known planets, Earth has large reserves of water on the surface, as well as in the form of clouds and water vapor. Gases necessary for the survival of marine organisms are dissolved in water. The water of the seas and oceans makes the climate warmer in winter and cooler in summer.
The Earth, rotating uniformly around its axis, moves around the Sun at a speed of about 28 kilometers per second. In turn, the Solar system rotates around the center of the galaxy at a speed of about 220 kilometers per second, at a sufficient distance from various stellar cataclysms and ultra-hard cosmic radiation.
The inclination of the earth's axis from the perpendicular to the plane of its orbit by 23.4 degrees leads to a change of seasons, which has a beneficial effect on the development of living organisms, thereby avoiding stagnation, and also creates a change from day to night during the day, which is extremely important for the sustainable development of highly organized living organisms by periodically changing business activity to a passive state of recovery and modeling further activity.
The Earth's satellite, the Moon, which appeared 4.5 billion years ago, with its gravitational influence on the Earth creates ocean tides, which create the most favorable conditions for the emergence and existence of living organisms. In addition, the Moon stabilizes the tilt of the Earth's axis, preventing it from approaching the ecliptic plane, as a result of which one of the poles would be directed towards the Sun, and the other in the opposite direction, changing places when the Earth rotates around the Sun, thereby creating extremely unfavorable conditions for life.
Organic matter, as is known, is preserved in a rather narrow temperature range, and it provides on Earth, like all other conditions for the existence of living beings on Earth, mentioned above.
The probability of the accidental creation of these conditions on Earth is practically zero, which also allows us to note the participation in their formation of certain extraneous forces that are clearly not present in beingness as we know it.
Skeptics may object to all this - if the Earth is like this, and there are no similar planets around it, and no signals from brothers in mind come from any quarter, then how then alive, that exist on such unique planets, can form all the innumerable things from inanimate matter in beingness?
Firstly, developed technological civilizations are disintegrating quite quickly due to the arrival of information collapse, which inevitably arises due to the compaction of their own current time. The time allotted to them hardly exceeds 6-10 thousand calendar years in earthly terms, and they do not have time to achieve great technical achievements that would be noticeable at interstellar distances.
Secondly, the number of finite universes is infinite, just as their foundation is infinite - timeless nothingness (Uniform), and if inhabited planets in each universe are immeasurably fewer than lifeless ones, then, nevertheless, in infinity the number of inhabited planets is also infinite.
1. Nizovtsev Yu. M. Everything and Nothingness: 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev
2. Кобозев Н. И. Исследования в области термодинамики процессов информации и мышления. М.: Изд-во МГУ, 1971. С. 85. (Kobozev N. I.
Researches in the field of thermodynamics of processes of information and thinking. M.: Moscow State University Press, 1971. P. 85.)
3. 1980. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-7100-0971-2.
4. Карл Прибрам. Языки мозга. Экспериментальные парадоксы и принципы нейропсихологии, Прогресс, 1975 г.
5. Wollack E. Cosmology: The Study of the Universe. Universe 101. Big Bang Theory. NASA (10.12.2010).
6. Nick Bostrom. (April 2003). Are You Living in a Computer Simulation Philosophical Quarterly. 53(211): 243-255.
Chapter 4.
Alive as a converter of information into beingness.
Consciousness in alive uses the sense organs of the living being, its centers that process information, as well as programs that are realized in the form of form-building abilities, which together makes it possible to select out from the incoming information the surrounding that can ensure the existence of a living being, which consists in receiving at least , various sensations, as well as the united consciousness of living beings creates beingness that ensures the development of consciousness in alive.
And what about things that do not have the ability to feel and think - do they exist or not?
The answer seems obvious: if you can touch them, then they are. Along with that, according to the logic, in accordance with which only alive is capable of feeling, things must have a significant difference from alive.
Suppose that all objects of Creation can be reduced only to two categories - the active and the passive.
Indeed, it is possible to carry to the active all material objects having subjectivity, that is this or that degree of consciousness allowing them to organize both themselves, and own surroundings, eat, breed and act in this environment, adapting to it for more or less comfortable existence.
To do this, the active should have a program of its own development and action (genome), certain receptors, centers that process incoming information, as well as form-building abilities, that represent the surroundings in the form, suitable for the existence of this active.
But all this is impossible without a base, in which the active must be placed and act.
In a certain simplification and coarsening, the active is similar to the computer program, but a program, which is free in actions and creative, unlike, for example, the artificial intelligence known to us.
Therefore, the active, being kind of software, cannot do without "iron" - the passive, which, being shapeless and representing matter deprived of consciousness, takes only those forms, which are necessary to the active for own existence and development, that is, the passive makes a background - an environment, ordered in this or that relation for the active, and elements of this environment are structurally connected and interact with each other not on their own, and according to the regularities, determined by the active one, who, time it somehow thinks (processes information), should be recognized as consciousness.
In turn, one can imagine that outside of time, that is, in a timeless infinity is located Everything, in connection with which this timeless infinity can be designated as Uniform, since this Everything, being outside of time, or being unmanifested, is only merged together and hidden the active and the passive, incapable of action.
In such state, Everything represents Nothing, or non-existence, and cannot express itself in any way, unless it has a projection in which Everything is capable to be divided in the form of copies of the active and passive in this or that duration, at this, the copies of the active "are engaged" in this projection only in that they derive the passive from a infinity out of time in the form of information copies, that is possible initially only thanks to combining the active with the passive already in the form of alive as certain support of oneself.
Similar projection of an infinity out of time can only be a hologram [1]: in a holographic picture each particle of the active doesn't lose unity with all infinite set of the active particles and therefore can, in particular, by means of this unity to distinguish, read out and copy using own means things, necessary for own existence, in their in their connection, recognizing them inside an infinity out of time according to own understanding, which this active has how it wants and can, updating each "moment", i.e. discretely, but infinitely, of a holographic projection as the basis for own existence in this information process.
The particles-copies of the active, i.e., the particles-copies of consciousness, thus, "receive" out of an infinity out of time the copies of things (the passive), which are required for "replacement" (update) by them of previous copies of things.
This informational process of the interaction of an infinity out of time, where everything is merged, and a holographic projection, where the active and the passive are separated, requires the association of the active and passive in certain artificial form (alive) for the interaction among themselves and with an infinity beyond time. The main difference of alive from everything else is the ability to transform the individual consecutive information copies (the discrete packets of information), similar to pulse signals from a transmitter to a receiver, into a changing decorated picture (current time) like an image on the screen of a television receiver, produced from decoded transmitter pulses. That is, alive is also able to transform the individual pulse signals containing information into continuously changing picture due to a certain inertia of the signal processing, which in the minds of any living being eliminates the pauses between the arriving information packets (positions of the update).
As a result, for the consciousness of a living being, a changing event world arises in motion - beingness, in which it is already possible to live in own present, but within the framework of a common (external) time.
In other words, the informational process of interaction between an infinity out of time and its holographic projection cannot do without local, temporary, artificial and programmed formations in the form of the active and the passive, for which, in turn, requires an appropriate environment (beingness), i.e., the macroscopic and the microscopic (dark matter and energy, stars, planets, space, galaxies, radiations, elementary particles, molecules, etc.), that we know.
The things themselves remain in an infinity out of time in the merged state, as and the active, or consciousness, and along with that through the copies of the active particles (consciousness) manifest as a result in the form of the environment (beingness), which surrounds the particles of consciousness as if from the outside and from the inside, and which in their unity in a holographic projection are the frequency formations with a certain duration.
That is, in the reality (beingness), manifested through a holographic projection, objects from an infinity out of time do not appear as such, but they are nevertheless present in this reality in the form of copies, which are constantly updated by means of the active of a holographic projection, since through it into alive the packages of information corresponding to its properties (features of the sense organs, information processing centers, form-building abilities-programs) consistently arrive.
A holographic projection itself cannot but be material. By the definition, it is a frequency formation [1; 2, chapter 2.1].
As is known, the world of a person is limited by the collection of his sense organs and his apparatus-thinking abilities. In other words, if he had a wider set of sense organs and a more powerful thinking apparatus, a person would have built with the help of the latter some different own environment - with other forms, color, spatial distribution, movement, etc. And all this would also be a reality for him, although the basis from which this reality came from would remain for him all the same unknown, since he is able to use only his own sensitive organs and his own brain, but he is not able to get out of limits of their actions.
Existence of the things world in the form of the last, true and independent of us (objective) is disproved by the fact that it is being represented by our sensations and it is being formed by an information processing center a brain for a person, and this world for different types of organisms can be other, and its basis can quite be frequency-wave, on which information is written down.
However, this frequency-wave basis of beingness is outside the current time of beingness and therefore is extra-spatial in relation to beingness and zero in terms of material balance.
A similar kind of formation, as shown above, can be a hologram [1], which is a high-frequency formation as a product of the superposition of several coherent waves, giving a stationary interference pattern, since the phase difference of the waves does not change.
However, this frequency-wave basis of beingness is, as it were, composed of two parts, in which the waves are in antiphase, thus making up a zero integrally.
Therefore, each such ultrahigh frequency formation separately, the source of which is a timeless infinity (Uniform), contains divided waves of the same frequency, which may have different harmonics.
Such integral nothingness is nothing but the manifestation of a timeless infinity in the form of a kind of projection, coinciding with an unmanifested infinity in all properties: infinity, zero material balance, the absence of current time and motion, except for the separation of waves, which can be regarded as a prototype of time and space.
In principle, the closure of these separated wave-like impulse structures can give the current time and space in which material structures of a non-frequency type can be located, changing.
Thus, the current time, space and moving material structures can appear in the event that it is possible to close individual wave-like impulse structures of a holographic projection.
Since we ourselves are in the current time, space and change, it can be stated that we ourselves, as alive, are nothing but a performer, converting the divided wave-like frequency structures into the thing (objective) world known to us, that is, beingness.
Such activity of alive in the creative plan implies its indispensable participation not only in the creation of beingness, but also as the main forming element of Creation, since without alive with its sense organs, information processing centers, form-building abilities, that is, capable of activity on the basis of structured passive compositions, a timeless infinity, or Uniform, cannot manifest.
In itself, this means the presence of the active and passive components in any living being.
If we accept as an axiom that there is everything in a unmanifested infinity, then all possible objects in their diversity are hidden in it. But this diversity can be reduced to two entities - the passive and the active.
The passive includes all objects that do not perceive information, that is, they are able to respond to certain influences, like a photographic film to light, but they cannot interpret (analyze, structure) these changes in any way, turning them into something understandable for themselves, which can be somehow use, that is, into the information.
In other words, all this variety of passive objects can only carry information, not knowing about it, to those objects that are able to perceive this information.
This problem can be solved by remembering the basic ability and function of any consciousness - to enliven Uniform, more precisely, to form a changing environment for life, expression and development of oneself in it, forming on the basis of Uniform recognized and connected fragments of things in the form of copies.
That is, only the living beings are capable of perception, analysis of incoming data - subconscious or conscious.
Consequently, all things, as such, in a holographic projection are absent there are only their information copies in it.
Along with that, as seems, all things exist in infinite Uniform, where from they are "extracted".
However, in ready form they aren't present there, because in infinite Uniform everything is merged together, separately things aren't present there; it means that is impossible to speak about their existence in timeless Uniform - they are there potentially, but they can be manifested only in copies discretely, i.e. in time, and only in the forms determined by consciousness.
Only solely active (consciousness) can be "extracting" them in the corresponding forms from Uniform, consistently updating by superhigh-frequency discrete copying.
Therefore, it is senseless to claim that things in forms known to the human consciousness exist outside human consciousness and pass into it exactly in these forms by means of sensations.
It is only possible to approve that the environment, surrounding the person, directly doesn't depend on him, but, that, nevertheless it is formed through sense organs of the person arising before him after data processing of sensations by respective centers. Naturally, quality of this Wednesday depends on a set and opportunities of sense organs as well as opportunities of the processing centers of a human organism that makes related it with the ordinary computer which also can't go beyond the programs put in it and other technical capabilities. But, if the computer was self-sufficient, then the computer would claim that all what processed and given out by it, is the objective reality given to it by its sensors. Though, of course, behind this product stand only certain technologies.
So and behind the person single consciousness stands.
Copying of things at each updating of a holographic projection of Uniform is carried out sequentially on the basis of what is available, but with high frequency. Therefore, changes of copies of things with each update are minor and tied to the preceding forms. As a result, the high frequency update is reflected in each individual consciousness not chaotic, but orderly processes of change and motion in beingness with observance of the principle of causality.
All things "are dissolved" in Uniform, they become as the actual only in the form of the copies of a holographic projection which are updated every "moment".
In other words, things, as such, aren't present around, them don't exist, more precisely, they are presented the material information copies which are manifested by consciousness, and in such forms, order and connectivity, that each individual consciousness in any living being among them can sense, and at this, self-conscious living being can separate itself from the environment, i.e. to think, to plan, to dream, etc.; this phenomenon proceeds thanks to loss of a pause between updates of copies of things for each individual consciousness in the carrier, that automatically "transfers" any living being to the world with objects moving in space and time, known to us according to the technique close to the principle of operation of the 3D-printer.
Thereby not the environment creates the conscious beings, but single consciousness through sense organs of carriers of all individual consciousnesses forms quite material frequency (holographic) projection on the basis of Uniform, being "converted" on the level of the individual consciousness, which with its side temporarily is "cut off" from single consciousness, to beingness with moving objects, i.e. beingness in general is manifested by single consciousness in its multiple form; "now" of every individual consciousness is manifested by it through own sense organs with hidden help of single consciousness.
All carriers (components of bodies) of consciousness are also thingness copies, gaining quality of the living being at the time of the birth, and losing it at the moment of death, inasmuch this property the lifeless receives from particles of active (consciousness).
However, and the particles of consciousness are the copies of the active from Uniform in holographic projection because exactly in similar formation single consciousness can exist in plurality and along with that in unity and eternity, manifesting and acting on the basis of Uniform in the finite infinitely.
Things exist only in "now" of living beings that doesn't cancel their development anyway. This fact is also reflected in the history, i.e., in that process when there is a recall about previous things and then they thereby fall into now" of the remembering consciousness.
Multiple-single consciousness is infinitely itself and it updates a holographic projection infinitely, but discretely, forming beingness through own particles in the form, for example, of Universes at different stages of their development.
In this process in a holographic projection of Uniform there is no time in our understanding of the ticking clock, inasmuch time is formed only as a product of discrete updating of wave formations with various set of frequencies in the form of duration of updating and duration of a pause between updates.
Only loss of a pause in individual consciousness of the living being forms time in representation, in particular, of the person, flowing from the future into the last though there is only one the present ("now"), and in this brief, but eternally updated "now" in individual consciousness are being linked the updated wavy structures into the spatial moving world of things known to us which without living beings, i.e. without beings with consciousness can't be manifested in any case, inasmuch the world without them simply non-existence.
As for a person, after his death the thingness beingness doesn't disappear anywhere so how consciousness does not disappear anywhere; consciousness in its individual form becomes by another living being, participating as always in formation of time [2, chapter 1.6].
Summarizing, it should be noted: as the separate and the independent, things don't exist, being manifested in a certain form only through consciousness. They are manifested by single-multiple consciousness originally in the form of wave high-frequency formations of a holographic projection, being some kind of prototype of material things known to us, - and then are formed as concrete things through each individual consciousness.
Like any living being, a person is able to perceive, process and transmit information.
However, a person differs from all other creatures in that he can act not only adaptively, but also quite consciously, that is, expediently and even creatively, adapting his own environment to his needs and considerations.
And this means that a person's ability to recognize surrounding objects has the property due to which he can perceive them as a means not only for adapting himself to them, but as a means for adapting them for himself, which requires knowledge of these objects to one degree or another. in accordance with the set goals. And this, in itself, ensures the accelerated development of human communities in comparison with communities of other living beings, limiting themselves only to the use of what is without any purposeful transformation of their own environment, that is, its conscious change.
In order to recognize himself or any other object, a person must have certain form-building abilities, which are based on the corresponding programs. Then he will find in everything that is displayed, for example, in a mirror, that totality of information that will be reduced for the consciousness of a particular person into the form of what he is looking for, for example, into his own appearance, that is, to receive information. Only this property of human consciousness can lead it to acquire adequate information, in particular, about oneself in the mirror.
This property of consciousness is realized in the living through the existing set of sense organs in accordance with certain programs.
The consciousness of any living being, and not only of a person, creates its own world, its own real, scanning the surroundings through the senses, thereby penetrating locally into the boundless Uniform, which can be used to designate timeless infinity, since everything that exists is merged into a single whole in it - and the past, and the present, and the future - but not manifested, being thereby nothing, although it embraces everything in its non-existence.
Naturally, no individual consciousness that has a certain level of development can embrace the entire infinite Uniform by the sensations of its carrier body and its understanding; but it can, with the means it has (man has five main senses), and those forms that, in accordance with his level of development and the type of carrier, are provided by a single consciousness, covering in a hologram all individual forms of consciousness outside the current time, to recognize in Uniform things corresponding to his life cycle, and to form his own time by successive irreversible copying through a pause, " transforming in each individual consciousness due to a pause in it between impulse signals passing through the channels of the sense organs, into a colorful, moving and changing present, in which this individual consciousness can exist in company with other individual consciousnesses among recognized and copied things , remaining inseparable from its own carrier, at least for the time being in this existence and feeling it [2, chapter 2.1].
Objects which a person perceives by the sense organs in certain form, are dependent of him, he forms automatically the surroundings and own body in himself - in own processing centers, inasmuch initially the environment is only the high-frequency information copies of things which "are dissolved" in Uniform, and which are updated by consciousness through sense organs of living beings.
These copies are converted in each individual consciousness, owing to physiological features of the organism perceiving discrete packages of information without pauses between them, in habitual for us things which move and change just because that only among them and in them, but not in the superhigh-frequency wave environment all living beings can abide, change, grow, reproduce and develop.
However, the objects of beingness aren't produced by consciousness at all as it is represented to the subjective idealists denying objective existence of matter. Actually, the objects of beingness are formed by a person, more precisely, by his consciousness through sense organs, out of quite material high-frequency copies in the form of information packages by converting of incoming pulse signals, containing the relevant information, into a smooth picture of moving things with hidden help of a single consciousness.
Analog of this process is the ordinary TV with that difference that if on the monitor screen, like a human sleep, move only images of things, converted from pulse radio signals, which aren't a "dense" matter, then in the human consciousness (consciousness of any living being) in the course of consecutive coupling of packages-impulses of information, waves are converted mainly in the corpuscles, i.e. - into the changing world of things, apparently, according to the principle, close to the principle of operation of a 3D-printer.
If a mole doesn't see the sky, the sun and stars, these objects for it don't exist as owing to absence of appropriate sense organs, so and - lack of the corresponding form-building abilities. Though, of course, both the sun, and stars and etc. don't disappear anywhere, inasmuch they are formed by single consciousness through all set of living beings, as if covering with them everything various living beings. But the present time of a mole, unlike the present time of the person, with these objects, except a near-surface layer of the earth, directly doesn't contact, though it is in their zone.
In general, in order to get any data, a person has to formulate the object of own desire - consciously or intuitively (the environment is formed by him automatically with the hidden help of single consciousness of a holographic projection of Uniform), then he has to address to where data can be, and scanning this "field" to identify by available means (sensations in conjunction with centers processing of data, or intellect as well as programs configured to recognize only those objects of beingness that correspond to the available sensory organs and the capabilities of the centers processing incoming information) the required objects, which are manifesting as copies in consciousness and which are distributed by him in the form of concrete material objects in a certain order, making up his surrounding, coinciding with the surrounding of the similar beings, chosen by them from the whole set of objects manifested by a single consciousness through living beings.
Besides, it isn't enough to see in a mirror own image to some living being to recognize oneself in it: of all living beings of only a person can learn himself in a mirror in quality of a self-made being.
Other living beings don't recognize themselves in a mirror in this quality, i.e., they aren't capable to identify own image with themselves as self-made personality, limiting even for the most highly developed animals by own adaptive individuality, but, nevertheless, they identify according to degree of own reason what is necessary them for deduction of themselves in existence; in other words, these beings live, without understanding themselves, but only sensing, however this ability to sense holds all usual living beings in existence - the living beings don't want to lose own sensations.
If to return to analogy to a mirror, then its surface by itself is empty - it is nothingness without the relation to something. But this surface is being filled with this or that content in the form of images, if consumers of this content begin contacting with it, allocating on this surface the familiar forms and skipping the unfamiliar, which their consciousness can't decipher. Then this nothingness represents everything that these consumers can identify in it.
So and timeless, infinite and motionless Uniform responds to the requests of consciousness through the sensations, becoming in consciousness out of Nothingness by Everything, which is not Everything in general, but which presents just what consciousness can understand by own means at the moment.
Thus, world through the looking glass is some kind of analog not otherworldly, but the true foundation of beingness, inasmuch only from there (from Uniform through its projection) is possible to receive Everything, but only is possible to receive this own Everything, if there is an idea about this Everything, and if there are corresponding sense organs.
In other words, only into a timeless Uniform can find by scanning the forms, which are clear for consciousness (which it is able to decipher). These forms in the form of copies are manifested in consciousness, becoming for it in a final form not as information-wave matter, but being converted to "dense" surroundings, known to us.
Time for any living being, in particular, and for the person actually is the information process, during which material objects are identified by consciousness by surroundings scanning by him with facilities which are at its order, mentioned above.
Incoming to consciousness, more precisely, in its relevant centers, impulses from sense organs (information packages) contain the coded data on material objects, which consciousness was capable to identify. These signals merge in consciousness in a picture incessantly changing surroundings, inasmuch the pause between the impulses arriving one after another is obliterated in consciousness of living being at the expense of a certain duration of processing of every portion of information and arising thereby the delay, doing for consciousness the discrete process of receipt of information as the continuous (a perception threshold).
Illusion of smooth current of time is created by the fact that consciousness of a person owing to his physiological features isn't capable to notice pulse character of the arriving information.
Change of the rate of "flow" of time for the specific person, or his own time, can be qualified as change of volume of information processed by his centers or change of the rate of its processing that is not directly related to the "common" time, though each person believes "external" or "common", as if surrounding him, time, as the only possible time. Therefore, the factor of change of the course of own time about which he doesn't know, a person considers as miracle or absolutely inexplicable phenomenon.
Not only a person, but also each living being forms own time oneself with the hidden assistance of a single consciousness, but all set of living beings representing individual consciousnesses forms the "common", or "external" time, in which each living being dwells.
Formation of own time by each living being proceeds automatically, more precisely, under monitoring of a single consciousness within the available set of sense organs and form-building abilities of consciousness of this being.
By means of the last the sense organs recognize necessary fragments of Uniform which turn at first into serial informational packages, and then, after their processing and join, are converted into the current time and things, moving in space.
The same happens also to the person who on a structure is a primate, but to that difference that target programs of self-consciousness allow him to recognize consciously the hidden features surrounding objects, using them, unlike animals, who do not delve into the essence of the subjects using them purely utilitarianly for survival, but understanding at once or gradually their appointment, people apply the surrounding objects to own purposes, in every possible way combining and changing them.
Thereby, a person receives, almost like God, the ability to form the new worlds from the routine objects and objects which are thought up by him, nevertheless, being in "external" time which, in essence, being formed by single consciousness, is a necessary condition (as if the house) for existence of single consciousness already in the divided form - as individual consciousnesses, presented by living beings who find themselves into own time, but within "external" time, which provides a single consciousness by means of all set of living beings.
1. 1980. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-7100-0971-2.
2. Nizovtsev Yu. M. Everything and nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru.
Chapter 5.
Time as a sliding present, formed by alive.
Consciousness manifests beingness through its own carriers, giving it meaning, and life to itself through the selection of information about being that it is able to decipher, copy and process for further use. Consciousness fixes the changes of beingness available to it in the form of an irreversible process, obtaining the duration in each present moment of a sequential series of technically separated moments, but without separating them in consciousness, thereby creating its own time by its own efforts. This present time becomes a condition for the separation of consciousness from the non-living.
A person fears time which every moment approaches him to a mortal threshold, does him from the young, cheerful and carefree by the old, sick and tiresome. That is pleasant in such inevitable falling.
Along with that, time fills a person by sense if he, not especially reflecting on fluidity of time, aims to make independently something special, aims to become other, to overcome, as it seems, irresistible, not to lose hope and optimism even on the deathbed.
Some clever people tried to penetrate into essence of time, but time itself put them into place, showing narrowness of their views, apparently, because each of them thought by usual terrestrial categories, without trying to depart from them too far.
Meanwhile, time for a person exists only when his consciousness is turned on, he feels its beating, perceives time in the form of own "now". If the consciousness of a person is disconnected, time for him disappears. It in itself specifies that not a person body leads him along life, but his consciousness.
All remaining living beings generally don't aware time though they are applied instinctively to it. Perhaps, their happiness also consists in absence at them of self-consciousness and appropriate responsibility together with freedom that are piled on each person in life often as intolerable gravity.
Similar approach to time is named subjective, but it is lawful nevertheless so as only in case of the acting consciousness a person comprehends own presence in the world. And it means that only the acting consciousness, understanding itself as such and present only at a person, is the main and top link of all beingness known to him. It is unlikely something in unknowns to us worlds and measurements is more, than understanding of itself though the level of consciousness can be other.
Of course, bringing to the end the subjective approach to consciousness, i.e. exclusiveness of consciousness, is absurd as far any local consciousness is surrounded by similar consciousnesses which are forced to find jointly a support in the beingness surrounding them containing raging alive and lifeless, exchanging by information, changing the world and themselves.
However, brought to the end, concept of objectivity of the external, or world time which, by the human representations, flows in the material world in the absence of consciousness, is also absurd.
On the one hand, such a world, even if it exists, cannot reveal its existence. And in this sense, whether it exists or not is irrelevant. Therefore, it is meaningless to talk about time in such nothingness.
On the other hand, the presence of consciousness is only felt by a person without understanding its material essence, but with full awareness that only it makes him alive, coming from nowhere. This fact cannot but mean the otherworldliness of consciousness in relation to the beingness known to us, and along with that, - the need for it to be present in this beingness in the form of alive.
Apparently, the need for the presence of consciousness in the beingness, known to us, is caused by nothing other than the aspiration for changes, without which no development is possible for such an active phenomenon as consciousness. But the changes can only appear in the current time, which in itself manifests itself only together with space and material objects moving in it. That is, consciousness is forced to create this time with everything else, which it does.
How consciousness does this, one can only guess, but no one forbids offering certain hypotheses about the connection between time and consciousness, which is obvious.
Thus, time is an index of never of the stopping changes of the material objects for the human consciousness, and these changes can be represented as the course of events only for the top echelon of beingness to consciousness as to the material object which is capable to grasp both itself, and these changes, participating in them as the subject. Only this material top structure is capable to control consciously as itself, and all remaining, changing infinitely under influence of the internal and external influences, comprehending not only these changes themselves, but aiming to them, i.e. developing infinitely.
Consciousness is capable to transfer many changes of the material objects into information, i.e. into the data recognized by it.
Thus, the true "food" for the human consciousness is information: a person, consuming it can grasp himself in "now", which is formed by consciousness.
"Now" (the present) of a person are the data, processed in his consciousness through the corresponding organs from information packets which providing the moving picture of interaction of the person with the environment surrounding him outwardly and containing inside of him.by sequential appearance with the pause which isn't fixed by a person required for copying and transfer information to consciousness from the corresponding objects,
This as if the self-moving picture, reminding the movie which a person watches and, at the same time, in which he participates, is the sequence of the events perceived by him from everywhere on which he anyway responds, considering, evaluating them from the side or taking a direct part in them. When he watches the events occurring round him every day, they are represented to him by time flowing round him, and when he participates in them, they become by his life. It is own time of a person. It does not accompany him like the independent external time, but it is formed by him immediately.
This passing of a person through beingness by means of "now" which is formed by the discrete processing of the information packets coming into his consciousness every moment, people can't comprehend during millennia, expressing different opinions and raising various questions: What is actually "now" of the human"? Why it, to all appearances, lasts and, at the same time, disappears irrevocably? The external time and the present of the human coincide or not?
The own time of a person differs from the external time that each instant for a person is his "now", and all his life from the birth till death is inscribed in sequence of these instants - he passes all own life in "now" which is formed by himself. Along with that, his life occupies a certain interval of the external time. Therefore, as it seems, after any moment of human life, except moment of the birth, all moments, which passed irrevocably, are situated; and up to any moment of human life except the moment of death are situated remaining moments. This feature together with impossibility for the person to notice discreteness of moments of life is the base for formation in consciousness of the person of representation that the material present moment of life is absent, but there is a certain non-material edge between the past and future in the flowing time.
The paradox of the own time of a person is in the fact that his consciousness, being within the external time, along with that, is being held all life in "now" in spite of the fact that in relation to external time which cyclically repeats (days, years), every moment of the human life immediately goes away to the past forever.
Possessing "now", more precisely, being during life in it always, a person is capable to perceive all current changes of the environment, which are represented to him as events, and, realizing himself, to participate in them, modifying by own understanding this environment. Otherwise, the aware life for him would become impossible he couldn't separate himself in own consciousness from the environmental.
Therefore, the own time of a person is the information process representing itself copying of changes of the material objects surrounding a person, in the form of the irreversible sequence of the discrete durations (instants) bearing information and merging in consciousness in a picture of the surrounding which is changing incessantly and in which he is able to interfere consciously.
The own time of a person is within the framework of the external time, and a person confounds unconsciously own time, which is imperceptible for him due to the deep formation of this time by an irreversible sequence of the discrete, information-bearing durations, with clearly observable by him the external, world time.
Therefore, a person watches himself only in external time with its periods: days, months, years, measured in conventional units - seconds, minutes and hours.
In other words, a person loses sight of his own time, although it is it that makes up his life and manifests itself in slowing down or accelerating his actions during the life, whereas the stable external time is being given to him vividly. That is, a person only senses the outer side of the process of forming his present time without comprehension it.
The external time, marked by man as the only one, flows indifferently through the years in accordance with the revolutions of Earth around the Sun during billions of years by the human reckoning, and a person cannot influence these global cyclical changes, but he even now cannot compare the indifference of external time in relation to him with the time of his life, the basis of which is just his own time, or his present, and which he is more or less able to manage, not understanding what he manages, but manages based on his own aspirations and intentions, not noticing his own present, but stubbornly analyzing the external time, unsuccessfully trying with all his might to discover its attachment to himself.
That is, being in the external time visible to him, a person does not notice the sliding own time, considering each moment of his present as an ephemeral boundary between the past and the future in view of the quite real external time, as if carrying him.
The relation of time to a person as an objective and along with that subjective phenomenon has been noted still by Aristotle and he quite clearly formulated the concept of external time, indicating that it is associated with the movement of the celestial sphere, being objective in this regard.
But, along with that, Aristotle absolutely fairly has marked that "if time the measure of motion, it assumes number because there where is a measure, there is also a number, and the number should be counted by someone" [1]. Here Aristotle has hinted that time is being fixed exactly by consciousness. Actually, it is equivalent to ascertaining of the fact of problematical character of existence of time outside consciousness.
Newton has specified the concept of the external time, having designated it as a measure of duration by means of which it is possible to evaluate intervals of these or those processes for their comparing [2].
I. Kant, in fact, agreed with Aristotle's hint as regards of the fact that outside consciousness time isn't present: "Time isn't something objective and real , and it is an objective condition which is necessary by the nature of human intelligence for coordination among itself sensually perceived by a certain law, and - pure contemplation" [3].
Hegel also didn't object to this idea of Kant: "Time as the negative unity of beingness outside of itself is such something wholly the abstract and the ideal; it is beingness which existing, doesn't exist, and, without existing, exists, - the contemplate formation But not in time everything arises and occurs, and time itself is this formation " [4].
Aristotle, developing some hints of Heraclitus on the fluidity of life and on the fact that "from flow of time, which is whirled aimlessly is born logo " [5], selects out of a problem of time the problem of "the present", naming it "now". He asks: " "Now" is part of time or not? Always "now" is same or not? Or "now" is different each occasion? Does "now" associate the past and the future or it separates them? Is "now" divisible? Whether is motion in "now"? Or "now" is calmness? Where does "now" disappear? And generally, what is "now"?" [1].
Thereby, Aristotle has pointed out difference of the present time of a person from the external time and he even tried to define "now" in his responses, however, unsuccessfully so as the mechanism of formation of "now", or the own time for consciousness remained to him by unknown.
Augustine in the middle Ages developing Aristotle's idea about the present time, or "now", supposes "now" as the subjective time, or as the change of perceptions. He also supposes that there is the past, which is given in memory, and the future, given in waiting, together with the present time. Time, essentially, encompasses the events that are irreversible. Time itself finds itself in soul: "Certain these three times exist in our soul and anywhere in another place I don't see them And how we can measure the present when it has no duration?" Augustine takes the present past and the present future for the duration, and for time - the present of the present [6].
Though Augustine in compliance with the concept of the subjective time considers that there is in beingness the past and the future together with the present, he, surprisingly, accurately marked what exactly in consciousness, or soul exists "now" which passes irreversibly. However, he, as well as Aristotle, considers that the present time has no duration, artificially transferring it on a combination of the past, the present and the future.
Actually, the present time has duration, containing some phases, the past is manifested only in the present instant in the form of the required data from memory, and the future can be manifested in "now" only as the speculative construction on the basis of the extrapolation of what consciousness has at the concrete moment in databases available to it.
S. Kierkegaard believes that time is an infinite sequence. However, he denies existence of the past and the future. As for a present, then, according to Kierkegaard, it is impossible to determine of it. However, he believes that "now" is infinite disappearance, and the eternal is the true present [7].
Really, Kierkegaard in the positing of time as the infinite sequence hinted at existence of the external time. Along with that, he has been subtly noticed "the infinite" both in "the eternal", and in a disappearing instant of "now".
However, it only seems that the instant of "now" disappears completely. Actually every moment, giving place to the next moment, remains in "now" in the form of that memory which can be reproduced at any time in the corresponding moment of "now". "Now" comprises in itself everything for the human consciousness because it is formed by consciousness in the specific duration and in the irreversible sequence.
Henri Bergson has made attempt to define "now" on the basis of the evolution and becoming. He has marked that self-development of a system determines a current of the own internal time [8]. At the same time, Bergson refuses in representation of the own time as "now". He doesn't imagine the specific duration without the past: "In fact, our activities aren't the moments replacing each other, then permanently there would be only the present, there would be neither continuation of the past in the present, nor the evolution, nor the specific duration" [9].
Thus, Bergson couldn't represent the present, or "now" as the process developing in sequences of the moments being by a condition of human activities, withdrawal for limits which for consciousness is possible only in imagination. The permanent existence of "now" doesn't mean at all absence of development, duration as far every instant of "now" has the duration during which from memory, just as from computer databases, this or that information can be requested and received. Information, again in "now", but not in the past or in the future, is used for the human activities. Unlike this approach, Bergson supposes that consciousness really "captures" the passing moments: "The pure duration is the form which accepts the sequence of our states of consciousness when our "I" simply live when it doesn't set the distinction between the present states and that preceded them" [8].
E. Husserl suppose that " in case of switching off of the natural world cosmic time is replaced by the phenomenological the necessary form which links experiences with experiences... this time is not measured by the position of the sun, or using hours, or by any means of physics to the thesis of the world the world is accidental opposes the thesis of my pure "I", - the life of my "I" which is "necessary", absolutely undoubted" [10].
These theses of Husserl mean de-facto recognition of the external time by him and, along with that, - opposition by him of external time to experiences which, in essence, are the present of his "I" for him. He even goes further in the opposition of life of own "I" to some accidental world, beingness. However, Husserl couldn't associate with consciousness both types of time marked by him, as and - with beingness. Like many philosophers-idealists, he has recognized as the doubtless only the life of his "I".
However, the world isn't accidental for consciousness, it is necessary for consciousness, at this, the present, or "I" for consciousness is the formation of conditions for life of consciousness in the sequential and irreversible chain of instants upon the most direct involvement of beingness.
Heidegger's thesis that self-consciousness is possible because there is a finite existence, absolutely fairly let know that the eternity gives to consciousness its infinite dipping in the finite. Really, only in finite the consciousness can find the support for itself beingness. However, instead of coming to understanding of that a condition of determination of consciousness in the finite, or in its own time is sequential, discrete instants of "now" in which consciousness contacts with beingness, Heidegger claims that is available the past, the present, the future, they are equally initial with a primacy of the future. Besides, he supposes that time is the attribute of beingness which is being temporalized, proceeding from the future [11].
This approach of Heidegger to time shows misunderstanding by him of "now" as single real support of consciousness on beingness thanks to which consciousness receives own life every instant. Naturally, all remaining reasonings of Heidegger on time aren't quite adequate.
J. P. Sartre recognizes time only coming to the world through a person as the property of the soul experiencing it. Time, supposes he, is the permanent evasion of consciousness from identity with itself, and it exists in the form of three temporal states: the past, the present and the future. The past, Sartre considers, turns out by the present if the past expresses it: "I am my past and if I am not present, my past won't exist longer than me or someone else. The past won't have more communications with the present. It definitely doesn't mean that it won't exist, but only that its beingness will be unopened. I am the single in whom my past exists in this world" [12]. Sartre equates present to the instantaneous comprehension "now" or "nothingness" in correlation with the past and the future: " if we isolate the person during a moment on the island of his present and if all modes of his beingness become as intended by the nature to the eternal present, we will remove considerably all methods of his rational relation to the past" [12]. Future, according to Sartre, is unrealizable so as at the time of achievement of the purpose it passes into the past: "The valid future is possibility of such present which I continue in myself and which is extension of the valid in itself. My future involves as future existence the outline of future world" [12].
Sartre had no knowledge of the mechanism of formation of the present time for human consciousness. Therefore, he could only guess something in phenomenon of "the present". And he guessed a lot of things. In particular, he considered that time comes to the world only through a person.
Really, without consciousness, which is present at a person, the world is dead, more precisely the world can't be present since there is no one to take him into his hugs, since all other living beings are not aware time, although they are forming it.
Absolutely fairly Sartre has noted that the past exists via the present, and the future is connected to the present.
And still Sartre considers the past, the present and the future as forms of time whereas really for consciousness exists only "now" in which there is always the past, and the future is originated. Sartre, on the contrary, equate "now", or present" to nothingness" probably because he does not assume existence of duration at the instant of the present.
I. Prigogine has also marked that the idea of the direction of the internal time, the irreversibility of changes in system arises owing to complexity of such open systems which are far from equilibrium and possess many degrees of freedom [13].
Thus, Prigogine as well as most of the above - mentioned thinkers, has noticed existence of the present time and its directive it.
As for subjectivity of time, it is related not only to the individual consciousness, - "now" in the same way is own time for cumulative consciousness, in particular, consciousness of mankind. All its history is always present into its present. And to change this history or "to creep" in the future still any people or a civilization didn't manage the same as any person didn't manage to get to own past or the future.
It is necessary to state nevertheless that most of all thinkers, stated above, having marked fairly existence of the own time, or "now" for a person, didn't open the mechanism of manifestation of "now".
They also did not take into account its fundamental nature for the functioning of all system of beingness, since the present time is formed by consciousness by copying information about the environment, that is, without changing the copied objects, without thereby destroying beingness, and all these objects, including living beings, take part in the energy material exchange only during subsequent mutual activity in the present.
So, the considerations that the external time and the own time isn't present outside consciousness, aren't absurd at all if to proceed from existence in beingness of the material consciousness which only one is capable to select information from surrounding about its changes, to fix them, and to use for the own purposes. That is, it is consciousness that forms time by "passing" information flows through its own carrier.
Eternity, actually, for consciousness, are an infinite discrete dips in finite existence where consciousness can form own time. I.e. there is no infinite smooth current of time for consciousness, and in this sense there is no eternity for consciousness as continuous current of time. Time for each living being is created by consciousness through its own carriers (living) in the finite, and it is its own.
In other words, the concept of time is meaningless without the living beings, just as it is meaningless to imagine beingness which is existing in infinite change without consciousness in it, since changes are needed only for consciousness, more precisely, only it can initiate and perceive them.
Changing material objects must have a place for themselves and for interactions with each other (space), and these changes cannot but have a certain duration.
It turns out that material objects, space and time, more exact, the changes of the material objects coincide so as without each of them there can't be also others. Plato was right in this regard, when claimed that there is something the invariable, the constant, the identical to itself, on the one hand, and changing, flowable, on the other hand [14].
More vastly Parmenides was expressed in this regard. He claimed, that there is nothing apart from of beingness; beingness by nobody and by nothingness is generated, and non-being doesn't exist; beingness has neither the past, nor the future, beingness is the pure present; it is fixed, uniform, perfect and limited [15].
Thus, the integrity of beingness is divided on three components - the past, the present and the future - only in imagination, and imagination has only consciousness. Therefore, the division of beingness could arise only with consciousness and only for consciousness, more precisely, for his development. Otherwise, beingness in a division isn't present since there is no one to know about it: beingness for own existence in own division can't but include into itself consciousness as one of own material objects.
Our approach to time, apparently, allows now with some approximation to truth to respond to a number of questions about the essence of time. The adequate responses are absent still on some of these questions raised thousands years ago, responses are available on other questions as, for example, at Aristotle or A. Bergson, but they follow from traditional understanding of time or they are based on the insufficient base and therefore need adjustment.
1. The modern science supposes that information is transferred from the past to the future, assuming this consideration the principal.
Time in the human consciousness, as it is supposed, is the conditional comparative measure of changes of the material objects. A person watches the periodic movements of the sun and stars in the sky on which he can't affect at all, digitizes on the periods, seen by him, conditional intervals days, monthes, years, and supposes therefore that he lives in this time. It is manifested as the external time for him, and his life passes in it, flowing away irrevocably.
However, he senses the periodic changes of planets, stars only through a prism of his presence, or the own present, assuming their existence in the future and the past only owing to recurrence of these periodic changes because he can't to get to the future and the past.
He takes his idea of the external time upon the own time, supposing that before him exists, unlike the external repeating time (tomorrow the sun will ascend, and yesterday it ascended), still absolutely unknown, hidden time which he names the future, and also exists the events, clear for him, but which departed forever which can be only taken from memory or databases. A person characterizes these events upon the fact as the past, whither everything leaves, remains there, but is replenished every moment. I.e. a person as if objectifies the past and the future, refusing to understand that he really lives only in the present. In other words, his past is manifested only in his "now", and the future isn't manifested in any way or it is possible to say concerning it otherwise: the future is manifested, as Augustine spoke, in waiting. However, need to say, at some point it can no come.
A person supposes that he can, knowing the past, extrapolate it into the future, for example, also as the movement of planets, having corrected it in his imagination. The science considers this process as transfer of information to the future.
However, even with the formal position is impossible to transfer what has not, in fact, in that has not happened yet. Actually, any information undertakes from the available database during moments of the present sequentially because only during these moments it really exists to use it not in the mythical future, and for formation of subsequent moments of the present time. It is impossible to get something from the past which is digitized out of the present backward by the external time, but really is absent as well as it is impossible to transfer something to the future neither that, nor another isn't present, more precisely, they exist within the framework of the external time only in imagination of a person . However, all that out of the past that remained in databases, being manifested in some moments of "now", it is valid, capable to be reflected in the subsequent moments of "now", since can influence the process of the conscious selection of information that happens only in the present. Thus, it would be an error to name this effect as the transfer of information from the past into the future. This effect is manifested only in the present, i.e. in a concrete moment of life which compose all together irreversible sequence in which each of moments, having manifested, right there leaves us, but they are not manifested, anyway, in the sequence of moments simultaneously.
Difference of view of the ordinary person about the past in comparison with its representations about the future consists, in particular, in the fact that the future is absent for him in any form, except imaginations, assumptions, whereas the past seems to a person existing really. In the past, on his representation, should be gathered, as in a moneybox, all that passes through a person into the present, though, actually, all accumulated information is in the databases available to the person only in his sliding present.
The permanent existence of the present doesn't mean at all absence of changes as far every moment the present has a certain duration, during which from memory, as from computer databases, this or that information can be requested and received. This information is being added to arriving again almost changing continuously that allows projecting the further course of events with skill. However, all this too happens in the present, but not in the future. The confusion in these concepts occurs as a result of representation of each present instant as the ephemeral boundary between the past and the future, whereas the present is a certain duration during which occurs a receiving and processing not only the information from the external sources surrounding the carrier of consciousness, but also already accumulated information which is available to consciousness currently. This process goes sequentially from one instant to the following - without stopping for consciousness, since the organs of the carrier of consciousness do not have time to fix the pauses between instants technically because these pauses are below the threshold of sensations, and therefore do not fall into consciousness.
It is probable therefore people divide it in the representation upon the past, the present and the future.
Thereby, information appears not from the past and not from the future which aren't present in reality, but is formed by the separate portions in the present arriving for processing by consciousness, that occupies a certain part of every instant in their sequence. This process goes every moment and has specific duration.
The general information packet for every moment passes to brain neurons from different human organs in the form of the sequences of nervous pulses, in each of which the relevant information is included. The speed of distribution of the nervous pulses fluctuates in the range from 1 m/s to 120 m/s. Frequency and character of the pulse sequence, bearing, in particular, the visual information, depend on intensity and spectral content of light, and value and duration of each separate pulse does not depend by nature and powers of irritation.
Directly after the pulse generation, the nervous fiber is in, a so-called, the refractory state and can't be excited again during 1-2 milliseconds, i.e. the nervous fiber is able to conduct nervous pulses with a frequency not higher than 500 Hz. The duration of the pulse which is passing along a nervous fiber makes shares of millisecond in every moment, and, in principle, there can't be more than a lag time, i.e. than the duration of restoration of a nervous fiber (a refractory state).
The pause between the nervous pulses, containing information, means that they don't go continuously. However, this pause together with shorter interval of processing of a signal in every moment is below a threshold of sensations and therefore doesn't get to consciousness: in particular, the moving picture for consciousness of a person is provided with an interval between the running consecutive shots about 0.04 seconds, which makes the specified threshold. Its duration, as can be seen, more than an order of the magnitude greater than the duration of a pause. Therefore, the forming the discrete sequential moments of the own time of a person, which include in its sequence all patterns and all events of life for a person, merge in the continuous, indivisible flow in his consciousness.
Here, in this process the own time of a person arises. It is a condition for modification of the surrounding in case of which he, partially instinctively, automatically, partially consciously selects from the environment, which can be infinitely various only those data which give in to decryption by his sensations, or information. It is possible to name this condition as the own time of a person because in it arise sequentially the moments, formed by him alone, in the form of a moving picture of the surrounding in which the events occur, and he can be involved in them directly, that makes up his life.
As for the external time, it is reflection of fixing by a person of changes of the material objects in the present. The changes are independent of him, unavailable to him, i.e. it is an external border of his life. The own time of a person, or his "now", unlike the external time, is formed by him, but - as if within external time, receiving from it certain duration, through information impact on the environment the result of which are the changes - conscious or no, which the person brings by the actions into the environment on the basis of the information received by him.
This process distinguishes all lowest alive from the highest alive so as only a person is capable to comprehend own "now" and even to imagine the past and the future. And, for example, animals can imagine nothing in particular, there is neither past, nor the future for them, and they only sense own present, but no more.
Thereby, the lifetime of a person, if to associate it with the information process, is the present time for him that, apparently, he intuitively understood long ago, having designated it so, but not differently. This fact doesn't denial of the processes of change of the material objects, including a person and the world in general. On the contrary, it leads to awareness of that beingness is infinite in the changes, but being manifested in finite human life through consciousness, beingness is being provided him only as those fragments which the consciousness via the apparatus of sensations, which it has, is capable to recognize. Consciousness recognizes them as if by means of the point sequential poking via the own carrier in surrounding him and further it is capable to accumulate the selecting information, to carry out the theoretical and pilot researches on its basis, i.e. to learn available to him the surrounding by the means which it has.
The worm in apple lives only in one measurement of space having the ability to move only progressively: the material objects for the worm - only fruit flesh and seed. He senses "now" as own time in essence upon the change of the flavoring sensations and by the own digestion, but the external time for the worm generally doesn't exist as far it can't sense the external time at all, without seeing the moon, the sun - nothing.
Such limitation of the lowest consciousness in alive is determined only by its instinctive information impact on environment with the receipt of sensation products from it without their awareness. The human consciousness, having higher level, can get from beingness somewhat larger in our "now". We in case of contact with environment are able to comprehend own actions. However, who guarantees absence of consciousness of higher level? Beingness opens for this consciousness absolutely other fragments in "now", corresponding already to another set of feelings and to other opportunities of this consciousness.
With this finite life of the carrier of consciousness in its own time is being connected the infinity of consciousness, which is expressed in it. In this present time, consciousness can, through its own carrier, both live and develop itself in countless lives, largely independently constructing its own existence from the suitable fragments of beingness in competition with similar forms of the consciousness.
The fact that the manifestation of time as a reflection of changes in beingness is possible only in the presence of consciousness is also illustrated by the fact that in its subsequent final incarnations, the consciousness of a person, or his soul, cannot fall into some future or past, which do not exist, since everything in beingness located in the present, but it can fall where it aspires: in our understanding, it can be, for example, a civilization on the planet of one or another universe, which is at suitable level of development.
In an infinity (otherworldly), from where the consciousness (soul), seems, to appear, time is absent. Therefore, the consciousness itself seeks what it needs at the moment of death of the next human-carrier for change and possible development, corresponding to the level of its understanding of itself, and merges into the flow of life in what it has found, creating there its present within the framework of the existing external time.
2. Aristotle naming the present as "now", has formulated the question so: "Is "now" by part of the time?"
His response is as follows: "Now" - not part of time because by part of time is measured integer, which is composed out of parts, "now" doesn't measure time and time is not composed out of "now". "Now" is an extreme limit of the past beyond which there is no the future still, and a limit of the future beyond which there is no the past "Now" is indivisible. If it was divisible, then in case of mobility of boundary the future would come into the past, the past - into the future" [1].
We have shown above that the Aristotelian "now", or the instant of the present is composed of several parts which can be measured the integer (whole) according to the logic of Aristotle. If these parts make up the present, then it is time but not the limit of the past or the future which, if only the present is time, do not apply to time. Thus, if the present is integer (whole), it is not part of time, but it is true time of a person as well as any living being.
This argument gives the answer and to Aristotle's question about divisibility of "now". He considered it by indivisible, but "now" turns out as the process of receiving, processing and comprehension of information, i.e. it consists from the different stages and is by sequence of information packets which are processed the same fashion.
The same proof shows that "now" isn't the boundary between the past and the future as Aristotle considered so as there is only "now" really for the human consciousness; at this, if all moments of life, which have turned out in the past anyway in the form of information are accumulated in memory and can be manifested in the present, since they, being replenished, don't disappear from the present anywhere, being there in every instant in the form of stored the databases, then the future remains by unknown for consciousness. A person, of course, can expect this or that, make different assumptions, create projects. However, in the next moment, everything expected may not appear or acquire completely unexpected appearance, a person oneself can change the mind, go crazy, also as well as all mankind.
The following question raised by Aristotle, is as follows: "Is "now" identical always? Or is "now" miscellaneous every time?"
He answers this question so: "Since "now" connects, it is identical to itself always but since it separates, it is not identical, but - a miscellaneous".
This response of Aristotle is based again on the recognition by him of the real existence of the past and the future. Therefore, this response isn't correct. From shown by us above follows that "now", or every instant of the present time is formed on the basis of the information packet which the contents depend from the environment, which changes practically always. So, filling of each information packet, as a rule, is different.
"Whether is motion in "now"? Or "now" is calmness?", Aristotle asks, and responds: "There is neither motion, nor calmness in "now" because there are no parts in it."
As far "now", or each instant of present is information process in which information arrives from the information source to consciousness where this information is manifested, replenished with data from memory, and processed in the appropriate centers producing in consciousness images of the reality, thoughts about them and about itself as well as emotions so far as "now" isn't in calmness.
Where does "now" disappear? Aristotle asks the following question. He, as we saw higher, doesn't refer "now" as time, and considers it by the limit both the past, and the future [1].
Actually, as far neither the past, nor the future in reality isn't present, "now" cannot go away from a human anywhere, and, being by the true time of a person in which is his consciousness, "now" exists always during life of a person in the form of each of the sequential instants.
3. What is "now", or the present?
Presumably that "now" of a person is the information process representing the changes of the material objects through the irreversible sequence of the discrete instants merging in consciousness in the continuous flow.
4. Have or have no universes the beginning in time?
Beingness as whole can't exist outside consciousness, since it can't be manifested without consciousness, what is possible only in time, which to a certain extent is the consequence of fixing by each individual consciousness of the changes of beingness. Therefore, consciousness takes beingness over time for own development in infinity through the finite. No beginning or the end for such development can be because an infinity is not restricted to anything.
Only the process of the realization of the infinite is carried out in the finite universes following each other in the external (common) time being updated by a single consciousness.
5. Why does time flows? Why does time flows always in the same direction?
The single reason of current of time and its one-directivity, or irreversibility, is consciousness.
Beingness can exist only together with consciousness. If to admit absence of consciousness in beingness, beingness becomes senseless, more precisely, it can be imagined as nothingness, zero, potentially comprising everything into itself. Nevertheless, there is nothing to do the active (consciousness) in this nothingness: consciousness can't exist without development without development it simply isn't present. So, beingness together with consciousness can't but be as changing without any restrictions since in the presence of such development of consciousness stops. Therefore, consciousness in beingness develops infinitely. On the other hand, in infinity isn't present the end and the beginning. Hence that consciousness for own determination and development should "cut out" from infinity the intervals of beingness, i.e. the finite corresponding to own level of development,
This finite can't be anything or to be simply shapeless as for changes are required for development of consciousness in beingness, i.e. something in what these changes could happen, a place for placement of this something, a place for its changes and fixing of these changes in order to consciousness could accept the fact of these changes.
In other words, in order to the development of consciousness could take place, beingness should be manifested in the form of the material objects which need a place that is reflected in space, and which can't be stiffened that is reflected in their changes, flowability of everything, or in time. And the space and time are only conditions for the changes of the material objects including consciousnesses - quite material object of beingness, themselves neither the space, nor time don't exist. Therefore, it is senseless to look for the quanta of time as the measures of motion of a matter time in itself is only in the mind, reflecting changes of the material objects. It is possible only to designate conditionally every instant of the sequences of own time of the person as time quantum having specific duration about several milliseconds.
The space also has no independent value so as it is being created in time by the material objects themselves: it is illustrated well by the extending Universe, the objects of which according to its extension borrow more and more a place. When the Universe starts collapsing, then and the space will curdle together with the objects of the Universe.
You will tell, here a person died, but houses stand, the sky is still blue still there for us, but for the dead, apparently, everything disappeared. Really, all so: for us everything remains as before because we are still living and we are in the own time ("now"), but also for the consciousness of the dead everything doesn't disappear: instead of former "slice" of beingness it falls into a different reality, in which there is no time. Therefore, each individual consciousness immediately flows into a new finite for its subsequent self realization.
Herewith, the new finite for consciousness can't be the future in our understanding, since the local consciousness can choose for oneself an interval of an infinite beingness anywhere, but only in accordance with the level of its development, that is, without running ahead - into what will happen to it in our understanding.
For example, for us it can be the past, if the consciousness wants to take part in the past events again, correcting what did not work out here. And it can prove oneself on another planet with an epoch close to the desired events (even in another universe), while the future any individual consciousness can only project. Otherwise, the development process loses its meaning.
This happens because the individual consciousness is not in the flow of time independent of it, but forms its own present (own time) within of the framework of the external (common) time formed by a single consciousness of the holographic projection of an infinity out of time, in which there are any epochs of the development of the material objects at this level the development of a single consciousness [16].
That is, consciousness doesn't disappear and doesn't appear, and it changes the dislocation for own reasons which depend on its level, interests, individuality as well as from interests and directivity of integer (whole) the conditional particle of which is the individual consciousness.
The past for the highest consciousness, or the consciousness, which is aware of itself, - only memory. Memory is manifested in its "now", creating real pictures of the past in imagination of consciousness, unlike the lowest, instinctive consciousness which the its present is only sensing, but doesn't understand that it is in own "now", and simply lives in it.
Paradoxically, but the lowest consciousness is closer to truth here as far there is only one present in reality for usual alive here without any fantasies and aware enterprises. Whereas the local highest consciousness is capable to imagine much for oneself and about oneself. This - the flip side of that it is aware oneself, i.e. is capable to be mistaken. However, on the other hand, it is quite good for the highest consciousness because forces it to look for and find way out of, apparently, desperate situations which the consciousness itself, as a rule, creates.
The irreversibility of time is required for development of consciousness in the finite. Otherwise, consciousness instead of development would receive simply some changes, that is, his activity would be meaningless in this, in fact, chaos. The irreversibility of time for consciousness, or copying of data about surrounding it without energetic and/or material changes of this surrounding, allows not to "disturb" the world, not bring any changes during the information impact that, actually, makes life possible. In other words, in case of interaction, as a rule, the objects are changed, without saving initial (before the interaction) state including change also bodies living beings, but consciousness doesn't participate directly in this "natural" exchange, it only makes copies objects, without destroying them, saving thereby the natural course of the observed processes.
But, absorbing information from the objects, consciousness changes itself. As a result, it doesn't introduce instability to the world and doesn't destruct itself, nevertheless changing. I.e. the life is possible only in the conditions of originally one-sided information impact of one object on another without destruction last with acquisition of data by the first from the second or during a mutual interchange of data without own destruction. Sequential making by consciousness of copies of data on changing material objects changes also consciousness, cutting off the road to a return into a former status in the ratio with a former state of the material objects.
Only the living objects are capable to such action, in addition to usual energetic and/or material exchange. The hopelessness of irreversible changes also doesn't allow to relax to consciousness, doesn't turn the life into game in which it is possible to correct everything. Irreversibility of occurring events leading to death, impossibility to correct a lot of things out of deeds, makes the life by the tragic and creates for consciousness so necessary to it for development the resistance of the environment, in the absence of which the continuous happiness the consciousness would fall into stagnation, or, on the contrary, - in continuous chaos the consciousness would be lost. Therefore, instants of "now" appear sequentially, but don't congeal at blissful calmness and don't lose the sequence.
Thus, time is manifested in the form of the external time for each individual consciousness fixing for this consciousness the external changes on which consciousness at this stage of development isn't capable to interfere. These changes are manifested for human consciousness in the current cyclic movement of planets, stars, oscillations of atoms etc. In comparison with these changes the consciousness of a person determines duration of the events happening with him as well as - with other material objects which are within reach of its sensations and comprehension.
Thereby, time is reflection of changes of beingness in our consciousness consciousness fixes for itself through it these changes, and time flows in consciousness according to these external changes, which are independent of consciousness, in particular, within change of day at night, spring in the summer with annual repetitions, etc. Time would for the person flowed on the other in another coordinate system, having changed according to change of coordinate system.
However, a person is capable of interfering directly or indirectly with his environment according to his understanding or desire, being a motive force or a brake for it and, accordingly, for himself. Thus, he creates his own derivative of the environmental changes and, therefore, his own time, which can accelerate or slow down depending on his actions or inaction, even without his knowledge due to the changes in the dynamics of his centers capable of processing the incoming information [17].
Without one's own time, it would be pointless to talk about a person's life as well as, for example, about the life of a cobblestone. This process of forming a person's own time is carried out by his consciousness through the processing centers of the incoming information, although within the framework of the external time, but quite independently every moment.
In other words, during the processing of data from the sensory organs, which arrive sequentially in the form of separate decrypted information packets, these packets are converted into objects of the changing environment surrounding a person, that is, as that form, which turns out available directly or indirectly to his sense organs.
Subconsciously, a person divides these objects into those that are inaccessible to him, considering them to be located for him, as it were, in external time, and those that he considers available for actions with them, during which he is able to influence their changes and his own changes.
But it is difficult for a person to realize this division, since all these objects are in the general information flow.
Therefore, a person either does not notice the daily slowdown or acceleration of his own time, or considers these phenomena self-evident, or regards them as a miracle [17].
This process of a person's formation of time as the present, or his "now" to a large extent turns out to be a conscious human life, because in its events a person can in many ways more or less freely participate as an acting subject with goals, which are being determined to a large extent by himself, and not just using the animal instincts, not to mention passive objects. That is why he feels the departure of every moment of life, that is, his own time.
But every moment of life appears to his consciousness as a flow of time from the future into the past, although only the present exists for a human consciousness, in particular, because a person can feel, think and act only in it, but not in the past or in the future, moreover, the past does not remain somewhere behind, but always, that is, at any moment, is with him - in his or the general memory (databases) - and he can use it at any moment of his life if he will want and find or remember what he needs.
1. Aristotle. Metaphysics. Moscow, 1999.
2. Newton I. Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. - Krylov A. N. Coll. works, vol. 7. L. 1934.
3. Kant. On the form and causes of the sensible and the intelligible world. - The book. Works, Vol. 2. Moscow, 1964.
4. Hegel. Philosophy of Nature. - In the book. Encyclopedia of Philosophy. T. 2. M., 1975.
5. Fragments of Heraclitus. Materialists of ancient Greece. Collection of texts of Heraclitus, Democritus and Epicurus. Institute of Philosophy. Moscow, State Publishing House political literature. 1955.
6. Anthology of medieval thought. St. Petersburg. Publisher Russian Christian Humanitarian Institute. 2001.
7. The concept of fear. - M. Acad. Project. 2012.
8. Bergson. A. Collected Works, vol. 1 5. St. Petersburg. 1913-14.
9. A. Bergson. Creative Evolution. 2006, ch. 1. "On the evolution of life - the mechanism and the feasibility."
10. Husserl E. Collected Works. M.: Gnosis. House of intellectual books. 2001.
11. Heidegger M., Beingness and Time. M. Ad Marginem. 1997.
12. Sartre J. P. Beingness and Nothingness. Experience of phenomenological ontology. M. Republic. 2000.
13. Prigogine I., Stengers I. Time, chaos, quantum. The solution of the paradox of time. Moscow, 2003. 1975.
14. Plato. Works. Moscow, 1994.
15. A. V. Lebedev, Parmenides. New Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Institute of Philosophy. M., Thought. 2010. 978-5-244-1115-9.
16. Nizovtsev Y. M. The person as the hologram. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru; Amazon.
17. Nizovtsev Y. M. It's the other way around. Answers to tricky questions about interesting things (Collection). Part 2, 2. The explanation of the facts of acceleration and deceleration of time. 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru; Amazon
Chapter 6.
Time as an information product of alive.
The time factor is an integral element of consciousness, not existing outside of it. Consciousness of any living being is characterized by two types of time the own time of each living being (its present) and the external time, which is being formed by the whole totality of living beings. The first is, as it were, embedded in the second and therefore is not noted by a person.
It is known the approach, in compliance with which, owing to continuous movement, understood in broad sense as the relocation in space and development in time, the material objects change the states. The states of objects change along with that and in case of interactions with other objects.
From here follows that time envelops as the simple relocation of objects in space practically without the change of their structure, and their structural changes that is manifested in different interactions and can be perceived by consciousness in the form of the designations, data, traces, signals recognized, or decrypted by consciousness of the changes of the material objects, or information which, in turn, can be transferred to other consciousnesses directly or indirectly.
Information, or decrypted data, displays, designations are direct and clear in a certain degree for consciousness the reflection of change of states of material objects.
For example, the observation of a volcanic eruption creates direct knowledge of the object and its change perceived by consciousness in certain frames, information can also be mediated, in particular, transferred in a type of the text description of the same volcanic eruption or in the form of the television picture of eruption in this or that foreshortening.
Briefly, information can be defined as data on a state of the material objects which consciousness is capable to recognize when scanning surrounding by the means, which are at its disposal. The initiative in this process belongs to consciousness of the human, but not objects surrounding him.
For example, the text in the unfamiliar language will be the simple "noise", the certain data for consciousness, but not the designations which give in to decryption and awareness. And if decoding of the text is impossible for various reasons: in particular, owing to impossibility to decrypt some dead languages, this text can't be carried to information so as message in which any consciousness could find sense, the text doesn't bear.
Consciousness in the general context means not only consciousness of the person, but also consciousness of any living being as the certain structure capable to perceive these or those fragments of the reality surrounding him both integrally, and separately. Only those fragments of surrounding in the form of data are selected by consciousness which the consciousness is capable to recognize and, further, to use these decrypted data, or information for own needs instinctively for the lowest (animal) consciousness and partially instinctively, partially consciously for the highest, in this case - the human consciousness.
Information, or the deciphered data, designations, clarification and etc. are transmitted from the material objects through the material objects, for example, light, to the material objects, for example, to the instruments for the finite perception by consciousness of information. That is, without the material objects, including consciousness itself, information doesn't exist. It arises only in case of the selection by consciousness from the general "noise" of those data which the consciousness is capable to recognize partly instinctively, partly consciously for the highest consciousness (self-consciousness).
In other words, information arises only in consciousness by means of available for it, more precisely, at the carrier of consciousness of feelings, but not differently, being the quite material copy of an object or the objects which are available through feelings for consciousness and. which human consciousness can understand. Information can't be qualified as something non-material and independent, as far it is copies of data about objects selected and decrypted by consciousness from the boundless environment surrounding consciousness - some kind of "noise". The consciousness processes these deciphered copies of the fragments of the material objects in particular into images, meanings, emotions which are also the quite material components of consciousness entailing the subsequent actions of the carrier of consciousness. On their basis together with memory he interacts with environmental objects every moment of own "now".
Thus, all interactions of the being having consciousness are carried out in this end-to-end, irreversible process only on condition of arrival in his consciousness of the appropriate portions of information, each of which is processed, being laid down in a certain duration, making a row of sequential moments from the birth to death of the carrier of consciousness.
Actually, consciousness consists of the images, thoughts and feelings, backed up by memory, being, by virtue of its imperceptibility, apparently, a material copy of the local mind of some otherworldly, from other matter, which is being fixed in the local carrier of beingness known to us, revitalizing it and developing with it during earthly life.
The difference of the highest consciousness of the living being from the lowest consists in its self-consciousness - ability not only to understand own presence in the world as the separate being, but also the ability consciously to change this world both according to the ideas, and with the feelings, spontaneous desires, changing thus and own content fullness. Similar process is unavailable to neither animals, nor robots with any computer programs owing to absence at them of awareness of itself, so, freedom expressing in aspiration to the infinite development owing to an inescapable dissatisfaction with oneself.
Asymmetry in case of transfer of information from objects to consciousness, unlike material or energetic interactions of objects of our beingness explained partly by that consciousness has other qualitative nature - it is not the material object of three dimensional measurements of our Universe. Therefore, it can't exchange directly by substance or energy with objects of three dimensional measuremenst, but consciousness is capable through sensations of the carrier of consciousness unilaterally, restrictedly, selectively, but to perceive copies of data about environment, suitable for it, and then to process them by the corresponding centers of its carrier (living being) for own needs or purposes.
In other words, asymmetry of the selection by consciousness of information from the environment, or receiving information by consciousness without loss of substance and/or energy by source of the information is explained by one-sided scanning by consciousness of environment via own carrier during which the consciousness as if views objects of scanning without their change thanking only to copying of those data about them which the consciousness is capable to decrypt. Otherwise, if when receiving information by consciousness occurred the energetic and/or substance exchange of he same as it occurs in case of usual interactions of the material objects, both sides would change significantly up to their destruction, losing own original properties, and life wouldn't be possible in so unstable world. Exactly it occurs at the level which isn't associated with life. In particular, in case of quantum impacts of the instrument of observation on micro object, it becomes impossible to define its original properties owing to impact of instrument on it.
The difference between human consciousness and consciousness of other living beings in selection and information processing consists in that a person understands part of information and uses it not at the reflex and instinctive level as, for example, the animals. At this he realizes himself in this process, and the part of the received data uses consciously, making out of current and accumulated data the mental projects as self-active subject, i.e. the subject who changes environment according to these projects but not just only adapting to it as all remaining live beings.
Itself integral and changing from a moment to a moment picture, which is folded every moment in the human mind, is perceived and understood by him as his present, or the current time. This "now" (present) inflows as it seems to the human, from some unknown to him the future, and flows away somewhere back irretrievably - in the past, and in this time passes his life.
Anyway, it is clear that "now" provides interaction of the person with surrounding, or gives him life.
However, the past and the future exist only in human imagination, manifested in the present moment. The edge between the past and future seeming to people as the invisible, the impalpable, the non-material, is the quite material present, or "now" of the person, which is being created by himself. This present, or the own time of the person so the real that comprises in itself all his life. He lives just in it, but no in the last and no in the future.
We will mark at this that each of the sequential moments making lifetime of the person and which comprise in itself his life, is the quite material process of selection, copying, transmission of the prepared packets of the deciphered data about the objects, processing of these packets, and discontinuity (discreteness) of this process is caused by the technical pause separating the moments of own time of a person.
The information packets, received through the sensations, only in the processed form, that is, having transformed to images of environment, thought and emotions, make a moment, quite specific and various on filling and duration, so as the volume of the arriving information can change depending on a state of environment, from a state of the consciousness, from opportunities of fetch from memory of additional information. Each such moment, merging in consciousness with subsequent and so on, is represented to the person as his present time of life.
It follows that not time "falls down" from nowhere on the person, and human consciousness itself creates own time which therefore the person himself intuitively calls by the present.
The technical pauses between the sequential moments of manifestation in consciousness of the images environmental, as well as emotions and thoughts accompanying them, consciousness doesn't register.
Therefore, all sequential moments are merged in the uniform changing pattern which the person as consciousness within the framework of the carrier, that is, the aggregate acting subject, can not only watch but also he can interact with the surrounding.
For the person of an event happen only in his "now", and the past and the future arise only in his imagination manifesting itself just in the "now" in the form, respectively, of databases and projects.
A person thinks that actually there are the past and the future separated by the present as far he doesn't understand the mechanism of formation of the present and considers it by a product of the general temporal process in which the future, the present and the past exist really.
Actually, only one moment makes "now" of the person.
However, for a person, as, indeed, for all other living beings, whose consciousness, due to the physiological characteristics of each organism, is unable to note and register the pause between these brief moments, an irreversible sequence of the moments - the processed packets of information following one after another after a certain pause - is being represented by the passage of time that encapsulates his whole life, that is, all the events that take place with him from his birth to his death.
There is in each of these moments an integral selection at all levels of consciousness of data from environment which the consciousness is capable to recognize, and their processing, making finally "the shot" by clear for consciousness, on the basis of the accepted information with these or those corrections of already accumulated information, containing to databases of a person. Further process repeats. Procedure, thereby, is on techniques by the discrete, but on perception it by consciousness - the continuous.
This one-sided on directivity (asymmetrical) process of pulling by consciousness of information, or process of obtaining copies the surrounding, consists, thus, of three main phases: selection of fragments of environment (it is made by consciousness of a person partially consciously, but, generally by the automatic scanning covering and decrypting all available to consciousness out of the surrounding for preparation of next information packet), from which information will follow; copying and transference of the received data in the appropriate centers of consciousness of a person; its processing consisting in conversion of information packet into the images, meanings and emotions during which the instantaneous assessment of data is produced resulting the part of information is discarded or remains as hidden, and the rest is manifested for consciousness of a person like the shot after which is being manifested the similar shot with anyway the changed contents. Naturally, this process is under the control of a single consciousness, since each individual consciousness is an inalienable part of a single consciousness, which is a hologram outside the "limits" of beingness [1].
These "shots" are merged in consciousness in the moving picture so as the interval between them isn't fixed by consciousness and all process seems to a person as the continuous. The formation of each "shot" can fluctuate rather slightly on duration. This process goes from the birth to death of the person, without being interrupted even during a dream or a faint. Information arrives as outside, and from the organs containing in a person and the processes proceeding in them.
This information procedure is the discrete, the automatic for all alive. As a result, the adaptation of all live to the environment is carried out. However, the person together with this is capable also to target selection of information, i.e. to perception of the objects interesting him for conscious transformation of these objects according to in advance planned projects.
"Now" (the present) is represented to us as the continuous process because it is similar to movement of the movie with sequentially distributed shots with a certain speed. Thereby the total impression of the surrounding environment, which changes in a certain order, is created. This impression is comprehended and interpreted by a person in a different way, depending on quality of individual consciousness. Formation of "now", or own time of a person differs from usual perception in that the last creates a individual sensual image according to the appropriate task of consciousness, and the remaining at this is discarded. "Now" covers everything that consciousness is capable to decrypt and use for itself in limits, which are possible for him, without fixing only one or several objects. Process doesn't interrupt even in a dream consciousness, which "feeds off" by information, functions in live object always, scooping information from within and outside of a body-carrier, leaving a body only after his death. The set of the live objects on the planet, forming the unidirectional moving of information, creates opportunity for course of information process on all available channels counting on the general consumption. Significant information in human communities is fixed anyway and stored for the guaranteed access.
The unidirectional "motion", which we call by the present time, or lifetime, without similar asymmetrical action of uncountable consciousnesses in beingness, wouldn't exist in a form known to us for each consciousness.
At this, only people, unlike all remaining objects of the material world known to us including the live objects, are capable to comprehend this objective process, although and very often in the distorted form.
The result of this distortion is their representation that the processed information postponed in their personal memory, the general databases as well as that information which was discarded as erratic or unnecessary, is their real past, and the arriving information - their real future. Besides, the present time is represented to them as an imperceptible moment between the past and the future, and set of these imperceptible moments - as the current time.
If we return to reviewing of the formation of the own time of the person as, substantially, to the information process, the known fact of accelerate and deceleration of time becomes explainable.
Really, time can be decelerated and be accelerated in consciousness depending on the maintenance of moments. For example, almost not changing maintenance of moments, or packets of accepted information (events almost no) creates the effect of deceleration of time the day stretches infinitely; the various maintenance of moments creates effect of an acceleration of time the day passes imperceptibly.
Thus, sequentially coming copies of these or those data from the material objects, surrounding consciousness of the person, supply him the information "food" which he permanently "digests", comprehending and emotionally experiencing it. The result of this repeatable procedure out of three specified phases in every moment makes the own lifetime of a person in which he sees, hears, feels all remaining, thinks, acts and which is his "now". If to take every instant, more precisely, the process of formation of information packet passing during less than a millisecond in nervous fibers and neurons of a brain with its processing in consciousness, this process is the quite material, it is only represented to the person as ephemeral boundary between the past and the future.
Perhaps, it will seem to someone paradoxical, but these discrete, sequential information moments reflecting respectively all external events, which the consciousness is capable to accept, are his true time, or "now".
Consciousness dwells in this present time within the external, or world time. The present time is characteristic only for living beings. In this discrete on processing present time just can be manifested such interaction of object with the environment as life. And the fundamental distinction, for example, of an amoeba consuming and processing information from the objects surrounding it similarly of the human, from the person, consists only that the person comprehends himself in this process, separating himself from the restremaining in appearing at him, as the result, the images, thoughts, emotions, but not simply automatically reacts on impact the environment adapting to it. However, a person doesn't sense discreteness of this information process. As a result, he doesn't comprehend the independence of this process arising because of its asymmetry, irreversibility by compared with the changes, happening with lifeless material objects. Though, in essence, thanks to this asymmetry a person falls out of a row of other material objects becoming the live and comprehending being.
Therefore, the ordinary person supposes that he is only in the external, or world time. This time is watched by him as the real, it flows for him continuously and he conditionally divides time for convenience of life on intervals between some phenomena which he names the periods of time. The most explicit and significant periods of time for a person are those, which are connected to the natural cycles: the days reflecting a complete revolution of Earth round its pivot-center, as well as night, day, seasons, the annual cycle reflecting a complete turnover of Earth round the Sun. The world time, external for a person, in fact, in real human life reflects the periodic changes of the material objects. In this regard it exists objectively, more precisely, in its relative units, for example, it is possible to estimate the changes of the material objects and till origin of living beings on Earth.
Actually, the external time is the changes of the material objects felt by the human consciousness on which it can't influence at all. However, a person can select, recognize and record in the consciousness in addition to objects, which are not dependent of him, the remaining objects of own direct surrounding. Thereby, the human consciousness can form the own time reflecting all changes available to his sensations. A person is forced to correlate this own time with something steady. All periodic changes, independent of him, are by this steady for him.
However, all events occur really in own time of a person. But owing to their flowability and compelled comparison of these events with the external time, their automatic binding to the external time is made in the human consciousness.
There, where the human thought doesn't penetrate, events, as those, are absent they couldn't be fixed it is only possible to assume that there are both reversible and irreversible changes of the material objects. And these assumptions are based only on the fact that we can imagine and understand, i.e. to conclude them in time. Of course, it is possible to designate these changes by time so as it seems that they should have duration, but this duration, as Aristotle noted fairly, there is nobody to digitize. Besides, it isn't known that represents beingness by itself out of the human consciousness. Parmenides, for example, supposed "beingness as pure present, motionless, homogeneous, perfect " [2]. We perceive and represent beingness as one, for other beings it can manifest as other. And that it is actually, it isn't possible to define, owing to its infinite variety as well as a look at it from the inside. It is only possible to select by means of consciousness as if the own part of beingness, i.e. that consciousness of the person is capable to recognize in beingness, and to consider this part of beingness by the changing world. Consciousness can include then in this time, external in relation to it, changes of beingness, and, thereby, determine their duration.
Only living beings are capable to make transformations, changes of beingness for themselves by completely irreversible. As soon as living beings appear, everything that happens to them becomes irreversible. Their own, irreversible time arises. It becomes by parallel during their life to the external cyclic changes, watched by living beings which they, in the face of a person, consider the external and the only kind of time in which they are forced to be.
This own, unidirectional time is objective so as it is connected to the material objects including with live objects, and to external time, without existing without them and outside them. That is, it doesn't exist without living beings who, actually, and "produce" it in the form of events.
In the sequence of these events of their own time, all living beings live within the framework of external time, not noticing their own time of their life.
However, as a person, they not only think, not only feel and act in accordance with what is happening, adapting to it, but also interfere with it, nevertheless, proportioning it with the external time. This conscious interference in events is result of cogitative and sensual processes on the basis of the received information in own time of a person, but, at the same time, purposefully changing world around and, as a boomerang, of himself together with it, a person substantially independently and consciously produces own life in all its shades. However, it is necessary to pay for this full-blooded life, which every moment is updated, by irreversibility and by termination of everything for the person including his own life. The death is the end of own time of a person, or his "now". However, just as one moment of life for consciousness is replaced by another, one life is replaced by another for the same consciousness.
Thus, each living being selects own "slice" of beingness independently on the basis of existing feelings, i.e., recognizing data which are available to him via sensations, copying these data and delivering them for processing by consciousness sequentially in the form of separate information packets. This process of their hidden processing are represented to a person in the form following continuously one after another by the moments of life merging in single flow in which he is not the supernumerary, but the acting character. So occurs because these sequential moments include not only an images of surrounding, but in them sequentially are created own thoughts, feelings of a person which are realized into his actions within these current moments.
All these manifestations not only accumulate in memory of the certain person, but also it is provided to remaining people, creating integral consciousness and integral life in the form of communities. That the person yet isn't capable to recognize in the world surrounding him and to transform into information packets doesn't get to its own time, though it can be nearby or even in him. However, this unmanifest, i.e. yet the unknown, with accumulation of information and, means, knowledge, abilities, both at a person, and at all community of people, gradually passes into discharge of recognized data. In other words, real process of cognition goes not only in the form of the accumulation of knowledge, but also character of information selected by the person is enriched permanently by extending set of data which can be recognized by consciousness if, of course, the person will wish this, i.e. he won't be closed from them.
As a result, life becomes more dependent on a person, he is exempted more and more from oppression of circumstances, from the pure adaptation to environmental, from the settled order, i.e. - his liberty grows.
Irreversibility of this process for all living beings proves fundamental otherness even purely reflex and instinctive consciousness in comparison with reversible, apparently, mostly processes of exchange of substance and/or energy during transformations and interactions of the material objects.
Necessary condition of existence of the live objects is the irreversibility of their existence in time whereas, apparently, the most part of the processes known to us happening to the material objects of our dense measurement of the Universe is reversible. In other words, in case of interaction, as a rule, objects change, without saving initial (till interaction) state, in particular also bodies of people change, but consciousness doesn't participate in this "natural" exchange, it only copies objects, without destroying them, saving thereby the natural course of observed processes. As a result, consciousness doesn't bring instability into the world and doesn't destroy itself. That is life is possible only in the conditions of one-sided information impact of one object on another without corrupting last with acquisition by the first object of data from the second or in case of a mutual interchange of data without own destruction. Only live beings are capable on such interaction, in addition to the normal energy and material exchange.
Hence follows that in our three-dimensional measurement do not exist conditions for the spontaneous origination of living objects and thus passing in them by information processes, consisting in recognition by one objects in other objects of data which could be decrypted, i.e. - could be turned into information for own use, and, thereby, to live in own present, or true time.
Therefore, the only plausible explanation for the existence of life in beingness, that is, the implementation of the one-way information process, leading to the formation of time itself in both of its forms, as well as the existence of a program of the growth and development of beings that form time, in the form of a genome, is the presence of some otherworldly formation, in which there is no time in the form known to us, but thanks to which beingness itself exists in a hidden interaction with this otherworldly thanks to living beings.
The possibility of similar alliance is shown in more detail in the work "The person as the hologram" [1].
Consciousness in beingness, that is, in living beings thereby receives some kind of multi-channel system for infinite development. It sequentially fixes changes of material objects available to him which part consciousness accumulates saving for possible application, and uses if necessary.
At this, the process of selection of data about objects, their decryption and processing of the acquired information is, on the one hand, objective procedure as far it goes automatically in the framework of world time and has no relation to imaginations. On the other hand, consciousness, in particular, consciousness of a person is capable to perceive purposefully a row of objects and to dispose of part of information so as he wants and as it is pleasant to him, it is possible to tell, "how God put per capita", i.e. - no motivated. In this regard the highest consciousness, though it is component of beingness, is capable to overcome the order of beingness, to become above remaining components of beingness. Consciousness itself finds own present and changes it according to own projects. This present for the human proceeds rather not for long, but the person, unlike lifeless objects, senses own present, and unlike the rest alive, in large part, oneself disposes by it.
It follows that consciousness, being within beingness, can be in the highest expression by rather free in own manifestations, whereas other living beings select information from surrounding only forcedly, adapting to habitat.
Thus, a person in life, more precisely, his consciousness is situated in own time, or "now". It is as if nested in external, or world time. The external time for human consciousness reflects a current of the external processes, independent of him, to which human consciousness is compelled to be adapted because of living conditions changing together with them: winter, summer, night, day, etc., but human consciousness can't change the course of the external time in any way, unlike own time which it can accelerate or decelerate.
Intuitively the human consciousness presents own time in the form of the present for itself because behind "now" during the external time is followed the past time, and before "now" should be a future. The present time, or "now" as if slides by a kaleidoscope of events which, actually, consciousness for itself forms sequentially when processing the portions of information arriving from everywhere in every moment, folding in life in this present time. As we, briefly, already stated above, this information own time can be decelerated or be accelerated depending on the density of an information stream.
For example, time of dream passes in an instant for a person though it takes 6-8 hours of the external time because there is no arrival of the external information in dream practically. The consciousness in these hours of dream switches to processing of the information which was saved up and viewed in a day that doesn't create for it of novelty: there are no events, there is no time also. By the way, this fact proves that for the human consciousness not world time but him own time is more essential.
The acceleration of the "present" time, but another sign, which is manifested not owing to disconnect of consciousness from external, and from arrival during the day every instant of portions of information which are almost not repeating by the contents, producees the effect of the flying time imperceptibly: the morning is replaced immediately in the evening.
It is curious that process similar to process of acceleration of own time of a person happens and with other objects understanding to a certain extent own activities and also organizing themselves through information streams. For example, such object is the earth civilization. During its development, i.e. not only growth of the population, but also change of consciousness towards extension of a circle of data recognized by him, their accumulation, there is reduction of historical cycles under the law of regression.
The historian M. Diakonoff paid attention to this phenomenon in 1994: "There is no doubt that historical process shows signs of natural exponential acceleration. From emergence of Homo sapiens until the end of the I phase passed not less than 30 thousand years, the II phase lasted about 7 thousand years, the III phase - about 2 thousand years, the IV phase - about 1.5 thousand, the V phase - about one thousand years, VI - about 300, the VII phase - a little more than 100 years, duration of the VIII phase while it is impossible to determine. Put on the schedule these phases are combined in exponential development which assumes eventually transition to the vertical line or more true, to the point of so-called singularity. Scientific and technical achievements of mankind were being developed also - according to the exponential schedule " [3].
Nobody could explain this explicit fact till this moment, this fact was only stated, whereas in accordance with our approach, time is accelerated for any material object understanding itself, with growth of the information streams consumed by it. It is curious that interval of time given to our civilization, will be completed in accordance with the mentioned law exponential acceleration pretty soon in the point of singularity that means decay the civilization or its conversion to absolutely other formation.
Naturally, except an acceleration of the present time there can be also its deceleration. Usually, it is a result of arrival of uniform information or feeble influx of the new information. For example, for a person, sitting in a dungeon, and seeing two-three times a day only given him food and water, time is decelerated so that he loses its feeling. Similar punishment was considered earlier by one of the most severe and the people getting to such conditions often went crazy. Without the influx of the fresh information a person senses the impoverishment of life, he feels loss of its sense and therefore aims to occupy itself though with some activities, at least collecting stamps. Any, even the unloved job is required to the person not so much for physical maintenance of life, how many for its filling and revitalizing though by some information streams.
Own time is decelerated as well for communities which consciously restrict themselves in information influx. It can be the whole religious trends, for example, Muslims, the sects preaching idea of leaving from the world, the whole people separated from progress. For example, the Russians up to Peter I, which lagged behind in development for various reasons from Europe on some hundreds of years, were such archaic people.
Thus, "now" can be presented as flow of changeable time in the frames of the stable external time which does not produce events directly in the present time.
As we stated above, substantially the human itself forms "now" consciously as far, first, out of the external signals he selects mostly those that he is able to understand or feel after deciphering them in order to sort out his surroundings, secondly, the part from meaningful information his consciousness discards simply because it isn't interesting to him and can't make his life. Conscious formation of conditions of own life is unique, inherent from all famous living beings only of the person.
It is clear that all living beings are not situated, but live in that and other time, - in own "now" which for them is irreversible as far "now" is asymmetric on receipt of information being formed by living beings out of "noise". But in this "now" only people understand themselves and their actions, and remaining living beings - no. But that and others break the law of a nondecreasing entropy.
All material objects touching these or those sides to consciousness of the person through his feelings, more precisely, data about these sides of the material objects which consciousness of the person is capable to decrypt, exist objectively in external time, and penetrate into our consciousness in the form of copies directly or indirectly.
Remaining material objects remains hidden or as if nonexistent for human consciousness. This hidden, thereby, falls out of own time of the person: it isn't present in "now" of the person, i.e. - in true time of the person, it doesn't participate in his life. Though real existence of these hidden yet the material objects isn't subject to doubt.
History clearly demonstrates this fact by change of the human ideas about the subjects of the world and about the world: what was missing before, appears now and will appear afterwards, representations about the very many things will change. Though that what is unavailable to our sensations and corresponding to them representations, and considerations remains hidden forever. Just this circumstance limits cognitive abilities of the person.
Paradoxically, but most of people on Earth still supposes that the Sun rotates round Earth, and not vice versa. The Papuan which never saw the train, looking for the first time at it, shouts that the train is alive. And it is really alive for him. Therefore, each own time is in many respects the artificial, incomplete, distorted picture, and often it isn't possible to check and correct of it.
Any material objects which are coming into the view of consciousness seem to him just such, but not others only owing to his opportunities on recognition of data on them. And only through existing in consciousness of the holistic image of an object as the cumulative processed information about it, a person can take advantage of this object. And for different consciousnesses, different methods of processing of the arriving information, the image of object, as well as all surrounding, which are created appropriate consciousness, can be a miscellaneous.
Many animals see or feel that what is unavailable to the person. In particular, magnetic field for birds is quite real object, and they use of it for orientation in case of distant overflies. A dawn and a rainbow don't exist for blind person, music doesn't exist for the deaf, science, art in general doesn't exist for silly, more precisely, the limited person. If we approach this issue somewhat differently and assume that a person would have the ability to see objects right through as the transparent glass, he could not navigate in space. In other words, the human consciousness represents the surrounding him only so as consciousness is capable of doing in terms of processing information about this surrounding environment.
We, for example, know out of scientific researches that any object is almost empty - the atoms making it occupy in it insignificant space. Imagine that would occur if we were capable to feel it. Besides, the main part of actions of the human makes without any speculations, automatically: internal processes - from digestion before cogitative operations in own brain - a person doesn't control in any way. Moreover, recent scientific experiments showed that the brain works as the receiver of signals and it isn't capable to think by itself.
Everything that surrounds any living being of a certain type, not only is felt by him on his own, but also is for him objectively by different in comparison with living beings of other type. It occurs because material objects of the world are so multifaceted, they have so much of different levels which can be perceived by living beings that the world, surrounding each such being, is his own world. It isn't similar to the world of another being of other type, being crossed with it only in the planes of coinciding integral perception.
If to return to formation the surrounding by the concrete person, it, to all other, depends on the level of his consciousness, education, the general preparation, a level of development of society in which he lives etc.
The world of any from civilizations which adjoins with Christian civilization, whether it Buddhist or Muslim, is alien to Christian civilization.
As for roles of science in human life, then the experimental check, additional researches, observations, adequate tips and etc. yield extremely limited result so as people refuse from their own delusions not immediately, but often they consciously persist in them during all the life.
Nevertheless, operation of consciousness at both levels reflex and instinctive and, actually, understanding oneself; "now", or own time of the person, formed by consciousness by means of the information packets arriving from everywhere, allows people to live practically in any conditions not only on Earth, but also in cosmos, adapting to them or changing these conditions in accordance with its capabilities.
Own time, or "now" of the person, and, in fact, the discrete, by the mechanism, process of receiving and processing of information in consciousness, explains unclear hitherto the facts of manifestation in a child of consciousness and saving consciousness by the person during life.
We know from practice that the consciousness at a child isn't manifested in case of absence of communication with him of other people in the childhood. Really, live conversation in the form of submission to the child first enough quickly recognized by him of the voice and sign information connected to meal, walks, entertainments, etc., gradually forms at him ability of understanding the environment and ability to act according to this understanding. For this, he initially did not even feel the need to talk, he just listens. The main thing is that he on examples from adults learns to select from the surrounding of him only those data which he can decrypt and comprehend. If the similar information channel is absent, the child can't "get" into human present and remains in time of the living being which doesn't have the highest consciousness, for which the actions based generally on instincts and reflexes are characteristic.
It is known that a person, the long time remaining in perfect loneliness without the information influx, enough quickly runs wild or as speak, "goes crazy". It occurs because his "now" is formed by copies of the same external. For his consciousness remains only information receiving by him from inside in the form of some memories, instinctive and reflex responses. As a result, his present, or the flow of his own time is slowed down that is manifested in the actual stop of time for him, and the person gradually drifts to the being who possesses only by the primary reflexes and instincts.
The question of how information can be used in case of conscious activities, on favor or to the detriment, remains open so as depends on a level of development of the specific consciousness. However, as far conscious activity is deliberate and can be corrected continuously by consciousness, process of development of communities of conscious individuals, in this case people, in general, is progressive till a certain limit when positive processing of information becomes impossible because of inadequate filtering of its excess quantity.
In order to deal slightly in more detail with the relation of consciousness and information and to penetrate into sense of both this relation, and consciousness and information, it is necessary to address in addition to some facts and conclusions from them.
It is known that there is an exchange of substance and/or energy in case of interactions of the material objects, i.e. if one object loses substance or energy, another - acquires. In this case symmetry of interactions of the material objects of the three dimension world, or measurement of Universe known to us, is manifested. Information interaction of objects unlike mentioned interaction is not symmetric. This asymmetry expresses that one object receives information from another, but the source of information doesn't experience its loss at this.
This phenomenon doesn't find explanation. Therefore, information is qualified as something non-material now, that in itself explains nothing and is nonsense.
The question arises why there is so cardinal difference of interaction of the material objects which aren't marked by life as the symmetric, and information impact on the material objects as the asymmetrical and characteristic only for alive?
Probably, this difference can be explained by the fact that the information process proceeds only in case of activities of consciousness. In particular, the human consciousness selects from the various and numerous "noise" surrounding him then that corresponds to it, that is necessary for him or then to what the human consciousness is forced, according to opportunities of the sensations which exist at the human. Information is those fragments of "noise", which the consciousness is capable to decrypt and further to transfer to meanings and images. Lifeless objects don't possess such ability to similar selection, carrying out only energy and/or material exchange in case of these or those contacts. The carrier of consciousness, at the same time, as any material objects, is capable to exchange by matter and/or energy.
The most important feature of the information impact on objects is its unilateralism, or asymmetry. Consciousness directly or via the instruments copies only those data which it is capable to decrypt, turning them, thereby, into the information which is necessary to him for life. Hereinafter this information can be transformed directly into the images, thoughts or emotions, or it can be placed in memory for the subsequent processing and use. The original remains in the source of information, without being moved anywhere. This asymmetrical process is unusually important for development of consciousness so as, on the one hand, new information changes consciousness, enriching with him by knowledge and experience understood by him, and on the other hand, the reality surrounding consciousness, i.e. the material objects, researched or affected in this information process, are not destroyed, the environment remains rather stable, i.e. it is possible to live in it. Otherwise, exaggerating, it is possible to tell that only one hating look could simply incinerate the object of hatred.
The concrete consciousness impacts not only on lifeless material objects, scooping from them information, but it interacts and with consciousnesses similar to him in human communities. It is known from practice that the child becomes a personality, i.e. acquires acting consciousness, only as a result of the communication with the people surrounding him. And generally, it is known that people at any age can also develop only in communication with other people, or, at least, on condition of provision to them information. It occurs for the reason that mutual information exchange and appropriate replenishment of a database of each consciousness in the human owing to the asymmetry doesn't destruct consciousnesses, opposite, enriches them.
Thus, owing to similar asymmetry the human consciousness without prejudice to all surrounding him can impact on this surrounding for the purpose of own development which goes with more acceleration, than in remaining living nature due to presence of self-consciousness at a person.
All remaining known objects of the living nature, unlike a person, have no self-consciousness. The information contact between them and the lifeless objects is carried out though similarly, but only on instinctive and reflex level that is the main program of life both for bacteria, and for the higher mammals. It is clear thus that consciousness has two levels: one of them, the lowest, with the program of reproduction, metabolism and etc., is inherent for all alive, another, the highest level, means presence at the living being of self-consciousness. Apparently, the consciousness of the higher level possesses by an additional self-learning program, the possibility of spontaneous choice and an immutable aspiration to change oneself. Thereby, the person, thanks to own consciousness, has opportunity to make arbitrary acts, to project, to remember, to correct own actions not only under the influence of the surrounding, but also by own, often unmotivated desires that is designated by him as a free will.
Both of these programs, more precisely, the genomes corresponding to them, according to the theory of probability couldn't self-assembled for our measurement practically in any imaginable periods. But, if there is alive really, including the person, these programs could get to our measurement in the finished form only out of another measurement by means of copying and their transference on the appropriate carrier to our three dimensional measurement, since all measurements are connected among themselves. A program, copied and superimposed on a protein carrier (genome), served as the basis for formation of the primary level of consciousness, i.e.- for the formation and development of the living organisms in case of origin of conditions, suitable for life on this or that planet of our measurement. Consciousness can't act in our three dimensional measurement directly owing to its qualitative material difference from the material objects of our measurement. But it can act via the carrier known to us, for example, in the form of a human body which is only by the body of the highest mammal, having created, thereby, some kind of symbiosis of both formations. And consciousness can appear from there where there are conditions for its direct existence.
Blocking of self-conscious part of human consciousness turns a person into the zombie. In particular, similar blocking for a certain time can be realized in the course of hypnosis. In this case not disabled part of consciousness is capable to perceive and process information from the hypnotist only like the robot-computer or the trained bear, executing appropriate commands, but isn't capable to independent activities so as the self-training program is disconnected. A free will here, as such, isn't present.
This example shows that receiving information isn't equivalent for simply alive and for the being having self-consciousness as well as ability consciously to change as itself, and environment.
It is important for consciousness adequacy to the information which is accepted by him, absence of its distortion. For example, the financial market in developed civilizations, offering the easiest and fast method of earning money, aims to come off from real production and services, making different derivatives in the form of financial options, forward contracts, percentage swaps, currency swaps, futures. With time the results of actions of this financial market begin to be deviated more and more towards exceeding from the volume of really made goods and services. Similar conscious distortion of information, arriving from real objects, shows low level of consciousness of the subjects controlling financial structures, their deviation from adequate strategy and it is a sign of the beginning of destruction of complex system of civilization.
The certain person and all present human civilization are finite formations. Therefore, for one and another there are limit in existence.
This limit for each certain person, apparently, is laid in his vital program bound to its genetic features, living conditions as well as with processing by him of information massive which, increasing over a lifetime, eventually, at some point starts exceeding possibilities of a human brain, which, moreover, is gradually being destroyed due to the failures in the process of the information interaction with the environment.
Similar objective limit for a civilization, which is made by people, is reached when the information coming through a brain to consciousness of a person begins exceeding possibilities of a brain by means of which consciousness makes decisions on control of all systems of a civilization. Due to this overload and impossibility of the adequate filtering information, which arrives as avalanche via the Internet and other sources, the people responsible for acceptance of adequate managing decisions cease to distinguish the few parameters and structural changes to which complex civilization systems are sensitive and which are usually not self-evident. But without involvement of these key parameters stability of system is not retained.
In such situation when accidental symptoms are accepted for the reasons, a person in the face of the governing organs directs the efforts, as a rule, on elimination of symptoms, but true reasons remain unaffected. Such action either is ineffective, or leads to deterioration of a situation. In fact, the only way to ordering of avalanche information stream becomes of filtering information, usually for the doubtful criteria. This leads to destabilization of system and to extinction of its normal functioning. There comes information collapse which threatens not only to stability and normal functioning of the information space, but also almost completely dependent on it the complex, multi-level subsystems of a civilization. They lose viability and a civilization is destructed: the accelerated development of the conscious communities reaches the limit in case of which, figuratively speaking, the centrifugal forces start prevailing over centripetal.
It is necessary in conclusion to mark that, judging by the considered features of the information process as such, it can exist only in a binding to conscious activities, delivering to consciousness not only data on the natural and public processes, but also forming him own time which outside consciousness is absent. Consciousness which is present at any living object of our three dimensional measurement, apparently, should be considered as the information copy of consciousness of another measurement, more precisely, an imprescriptible part of a single consciousness in the form of a hologram outside the "limits" of beingness [1], developing and changing together with a body, into which it which it kind of covers during all life of this body.
1. Nizovtsev Y. M. The person as the hologram. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru; Amazon
2. A. V. Lebedev, Parmenides. New Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Institute of Philosophy. M., Thought. 2010. 978-5-244-1115-9.
3. Diakonoff I. M. The paths of history. From early human up to the present day. KomKniga. Moscow. 2007.
Chapter 7.
Time as a condition of the finite in infinity for consciousness.
Beingness in a certain way contains consciousness, without which its manifestation would not be possible. Consciousness injects beingness through itself in the living beings into current time forming own surrounding out of things, giving beingness sense, and life to oneself through the selection of data about beingness from an infinity out of time, which consciousness is able to decrypt, copy and process for further use. Consciousness fixes the changes of beingness available to it in the form of the irreversible process, receiving duration in each present moment of a sequential row of technically partitioned moments, but without their division in consciousness, creating, thereby, own time by the efforts.
If to assume that an infinity of beingness, including and consciousness, is aggregate of permanently changing material objects in the space created by them for this purpose, and this process of changes never comes to the end, but it is the discrete, then similar process in the material world seems connected to time.
The physics already for a long time is engaged the riddle of time. At this stage it considers that there is a communication of time and movement. Really, this communication seems obvious so as movement of the material objects outside time is impossible and they outside time, apparently, don't exist.
However, and time can't exist without the material objects as there will be nothing to move in time. The material objects themselves should have a place for movement, i.e. space.
Despite these obvious facts, the question about the true ratio of time, space and material objects isn't solved till this moment, although there are quite a lot of considerations on this issue.
In our opinion, beingness in the form of material objects, time and space is represented to us such only because we watch all it as if from within and it seems to us that as well as in our surrounding, there is a common place for everything in which this everything moves, one is replaced by another. On the other hand, if we assume the absence of the observer, then, at least, time as that would disappear so as it couldn't be registered - here's nobody.
So, it is senseless to consider separately material objects, time and space, designating their as properties of beingness, in the absence of observers, or consciousness.
In the absence of observers, or consciousness, beingness which thereby isn't manifested, quite can be zero or by merged into infinity without manifestation, so as it is impossible to tear off space and time from set of material objects. This fact has been marked in due time by Parmenides [1] though he read that zero beingness, or a non-existence can't be.
The material objects in themselves are space as they aren't incorporeal, taking a place. If they are in movement, it without occasional seat they can't happen. Material objects itself are presence, an event for the detached onlooker, that is time. In the same way it is necessary to admit space as the material object and, along with that, as an event, because otherwise it becomes as nothingness, i.e. doesn't exist. Events, or time are something happening with something and in something, differently it is absent. Therefore, space, material objects and time coincide, or they are merged, in other words, - they are integrity, breaking up only in the presence of the observer, who in the form of consciousness in the living can already not only watch, but act in them.
Besides, this beingness couldn't appear suddenly, no matter, on a divine providence or as a result of "Big Bang" so as then it becomes by the finite structure, i.e. restricted in change, development: once having arisen, it should disappear.
However, actually beingness only changes, it doesn't disappear and it doesn't arise from nowhere, at least because beingness is material, but not incorporeal. So, this beingness should exist, in our understanding, eternally, i.e. it had no beginning, and there will be no end also. And actually it can provide eternity to itself with the discrete manifestation infinitely only in the finite. It is difficult to dispute this statement, if only do it by sophisms, because anybody never saw the incorporeal and it is impossible to prove its existence practically or logically. We only may believe in this, so it and occurs. Even mathematical formulas arise in mind only as a result of the thinking process and, thereby, are the quite the material product of thoughts which are also the material, as well as all remaining. Actually, the concept of the incorporeal has arisen only due to narrowness of the human consciousness.
A person owing to own finite and finite of everything, really seen by him, cannot imagine origin of the world without extraneous, beyond, so, incorporeal forces. Especially, he isn't able to imagine the infinite and acyclic development, i.e. development not in the infinite series of identical finite temporal cycles as it is presented in Hinduism, and as the infinite discrete, manifold flow of beingness, without any artificial baffles.
Along with that, many scientists doubt, whether is time generally by the objective category. And it is clear, inasmuch time, taken apart from space and the material objects, time becomes indefinite category and it can be qualified differently. Some thinkers even eliminated or denied it. But, as it was stated above by us, time separately doesn't exist. It, as well as space, is not the property of beingness, but it is beingness itself. Time can arise only in consciousness in the form of the irreversible course of events.
In this regard, the dispute of scientists about symmetry or asymmetry of time in the Universe is problematic, so as presence at beingness of consciousness in the living does beingness by asymmetrical on a directivity of the information, perceived by each consciousness in the living.
The process of copying of information by the living beings from the surrounding of them and its processing is updated every instant on quality and amount of information, never repeating: consciousness not the computer, consciousness is every moment of own time of the person or his "now", arbitrarily or purposefully changes, and it is impossible to recover these changes.
Purposefully or depending on the situation the human consciousness puts questions of myself and gives answers in thoughts, feelings and actions. Thus, this process goes sequentially and it is irreversible. Its mechanism discrete, but in consciousness this discreteness isn't manifested and a person consider that time leaks smoothly and continuously. All acts of a person, or his life blend in this own time, or his now.
It is the most essential feature of interaction of the material objects with involvement of the living beings, in difference, for example, from the symmetric interaction of the lifeless material objects in case of which there is the continuous exchange of substance and energy: if one object (objects) loses substance and/or energy, another (others) acquires according to conservation laws.
Consciousness in case of contact with any objects only copies information, i.e. those data from the material objects which are necessary to consciousness, without changing the objects. At this, the carrier of consciousness can not only contemplate objects, but also interact with them.
This process is one-sided on directivity for consciousness. It consists of three phases: selection of objects (it can be both conscious, and instinctive-reflex), from which information will follow; copying only of those data on objects which the consciousness can recognize and turn them, thereby, into information; processing and an assessment of the received data; then this sequence repeats. This process goes since the birth to death of a person, without interruption.
Information arrives both from the environmental objects and the phenomena, and from the organs containing in a person, processes, database available to him. This process is discrete, mostly automatic, but it seems to us as the continuous. He reminds the uninterrupted for perception of images on the screen resulting from movement of the film with the fixed frames with a certain speed.
The reality is manifested as a result of copying of information from it in two ways: on the one hand, information goes from feelings from sight, hearing, taste, sense of smell, touch - the continuous, changing picture of everything that surrounds a person outside and inside; on the other hand, the information from memory, processed and understood earlier, which is selected by consciousness each instant by results of perception of separate fragments of the reality is superimposed on this changing picture, for example, the person pays attention to another person and reminisces him; leads car, observing traffic rules; etc. That is, a person thereby creates own time, or "now" in which he can live as wants and can.
This process doesn't interrupt even in a dream: consciousness, consuming information, operate in live object always, scooping information from within and outside of a body-carrier, leaving him only after death. The set of the living objects on the planet creating the unidirectional relocation of information copies is considerable, and this process goes on all available channels in the calculation on the total consumption. All significant information is registered and stored for the guaranteed access.
The unidirectionality of beingness changes, which we call time, wouldn't exist in the form known to us for each consciousness without similar asymmetrical action of uncountable forms of consciousness in the living beings.
People themselves, who, unlike all other living beings of the material world known to us, are able to realize this objective process, present it by perverse - as future, real, last, supposing that the acquired information can be transferred from the past to the future, changing it. This false representation is based on misunderstanding of the fact that the past and the future can exist only in imagination of a person, but he lives only in own present time.
Only one present time exists really for a person. Therefore, he intuitively called it just so. He realizes himself, thinks, feels and acts just in it, but not in the past or in the future: the past arises in his imagination, in his "now" at the moment of a remembering, and the future a person doesn't know, and he can only project it in mind in present time too.
"Now" of a person, or his own time consists in moments of processing of the information coming into consciousness from the senses in the form of the copies of these or those data which sequentially arrive from the material objects surrounding of the living being.
Thus, the active echelon of an infinite beingness, providing its unidirectional change without which life is impossible, is consciousness. It in a person receives as a result some kind of channel for the infinite development in the finite manifestations. Consciousness sequentially fixes all changes of the material objects, available to it, which part consciousness accumulates, remembering, and uses if it necessary. At this, the processing by consciousness of the acquired information is the objective process so as goes automatically and has no relation to imaginations. The material objects, which don't have consciousness, aren't capable to recognize in each other the data, necessary for themselves and, especially, to decrypt them. Therefore, beingness can be manifested, as that, only in the presence of the active element consciousness.
This processing by consciousness of the acquired information a person divides into intervals between any events, which he names as periods. The most significant periods for the person are connected to natural cycles: the day reflecting a complete revolution of Earth round its pivot-center, as well as night, day, seasons, the annual cycle reflecting a complete revolution of Earth round the Sun.
"Now" of a person comprises in itself, i.e. eventually, in the human consciousness, restricted by opportunities and resources of this carrier of consciousness, everything, the whole world, available to the human consciousness, in a form more and more growing every instant of the information volume, promoting detection and to demonstration of the environment, surrounding a person. This in itself gradually "burdens" the human consciousness and, eventually, the structure of a human organism doesn't withstand this "gravity" and collapses a life comes to an end. However, boundless opportunities of an infinite consciousness allow it in the form of the individual consciousness o each living beings again and again "to plunge" into the finite: consciousness continues to live again and again, "dropping" each ended life in "basket" of own immense memory. The same happens and with each human civilization, doing its existence inevitably limited.
Own time, or "now" of a person, but actually the process of receiving and processing the information by consciousness in a person, explains the hitherto incomprehensible fact of the manifestation in the child of self-consciousness and saving self-consciousness by a person during life.
We know from the practice, that self-consciousness is not manifested at the children in the case of the absence of the living conversation with him in the childhood of other people. Really, the communication from the perspective of filing at first to a child of the voice and iconic information, which is clear for him so as it is connected to meal, walks, entertainments, etc., gradually creates at him the ability of understanding of the surrounding, and ability to operate according to this understanding. To do this he initially did not even need to talk. The main thing is the fact that he on examples from adults learns to select from the surroundings only those data which he can decrypt and interpret. If the similar information channel is absent, the child can't "reach" human "now" and he remains in time of the living being which doesn't have self-consciousness, for which the actions based generally on reflexes and instincts are characteristic.
It is known that a person, the long time remaining in perfect loneliness without the information influx enough quickly runs wild or, as speak, "goes crazy". There is it besides because "now" of a person is being formed by copies of the same external. There is only the information from within as the form of some memories as well as the instinctive and reflex reactions for his consciousness. As a result, the course of events is slowed down, that is manifested in the actual stop of time for him, and a person turns into the being possessing only by primary instincts and reflexes.
Now the consciousness in representation of science is considered secondary, a consequence of the natural processes. As you can see, everything occurs on the contrary: the unidirectional change of beingnessas as a joint complex of individual components: the moving material objects, space and time are possible only with the constant participation of consciousness. Absence of consciousness in beingness means the actual absence of beingness so as even if to assume existence of such beingness, who will be able grasp this beingness, so no matter is it or not, this will still remain unknown to anyone, since this - someone does not exist. And, on the contrary: without support on beingness consciousness is lost as there are not apps for it, that is, it has absolutely nothing to do. Such consciousness, which is nothing to do, can't be. About what development of consciousness it is possible to speak here?
The material beingness in the infinite variety is always together with the material echelon by consciousness, without which this variety couldn't be manifested. The term "always" means that outside duration the consciousness isn't present, hence, there is no beingness also. Therefore, a condition of their coexistence is time. In its finite duration the consciousness in the living only is capable to interact with remaining beingness, to open it so, as consciousness while can, and reveal itself into it in the changes.
Thus, not "the thing in itself (the transcendental object) is outside any thinking" as Kant [2] claimed, but both material objects things and consciousness only and coexist really in the interaction since not consciousness in oneself only influences on surroundings it and on oneself, but and the things always influences on consciousness. This mutual influence means that the friend without friend they are lost. Therefore, Fichte's thought: "I oneself do myself: own beingness by means of own thinking I it is unconditional, is own creation" [3], is correct only half. Without support of consciousness on the remaining beingness consciousness can create nothing, including oneself. Though, certainly, it is difficult to deny the leading role of consciousness in the process of this interaction.
For a person who has consciousness, itself consciousness remains as "the thing in itself (the transcendental object) at any level of development of the person. It is implicit the person himself recognized this fact long ago, having declared that consciousness is incorporeal, ideal. Really, consciousness can't be touched, but after all and a magnetic field we can't feel.
Actually there is nothing more real than consciousness thanks to which, actually, all and occurs, more precisely, everything is manifested.
Consciousness as the highest material component of beingness responds for maintenance of beingness as the object of its own action and manifests it variously, taking care of oneself and it. However, similar high-organized form of matter has no basis in our three dimensional measurement, and only as if covers its own carriers, restricting itself in this finite who, naturally, if you refer them to people, can only rejoice and be surprised to this arrival, but they will not be able to penetrate into structure of matter of the "highest" measurement. Therefore, we can only build guesses about consciousness and our own mission, as temporal owners of consciousness.
Therefore, consciousness and beingness cannot exist without each other, that is, they are united in a basis unknown to us, but being somehow and somewhere separated, they come in beingness into the interaction already in a joint state.
Each individual consciousness in its own carriers (living beings) is surrounded by other living beings, all of them in turn, are shrouded by the material objects of another kind, which offer themselves to each individual consciousness of a living being as it is able to accept them into its existence.
Similar process of the determination of itself in the finite allows any individual consciousness, at least, to exist in the lowest forms, but still feeling itself.
The highest form of consciousness, i.e. a self-aware form, is already capable not simply to feel itself, but to separate itself from all other and therefore purposefully to influence this separated.
What is, actually, most of all necessary for consciousness from the world in the finite, and what it can do here?
Consciousness is capable on a lot of things in the form of a person: both to think, and to act, both to love and hate, and to fear, and to rejoice. Consciousness can learn the world around and oneself, and does it, developing oneself in this process.
But the accumulation of knowledge in itself can go infinitely that makes senseless it. One aspiration for knowledge supersedes all other aspirations, which are no less, and perhaps more important for the development of consciousness. People perfectly understand that from multi knowledge they don't become better, it often burdens them, and each individual consciousness of a person wondering that, just to what it is inclined, to what this consciousness entails.
Ordinary life with its cares, burdens, chagrin, disturbances, grieves and rare moments of pleasure, delight, of course, is good in itself, allowing each personal consciousness be in the thick of things, and not only as a supernumerary. Here some throb of the general is felt with which the separate consciousness merges. For this reason, each person doesn't wish to be separated from this general, and so clings to life.
But knowledge and life - whether this most important out of that to what consciousness aims?
It is possible to try to find out this main thing if to understand what, first of all, does each individual consciousness of a person. And any individual consciousness in own finite, first of all, creates itself, forming own time, or "now". What the individual consciousness will make here, this become for it as own. Whether it is bad, well, but it is impossible to take away. This self-making is provided by material objects for consciousness surrounding it, from which it is capable through the sensations of the carrier to select information, to process it, paying attention therein on something more or less in this "now". That is without comprehension and sensual processing by consciousness of the arriving information with the transformation of a final information product into the acts, life for the human consciousness turns into the vegetable existence.
However, a person is not only receiver of information, he is the potential source of it. What sense to him to save everything in himself. It, seeing the living beings, similar to himself, wishes to share with them that he accumulated, both knowledge, and vital impressions, and, in turn, to receive from them, perhaps, something the useful or interesting. He can ask the help and himself to help someone not only hint, but also action.
Means, the most important from this that is necessary for a person, and therefore, to his consciousness, that he wants and without what he can't live, it is expressing oneself. A person can think of himself or others anything, but he always aims to leave behind himself something specific, definite in order to he was remembered: to plant a tree, to build a house, to bring up someone, to come up with the new theory, to write the book, the song, to make the invention, to help the neighbor, or, on the contrary, to punish, to humiliate, to win, to subordinate, to break, to destroy, to ruin, to shoot and etc.
All this together has no relation to the evil and good, and only means aspiration of a person somehow to improve so imperfect world on own understanding. But the world everything doesn't improve in any way, and a person everything doesn't calm down in any way. It is not given to understand to him, probably, that imperfection of the world is laid in him. He in any case as the finite will never become by the perfect, yes, it's not necessary, so as it deprives of him the possibility of fight, development, the expression of own imperfection for the sake of the infinite deliverance from it.
It is clear that the human consciousness can express itself only through the material objects surrounding it, as if reviving them by oneself, whether it be the book or a saxophone what shows indivisibility of consciousness with beingness, possibility of own implementation in a full form only in it.
So idealists of all colors, in case of desire, can become thoughtful, and materialists to pay the tribute to consciousness and not just the moving matter, which is allegedly making everything.
A person will never be able to learn by what beingness will be presented to consciousness after its output from finite, i.e. after death of ae person. However, if now when he is living, into the sequential moments of own time merging in his consciousness in smooth flow of life, the world before him and in him doesn't stop movement like picture from chirring film, then and after his death motion should not stop for consciousness.
The world can't harden, stop, it, front consciousness and in the very consciousness, can only be transformed into set of other material objects moving differently in some other measurements together with consciousness and according with it. It occurs because beingness can be defined only in the present time of consciousness - in a lift-off from consciousness beingness doesn't exist as well as consciousness doesn't exist without beingness. Consciousness represents as if the inner pivot round which beingness rotates. Take out the rod, and everything will be scattered, will turn in nothingness.
Anyway, each person, unlike an inexpressible infinity, understands about the time the fact that he is in its flow, at least, until such time as he shall not die. And it is unimportant for him this process is subjective or objective.
Each person understands that he, unlike animals or plants, realizes of himself in self - creation, i.e. he can in live conversation with similar to him, using a stored database and estimating the information, arriving from all directions continuously, to plan own actions, i.e. to foresee the future, which actually never comes so as everything happens in his present ("now").
A person, before set to works, build in mind a model of own actions or deeds which are not related, as in animals, only with the adaptation to the environment and problems of survival, but rather, are associated with often unmotivated desires, dreams, fantasies, thirst for new knowledge, feelings, in than, in fact, is his freedom. And when a person loses these aspirations, which seem not necessary for the current life, he loses meaning of life, turning in the blunt and often cruel bastard [4].
What is consciousness, the science didn't define still. The science couldn't even understand, from where undertook consciousness, and from hopelessness decided to recognize consciousness as a product of the natural development of all living, though from where undertook very live, the science also still doesn't know.
If to recognize the fact that self-consciousness is the top echelon of beingness which just because it is capable to the conscious actions, to structural change of the remaining beingness (things), but not just to adapt to it, takes beingness on itself not only as a subordinate and supportive material, but also as a support for itself without which consciousness simply couldn't be, then consciousness should be manifested somewhere not simple for existence, which doesn't beseem to self-consciousness, but for development - unstoppable and infinite in incalculable combinations of changing situations, events, that is possible only in the course of the interaction of consciousness and material objects.
All events happen only with consciousness or on eyes of consciousness. Otherwise it is any more not events, but - the senseless changes of lifeless objects leading to thermal death according to the law of non-decreasing entropy. Any event is information case and information is a prerogative of consciousness. Absence of consciousness means the absence of events, because the consciousness is co-beingness. Deleting consciousness from beingness is loss of one-directivity of time, its irreversibility which, actually, and is created by consciousness at processing of the arriving information by consciousness in the living in order to avoid the destruction of the current reality, whereas all inanimate objects are characterized by material and/or energy exchange, which can cause the destruction or even the annihilation of the interacting objects.
It is time is a necessary condition for any event. The course of events can be different in various conditions, but it cannot be stopped - he had no beginning and has no end, - because if time was stopped, just zeroing, or rupture of infinity will be occurred and consciousness will be disappeared together with beingness. This is further proof that time is created and hold in beingness by consciousness as necessary for him the process of acquisition of the information from the surrounding.
Therefore, consciousness in beingness develops in time infinitely, but this process isn't continuous, or smoothly, and just as "now", manifesting oneself discretely and sequentially via the finite in the form of alive.
We know only that development of consciousness happens in conditions of Earth with maximum acceleration together with a person in his civilizations, which are finite, unlike consciousness.
This means, that consciousness goes beyond a person and his communities and only temporarily, but timely attends them. People, civilizations disappear and appear again here and there, but the consciousness remains, having changed, having enriched and having become stronger through them.
However, how beingness together with own top echelon by consciousness - can infinitely develop, i.e. - without any limit and the beginning? To understand this fact people, at least, in the majority cannot. Therefore, the most numerous religion Christianity in the basis put the beginning and a doomsday. Curiously, as the science at the present stage of development came besides, having designated as the beginning of the Universe "Big Bang", and as the end collapse of the Universe. In itself this is quite absurd, because to explain what was before the beginning of the world and be after the end of the world is impossible, as impossible to explain why everything began sudden, and why everything be over. Here, of course, without God, on who you can write off a lot of things not to manage.
Beginningless and endless, but not the cyclical development of consciousness in beingness automatically removes this problem. However, new problems arise. In particular, the problem of the infinite arises, i.e. - an infinite development of consciousness. A person considers, that there is a limit for everything and no other way.
So what is concealed behind boundless development of consciousness is it possible and how it occurs?
Boundlessness in itself in beingness is quite possible. For example, number of combinations in chess in case of 64 cells makes 10 in the 120th degree, whereas the number of atoms in the Universe between which there are different conversions and combinations, makes 10 in the 80th degree. The modern science claims that the uncountable quantity of universes appears and disappears, like bubbles. So number of combinations of the infinite number of objects is also infinitely. Therefore, the course of events in which the consciousness acts, formally can go endlessly.
Specifically, the infinity for each individual consciousness, manifesting as an expression of a single consciousness of a holographic projection of an infinity out of time, isn't the continuous process of eternal development towards permanent improvement of consciousness doing this individual consciousness by wise infinitely.
Boundless wisdom in itself, the perfection means loss of interest to life which is the complete opposite to the human consciousness in the incessant errors, following to feelings, but not mind, the preference, for example, not the cognition of the structure of atom or laws of development of universes, but the communication with their own kind, or the expression of oneself, and following from this love, hatred, concern, fear, hopes, stupidity, aspiration to unattainable etc.
This contradiction seeming fatal is resolved by consciousness by dipping over and over again from the infinite perfection in usual finite, troublemaking life, with all its troubles and rare happy moments where consciousness together with own body becomes again by young, cheerful and enterprising, and then - by old, sad and fatally sick.
It is known that with the extension of the range of knowledge becomes wider a cognitive space. So any calm and limit in knowledge for consciousness isn't foreseen. However, consciousness develops in the set of separate, but connected individual form of consciousness not so much for the purposes of knowledge, - how many for life in different changing worlds, i.e. not only in order to know but also - to feel: to worry, to die, to be born, to rejoice, to grieve, to live in misery, to be ill, to make mistakes, to take offense, to look for ways to an output from created situations, to love and suffer, generally, i.e. to express itself by all possible methods and to assume on oneself the expression of the forms of consciousness similar to oneself. All this is higher than wisdom and knowledge which in itself are fruitless and which can be applied in life not necessarily to goodness and happiness for each living being.
Therefore, any individual consciousness acts in the finite object in the form of the living being temporarily, but inseparable with it, as if covering it, and without remembering own former lives, according to the usual dissatisfaction expressing in desires and needs for knowledge, feelings, searches. Consciousness can evaluate and compare all this with accumulated in past lives of the appropriate cycle of development after death of the living being for the correction of the forward motion and development.
After completion of passing of a certain level, for example, the level of lives in civilizations, similar earth civilizations, and practical exhaustion of opportunities for development in these conditions, the consciousness passes to another cycle in other conditions.
Pauses, which each individual consciousness has to do for rest after the life tiring it, can to be implemented in an equilibrium civilization with her uniform life without problems and burdens [6]. But this pause means suspension in development through fight, deprivations, different temptations where only each individual consciousnes can find and express oneself, define a level of own wisdom, courage, creative power, abilities sincerely to love, as well as a level of own egoism, cowardice, courage in collisions with similar itself. Therefore, each individual consciousness cannot again not to plunge into resisting worlds, where its dissatisfaction by itself finds due application in different aspirations by which all around may be to counteract.
However, each individual consciousness of a person should overcome all hindrances for this purpose it is here. All emerging tasks should be solved, even if for this purpose she will need millions of years and hundred thousands of lives. Always dissatisfaction of consciousness, expressing in the fundamental aspiration to change oneself without what there can't be a development or that we call by liberty [4], doesn't allow to consciousness to stop on own path. Not important how paltry can be a individual human consciousness on difficult section of the way, anyway it will overcome any difficulties and begin to look for new ones. And so, without end.
The levels of beingness, that consciousness passes through for its own development, even if number of these levels is limited, it can pass in different order indefinitely, according in compliance as with own desires, needs, opportunities, and according to the shortcomings, omissions which anyway tries to correct.
All this, in infinite combinations of reality indeed can last infinitely not only because the number of combinations and transformations of beingness, especially in vital realities of relations of certain types of consciousness operating in finite objects, like a person, has no limits but also because it is impossible completely to satisfy the desires and to eradicate the shortcomings. For this reason, consciousness as in its individual forms, and a single consciousness, can't have a limit in its development.
For us, people, it may be interesting that it is difficult to understand, namely: each individual consciousness, being a certain link in completely material beingness, as, indeed, any other component of existence, is never born, i.e. doesn't appear as if from nowhere, as well as doesn't die, or doesn't disappear in anywhere but only changes in eternal process of change of beingness, i.e. in time, or in events (co-beingness), comprehending in the guise of a person, unlike all remaining objects of beingness, own changes and aiming to them.
The consciousness and self-consciousness, manifesting in the form of the living beings, mean that this living being is not an ordinary "brick" of being, which has a strictly defined place in the general "masonry", but, in particular, each being, possessing self-consciousness, is free, that is, does what he wants. However, if it wishes, she gets into some kind of relationship with others, and it has to take into account these relationships, first of all, with beings like it.
Each individual consciousness as not born and not dying essence, has the individuality inherent only it. It goes over and over again into these or those measurements in time, passes different levels of beingness, becoming that the wise and the considerable, that again - the young, the silly, the inexperienced, but the fresh and full of strength, but, in general, incessantly changing, it doesn't forget own persons from past lives, which are giving it with anything incomparable personality. All of them are accumulated not only in the individual consciousness, but also join a general measureless "piggy bank" of a single consciousness.
So that, each individual consciousness in the living as if delivers to a single consciousness particle of its life, i.e. not only all knowledge, abilities, thoughts, but also feelings of different shades, ever emerging in it on it way.
1. A. V. Lebedev, Parmenides. New Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Institute of Philosophy. M., Thought. 2010. 978-5-244-1115-9.
2. Immanuel Kant. Works in six volumes. M., 1965.
3. Fichte J.G. Works in 2 volumes. - St. Petersburg. Мифрил. 1993.
4. Nizovtsev Yu. M. In what, how and for what liberty is acting. 2014. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon.
5. Nizovtsev Yu. M. The person as the hologram. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru; Amazon.
6. Nizovtsev Yu. M. Communes as a result of crash of all civilization. 2014. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon.
Chapter 8.
About the manifestation of the connection between the otherworldly and reality.
It is believed that the intangible otherworldly as a thing in itself is absolutely inaccessible, invisible and terrible because no one returns from there. Let's try to understand why this is not the case using examples of known facts.
Science following the hypothesis of the only one beingness with all its universes, galaxies, planets, that is, what is available to the sense organs and devices that people have, thereby does not even want to try to look beyond the visible, which results from the imposed by it on itself limitations in the form of a purely experimental verification of hypotheses and the repeatability of the studied phenomena.
Therefore, science, willy-nilly, comes to a standstill in explaining such phenomenon as time, which it recognizes as objective, which is refuted by numerous facts of its change depending on circumstances both in space and on the planets; the meagerness of the part of the universe perceived by a person, more than 90% of which is it is not clear what is called dark matter and dark energy; the reasons for the everywhere manifested fractality and the golden section.
Science has not yet connected motion with time evidentiary, and some of its representatives believe that motion precedes time.
For hundreds of years, scientists have been trying to explain the emergence of living things from non-living matter with perseverance worthy of better use, although spontaneous generation alive with the formation of the genome is so negligible according to probability theory that it is not even worth talking about this, especially since confirmation of the fact of impossibility of self-generation of alive organisms on Earth is that relatively recently were found traces of organisms, at which could not but be a genome, in the most ancient on the Earth sedimentary rocks in the southwestern part of Greenland: it were traces of complex cellular structures whose age is at least 3.86 billion years.
Therefore, the first forms of life could have arisen as a result of falling to Earth with meteorites [1], if, of course, these cellular structures were able to survive out in space for their own further reproduction on Earth.
Although, in itself, this does not deny, but on the contrary, confirms that on the Earth or exoplanets similar to it, the simplest organisms, and not only them, could have arisen not from lifeless matter, but with the participation of a single consciousness of a holographic projection of an infinity outside of time (the latter can also be designated as Uniform), which is mentioned in more detail below.
Therefore, scientists should at least pay attention to the possibility of the coexistence of living and non-living things, without putting one before the other.
Consciousness is still studied according to purely external signs, and psychology, which deals with it alone, has not achieved success in its study.
It is also absurd to hide in the storerooms of museums numerous artifacts that testify to the existence of civilizations on Earth similar to the current hundreds, tens and millions of years ago, when there were no animals as a basis for their evolution into a humanoid being.
Nevertheless, relatively recently, facts have appeared that allow us to look at Creation, consciousness and time from a different angle, having explained satisfactorily what traditional science has not yet been able to do.
These facts are as follows.
At the University of Paris in 1982 (Alain Aspect) it was found that under certain conditions, elementary particles, such as electrons, are able to instantly communicate with each other, regardless of the distance between them.
University of London physicist David Bohm noted in explaining this phenomenon that "each relatively self-contained and steady structure has to be understood not as something independently and constantly existing, but rather as the derivative, given rise in complete motion of the stream and, eventually, dissolving in same stream Let's assume, for example, that the hologram is the matrix giving rise to all in the world, at least all elementary particles is in it, which accepted or will take any possible form of a matter and energy, from snowflakes up to quasars, from blue whales up to gamma rays, i.e. there is all in it" [2].
Though Bohm recognized that we have no way to learn that else the hologram conceals in itself, he made bold to claim that we have no reasons to assume that in it more anything is not present. In other words, probably, holographic level of the world is simply one of steps of the infinite evolution.
The hologram itself is a high-frequency formation as a product of the superimposition of several coherent waves, which gives a stationary interference pattern, since the phase difference of the waves does not change.
There are other researchers of properties of the holographic world except Bohm. Independently of Bohm, the neurophysiologist from Stanford University Karl Pribram working in the field of research of brain also inclines to a holographic picture of the world [3].
Pribram has come to this conclusion, reflecting over a riddle, where and as memoirs are stored in a brain. Numerous experiments for decades showed that information is stored not in any particular site of a brain, and is dispersed on all volume of a brain. The researcher of a brain Karl Lashley in a number of decisive experiments in the twenties the last century has found out that irrespective of the fact which a site of a brain of a rat was deleted, he could not achieve disappearance of the conditioned reflexes received by a rat before operation. The only problem consisted that nobody could offer the mechanism explaining property of memory "all in each part".
Later, Pribram faced with the principle of a holography and understood that he found the explanation which neurophysiologists looked for. Pribram is sure that memory is contained not in neurones and not in groups of neurones, but - in series of the nervous impulses, "braiding" a brain just as a laser beam "braids" the piece of the hologram containing all image entirely. In other words, Pribram is sure that the brain is the hologram.
Pribram's hypothesis also explains how a human brain can store so many memoirs in such small volume. It is supposed that the human brain is capable to remember about 10 billion bits for all life.
It was revealed that one more feature can be added to the properties of holograms - the huge density of record. Simply changing a corner under which lasers light a photographic film, it is possible to write down many various images on the same surface. It was shown that one cubic centimeter of a film is capable to store to 10 billion bits of information.
Our supernatural ability to fast identification of the necessary information from the enormous volume of our memory becomes clearer with accepting the fact that the brain works by the principle of the hologram. If you ask that occurred to you at the word "zebra", you should not shuffle mechanically lexicon to find the answer. Associations to the words "striped", "horse" and "lives in Africa" appear in your head instantly.
Really, one of the most surprising properties of the human thinking is that each piece of information is correlated instantly and mutually with any another - one more quality inherent to the hologram. As any plot of the hologram is infinitely interdependent with any another, it is quite possible that it is the highest exemplar of cross and correlative systems.
Location of memory is not the single neurophysiological riddle which became more solvable in the light of the holographic model of brain of Pribram. Another riddle is how the brain is capable to translate such avalanche of frequencies, which it perceives by various sense organs (light frequencies, audio frequencies and so on), in our concrete conception about the world. Coding and decoding of frequencies are procedures with which the hologram it copes best of all. Just as the hologram serves as some kind of lens, the sending device, capable to turn as if a senseless mash of frequencies in the concrete image, so and a brain, according to Pribram, contains such lens and uses the principles of a holography for mathematical processing of frequencies from sense organs in an inner world of our perceptions.
Pribram's thought that our brain designs mathematically "solid" reality, relying on entrance frequencies, also received the experimental confirmation. It was revealed that any of our sense organs possesses the much bigger frequency range of the susceptibility, than it was supposed earlier. In particular, researchers found out that our organs of vision are susceptible to audio frequencies, that our olfaction depends on what that now is called as "osmotic frequencies" and what even cells of our body are sensitive to a wide frequency range. Such finds suggest an idea that it is work of holographic part of our consciousness which transform separate chaotic frequencies to the continuous perception. The most curious aspect of holographic model of a brain of Pribram comes to light if to compare it with the theory Bohm. Because if the visible physical density of the world - only a secondary reality, and what "there", actually is only holographic frequency setting and if a brain - too the hologram and a brain only chooses some frequencies from this set and mathematically transforms them to sensory perception, what remains on a share of objective reality? [ibid].
The hypothesis of the holographic essence of Creation can be only by any approximation to truth, but it, nevertheless, visually illustrates our idea that, being divided into particles that are diverse in their development, consciousness at the same time remains one.
However, the opinion Bohm about illusiveness of the Universe is exaggerated because from the description of creation of the holographic image of object, for example, an apple follows that it is impossible without the material carrier. In this case as the material carrier is the laser radiation.
For its part, the holographic model also shows that consciousness is not the brain function, and, on the contrary, the brain is controlled by consciousness, more precisely, the brain is the instrument of consciousness, which, thus, in case of death of the brain, does not perish. In the holographic reality the thought, eventually, is as well real, as consciousness.
If the hypothesis about the holographic basis of the reality around us is close to the truth, then this will be an additional confirmation of the use of this reality, due to its characteristics, as an adequate tool for work, or rather, the development of the particles of consciousness through alive in beingness.
It is difficult to argue against the fact that consciousness exists and that it is quite clearly and effectively expressed in the person.
The fact that the person is the finite is also unconditional, but any finite is expression of the infinite in it. And if a lifeless stone reflects the infinity of the eternal, but indifferent to all the passive, then such live, self-active, understanding oneself in opposition to the rest of the world, not indifferent being as a person should reflect not only a passive molecular component of his body, but also - something else that makes it alive and conscious of oneself.
It must be assumed that this something can be only active, and, perhaps, we never learn its true form, but manifestation of which we feel every moment.
If to assume that the person in the basis is the hologram from the superhigh-frequency frequency passive and active, then the last can't but be the leading willy-nilly, otherwise it would lose its activity and it would be "found" in nothingness, but not in the living being, which is capable, undoubtedly, to change also itself and surroundings.
A person, unlike a cobble-stone which only is destroyed, can grow and develop, i.e. in this process he can look for the new, the best and more suitable for him as it seems to him, and to do it quite purposefully, making mistakes, receding, but often and achieving his objectives.
On this way in collisions with things and with similar the person more and more comprehends his surrounding and himself, without finding, however, full satisfaction in anything and in anybody.
At the same time, each person, as we know, combines two polar properties: he has personality and individuality inherent only to him and along with that he isn't capable to exist without similar. In other words, a person is separate and he also is as whole, that is, united with other people, just like everyone else in the set, like him. Like the ant, which has lost the ant hill, a person perishes if he remains out of contact with other people.
This fact allows assuming, that the basis of a person is a hologram which in any own part is as whole, and vice versa.
It is this property of separation and at the same time unity allows each person to be separate, self-active, unique and at the same time - not capable to realize itself and own existence without communication. Similar acquisition of self-consciousness and self-activity in community means for each person in fight and tests purposefully to do what he is still capable of, seeking to reconcile in this process own egoism (reflection of the peculiarity) with sympathy to people surrounding him, each of which also is he himself as a whole of hologram.
However, all the above about the possible holographic basis of beingness and a person, or the holographic essence of Creation, is only a hypothesis.
In order to bring this hypothesis closer to the truth, we present below some more facts in favor of this hypothesis, preceded them by a brief explanation.
Let's look at reality, more precisely, beingness, from the position of manifestation in it of what is beyond our sensations, and this something, as it will be further shown below, finds a very definite texture, which, unlike other hypotheses that assume Creation in the forms of universes as the only one, demonstrates that duality of Creation, including a hologram and an infinity out of time (Uniform), which are only together capable to producing reality, or being with all its myriads of stars, microparticles, planetary systems and etc.
All this Creation consists of only two components: the active matter (consciousness) and the passive matter in various combinations in the information field, differing in that consciousness in combination with things (dead matter), that is, manifesting oneself in the form of the living beings, that is possible only in beingness with its fluid time in the form of the present, is able to perceive, transform, create and transmit information, but everything else in beingness (things, or the passive) can only be a carrier of information.
In other words, Creation can be represented as an infinite timeless Nothingness and along with that - as a set of finite objects, which are manifested in time infinitely, i.e. that we call beingness, or existing present. Along with that, the information bridge connecting an infinity out of time and beingness can be considered a projection of an infinity out of time in the form of a kind of formation, hidden from our view, because it represents ultra-high-frequency formations that are situated in the opposite phase mutually, the frequency range of which is beyond the limits of similar formations for our universe,
For clarification, we note that the three-dimensional world known to us, judging by duration, minimum possible for it, in seconds with the basis 10 and the exponent 24 (according to other scientific data this exponent can be - 44), is capable to give frequency structures in hertz with basis 10 and exponent 24 (44). This frequency is the limit for the formation of the things copies of our measurement, which are "produced" by a single consciousness. The frequency spectrum of the copies of a single consciousness is above this threshold - and therefore, it is impossible these frequencies, and accordingly copies to fix in any ways in three-dimensional measurement.
Arising, these formations neutralize each other, representing in this respect, like an infinity out of time, an infinite nothingness, but only integrally.
Nevertheless, each "half" of these wave-like high-frequency formations, arising, can serve as the accumulator and transmitter of information like radio waves in the ether, connecting an infinity out of time and beingness.
Thus, the active and passive are capable of "being" as if in three places and states: inseparably in an infinity out of time, separately in its frequency projection in the form of wave-like structures, and also separately and partly together in beingness in the form of more or less dense objects.
More information about the hologram and its properties, in particular, about its main property - "everything in each part," as well as about the holographic essence of Creation, is presented, for example, in the article "Creation - a hologram at the base or a matrix (critical review)?" [4 - 23.11.2021].
So, let's move on to the facts.
To a certain extent, the confirmation of the holographic basis of Creation is the failure of science to bind dark matter and dark energy, which together make up about 94% of the mass of the universe, with the matter of the universe.
These formations are still not amenable to research by analytical methods.
The only thing that has been understood so far is that they are directly related to the evolution of the universe.
The dark matter does not participate in electromagnetic interaction and therefore is inaccessible to direct observation. It makes up a quarter of the mass of the energy of the universe and manifests itself only in gravitational interaction, not participating in other types of interaction and not containing any elementary particles related to the matter of the universe.
The dark matter is present in the entire volume of the universe, and its proportion increases with increasing scale. The mass of stars and gas is not enough to hold the visible objects of the universe, if you do not take into account the dark matter.
The dark energy is uniformly distributed in space, experiences gravitational repulsion instead of gravitational attraction, has a low density, and does not interact with ordinary matter through known fundamental types of interaction, with the exception of gravity. The density of the dark energy does not depend on time, but nevertheless has a significant impact on the universe, filling all space and accounting for about 70% of the entire energy of the universe.
The negative pressure of the dark energy generates repulsion, or anti-gravity, causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate.
It is assumed that the dark energy, as a superweak scalar field, after it reaches a state of equilibrium, will slow down the expansion of the universe and, most likely, it will be replaced by the contraction, making the universe a kind of the oscillating system.
Thus, both of these types of matter are clearly involved in the control of the universe: the anti-gravity of dark energy counteracts the gravity that dark matter controls.
It is estimated that the accelerating expansion of the universe began approximately 5 billion years ago, and before that, the expansion was slowed down due to the gravitational action of mainly the dark matter.
Curiously, if the acceleration in the universe had begun earlier than the specified moment, stars and galaxies would not have been able to form and life in the universe could not have arisen.
All these above facts regarding the dark matter and the dark energy indicate the opposite nature of their effect on the ordinary matter of the universe, similar to the fact that in the holographic projection of timeless infinity, ultrahigh frequency wave-like formations also have the opposite sign, and, therefore, may well project this property from a kind invisible dimension, respectively, into the dark matter and the dark energy to create an infrastructure in the universe suitable for the emergence and development of life.
In other words, it is quite possible that through the dark matter and the dark energy, the thinking matter in the form of a single consciousness of a holographic projection of a timeless infinity (otherworldly) penetrates into our universe, more precisely forms it, controlling at the same time both its structure and its changes for the sake of emergence and distribution. life, and therefore, by the development of consciousness in it.
The next argument in favor of the secondary nature of being with all its countless universes is "energetic".
As you know, our universe is finite. Therefore, it occupies a limited space and has a certain amount of energy. Briefly, this is mentioned above.
Where did this gigantic energy of the universe, as well as an infinite number of similar universes, come from?
Science does not provide an answer to this question. In turn, religion claims that everything appeared from nothingness at the behest of some higher being, which itself is not clear where it is found.
The appeal to the hypothesis of the holographic nature of an infinite Creation leads to a reasonable conclusion that resolves many questions that modern science cannot answer with its hypothesis of only one of Creation in the form of an infinite series of universes (beingness).
The main conclusion of this hypothesis of the holographic essence of Creation is that it does not appear suddenly and does not disappear, but exists forever in the form of the active and the passive in the information field in varying degrees of interconnection (see above).
The energy of ultrahigh frequency-wave formations, which are mutually in opposite phase and, therefore, integrally equal to zero, is infinite in separate "halves" of these formations.
It is due to this energy that the entire infrastructure of beingness is formed.
In particular, each universe has, so to speak, its share of energy, which is unchanged, and this is evidenced by the law of conservation of energy, all the laws of thermodynamics, the constancy of the speed of light, etc., the violation of which would mean the loss of stability of this entire finite system.
That is, the energy source of each universe is the powerful energy of ultra-high-frequency wave-like structures of the holographic projection of an infinity out of time, which carry the corresponding encoded information in their harmonics, and it is converted in accordance with the well-known formula E = mc« into the mass and energy of the objects of the current reality.
The creator of this current reality is a single consciousness of the hologram. It is, as it were, distributed over countless living beings, more precisely, connected with them, converting through them its own energy-informational discrete frequency clots (successive impulses) into the current time, i.e. into beingness, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, providing an opportunity for these beings in the corresponding an infrastructure acceptable to them with a certain constant supply of energy within the framework of laws that ensure a stable specific universe, to exist, grow, develop and multiply according to the appropriate programs, having a timeless connection with every living being due to the basic property of the hologram "everything in every part."
Therefore, each living being in its frequency-holographic basis is a kind of clot of information, accompanied by a clot of energy to convert this information, focused both on updating this being itself and on the formation of its immediate environment, as a result of what, it finds oneself in the current time of space. where all components of this space have mass and are bound by energy.
In this beingness, any living being is occupied with solving mainly two tasks.
One of them consists in converting by them under implicit control of a single consciousness the energy-information copies of inanimate matter into their own surrounding in accordance with the available sense organs, information processing centers and form-building abilities, in which this being can live, possessing a certain mass and energy
Another task is the automatic participation of this being under the control of a single consciousness as a particle of a hologram in the creation of a common infrastructure of beingness in its certain part (universe).
How all this happens can be imagined as follows.
It is known that in a person it is not the eyes that create the picture seen by the person only the unwrought light signals come to eyes. The picture appears then by combining the pulse signals at their processing in the uniform changing picture in which the person is the main character, transmitting this picture as if outside - like the projector in a cinema hall directed to the screen.
Thus, on the screen of the cinema hall the image is moving for us thanks to the relocation of a tape in a projector with a certain speed, and on the TV set screen the image is moving for us owing to combining and conversion of radio signals from the ether by appropriate programs.
And this materialization of separate frames or separate packets of information is carried out for a person-viewer virtually - in the form of images.
Unlike a projector or a TV receiver, converting of wave matter (pulsed energo-information packets) from a holographic projection of an infinity out of time in any living being including in a person, into his surrounding, is produced by being not in the form of images on the screen, but in the form of the material objects of different "density" and various forms using the corresponding matrixes (form-building abilities) creating both the living being itself and its surroundings by discrete updating of their energy-information copies within the framework of the common time, which is being presented to them by smoothly current time. This procedure is a consequence of the action of a single consciousness of a hologram in a combined set of the living beings. The energy for this conversion comes from an inexhaustible supply of an infinite holographic projection of an infinity out of time.
As a result, around any living being (and in it) appear concrete objects in motion, i.e. the environment, which as a whole is a derivative of the total time, and into it the specific surrounding of each living being fits. And this surrounding for different creatures depends on their sensors. For example, for a mole, all visual images are excluded, and for a dolphin - sense of smell, that is, all objects from these spheres do not enter the life of a mole or a dolphin, respectively, more precisely, in their individual current time, although, thanks to the common time, they can be perceived by other living beings with the corresponding senses.
Thus, both in a television receiver, and in a living being separate portions of information in the form of pulse signals owing to a delay when processing is converted into a visible, moving picture of objects in time.
Only you are watching movie at screen, separate from yourself, and movie hasn't a direct bearing on you, but own picture you form yourself, although automatically, like any other living being - in yourself.
However, all living beings in their variety are connected among themselves anyway, and connected with the things surrounding them.
In the same way television receivers (computers) in themselves don't work. To receive the image on the screen, it is necessary to connect them to power sources and to catch by means of antennas the signals from the general radio space, in which signals (radio waves) come from transmitters.
For the living beings by this radio space is ultrahigh frequency wave-like holographic projection of an infinity out of time.
Approximately much like the image on the screen of the TV "undertakes" from the radio waves of the certain transmitter (TV program), chosen by the TV viewer, through of ether, so and the living being "chooses" oneself, the adjoining living beings and things (own time, or own beingness) for oneself by means of a holographic projection according to the available set of sense organs at this being with their opportunities and opportunities of the centers processing information, bound with form-building abilities this living being.
However, this choice is carried out not from the transmitter, so how outside space the transmitter cannot be, but, nevertheless, this transmitter on call is a infinite nothingness which potentially is everything.
Therefore, the specified choice carries out the living being thanks to the form-building abilities which are available for it (his consciousness cannot but have them as the active, connected with a single consciousness (the active) of a hologram, turning out to be passive in their absence due to the inability to manifest itself, perceiving and transforming information) by means of own sense organs thanks to their "contact" through a holographic projection, similar to some extent to etheric radio space for TVs and radio receivers, with this nothingness, which is similar to some kind of transmitter containing potentially everything.
At this, only the living beings can be actors in this eternal performance of beingness, inasmuch all the rest in beingness has no the sense organs, the information processing centers, the form-building abilities and the program of growth, development, existence and actions. Therefore, this the rest, being the passive, can't carry out the choice for its existence by determination of the corresponding forms, what is any living being capable of, always striving for where according to its sensations-it is more pleasant, in accordance with his indispensable dissatisfaction by the present, which is nothing but the desire to dominate his own environment (this choice in every living being corresponds to its form-building abilities).
A person, in addition, can carry out this choice upon own conscious desires and ideas.
Form-building abilities of each living being correspond to its sense organs, and their automatic action is controlled by a single consciousness of a holographic projection of an infinity out of time.
The above comparison of the active (alive) and the passive (all others) objects of beingness quite clearly shows that all living beings, developing in the course of evolution with possible complication and change, could not but initially have, that is, before any evolution, for example, in the encoded form, such attributes as sense organs, intellect with memory, a program on a protein carrier (genome) and the form-building abilities in order to function in the appropriate environment.
The mechanism of interaction between the active and the passive can be one or another, but the active and the passive are different objects, the separation and unification of which ensures not only the existence of beingness as such, but also ensuring the stability of Creation with its countless universes and exoplanets interspersed in them, on which life develops, civilizations arise and die out.
Of course, relying on the data of the objects known to us from beingness, it is impossible to judge the active outside of this beingness, which for us is otherworldly, but in which, judging by the above comparison of the active (alive) and the passive (the deadened in relation to the perception of information), quite in harmony "are situated" the active and the passive in other forms, for example, in the form of frequency formations of the hologram type, constituting zero in antiphase, but separately quite capable of forming information flows for subsequent conversion into objects of beingness through the living beings which "produce" the current time with all its attributes in the form of a space with objects moving in it.
This active in beingness can be called consciousness, since it controls the development of the living beings on the basis of knowledge, more or less meaningful even at the level of amoebae, although this process is incomprehensible to them, because exactly individual consciousness supplies the information in the form of the successive pulsed packets of data from an infinity out of time through its holographic projection into the organs of sense of every living being, and it converts these packets of data with the help of the intellect and the form-building abilities of a living being, both into oneself and its local surrounding, which fits into the general environment, since the individual (own) time of any living being is within the general time, but own time of each living being can slow down and accelerate depending on the current conditions.
In other words, the consciousness of each living being is kind of ahead of it, since it forms this living being, as well as constantly updates of this being, indirectly controlling all its further actions, and therefore remaining out of sight of a living being, although in the hypostasis of a person, this being considers himself an independent individual, but in fact this individual is just a product of own consciousness in its two forms natural and self-consciousness, with a body made of the passive matter.
Thus, each individual consciousness, remaining in a hologram representing a single consciousness along with that associates oneself with a specific living being, forming the current time by means of a living being, not being literally present in it, but creating it every moment by its action through it, and in this respect, as if covering this being by oneself and every moment reviving this structural formation from passive matter by connecting it through itself to the hologram, which is a source of energy and an information bridge, connecting the formation, enlivened by consciousness, with an infinity out of time.
That is, the active (consciousness) does not unite directly with the structure formed by it, being another - the most organized wave matter of the hologram, but, like an antenna for a radio receiver, it connects through itself the enlivened structure to a hologram, which is an energy source, as well as a transmitter and a collection of information, due to which a constant connection is ensured between a living being and a single consciousness of a hologram, but only from the side of a single consciousness of the hologram.
Therefore, a living being, being a derivative of consciousness, along with that is its organ, not only having an independent life, but also by the being, forming beingness for providing outlet of consciousness into life.
As for consciousness in the otherworldly, which is also the active there, then in the rank of the active it is a frequency-wave formation, the harmonics of which are one form or another of all the attributes of the living listed above, passing into them at the moments of renewal of alive, that is, at the moments of the conversion of the packages of information into the material objects of beingness.
It follows from this that consciousness in living things evokes the information necessary for itself, and a single consciousness of the hologram reacts to this challenge with its corresponding portions from an infinity out of time, as a result of which beingness exists and develops eternally together with its living inhabitants, and does not disappear, but, on the contrary, this infinity itself with its holographic projection is supported by the living, as a consumer of information from an infinity out of time, making up, as it were, a three-layer Creation.
Thus, the active and the passive in the form of the living and inanimate is before our eyes, composing beingness.
The coincidence of each individual active (consciousness) in a living being with a single active (single consciousness) in a hologram means their inseparable connection in beingness. In particular, it is for this reason that a single consciousness ensures the automatic functioning of the organism of every living being.
To prove the existence of this infinite energy reservoir - a holographic projection of an infinity out of time, - transcendental for our universe, one can try by contradiction.
In any functioning system, especially a ultrahigh frequency one, failures inevitably occur, due to which, in principle, one can come into contact with these infinite energy reservoir of a holographic projection of an infinity out of time, which is ruled by a single consciousness through the totality of living beings in beingness, and it is not part of holograms, since beingness is a derivative of the hologram, but one that it cannot do without.
Therefore, such a largely creative being as a person is quite capable of taking advantage of these failures, that is manifested in individual inventions, although they appear extremely rarely and they is even prohibited, since they do not fit into the system of economic relations, which have developed in civilization.
In particular, violation of the laws of conservation in the form of the creation and use of an unlimited flow of energy will immediately disrupt the stability of the functioning of the human existence in the framework of the limitation of resources, necessary for the development of each person and individual social groups in the struggle for them, and will destroy this local beingness (civilization).
Be that as it may, but such creative figures can accidentally or deliberately take advantage of the hole in the border between being and the other world, having received in one form or another access to the bottomless energy reservoir of the hologram.
A specific example of the use of similar failure ("clearance" between the otherworldly and beingness-universe) is the activity of the famous inventor Nikola Tesla. He, being a supporter of the theory of ether and dealing with the problem of transmitting energy without wires, at the beginning of the 20th century began to experiment with the generation of lightning tens of centimeters thick and more than four meters long using a 60-meter resonator tower. In addition, he developed the design of a high-frequency emitter with three oscillatory circuits, the potential of which reached 10 thousand volts, and learned how to create ball lightning artificially. Tests of the resonator tower, begun in 1903, went quite successfully.
These achievements consisted in the fact that he learned to create the powerful electrical impulses and concentrate them over deserted areas (Indian Ocean and Siberia). The pumping of impulses was being carried out, as he believed, by the energy of the "ether". The resonance effect was being swinged the wave and a discharge appeared with a power equivalent to that of a nuclear explosion.
It is very likely, judging by the fact that he requested maps of Siberia to determine deserted areas there, that allegedly Tunguska meteorite (06.30.1907) could well be such an impulse, especially since it was on this day, as is known, that Tesla was being conducted an experiment on transmission of energy through the air.
Therefore, the medium from which Tesla drew energy, and which he considered to be ether, could well turn out to be exactly the otherworldly (hologram).
Having access to the energy of this "ether", Tesla also carried out wireless transmission of energy to the car engine, and in 1931 demonstrated this electric car in Buffalo, which moved without traditional current sources, as there are numerous testimonies of a number of persons. Within a week, Tesla was testing this car, accelerating to 90 miles per hour.
Regarding the source of energy, according to his nephew, Tesla claimed that "the radiation comes from the ether."
However, Tesla, immediately after the tests, curtailed this business with the car, apparently having realized that an inexhaustible source of energy would destroy the entire system of civilization, built on the limitation of energy and other resources.
Like Tesla, the aerospace engineer Roger Scheuer apparently managed to get in touch with the energy reservoir of the hologram in the early 21st century as well.
His invention is an engine capable of generating thrust for a spacecraft in a vacuum without using propellant, without pushing off anything or throwing anything into space. Thrust is generated by the formation of a standing wave of microwave radiation in a closed container.
The magnetron of this device was powered by solar panels (M. Taimar and G. Fiedler. Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Technische Universitat Dresden, 01062 Dresden, German).
Curiously, he, like Tesla, used standing waves to generate, though not energy, but traction.
The presence of traction is confirmed in all experiments, amounting to about 20 micronewtons at a magnetron power of 700 watts (51st AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joi Propulsion Conference).
But the nature of thrust remains unclear to experts. However, it has been suggested that the thrust is generated by virtual particles in the quantum vacuum, which behave like fuel ions in magnetohydrodynamic propulsion systems, extracting "fuel" from the very fabric of space-time.
This assumption, of course, is groundless, since it considers the problem in the framework of beingness (the space-time of the universe), where the violation of conservation laws is impossible, but becomes possible in case of going beyond this framework.
The same trick of violating conservation laws, apparently based on accidental penetration into a hologram using its energy, was succeeded by Yu. Potapov - the inventor of the fuel-free power facility (RF patent No. 2045715, 1993).
The vortex heat generator of Potapov is executed in the form of a vertical cylindrical pipe into which the upper part is tangentially entered the water flow with such speed at which with turbulization of a flow appear cavitational bubbles, as a result, water the heats up quickly, and the heat release is redundant, which was shown not only on models, but also in comparative tests at NPO Energia in 1996. The measured heat release was about 142% of the consumed energy. The installation, despite such a violation of conservation laws, was manufactured and even began to be sold. In particular, it was produced and sold by Fakel (Kaliningrad), Termovikhr, Noteka, Yurle (Belarus) enterprises.
The confirmation of the control of the thinking matter of the spread of life and the optimal development of living things together with their consciousness, that is, the thinking matter itself, is also the Fibonacci sequence, in the framework of which to one degree or another there are all phenomena and objects in the universe, including galaxies, microcosm, crystals, various natural phenomena in the form of cyclones and thunderstorms, as well as flora and fauna. In accordance with the Fibonacci sequence, branches and leaves of trees grow. In accordance with this sequence are also formed the various parts of the human body and the structure of a DNA molecule. In short, everything in the universe (beingness) follows this sequence, but with varying degrees of convergence to it, the maximum indicator of which is felt by a person as beautiful.
The Fibonacci sequence itself is: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21...
In this numerical sequence, each subsequent number behind 0 and 1 is the sum of the previous two.
The further this series continues, the closer the ratio of neighboring numbers in it to 1.618.
Geometrically, as the ancient Egyptians noticed, this number is obtained if you divide the line into two parts so that the long part correlates with the short one in the same proportion as the entire line correlates with its long part.
In the future, this number was called the golden ratio, since it, both in natural and artificial phenomena, and as this has been shown by practice, even in the case of any complication of a living or inanimate object, leads to flowing various physical processes with minimal energy costs.
For this reason, different living organisms do not develop by chance, but trying to follow the Fibonacci proportion, and the "golden section" gradually appears almost everywhere, which, in our opinion, is the meaning of the evolution of the living, which brings to a self-conscious and independent subject in the form of a personality.
In particular, the DNA molecule is 34 angstroms long and 21 angstroms wide. And these numbers are adjacent in the Fibonacci sequence, and their ratio is 1.618.
All best works and works in the fields of architecture, technology, painting, music, literature, as shown by their analysis in relation to the number 1.618, also followed, according to the thoughts of their authors, consciously or not the Fibonacci proportion.
These facts cannot but point to a clear attempt by living organisms to avoid chaos in their change in order to ensure their own economical and at the same time accelerated growth and development in the form of any degree of complexity, which, in turn, contributes to the development of consciousness in this alive.
Thus, this type of living and non-living objects of beingness in the most economical state of the "golden section" guarantees them maximum stability of development or existence, reducing the likelihood of both decay and stagnation.
In particular, a person who is aware of his own existence in time, unlike other living beings, is able to respond to this expression of the form of things and living organisms, which is maximally far from chaos and stagnation, as perfect.
Another fact confirming the basic principle of the hologram - "everything in every part", that is, the coincidence of each particle of the hologram with its whole, is the similarity of the simplest structures of reality (beingness) and the fractality of its more complex structures.
Fractality is also characterized by a kind of complicated similarity, more precisely, self-similarity of the part and the whole: the whole completely or almost completely coincides with its part or parts (has the same shape) with a dimension greater than the dimension of the topological spaces.
A variety of scales of objects that do not have exact quantitative characteristics, but have a relative constancy of ratios and dimensions, is included in the field of fractals, regardless of whether these objects belong to the microcosm, the macrocosm, planets, the living things. Fractality unites almost everything, including self-organizing systems such as a person.
Almost everywhere we can see repeating lines and shapes in inanimate and living nature: in the structure of DNA, lightning, minerals, planetary systems.
Fractal are the crowns of trees, the circulatory system of animals, clouds, snowflakes, etc.
The objects of the universe known to us are also located in it as self-similar structures, that is, fractally.
The fractal analysis is also widely used in human activity.
The fractal analysis of markets postulates the dependence of future prices on past changes, borrowing the properties of fractals to obtain forecasts
Fractal geometry studies processes and phenomena that have fragmentation, brokenness and curvature, creating a fractional (fractal) space.
Fractal art is digital art, that is, the results of calculations in the form of still images, animations, and automatically generated media files. All these images reflect such properties of fractals as self-similarity, algorithmicity, multidimensionality, unevenness, repetition, incompleteness.
Thus, the holographic essence of Creation is reflected in a number of concretely perceptible phenomena of beingness, which, in accordance with the principle of fractality, repeat the frequency wave-like form of formations of the holographic projection of timeless infinity, but with a much lower frequency, as well as in the repetition of lines and forms in inanimate and living nature.
That is, the holographic essence of the projection of Uniform (a timeless infinity), according to which each particle of the hologram is its whole, in being (the reality of our world) is externally reflected in the similarity of the simplest structures of being and in the fractality of its more complex structures, providing an opportunity for such a self-cognizing the subject, as a person, through these forms to approach the harmony of his own wave base.
Indeed, people believed thunder, lightning, sunlight and light of the moon from ancient times as newcomers from other world, deifying them in this or that form.
And they were right in the respect that these frequency phenomena are quite actual reflection in beingness of a wavy projection of Uniform (Uniform is an infinity out of time), inasmuch light and sound have no a direct bearing to the objects of the "dense" matter, but without them these objects would remain "in the shadows".
It is the frequency-wave basis of a person, together with the fractality of almost all objects around and the use by them or in them of the Fibonacci proportion, including a person himself, that explains not only the deification by him, until recently, of a number of light and sound effects, but also his craving for ordered wave formations, which he is able to perceive with his senses.
In the sphere of the light phenomena, in particular, patches of light on water, rainbow, polar lights, sunsets and sunrises, a combination of light clouds with blueness of heaven, magnificent greens of meadows and woods concern to them. Now laser shows and various pictures on television screens and monitors of computers were added to these lighting effects.
All painters work on a combination of lighting effects, and those from them, who managed to catch the play of light, for example, impressionists, have been put in a row with the greatest representatives of the human race in art.
Yes, and the art itself, as such, is aspiration to ideal, not absolutely clear for it, which, actually is a harmonious holographic basis of a person.
Clear evidence of this fact is also the relation of the person to a sound.
Natural sound phenomena in the form of splash of waves, rustle of a cane, singing of birds, murmur of a stream, peals of thunder, terrible sounds of a storm with whistle and howl of wind, chirr of a cricket gradually led a person to idea to copy these sounds through organs of articulation singing - and by means of the pipes and strings, which were being transformed gradually to various musical instruments.
Eventually simple copying was replaced by composing of various melodies from militant marches to lyrical opera arias.
It is curious that the thoughtless everyday consciousness perceives easier simple melodies. These unpretentious melodies become especially popular in accompaniment of the uncomplicated text.
Undying love of the masses to this kind of music (frequency-wave formations) indicates concealed in the depths of every human consciousness the memory of own holographic basis.
Numerous composers subconsciously too try to catch own another basis. But this basis is too complicated and far from low-frequency (sound) waves.
Nevertheless, this manages to make for some of them, mainly by using of the principle of similarity, on the one hand, and by access through insight in "otherworldly space", on the other hand.
Such musical compositions arise in a small number compared to the total number of all musical compositions, inasmuch their creation requires some kind of magic, but the real magicians as true masters, do not appear in a large number, because to find "thing in itself" ("transcendental object) on that side of reality and connect it with reality can only a person, who knows on some reasons, how to do it.
More about this skill is described in the article "Intuition as a hidden process of the targeted filtering of information" [5 - 18.11.2022].
Product of similar insight is often the only one for the entire life of the composer, and composers, who created at least several similar masterpieces during life, are located in the first row, judging by long-term programs of performance of the same operas, cantatas, symphonies etc.
Audiophiles and practically all lovers of classical music by "skin" feel at once uniqueness, universal greatness and unusual tenderness of this music which also is reflection of harmony of a hologram of projection of Uniform in that sphere of human life, where there is no need to fight for existence and can sink" in waves of "ether" without harm.
Another example confirming the possibility of the existence of a holographic basis of beingness is intuition, which provides an exit beyond the limits of ordinary consciousness and logical constructions into the space where things speak.
Such way out is achieved only by the ability to exclude the opposite aspirations of the lowest (animal) and the highest consciousness (self-consciousness) in a person for a while.
This kind of unification of both forms of consciousness to solve a single problem means a temporary exit through the lowest consciousness into the space, in which objects of beingness, including a person himself, are formed by means of a single consciousness, and where all these objects become understandable through the same single consciousness. for each living being of various types, since it is consciousness from lifeless fragments (shapeless matter) with the direct participation of the living beings that sculpts various forms that acquire motion in beingness, making up the infrastructure for the existence and development of these beings.
Naturally, any living being, including a person, does not suspect that he and all other living beings, due to the presence of consciousness in them, possess Creation as a whole, in beingness of which the inanimate turns into material and tools for life.
The explanation for this paradoxical situation is the holographic basis of a person, which coincides with the entire extra-spatial hologram of the projection of Uniform (a timeless infinity), containing in an implicit form for us the active, or consciousness, as well as the passive, or a lifeless matter.
Thus, no the environment creates a living being, but on the contrary, the living beings creates a habitat due to its guidance by consciousness in its individual and unified expression, which is a consequence of a holographic basis of beingness with its basic principle "everything in every part".
Due to the holographic essence of Creation, which manifests itself by the action of a single consciousness through alive in a thingness beingness as its own visible part, which creates an infrastructure that guarantees the existence and development of the living beings, by the real owners of beingness are the living beings. Moreover, all living beings, except for the persons, do not need to look for a way in their minds to the environment, since in their interaction with things they are naturally united with the environment, being its active (dynamic) elements, and absorb it in the form of their own sensations, obtaining thereby own time, but only within the framework of adaptive existence in it.
A person, as a part of a holographic projection of Creation, and therefore coinciding in this basis of beingness with the entire hologram, in principle, is able to become all this in view of the goal set by him, but real for him is becoming only in that area that he can perceive on the basis of his experience.
Otherwise, the desired product, which he can get in this manifested to everyone in the form of a kind of insight, will remain incomprehensible to him, as, for example, everything in this other world is incomprehensible to drug addicts.
When the unity of actions (harmony) of the highest and lowest forms of consciousness is achieved, a united consciousness begins to work just as automatically (without reflections and logic), as it happens in animals for their survival, but along with that in this automatic scheme relatively short time are being plugged all achievements of a person in the form of acquired experience in this area, available knowledge and skills with a certain target focus.
Similar relatively short-term harmonious merging of the target programs of self-consciousness and the programs of the lowest consciousness, ideal for survival, no longer opposing each other, as usual, but working in unison, for example, helping a person to escape from this or that misfortune, reflects their mutual interest in a favorable resolution of an extreme situation, or a person can mislead his own animal consciousness, presenting, for example, his creative searches in a banal desire for dominance, while in normal circumstances their interests and aspirations, as a rule, diverge, which is clearly visible from the contradictory actions of each person.
If a persons voluntary or involuntary appeal to his own lowest consciousness for a specific purpose does not contradict the latters aspirations, which are mainly related to the survival of the organism, then a person receives what he needs, if, of course, he will understand the answer.
In conclusion, we can also very briefly note a few more striking facts that also cannot be explained by the means that modern science uses, based on own hypothesis of only one of Creation.
The source and mechanism of the emergence of the living beings with a program on a biological carrier in each cell (the genome) has not been identified ensuring the formation of their structure, as well as growth, metabolism, development and reproduction on certain planets of one or the other universes.
There is no explanation of the reason for the ordering by the living beings in the aggregate as a result of their activities of the world around them thereby violating the law of non-decreasing entropy.
One can state the constant evasion of scientists from justifying the absence of the possibility of the brain producing consciousness, since it has long been found out that the body of a person is similar to the biological robot, and this body is incapable to produce the consciousness independently. As it was found out in a number of experiments of physicists and psychologists, the body does not have the required elemental basis to produce consciousness.
In particular, the philosopher A. I. Vvedensky in 1914 formulated the law of "the lack of the objective signs of the animateness". The meaning of this law is that the role of psyche in the system of the material processes of a regulation of behavior is absolutely imperceptible and any thinkable bridge does not exist between the activity of a brain and the area of the mental or spiritual phenomena, including consciousness. Professor of the Moscow State University Nikolai Kobozev has shown in the monograph that neither cells, nor molecules, even atoms cannot be responsible for the processes of thinking and memory [6, p. 85].
The sudden transformation of only one of the representatives of primates into such different being as a person, with his self-consciousness and creative abilities, has not been convincingly explained either from the standpoint of the evolution of the animal world.
There is no explanation for the phenomenon of time compaction for communities of the living beings in the course of their evolutionary development.
There is no explanation for the violation of the evolutionary development of living things on Earth in the form of the appearance on it of a number of technological civilizations hundreds, tens and millions of years ago, when people, in accordance with the theory of the evolutionary development of the living beings, could not yet appear.
These are the facts, quite convincingly, in our opinion, demonstrating by no means the only one of beingness (the universe), and at the same time showing its irreducibility to such simplified model of direct control of beingness as the Bostrom matrix [7; 4].
1. Prokhorov A. L. "Life emergence on Earth" on materials of article of Richard Monasterski in the National Geographic magazine, 1998.
2. 1980. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-7100-0971-2.
3. Карл Прибрам. Языки мозга. Экспериментальные парадоксы и принципы нейропсихологии, Прогресс, 1975 г. (Karl H. Pribram. Languages of the Brain. Experimental paradoxes and principles in neuropsychology. "Progress". 1975).
4. Nizovtsev Y. M. Creation - a hologram at the base or a matrix (critical review)?
[Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Oct 23,2021. Yury Nizovtsev.
5. Nizovtsev Y. M. Intuition as a hidden process of the targeted filtering of information. Amazon. Nov. 18, 2022.
6. Кобозев Н. И. Исследования в области термодинамики процессов информации и мышления. М.: Изд-во МГУ, 1971. С. 85.
7. Nick Bostrom. (April 2003). Are You Living in a Computer Simulation Philosophical Quarterly. 53(211): 243-255.
Chapter 9.
About the sources of change (motion) and development.
Here an attempt is made to overcome the one-sidedness, as well as the incompleteness of both materialism and idealism, by putting forward a hypothesis that balances the inanimate matter (the passive) and the matter represented by consciousness in alive (the active) in Creation, thanks to which it becomes possible to establish the sources of change (motion) and development.
First of all, we note that the change is a broader concept compared to the concept of the motion. For example, many types of replacement can occur without moving objects. In particular, these may be changes in views, interests, and design decisions. That is, the changes cover not only the purely material sphere, but also the mental one (the sphere of thinking), which in itself indicates the material nature of thought, and therefore - consciousness.
Apparently, due to the impossibility of scientists to explain such a strange phenomenon of the material nature of thinking, they prefer to compare not matter and change, but matter and motion.
Modern science also considers consciousness to be secondary, presumably for the reason that it appeared apparently later than matter, although this is only an appearance. Therefore, science removes consciousness from the picture of beingness, stating, in particular, that in reality spatial and temporal relations are connected with each other in such a way that their unity appears in the motion of matter without mentioning consciousness in these relationships. That is, this actually denies the material nature of consciousness, despite its manifestation in living beings, which, despite all attempts, scientists have never been able to explain conclusively.
It must be assumed that precisely because of this concentration on the clearly material, scientists were unable to discover either the source of motion (change) or the source of development, limiting themselves to trivial facts lying on the surface.
For example, it is believed that motion is caused by certain forces arising as a result of the interaction of certain processes or objects, without identifying and explaining, again, the source of these interactions, that is, science believes that the cause of the appearance and disappearance of forces causing motion is existence itself a system of interactions that obeys certain laws.
Thus, it is stated without any justification that the motion of matter exists eternally and infinitely.
That is, for what reason and what for this motion of inanimate objects exists at all, and also - eternally and infinitely, remains unclear.
Here scientific materialism leads itself into an insoluble contradiction, since the unknown primary source of motion, working forever, is akin to a perpetual motion machine, working indefinitely from unknown resources, producing incomprehensibly how and for what from dead matter moving in this infinity, suddenly, that is, spontaneously, the living beings who, due to their structure, are not capable of developing indefinitely, and therefore must return to the state of dead moving matter.
In other words, the eternal existence of matter contradicts its self-development up to living beings, since the self-development of inanimate matter, which has by no means an infinite structure in its depth, even if it occurs, having started at some conventional point of infinity, must also end in some conventional point of infinity. Moreover, the self-development of matter cannot occur with its motion alone. What is required, again, is a certain source that initiates the beginning of this development, which organizes the very motion (change) of matter in beingness, and which is also capable of creating conditions to give this matter a form in which it acquires the ability to develop. As you know, only living beings are such a form, and not everything else.
The layering of such absurdities indicates the insufficiency of scientific materialism, competing with various idealistic constructions, the essence of which boils down to simply cutting this Gordian knot by introducing an external (divine) force, which suddenly deigned to form everything from nothingness, allowed fot it to develop, and then, if you follow this logic , all this created must come to an end in one way or another, which also depends on external force - once you want to start, then the desire to end it all will inevitably come, having turned everything that exists again into nothingness.
There is no sense in either one or the other, since neither materialists can answer what kind of force makes matter move forever, and even change before the creation of living beings, nor idealists are able to determine this force, placing it simply for unknown limits, without deciphering more or less conclusively what kind of power this is and where it comes from, offering only to believe in it.
Thus, neither materialists nor idealists were able to determine either the essence of Creation, or the sources of motion and development up to the appearance of living beings, or the reason for changing the environment surrounding living beings so that they could exist and develop in it.
Apparently, this is why A. Schopenhauer appeared, who brought everything far-fetched by both of them to the point of absurdity by introducing desire without beginning, purpose and end, located outside of time and space, and leading the world in an unknown direction for it, since this desire, or will, as he called this desire is unreasonable [1].
This problem has not yet been resolved, apparently, because to solve it is required adequately to connect motion (change) with time, which, unlike modern scientists, was noted by I. Kant: the conception of change, and with it the conception of motion, as change of place, is possible only through and in the representation of time our conception of time explains the possibility of so much synthetical knowledge a priori, as is exhibited in the general doctrine of motion [2; 1.1, 6].
In turn, if we take as the source of all changes the one that manifests itself as consciousness in all living beings, rejecting the secondary nature of consciousness, and recognizing it as an equal material formation, but not amenable to the measuring (countable) capabilities of beingness, then in this case, the consciousness as an active material formation of a higher structure is capable of creating and changing through living beings the forms of a lower formation, which is called the inanimate matter, that is, they represent the passive objects, from which one can sculpt what is needed, in particular, for organizing motion and development by means of exactly the living beings, in which consciousness is, as it were, united with inanimate matter into a certain structure that, unlike inanimate matter, is able to perceive, process and transmit information, thereby forming the current time in which living beings themselves reside within the framework of a spatial stable infrastructure of non-living objects, which provides conditions for their life and development.
In other words, a hypothesis is required that, at a minimum, would explain the sources of motion and development, and, at a maximum, would connect infinity, time, consciousness (the active), the passive matter, information, having reflected this connection in another structure of Creation, not limited to one beingness with all its universes, which is only a part of Creation, having the current time.
Therefore, we must begin by determining the essence of time, which, in accordance with materialistic views, appeared only with the emergence of motion, without existing before it, which is externally confirmed by the Big Bang theory.
Nevertheless, there is a contradiction in this statement, since eternal motion, according to materialists, never arose. Therefore, time also never arose, and eternity itself, by definition, is infinite time.
Apparently, feeling this contradiction, materialists, defining the motion, associate it with matter, arguing that it is a way of the existence of matter, withdrawing thereby time behind the brackets.
Modern physics, unconvincingly bypassing the above contradiction, believes that time has always existed, but earthly time was formed at the time of the Big Bang, and with it a certain amount of space and matter appeared, having formed the Universe.
Such confusion and understatement create turmoil in the minds and mistrust in the ability of modern science to somehow determine time, space and matter, which, judging by the Big Bang theory, suddenly appeared out of nothing.
All this gobbledygook rests on a rather senseless materialism in this regard, which stubbornly refuses to admit the obvious - the activity of consciousness in living beings and the dependence of time on it, as well as the fact that change (motion) can only exist in the current time, which manifests itself in beingness only through the prism of consciousness, remaining a fiction without it.
Nevertheless, science, turning a blind eye to these facts, defines time in the most trivial way: time is considered a form of the course of certain processes, or a condition for the possibility of change.
Thus, it is still believed that we live in some external sequence of events with a practically unchanged time flow, within which all processes, including the most complex ones, have no effect on the monotonous, continuous and constant "course" of time.
At the same time, quite naturally from a materialistic position, time in the human consciousness is recognized as a conditional measure of change in material objects.
In other words, it is believed that senseless undead matter leads the consciousness through time, forcing it to follow itself, thereby shamefully recognizing the unreasonable as the dominant in Creation.
But this is refuted even from the position of modern physics, which states that the inanimate is turned towards chaos (the law of non-decreasing entropy), and alive, on the contrary, seeks to establish one or another, but convenient order for him, refuting this law by its existence by itself.
That is, consciousness in alive, in essence, controls time, preventing it from stopping at limit rest in its endless changes, thereby being an active mover of all things.
Logically speaking, this is exactly what happens.
You will say that consciousness manifested itself only in living beings, and not earlier, when they were not on the planet. But this fact does not at all exclude the existence of other planets suitable for life.
In addition, consciousness in living beings does not manifest itself tangibly, which in itself indicates that consciousness does not coincide with the material structures inherent in beingness, that is, it has no basis in the beingness, that is known to us.
Moreover, consciousness presents in beingness forcedly, since its base is not in the current time and it has to, being outside of the current ime, along with that immerse itself in beingness with the current time for its own manifested existence, change and development, which is impossible outside of the current time. And this duality of finding consciousness both here and there can only be provided by a hologram, any part of which coincides with the whole, regardless of time.
The principle of the hologram "all in each part" allows approaching to problem of the organization and the regularity in a new way in essence. The hologram shows that some things in the universe (beingness) do not give in to research by an analytical method: to dissect any subject and to study its constituents. If we cut something arranged holographically, we will not receive parts of which it consists, and we will receive the same, but it will be less accuracy.
The hologram itself is a high-frequency formation as a product of the superimposition of several coherent waves, which gives a stationary interference pattern, since the phase difference of the waves does not change.
In a hologram, each particle of the active does not lose its unity with the entire single-multiple infinite set of the active particles, and therefore can, in particular, with the help of this unity, to recognize, read and copy from an infinity out of time (Nothingness, or Uniform, in which the active and the passive potentially reside outside of time), whose projection is it, by the means and methods, which it is available, necessary for own existence the things in their connection, recognizing them in accordance with own mind (intellect), coupled with form-building abilities so, as it wants and can, updating every "moment", that is, discrete, but infinitely, a holographic projection as a quasi-temporary basis for one's own existence in the current reality in the form of a living thing in this information process.
The particles-copies of the active (consciousness), in the association with copies of the passive in a current reality, are able thereby to receive from an infinity out of time the necessary copies of things (passive) for them to replace existing copies of things in beingness, including replacing own material base, as well as updating also themselves.
In turn, a hologram as a superhigh-frequency formation of a special kind is an infinite projection of an infinity out of time, but the prototype of time already manifests in the hologram in the form of discontinuities of infinity as a consequence of its frequency structure that carries information for the formation of beingness in the form of space with moving objects. Thus, the holographic projection serves as a kind of laying between an infinity out of time, potentially containing everything, that is, the past, present and future, and beingness, containing only the past and present.
Beingness, which content is the association of the active (consciousness) with the passive (things), is a stable derivative of a holographic projection of Uniform in which the passive can't dominate, i.e. time, space and things (lifeless matter) can't have independent existence.
This stable derivative of holographic projections of Uniform the active "arranges" for itself, manifesting itself through a variety of finite symbiotic formation with the passive (non-living matter) in the life, lasting anyway in the framework of beingness, providing thereby the active.
The highest product of the active (consciousness) in the finite can only be a being who understands itself and who is trying to figure out the rest around itself.
Therefore, the crown of the manifestation of the active in the finite is a being who is able to separate itself from all other in order to look at itself from the outside, to be surprised and to try to change oneself somehow, the more that there are a lot of things around and the similar beings, conscious its own existence.
This means that the active component of such being receives the most rapid change, experience, new emotions and a variety of subjects for reflection and action.
What else is needed for development? Especially since this individual active (consciousness) can receive the update in each next life infinitely due to the death (disintegration) of the body, which occurs necessarily, keeping itself precisely because of its vital activity, in contrast to the passive components of the body, which are decayed as a result.
Each individual consciousness, as and the thing (the passive), too is the frequency wave-like structure in the basis, and as well, as seems, has to be subject to deformation, loss of stability and, so, - the loss of own specificity, or quality.
How then it keeps its individual quality in infinite passage through finite formations i.e. is eternal?
Certainly, the frequency disruptions, which change the structure of individual consciousness, happen at update of a holographic projection and, as a result, - in each coexistence of individual consciousness with a body-carrier.
But, if the thing isn't capable to correct consciously the changes happening to it at it as the passive there is no aspiration anyway to retain its peculiarity, which it is not aware, a thing has only elementary feedback mechanisms preventing its chaotic disintegration - then any living being, and not only a self-conscious being, by all possible means, which it has enough, clings to life. Thereby, consciousness keeps its main feature - the activeness, or the persistent aspiration to changes in oneself and around oneself.
Actually, the "immersion" of consciousness into the finite, live existence over and over again is also a solution of the problem of preservation oneself as the active.
The thing copies fall apart, but in doing so "feed" consciousness, giving it eternal, but discrete life in measurements, derived from a holographic projection of Uniform.
The existence in things and among things, and also close to other consciousnesses in the form of the live, on the one hand, allows consciousness to correct the structure of own kernel on the basis of reactions of the surrounding on own actions not to lose ability to aspirations on preservation of the fundamental peculiarity own activeness, and on the other hand, allows to try to use changes which it is capable to feel and/or to be aware anyway with advantage for itself, but not to the detriment.
The variety of situations in each finite existence to any individual consciousness means finding by it of a face, inherent to only this consciousness among an infinite number of particles of consciousness.
It demonstrates that a person, though is the crown of creation, there is only a consciousness tool, finite formation concerning his body.
Complete loss of consciousness (death) turns a person into rapidly disintegrating thing.
Therefore, willy-nilly it is necessary to recognize that the specific human personality in life is manifestation of the corresponding individual consciousness in its infinite development, and this personality is inseparable from consciousness.
The specific source of the development of consciousness in alive within the framework of beingness is such integral property of the very active (consciousness) as dissatisfaction, which manifests itself in any living being as a result of receiving and processing information that comes in every moment, which brings him not only information about threats, but also about opportunities improve the situation in its habitat niche. Therefore, as a rule, this being has a desire to improve own environment, and therefore oneself. Otherwise, the being does not have time to bring itself into line with the ongoing environmental changes, falling first into stagnation and then being replaced by more energetic competitors.
If all objects, except for alive ones, are passive fixers of data from the environment, interaction with which for them is reduced to responding to it by changing their own properties up to decay and emergence in a new quality, however, not chaotically, but according to determined rules in current reality, which are being established by scientists, that is, if these inanimate objects do not show any initiative (activity) of their own, then living objects are able, thanks to the appropriate processing of incoming data , to figure out, how the information received can be used, making certain changes into own surrounding for own benefit and changing accordingly their behavior.
Naturally, living beings first of all want to stay in the information flow that they are able to perceive and comprehend - each at the level of own consciousness, - distinguishing themselves from things, which are not understanding anything, by the fact that they use them for own benefit and preservation, competing in this with other living beings.
Therefore, all living beings are active, that is, they use the environment at the instinctive-reflex level of consciousness to maintain themselves in action (nutrition and metabolism), trying to push competitors away from food (domination), including copying themselves in one way or another (reproduction) for further spread in time and space.
Thus, the finiteness of their own existence, which they, except for a person, do not understand, but feel due to the deterioration in the functioning of certain parts of the body, living beings overcome by procreation (transfer of their own genome) by all possible ways, which requires a special growth program and development of both individual and general (generic).
In order to hold oneself in the information flow, which creates for a living being a sense of presence through his senses in the current reality, which is constantly changing, each living being has to fight with similar beings for a place and food.
Any stop or delay in this struggle for life (sensations) in a changing environment means death, that means disappearance of sensations, which no creature wants to lose.
Therefore, each living being is forced, in order to avoid stagnation, and hence death, to replenish its own database with new information, not being satisfied with the one has.
Hence, it is clear that the basic property of the activity of any living being consists in the dissatisfaction of its consciousness with oneself and the surrounding, transforming into aspiration for a better position, or at least for keeping what this being has.
In other words, without the dissatisfaction it is impossible not only to develop oneself and consume thereby more pleasant and more varied sensations, but also to survive.
Consciousness in every living being realizes itself through the sense organs and data processing centers (intellect), coming from the available sensory organs, as well as it realizes itself through a program on a protein carrier in each cell of the body (genome), which partly manifests the form-building abilities of the creature on basic on the organs of sensations and the available intellect.
Thus, the consumption of information flows is limited primarily by the available sense organs and their capabilities.
However, the aspiration to change own situation for the better, that is, in addition to just survival, - to more pleasant sensations, in particular, and through reproduction, and not only by increasing comfort and improving nutrition, is boundless, and always manifests itself, and a natural obstacle to this aspiration is the competition of other organisms with similar aspirations.
As a result, a fairly stable environment of living beings is formed with various niches that make up a certain hierarchy, which, it is true, is continuously updated, but structurally preserved.
By doing so, the inescapable striving of each creature in its activity for a better position in own competitive niche of existence can be defined by the term "dissatisfaction", the external expression of which is quite multifaceted, since the activity of a living being cannot be satisfied only with survival and reproduction - it always strives for greater satiety and a variety of food, more pleasant external conditions (warmer, safer, more organized).
In other words, the state of dissatisfaction of consciousness with oneself in a living being, which is transformed into the development of methods for its own change by influencing existing beingness, taking into account its counteraction, provides any living being with one or another degree of liberty as the realization of its aspirations for the better, expressed in changing its surrounding in accordance with emerging requests and available means.
That is, the dissatisfaction of consciousness always requires a greater degree of liberty, which gives it more opportunities to receive the most pleasant and varied sensations.
The dissatisfaction of the beings of the natural world always encounters mistakes in its striving for more pleasant, but overcomes them in generations not only due to the desire for the most comfortable arrangement in its habitat niche, not only due to the accumulation of genetic and personal experience, but also due to manifestation of their ability to constantly turn to new things in the form of curiosity, supporting this aspiration with their perseverance in accordance with the resistance of the environment.
The very survival of any organism depends on the quality of the information received in a changing environment.
Therefore, the satisfaction with the present, leading practically to unwillingness to seek and consume new information, ultimately leads to the displacement of this organism from the niche it occupies, degradation, and, as a result, to death.
But every organism wants to survive, since it has appeared and began to receive sensations, and not the emptiness of nothingness. This means that this organism should not be satisfied with what is, but strive for something else, which can help it not only hold oneself in existence, but can also help improve this existence, having made life more hearty, comfortable and safe, which associated with the pleasant.
Thus, each organism must be inevitably active in relation to obtaining additional and, preferably, new information about the changes taking place, if it strives for survival, and any activity is characterized by dissatisfaction, because constant satisfaction deprives the being of a initiative aspiration towards the change both its position and towards own change, that is, the being becomes passive, indifferent, which is equivalent to death, since in the community of living beings, the loss of the aspiration to change in accordance with the changing environment, that is, the loss of timely adaptation to the environment, means imminent death.
Therefore, the basis of activity is always laid on dissatisfaction with what is available, and this dissatisfaction leads to a permanent and most beneficial adaptation to the environment for the most convenient arrangement in it, both for the most primitive organisms and for humans, and the loss of dissatisfaction means a quick and inevitable death with preceding degradation.
This aspiration for survival and, if possible, for the most pleasant sensations in every organism must be maintained so as it did not fade away.
And this instinctive support is being conditioned by the unchanged activity of a living being, which increases with the deterioration of his position, that is, with the growth of the subconscious dissatisfaction of his consciousness with oneself and with the situation, and weakening with the improvement of the position of the being when the situation is restored or improved - a kind of the negative feedback of consciousness with the environment, directly expressed in its dissatisfaction with the current situation, which gives the command to the existing "mechanisms" of an organism through intellect to strengthen the counteraction to the negative impacts of the environment during this period. Although feedback can turn into positive with insufficient counteraction from the environment to organisms, which in particular can be traced by the uncontrolled reproduction of a number of algae in the absence of enemies, eating them.
The instinctive effort, which compels a living being to act in accordance with its desires, could be called the subconscious perseverance or tenacity, since it does not allow the action to fade out before it ends.
Thus, similar feedback (response) to the impact of the environment can be characterized, respectively, by bigger or smaller subconscious perseverance or tenacity of an organism in resisting this environment, or in other words - by the natural subconscious steady attraction of any being to the best adaptation towards the environment in its aspiration for the survival and the creation of the more appropriate conditions for reproduction and feeding, that is encoded in the genome.
Therefore, with change of conditions the being automatically tries to change not for the worse thanks to usual own activity, following the ability to absorb and issue information within the program of growth, development, reproduction and the actions corresponding to them coded in its genome, what do mutations in the genome contribute to, although, on the other hand, their role as randomness can be disastrous.
That is, the dissatisfaction of the natural consciousness of all living beings, including similar dissatisfaction of a person, as a rule, is aimed at what seems to him the best, which is determined by the available intellect, and which differs from the previous by more pleasant sensations - this best is represented for a person as pleasure, but not satisfaction, which is just a pause before striving for new pleasures.
Similar obligatory activity of a living being, in which dissatisfaction with the present is manifested for the sake of a better arrangement in the future, provides an overall upward change in both the beings themselves and their surroundings. That is, due to the activity of living beings, the content of flora and fauna, as well as the objects (things) around them, changes, becoming more complex and gaining more and more diversity. In other words, living beings oppose the growth of the entropy of Creation, which, if you look at it from this side, cannot exist without them in a stable state.
This activity of living beings with all its attributes, the main of which is dissatisfaction, distinguishes them, for example, from computers, since the latter seek and process only the data that their masters need, without understanding their meaning and purpose of the search, thereby acting only according to programs put in them by their masters without asking for anything in return.
Beingness as a whole cannot exist outside consciousness, since without it it cannot manifest itself, as well as the current time that comes from living beings, providing them with existence and development in beingness changing under their influence in the conditions of a stable infrastructure of beingness consisting of non-living objects.
If mentally to exclude consciousness, "having left" beingness as a repository of things alone in the residue, it becomes as a non-existence. What's the difference, there is something there or not? All the same anybody isn't present there. If, on the contrary, to exclude things, having left consciousness in loneliness, it at once loses life there are no things, time, space, motion, there are no and the existence as such, so as consciousness loses a support and at the same time - resistance of something, and without a thing it isn't present a subject neither for sensations, nor for speculations, nor for actions. In other words, beingness doesn't exist out of consciousness, and consciousness is incapable to exist without things, what means the indissolubility of beingness and consciousness in the basis, i.e. - their unity. Means, in the basis - out of time, or in infinity, they make organic whole, and they can be designated as Uniform.
Therefore, consciousness takes beingness over time for own development in infinity through the finite. No beginning or the end for such development can be because the infinity is not restricted to anything. Only implementation process of the infinite in the finite is carried out, or the eternal consciousness realizes itself in finite lives.
The single reason of current of time, time generally and its one-directivity, or irreversibility, is consciousness.
In other words, beingness can exist only together with consciousness. If to admit absence of consciousness in beingness, beingness becomes senseless, more precisely, it can be imagined as nothingness, zero, potentially comprising everything into itself. Nevertheless, there is nothing to do active consciousness into this nothingness: consciousness can't exist without development without development it simply isn't present. So, beingness together with consciousness can't but be as changing without any restrictions, in addition to the presence of a stable infrastructure that ensures the existence of an environment suitable for the existence and development of living beings in the current time. As a result, consciousness in beingness is capable of developing endlessly through finite living beings that interact with each other, creating countless shades of these interactions in life collisions of various kinds.
It should also be noted, in infinity isn't present the end and the beginning. Hence that consciousness for own determination and development should "cut out" in infinity the intervals of beingness corresponding to own level of development, i.e. the finite.
This finite can't be anything or to be simply shapeless as for changes are required for development of consciousness in beingness, i.e. something in what these changes could happen, a place for placement of this something, a place for its changes and fixing of these changes in order to consciousness could accept the fact of these changes.
In other words, in order to development of consciousness could take place, beingness should be manifested in the form of material objects which need a place that is reflected in space, and which can't be as stiffened that is reflected in their changes, flowability of everything, or in time. And the space and time are only conditions for changes of the material objects including consciousnesses - quite material object, which, due to its higher material structure compared to the objects of beingness, is capable of manifesting itself in beingness only through living beings that have sensors (sense organs) that perceive information; centers for processing this information (the nervous system and other complexes of neurons, for example, the brain); programs that ensure vitality and development (the genome in every cell of the body), thanks to which consciousness gains the ability to informationally cover every living being, and at the same time not enter into its material structure.
As for the correlation of consciousness, as a material object of another dimension, and objects of the three-dimensional dimension (beingness) known to us, the impossibility of an open manifestation of consciousness in being is explained by the following.
The three-dimensional world known to us, judging by duration, minimum possible for it, in seconds with the basis 10 and the exponent-24 (according to other scientific data this exponent can be-44), can give frequency structures in hertz with basis 10 and exponent to 24 (44). This frequency is the limit for the formation of copies of things of our measurement, which are "produced" by a single consciousness. The frequency spectrum of copies of a single consciousness is above this threshold - and therefore it is impossible these frequency, and accordingly the copies to fix in any ways in three-dimensional measurement.
As a consequence of the fact that beingness in its basis is a holographic projection of Uniform, - and this projection is being formed by consciousness - it is impossible to recognize as truth independent existence of time which besides is considered science independent of consciousness and related to motion, more precisely, arising as a result of motion.
The very motion, which is absent in Uniform, as well as in its projection, is necessary as phenomenon in which all living beings can develop. The motion also is being "produced" together with space, objects and smoothly current time by consciousness through the living beings who only such environment, formed by them, are capable to perceive as reality and, respectively, to live and develop in it.
However, time, as discrete durations, is formed originally not in beingness, and in a holographic projection, merging in uniform stream moving and changing things only after processing the information packets, updating one another successively, in the processing centers of living beings.
Thus, in order for the development of consciousness can take place, beingness must manifest itself in the form of material objects that require a place, which is reflected in space, and which cannot be frozen, which is reflected in their changes, a particular type of which is motion, the fluidity of everything, or in the curent time. Moreover, space and time are just conditions for changes in material objects, including consciousness - a completely material object of existence, but only in the form of alive.
Themselves neither the space, nor time don't exist. Therefore, it is senseless to look for quanta of time as measures of movement of a matter time in itself is only in the mind, reflecting changes of the material objects. It is possible only to designate conditionally every instant sequences of own time of a person as the time quantum, having specific duration about several milliseconds. The space also has no independent value so as it is created by material objects: it is illustrated well by the extending Universe which objects according to its extension borrow more and more a place. When the Universe starts collapsing, then and the space will curdle together with objects of the Universe, but doesn't remain empty.
You will tell, here the person died, but houses stand, the sky is still blue nothing has gone anywhere for us, but for the dead, apparently, everything disappeared. Really, all so: for us everything remains still because we are still living and we are in own "now" (the present).
However, for consciousness of the dead everything also doesn't disappear: instead of former "slice" of beingness his consciousness joins to other reality with other surrounding consciousness objects. The consciousness doesn't remain forever also in this other reality, it will find to itself new finite for the subsequent own implementation and will join to this finite. At this the new finite for consciousness isn't the future in our understanding so as the local consciousness can select to itself an interval of the infinite beingness, theoretically, anywhere: it can be for us the remote past, if the consciousness wants to repeat that something not turned out once. So occurs because consciousness isn't in time flow, and consciousness oneself forms own "now".
Consciousness doesn't disappear and doesn't appear, and it changes the dislocation for own reasons which depend on its level, interests, individuality as well as from interests and directivity of integer (whole), a particle of which is the local consciousness.
The past for the highest consciousness, or the consciousness, which is aware of itself, - only memory. Memory is manifested in its "now", creating real pictures of the past in imagination of consciousness, unlike the lowest, instinctive consciousness which feels only "now", but doesn't understand that it is in own "now", and simply lives in it.
Paradoxically, but the lowest consciousness is closer to truth as far there is only "now" in reality for these living beings here. And the local highest consciousness is able to invent a lot of things for oneself and about oneself. This - the flip side of that it is aware of oneself, i.e. is capable to be mistaken. However, it is quite good for higher consciousness because forces it to look for and find way out of, apparently, desperate situations which the consciousness itself, as a rule, creates.
The irreversibility of time is required for development of consciousness in the finite. Otherwise, consciousness instead of development would receive simply some changes, i.e. it could remain on a place or even to be rolled away back. Irreversibility of time for consciousness, or copying of data about surrounding it without energetic and/or material changes of this surrounding, allows not to "disturb" the world, not bring any changes during the information impact that, actually, makes life possible. In other words, in case of interaction, as a rule, objects are changed, without saving initial (before interaction) state including change also bodies, but consciousness doesn't participate directly in this "natural" exchange, it only makes copies objects, without destroying them, saving thereby the natural course of observed processes.
But, consciousness in alive changes itself, absorbing information from objects. As a result, it doesn't introduce instability to the world and doesn't destruct itself, nevertheless changing. I.e. life is possible only in the conditions of originally one-sided information impact of one object on another without destruction last with acquisition of data by the first from the second or during a mutual interchange of data without own destruction. Sequential making by consciousness of copies of data on changing material objects changes also consciousness, cutting off the road to a return into a former status in the ratio with a former state of the material objects.
Only alive are capable to such action, in addition to usual energetic and/or material exchange. The hopelessness of irreversible changes also doesn't allow to relax to consciousness, doesn't turn life into game in which it is possible to correct everything. Irreversibility of occurring events leading to death, impossibility to correct a lot of things out of deeds, makes life by the tragic and creates for consciousness so necessary to it for development the resistance of the environment, in the absence of which continuous happiness consciousness would fall into stagnation, or, on the contrary, - in continuous chaos consciousness would be lost. Therefore, instants of "now" appear sequentially, but don't congeal at blissful calmness and don't lose the sequence.
In other words, the present of a person is an information process that represents changes in material objects through an irreversible sequence of discrete moments that merge within the consciousness of a living being into a continuous flow.
Thus, the current time, in which consciousness through a living being is forming the immediate environment of this being, at the same time makes the living being dependent on changes in the entire set of material objects of being, manifested in consciousness.
On the one hand, the current time, formed by every living being due to the inertia of processing incoming information pulse signals to the senses, is being manifested in the form of the external time fixing for consciousness external changes in which consciousness at this stage of development isn't capable to interfere. These changes are manifested for the human consciousness in the current cyclic movement of planets, stars, oscillations of atoms etc. In comparison with these changes the consciousness of a person determines duration of the events happening with him as well as - with other material objects which are within reach of its feelings and comprehension.
Thereby, this, as if, the external time is reflection of changes of beingness in our consciousness consciousness fixes for itself through it these changes, and time flows in consciousness according to these external changes, which are independent of consciousness, in particular, within the framework of the change of day at night, spring in the summer with annual repetitions, etc. Time would for the person flowed on the other in another coordinate system, having changed according to change of coordinate system.
However, in particular, a person is capable to interfere according own understanding directly in the environment, being as motive force or the brake for it, and respectively for himself. Thereby, he creates own derivative from changes of environment in the form of the discrete sequential process of copying with it of the information, available to consciousness of a person and an exchange by it with other people. This sequence of receiving and processing of information packets, about which a person doesn't know, is represented to him as a current of time though actually his consciousness forms own time without which about life of human would be senseless to speak, how, for example, about life of cobblestone. This process is carried out by consciousness of the person though within external time, but it is autonomous in every moment.
These moments are technically partitioned by the appropriate pauses, owing to physiological features of a human body (lag time between the nervous pulses bearing information), but they are represented to consciousness not separately. This imperceptibly changing picture of everything from what he is capable to receive information, as well as from what he is going to receive information, and there is its present time "jumping" technically from a moment to a moment. Own time of a person, or his "now" gives him the chance not only to watch changing picture of the environment, but also to act in it as far he isn't a detached onlooker, and the same participant of everything that occur around.
This process is a conscious human life because in its events a person can participate freely in many respects in quality of the acting subject with the purposes which determined substantially by him, but not as a passive object. That is why he feels the departure of every present moment of life. In his consciousness this fact is represented as spillover of time in the past from the future. Actually, objectively there is only "now" for the human consciousness, at least because he can feel, think and act only in it, but not in the past and not in the future, the more that the past doesn't remain somewhere behind, and always, i.e. at any instant of "now" is with him in him or a total memory - and he may at any time of life to use it.
In other words, in every instant of the present there are changes in accordance with the sequential entry into the senses of discrete information packages (pulses of ultra-high-frequency oscillations emanating from a holographic projection of a timeless infinity (Uniform). These changes, merging in the consciousness of a living being into a single stream, are reflected in it as the external changes of its environment or, in particular, as the motion of the objects that make up this environment. That is, the current time and space with objects moving in it are formed by consciousness in alive, representing beingness for each individual consciousness in alive through the prism of its own current time, as if inscribed in the external current time, formed by the entire local totality of living beings under the control of a single consciousness of the timeless hologram.
Thus, motion (change) is due to the sequential processing by the corresponding centers of each living being of impulse portions of information arriving through the senses, creating, like a television picture, the changing environment of a living being (current time), but already real, since in a living being not only the transformation of information is carried out pulse packets from ultra-high-frequency oscillations of wave-like structures of the holographic projection of timeless infinity, which carry in their harmonics the corresponding encoded information into the current time, but also the powerful energy of these oscillations is converted into the mass and energy of objects of into the current reality, which relate to each other in accordance with the well-known formula E= mc«.
However, under this layer of reality which is in the motion the true layer of the motionless but replaceable copies of things are hidden.
So, the motionless formations become by moving objects without propulsor and the question of the prime propulsor, be it God or the self-motion of matter, disappears by itself.
The consideration of the problem of the emergence of everything from nothingness makes to assume that the nothingness is a material structure that is nothing and along with that - everything, manifesting itself in beingness?
This can only be the case if this structure represents equivalent frequency-wave formations in the opposite phase, thereby integrally constituting a zero, which, for example, being separated into parts, do not destroy each other. Each half of these wave-like high-frequency formations can serve as a store (memory) and transmitter of information like radio waves in the ether, connecting timeless nothingness (Uniform) and beingness, as well as this half is an endless reservoir of energy.
In other words, the non-existence for Creation isn't present, because the active manifests itself as a projection outside space separately and attracts to it the passive, without being thereby in uniform unity with the passive, characteristic for Uniform.
How does the active make it?
Uniform by itself is nothingness, or zero, but the active on that and the active, in order to not forgetting the passive, to project itself into the hologram in the form of wave formations which are in an antiphase, i.e. remaining thereby equal to zero. Nothing prevents the active to manifest itself also sequentially, updating the previous hologram by its full replacement through some pause with high frequency, i.e. discretely.
Each updated hologram is motionless and represents by itself the "expanded" zero which through the pause, representing "pure" zero, is replaced by zero with another "extension".
This manifestation of infinity is discrete in the finite form with ultrahigh frequency doesn't demand neither space, nor the motion, inasmuch arises nothing, except "gaps" in infinity which can be considered as prototype of time.
The infinite, motionless and eternal Uniform, thus, is the doubled system - Creation - thanks to the active in Uniform and its projection which also remains same infinite, motionless and eternal, but already "broken off" by the finite, sequentially updated formations which separately are already the temporary and on condition of linking them in itself the active receives beingness and life where it can realize itself in real actions, turning thereby Uniform through its projection out of nothingness in everything.
That is, Uniform, being outside of time, along with that comes out through its holographic projection into real existence.
The active, merged with the passive in Uniform, along with that turns out in the hologram as separate copies and can "attract" thereby according own understanding into it the copies of the passive from Uniform, forming with them the joint temporary formations, represented by alive in finite form, surrounded by things if the consciousness in the living beings "does not notice" a pause between positions of update.
Thereby the active "creates" an irreversible stream of time in which all objects, corresponding to holograms of one sign, move and change in space.
Thus, consciousness is not the incorporeal, ideal, unique, capable self-developing in this loneliness, as, for example, thought Hegel. On the contrary, in a holographic projection, a single consciousness is, as it were, among the copies of things and individual consciousnesses that it renews, representing quite material frequency structures, same high-frequency formations as things, but higher order, and possessing in usual living beings only by the ability to self-development within the framework of adaptability to the environment,, but having self-consciousness in the highest human expression in their conscious desire to change both their own surrounding and themselves.
Except high-frequency structures in the holographic projection there is nothing, and they didn't arise and didn't disappear, but existed, in our understanding, always, changing only the range and harmonics during updating. At this all of them are equal to zero integrally, being in antiphase each other.
The difference between these formations consists in what the simplest structures (the passive) are not able to change themselves on own understanding which they don't have - they are changed (updated) logically in succession only with "challenge" them, more precisely, by their consistent identification by the most complex frequency structures (the active, which have the understanding of themselves and which "search" themselves in changes by them of the passive.
Thus, indirectly, through the passive, are possible changes of the most active. But for "work" of the active with the passive on change of itself it is required steady formations, which are absent in the holographic projection of Uniform.
This requirement is fulfilled due to consecutive "clutch" of updated frequency structures of the passive that is quite possible for information copies (information packages) owing to loss of pauses between positions of updating of the passive, or pauses between information packages.
The pauses drop out in each individual consciousness in own carrier (the living being) generally because of a certain duration of processing of each package of information (the threshold of perception). This delay allows each time a new packet as if to catch up with the previous packet, creating smoothly flowing information in the form of certain forms in the individual consciousness.
Thus, "the clutch" can be carried out only through frequency structures of the active in the form of alive, connecting in itself the frequency structures of the passive in irreversible sequence of identification. It means converting of the arriving information out of the motionless, but consistently replaced formations, into the moving world - as analog up to some extent can serve demonstration of the movie for the audience with that difference that the movie "is scrolled" inside of the active (alive) by this active in alive.
In other words, this idea can be expressed so.
Fluctuations of one sign in the form of separate packages of information (impulses), which are arriving consistently in the processing centers of the living being, are being merged in them in holistic material, being transformed to the picture not frequency type, but, for example, into the picture known to us of the world of things and the phenomena. On the one hand, this picture has an information-frequency material basis, on the other hand, the picture of the world represents, like a computer game, an artificial steady formation with own regularities, rules and establishments which can differ for various measurements, but for which always are typical current time, motion of the specific things in certain space.
Any living being that is in the current life "inside" of this world, naturally, perceives it objectively, i.e. it isn't capable anything to change in the world, it cannot manage by this world, similar soldier in the computer game, but, unlike the soldier, no one has control over any living being in this world it does everything itself, however obeying to a certain extent the fixed rules. It cannot, for example, cancel the law of conservation of energy, chemical bonds of elements, own metabolism, limitation of life of a body in the conditions of environment or condensation of time with development of all live.
For clarification, we note that there is nothing surprising in the transformation by the sense organs and processing centers of the living being of the own high-frequency base and the frequency base of things into the macrocosm, known to us, in which the living beings can exist, breed and develop, inasmuch depending on the conditions the wave material formations may manifest along with that the properties of corpuscles. This occurs in the surrounding of the living beings which form the environment, suitable for life.
Our own existence means that a contradiction is in the infinite and eternal Uniform, as a result of which it, remaining uniform, infinite and timeless, along with that is discretely in infinite number of finite worlds, acquiring time of existence.
Otherwise, the One would remain in non-existence. This means that the timeless Uniform potentially contains everything, including both the passive and the active, which are capable of being transformed through a holographic projection of Uniform into beingness with its current time, that is, into finite changes. The only question is the mechanism that ensures this process: in Uniform there is potentially everything and along with that Uniform is nothing, since separately it is non-existence. On the other hand, there is its double, or projection, in which there is a prototype of time, which is transformed in beingness into the current time for living beings.
In other words, Creation is an infinite, timeless Uniform and along with that something finite, manifesting itself endlessly in the current time, which we perceive as beingness.
In more detail, the hypothesis of Creation from three components (an infinity outside of time, or Uniform; its holographic projection outside the current time; beingness with the current time), satisfactorily solving in the context of the coexistence of animate and inanimate (the active and the passive) problems that cannot be resolved within the framework of materialism or idealism, is described in my monograph Everything and Nothingness [4].
1. Шопенгауэр А. Мир как воля и представление. М., 1993. Т. 1.
2. Kant I. The Critique of Pure Reason. University of Adelaide. 1781/1998. The web edition published by ebooks Adelaide. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: ebooks.adelaide.edu.au > Library. Ebooks
3. 1980. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-7100-0971-2.
4. Nizovtsev Y. M. Everything and Nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru
Chapter 10.
Creation - a hologram at the base or a matrix.
After the invention of computers and, accordingly, - games based on it with simulated reality, the consideration arose: maybe we are the inhabitants of the simulated game of some higher intelligence that produced us and amuses oneself, watching us? Therefore, it makes sense to compare the argumentation of the authors of each of these main models of Creation, namely: based on God, the Big Bang, a matrix, quantum states and hologram.
At present, it has become fashionable to represent Creation, more precisely, the universe known to us, as a matrix, that is, a virtual (artificial) world - a kind of simulation, a phantom - created by a more perfect mind located outside this artificial world. But along with that, as the authors of this hypothesis believe, this perfect mind can also be in a matrix created by an even more perfect mind, etc., making up a closed chain of these simulations.
The question immediately arises: in what such invisible universe is the original natural world located, to which the main simulator-creator of artificial worlds should be located, and how did this natural world arise?
There is no answer to this question, which makes this fashionable design, the basis of which is in computer games, rather dubious.
The hypothesis of the "Big Bang" as the cause of the emergence of our universe, which astrophysicists insists on, also does not carry reasonable assumptions about what happened before this "explosion", it is not known by whom, as well as it is not clear from what and for what produced initially, especially since before the Big Bang, as astrophysicists believe, there was no time.
However, the absence of time before the Big Bang does not mean that one should avoid the problem of the otherworldly, since the beginning in the form of the Big Bang, if it is proclaimed by the beginning, was somehow initiated by something or someone, and the very absence of time before this explosion, how do the authors of this hypothesis understand it, only indicates an insufficient representation of the essence of time. That is, this hypothesis of the origin of the world raises doubts by its one-sidedness and lack of understanding of the essence of some attributes of Creation.
Almost all religious concepts regarding the emergence of Creation are also based on the sudden decision of some otherworldly being to create a world in which its prototypes will live, glorifying its creator.
The hypothesis about the generation of our universe in the form of virtual reality by quantum states also does not give an answer about the reason for this generation.
Common to these explanations of the emergence of Creation is the actual lack of recognition of Creation as eternal, putting it in the position of initiation by some outsider being or some formation. And there is a reason for this, which consists in the absence of models that do without the starting point from which everything that exists arises, except for the Hindu Creation in the form of an endless series of repeating, identical, closed circular movements-cycles: "Having created all the worlds, he, the shepherd, rolls them up at the end of time ... He looks at the wheel of life as a revolving wheel of a cart" [1, volume 1, p. 83-84].
Pythagoras adhered to the same views on Creation: "... everything that happens in the world is repeated again at regular intervals, but that nothing new happens at all ..." [1, volume 1, p. 287].
But this approach of Hindus and Pythagoreans to the eternal Creation denies development, and in this respect it converges with the simulation of the universe in the form of the matrix, since natural development has nothing to do with simulation.
Until now, the fashionable matrix, in which such famous figures as Elon Musk believe, has not been so strongly criticized, although it, in essence, reduces the universe to a one-time artificial reality, without taking into account of the phenomenon of consciousness, inherent in all living things, which is artificial not only is it not reproduced, but it remains to this day an incomprehensible phenomenon - like a stranger from another world. In addition, the authors of the matrix hypothesis leave its inhabitants to the arbitrariness of the programmer-creator of the matrix, who can hardly pretend to be God.
Nevertheless, criticizing the modern approach to the creation of the world as a simulation, it should be noted in it a grain of truth, which is that the earthly environment around us is really almost ideally created for life, and space resembles an artificial infrastructure, in which exoplanets are embedded, at this, the installed values of the physical constants of the universe, known to us, ensure both its stability and the corresponding conditions of life on exoplanets, and they cannot be changed without losing the stability of all that exists.
The world in which we find ourselves is not only incredibly complex, but, most importantly, on the one hand, it is completely ordered and organized, however, on the other, uncertainty reigns in it at all levels. That is, it is impossible to control it, unlike computer games, since it is not clear what will happen next, especially in the area where consciousness is acquired, which all the time throws out all sorts of pretzels and ultimately or even destroys its carrier - the person along with his ordered civilization, or throws him into that savagery, which he went through in his time with considerable difficulty.
In other words, the process of development in largely a artificial environment of the civilization of living beings {homo sapience) is accelerated due to the gradual capture of more and more information flows for action and their own change, ending to a certain extent with conscious actions of human communities of this kind (internet), which bring this acceleration of development of these communities, or their current own time to the point where they can no longer cope with the influx of new information.
This collapse leads to zeroing, at least of the most developed communities, at which all their cultural and technological achievements are lost, and everything has to start over.
This kind of finiteness not only of human lives, but also of civilizations means the discontinuity of their existence, at which the continuous progress that futurologists are talking about is complete meaninglessness.
Obviously, the futurologists were too lazy to think about the end of this process of continuous improvement of finite thinking beings in the appropriate conditions of existence.
In turn, the observed course of development of civilization leads to the idea that by no means is a person a peak of creation by virtue of his finiteness, but there must be something eternal and infinite, which is in meaningful development.
Of course, this eternal and infinite and even thinking, is difficult to imagine at the level of human consciousness, but, nevertheless, the image of God, who is the all-creator, arose in it. However, due to the imperfection of the human mind, this image turned out to be contradictory, remaining so without any transformation in the minds of believers about now.
Therefore, it makes sense to point out these contradictions in the proclaimed properties of God using the example of the most widespread Christian denomination.
Christian theologians approve the following about Supreme being or God.
God is outside time and space as far he created them itself as well as he created an object beingness, life and reasonable beings. At the same time, it is claimed that God in itself is the reasonable, living being as the author, the creator, a source of life.
God isn't multiple, i.e. he is alone.
God is eternal, or he is infinite.
God is invariable.
God is all-powerful.
God is ubiquitous.
God has absolute knowledge, or omniscience.
Thus, theologians attribute to Supreme being or God those properties which aren't inherent in people: absolute singleness, infinity, invariance, omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience.
At the same time, it is claimed that God is the reasonable, living being for the reason that he created everything.
There is nothing surprising that the people having consciousness and therefore -understanding own limited, invented a being opposite in this regard, i.e. who has what at them is absent. Besides, the people, knowing about own consciousness and vitality couldn't refuse to God in these. Otherwise he would be absolutely alien to them and why in this case they would be necessary to God.
It is impossible to prove existence or absence of Supreme being or God with certainty, as we know. And we won't be detained on this.
However, it is quite possible to mark a row of contradictions in the specified theses of theologians.
If God is the reasonable and living being, then according to this definition, he should carry conscious life similar to how people live, i.e. to participate in different acts, to develop of itself, consciously to change the surrounding during these or those events, to change itself, i.e. - forming own "now". Ask ourselves whether all this is possible before God created the world?
There is nothing outside time and space, and it is impossible to give of any explanation of that fact that this "Nothingness" can have at least something alive and reasonable.
Nevertheless, even if to allow existence into "Nothingness", by definition, of the lonely reasonable Supreme being, then, as we know, any mind can be manifested only in communication with similar reasonable beings without communication any mind, consciousness is not able neither to be manifested, nor to be in state of development. Besides, there is no opportunity to live to God, who, by definition, is alive, outside time and space, because there are no subjects, no any events in "Nothingness", so there can't be not only life, but also usual motion, and there is nothing to do there.
Generally, God was placed by theologians in "Nothingness", but this in itself is inadequate, - note, comparison of God and "Nothingness" looks, at least, by strange, - apparently because they got up before necessity completely to segregate this being off the vain world, having made him by unusual, and they did not take into consideration all contradictions arising at this. Along with that, it is impossible to recognize God, who created everything, as unreasonable.
Ergo, God cannot be in "Nothingness" and, if he is, then, following any logic, he should be in limits of time and space.
Further, it is necessary to mark that eternity, or infinity of God can't be manifested in "Nothingness" or outside space and time as far infinity isn't entirely zero category. Therefore, if there can be a being as infinite, it is capable to be manifested only in time and space. Concept of eternity and "Nothingness" is at all not synonyms, so as objects, in principle, can be reflected in eternity, or in infinity, but in "Nothingness" - no.
Alive and reasonable, by definition, God can't be invariable as far life is the continuous change, and the mind is the conscious participant of this change of life that proceeds within spatio-temporal measurements, or in beingness. Hence or God is changeable and he is situated in these measurements, or he has neither life, nor mind, i.e. he isn't present.
God can't be all-powerful owing to Russell's paradox. Its essence is as follows: "Let K a set of all sets which don't contain themselves as the element. Whether contains K itself as an element? If to assume that contains, we receive a contradiction with "Doesn't contain itself as the element". If to assume that K doesn't contain itself as an element, again there is a contradiction, after all K a set of all sets which don't contain themselves as the element, so, it should contain all possible elements, including itself" [2]. The paradox of omnipotence is a consequence of this mathematical paradox for sets. It lies in the fact that if a being will execute an action which will restrict its ability to execute actions, then it will restrict its own ability to execute actions, therefore, a being be not the all-powerful any more. If the being can't restrict the ability to execute actions, then it can't execute self-limiting actions and therefore it isn't all-powerful. [3].
God can't be ubiquitous as far he, by definition, is considered as invariable, so he can't be separated. Therefore, he can't present components, or any particles which would penetrate everywhere, into all measurements of beingness.
If God is considered as the reasonable being, he can't be omniscient as far essence of any live mind consists in aspiration to the infinite knowledge, to development, but in any way - not to knowledge in advance of everything. Unnecessary of knowledge for God is the consequence of this thesis. But after all he is a living being?
God in similar theological interpretation is some essence contrived by incomplete, limited, mortal people who wish to realize themselves in such contradictory being in the form of an immortal, all-powerful, omniscient being who, nevertheless, would be same alive and understanding as they, without taking into consideration that all alive and, especially, understanding, exists only because jointly, but not in alone, acts, anyway, in time and space in conditions, suitable for life.
God can't be all-powerful owing to Russell's paradox. Its essence is as follows: "Let K a set of all sets which don't contain themselves as the element. Whether contains K itself as an element? If to assume that contains, we receive a contradiction with "Doesn't contain itself as the element". If to assume that K doesn't contain itself as an element, again there is a contradiction, after all K a set of all sets which don't contain themselves as the element, so, it should contain all possible elements, including itself" [2]. The paradox of omnipotence is a consequence of this mathematical paradox for sets. It lies in the fact that if a being will execute an action which will restrict its ability to execute actions, then it will restrict its own ability to execute actions, therefore, a being be not the all-powerful any more. If the being can't restrict the ability to execute actions, then it can't execute self-limiting actions and therefore it isn't all-powerful [3].
God can't be ubiquitous as far he, by definition, is considered as invariable, so he can't be separated. Therefore, he can't present components, or any particles which would penetrate everywhere, into all measurements of beingness.
If God is considered as the reasonable being, he can't be omniscient as far essence of any live mind consists in aspiration to the infinite knowledge, to development, but in any way - not to knowledge in advance of everything. The uselessness of cognition for God is the consequence of this thesis. But after all he is a living being?
God in similar theological interpretation is some essence contrived by incomplete, limited, mortal people who wish to realize themselves in such contradictory being in the form of an immortal, all-powerful, omniscient being who, nevertheless, would be same alive and understanding as they, without taking into consideration that all alive and, especially, that understands, exists only because jointly, but not in alone, acts, anyway, in time and space in conditions, suitable for life.
Thus, recognition of such contradictory and, thereby, absolutely fantastic being by God looks inadequate.
At the same time, denial of existence of Supreme being, or God as this is proclaimed by atheists, too is inadequate because they by this fact of denial of Supreme or infinite being automatically recognize the finite person, mankind as the highest creation. But this itself is a nonsense as far the finite objects - in this case the person or the mankind, by definition, can't be eternal and ubiquitous.
People in the usual life practically don't face with infinity in this or that form. Therefore, it is difficult for them to comprehend the principle of the infinite existence which is manifested, nevertheless, in finite objects and the phenomena, in particular, and in them. For example, people, seeing own limitation and helplessness, suppose that if there is something the infinite, the higher, it should settle down somewhere in the cryptic, separate, supramundane sphere and this higher being induces the person to life and even helps him to live (religious consciousness).
There is also another look, proceeding from experience, according to which people suppose that they appear in process of development of the nature. They produce themselves on this base into a wreath of natural creation.
Actually the infinity differs from the finite then, that the infinity has no the beginning, the end and if you are situated in any "part" of this infinite, there will be everything in it already both the higher, and the lowest. If this thesis is attributed to the material worlds, which anyway are converted, then in these material worlds will be as the material objects which don't have consciousness, and the matter which understands itself. It proves, in particular, the fact that we, people, i.e. beings which comprehend self, exist in the infinite process of change of beingness.
If there would be an opportunity to be transferred conditionally, for example, for hundred billion years ago or forward, i.e. in absolutely another Universe (our Universe exists about 14.5 billion years), then and there it would be possible to find in three dimensional measurement on the planet, which is suitable under conditions of life, of the same people as we are, with the same problems, pleasures and distresses which also argue with each other, whether there is God actually, and what he is if exists.
And still, if to assume that Supreme being exists, then what attributes it should have in infinitely changing beingness, and as it, in particular, connects itself with finite reasonable beings, similar to us.
But more on that below, because first we need to say a few more words about the matrix in which we allegedly find ourselves, as well as about the Big Bang and the quantum world.
The idea of a virtual world stimulated from the outside arose not only from computer games, but also had a reputable philosophical and religious basis, since the complexity and incomprehensibility of Creation, its unpredictable dynamics with the development of self-consciousness in living beings up to comparatively high level suggest the emergence of hypotheses not only about the external initiation of the entire complex of Creation, not only about its management by some otherworldly being, but also that this world, in which people are, is nothing more than an illusion, since it arose, as it were, out of nothingness.
In particular, some Indian teachings consider the world for a person as an illusion in the mind of Brahman (the Eternal Absolute): This whole world that exists moves in the life breath from which it came out [1, volume 1, p. 80].
The Pythagoreans adhered to the same view of the world, who argued that everything that exists is an illusion. This was directly reported by Aristotle: "The Pythagoreans claim that things exist by imitation of numbers" [1, volume 1, p. 284].
Descartes also allowed that everything that he sees is false: I admit that everything I see is false. I assume that everything that deceiving memory reveals to me has never existed. I am completely devoid of feelings. My body, outlines, length, motion and place are chimeras ... [4].
This is the basis on which, relatively recently (2001-2003), Swedish philosopher N. Bostrom expressed the idea that the world is a simulation adjusted to human perception, that is, something like a computer forms all objects of our world, including human consciousness [5].
His followers immediately stated that the world is a computer-like game, and this game was designed by someone for their own pleasure.
Similar simplification of the universe is on a par with the Big Bang which unknown who initiated and which gave birth to our universe, and with God, who it is unclear for what reason, just as suddenly produced Creation together with us. The only difference is that before the advent of computers, it was difficult to imagine virtual reality, produced, for example, by someone in order to amuse themselves by deceiving the inhabitants of this false reality.
In addition, the considerations of Bostrom and his followers about consciousness clearly demonstrates their purely materialistic concept of consciousness as a derivative of the material world, which arose at a certain stage of its development. Therefore, they all believe that such a simplified system of the universe can be created artificially and it is not difficult to manipulate it the way the creator of this virtual world wants.
At first glance, it seems that such nonsense is not worthy of attention, but not everything is so simple. But this will be discussed below, but first, nevertheless, it is necessary to consider in more detail the arguments of the supporters of the virtual reality hypothesis, to which the well-known Elon Musk belongs, which, however, is not surprising, since he believes that people with the current state of spacecraft and medicine will be able to fly to Mars. At the same time, it is advisable to analyze these arguments here.
So, according to Bostrom and his followers, the main signs that the universe has been simulated by a certain creator can be reduced as follows.
But, first of all, we note that back in the Middle Ages, the Bishop of the Church of England Berkeley has noted that the images of reality created through our organs of senses may not correspond to what is on the other side of these organs: XXIII. But say you, surely there is nothing easier than to imagine Trees, for instance, in a Park, or Books existing in a Closet, and no Body by to perceive them, I answer, you may so, there is no difficulty in it: But what is all this, I beseech you, more than framing in your Mind certain ideas which you call Books and Trees, and the same time omitting to frame the Idea of any one that may perceive them? But do not you your self perceive or think of them all the while? This therefore is nothing to the purpose: It only shews you have the Power of imagining or forming Ideas in your Mind; but it doth not shew that you can conceive it possible, the Objects of your Thought may exist without the Mind: To make out this, it is necessary that you conceive them exist unconceived or unthought of, which is a manifest Repugnancy [6, p. 18].
Computer technologies gave the material basis for this consideration of Berkeley, and philosophers, together with programmers, decided that computers are quite capable of simulating reality, for example, by introducing a human brain into a world created by a computer, and this world for a person will look like a kind of the real dreaming.
Moreover, Bostrom and his followers believe that a super-powerful computer under the control of some otherworldly creature with the use of appropriate programs can produce the whole world, like a computer game, and the newly educated inhabitants of this false reality can be instilled such consciousness at which they will perceive everything around as the objective reality and will live in it without suspecting that this reality is just a computer illusion.
True, Bostrom and his followers do not think about the fact that these inhabitants are disposable, since in virtual reality the reproduction of its inhabitants with the corresponding transfer of the properties of the parents' genomes to the next generation is impossible without the presence of consciousness in these inhabitants, but consciousness does not exist in being apart from the body: where is it is located and what it is in general is unknown. Therefore, it makes no sense to talk about the virtual world with conscious inhabitants in it, which are led by a highly developed programmer from another reality.
As for the input of the human brain into the world created by the computer, then, firstly, it is technically impossible to cover all people with this procedure and maintain it for a long time, and secondly, this kind of sleep, stimulated by external influences, does not lead to anything - no developing civilization is formed here, although, perhaps, for medical research this kind of technique will be fruitful.
The next argument for the supporters of the matrix is the immutability of world constants, deviation from which in any direction makes it impossible for an ordered world to exist, which reasonably leads to the conclusion that these constants were once programmed by someone.
In addition, the fact that the universe is artificial, according to the supporters of the matrix, follows from the almost ideal design of galaxies with their stars, planetary systems functioning according to such laws that allow creating conditions for the existence of life on individual planets.
Therefore, they assume that this universe was once launched by someone.
The possibility of programming in this case cannot be ruled out, just as it is difficult not to notice the construction of everything that surrounds this life that is suitable for life, but it is also ridiculous to reduce all this to some highly developed programmer, for example, from the future, who decided to play with us, so how bored he was.
Further, computer calculations and astronomical observations have shown that the energy from cosmic particles from other galaxies is cut off at a certain level.
It is known that in any computer model the virtual reality is being broken on sections, within which the calculation is made, which led the researchers to the conclusion: since our universe is limited, then it is nothing more than a simulation.
The researches have also been carried out on the change in time in our world, which slows down, for example, in high-energy accelerators. The same happens in video games, where playing time can slow down due to the impossibility for each data processing cycle to miss a certain amount of information.
It has been known for more than a hundred years that if space is divided into cells in the direction of their reduction, then it is infinitely impossible to do this, and the limitation is the Planck length, beyond which modern physical theories cease to work.
Again, from this fact, a conclusion was drawn about the simulation of our reality, since on the monitor screen at a close distance the image breaks up into small grains-pixels. The similarity of a computer simulation of reality with the known universe is that, that at a deep level, the universe consists of a small number of particles interacting according to rules, the number of which is also small.
These facts are difficult to deny, but it is also impossible to deduce from them that our universe is just a false reality, discarding other hypotheses that may be more adequate.
Nevertheless, assuming the further development of science and technology, Bostrom and his followers believe that eventually a more advanced simulation will be launched, which people will perceive as the real world. They consider the return of mankind from civilization to the Stone Age or the rejection of computer technology as alternatives to this scenario, and this, according to the followers of Bostrom, is unlikely.
It seems that they are right and such degradation of humanity is unlikely, but they did not take into account such a factor that arises with the development of various types of technologies, including computer, as an information collapse: see, for example, the article "Back - to primates?! or forward t- o the superman." [7. Part 3. Section 3].
The fact is that any outside observer can notice that the current time of each person, as well as of the entire community, is compacted with an increase in the information flows consumed by them, which is an inevitable consequence of conscious human activity encompassing ever larger spaces.
However, continuous growth of volume of information coming to consciousness of people and affecting external expression of this information process acceleration of own time of a civilization, has to fit into the existing possibilities of human consciousness, inasmuch the finite (strategic) decisions are made by the person, but not the computer. Therefore, inevitably there comes the moment when the main centers of a civilization cease to cope with the avalanche flow of the arriving information the speed of information processing begins to lag behind its receipt. At this extended moment (a singularity point) own time of system of a civilization is being completed crash of a civilization. In other words, the system loses the quality, inasmuch it isn't capable to function the same way.
However, the information collapse, preventing the movement of civilization into the bad infinity of technological development which provides more opportunities for improvement not for a person, but for an artificial intelligence that does not have consciousness, that is, to a blockhead, in fact, is a renewal of humanity, which does not disappear and does not degrade irrevocably, but begins a new cycle of development, thereby confirming that man exists only for the development and life of consciousness in him.
Thus, the process of the emergence, formation and development of civilizations goes on all planets suitable for human habitation infinitely, but discretely, without the formation of some kind of phantasmagoric superintelligence based on artificial intelligence and without the transformation of man into an animal, since self-consciousness, once it has arisen, can disappear only with the death of all mankind on a separate planet, but there are also an infinite number of similar planets in the infinite Creation.
Therefore, the development of consciousness through man and his communities is not interrupted thanks to the preservation of humanity by systematic renewal through the points of singularity of the external form of its collective existence - civilization.
So the considerations of Bostrom and his followers about the infinite improvement of the matrix in which we allegedly live have nothing to do with life in this simulation, nor with infinity, because the finite (civilization) is not transformed into the infinite by the will of some programmer.
Another thing is the use of this kind of computer modeling for applied purposes: the development of science, medicine, education, economy, urban economy, etc.
As for the Big Bang, the result of which was the emergence of the universe known to us, the authors of this hypothesis shy away from explaining what was before it, arguing that there was no time at that time, having at the same time a wrong idea of time, since they still consider time, in fact, an independent chronology of events, fixing the change of objects, whereas time is an information product that may well be both in a hidden state, and be converted into a open state for living beings with objects in space and the current irreversible time, making up beingness.
The consequence of this approach of the authors of the Big Bang hypothesis to the emergence of the universe is just a description of the early stages of the expansion of the universe that occurred after the Big Bang, which you can read about on the Internet if you are interested in this question [see, for example, 8].
Therefore, from the standpoint of explaining the existence of the universe, the main drawback of the Big Bang hypothesis is the one-time manifestation of the universe as if from nothingness, suggesting, naturally, the same one-time end of this formation with its transformation into nothingness according to the proposed model of the emergence of the universe, which is rather primitive and shows insufficient reverence for the eternal universe, which, in accordance with ordinary logic, cannot but be completely self-sufficient without any initiation by someone or something.
However, the presented model of the Big Bang cannot also do without a creator, since. the emergence of the universe both from nothing and from something that preceded it, immediately initiates the question: what was it that preceded the explosion? The authors of this hypothesis have evaded this question, which indicates that they have no considerations regarding the origin of the universe.
One of the latest news that has come to us from the world of scientific hypotheses is that our world is generated by true reality in the form of quantum states, being again only virtual reality.
This quantum reality is based on other physical principles, and it is absent for us in the physical world of phenomena. Quantum states are statistical ensembles with fixed quantum numbers, and the quantum state itself is described by a density matrix, which is a non-negative self-adjoint operator. You can read more about quantum states on the Internet, if anyone is interested [9].
It is assumed that this quantum world is the cause of our world, and it determines the properties of the physical world, including life.
There is a grain of truth in this hypothesis, since no one has canceled the matryoshka principle, but such questions immediately arise: where did this quantum world come from, on what kind of inspiration did it produce our world, from where and how have the quantum states produced such hitherto incomprehensible phenomenon as consciousness, how and why do these quantum states affect or even control our world, which they simulate, why is our world made in the form of a phantom with conscious beings in it, if these quantum states do not have consciousness, etc.?
The authors of the hypothesis of the quantum world, which, as they believe, underlies our world, simulated by quantum states, that is, illusory, did not give answers to these questions, which indicates the extreme doubtfulness of this hypothesis.
With regard to ensuring the eternal existence of the universe by a certain highest being, one can try to isolate those noncontradictory attributes that it should possess as a real basis for the functioning of Creation.
Presumably, Supreme Being can be represented in two hypostases - manifested and unmanifested, namely: God manifests itself in the living, and at the same time he is the unmanifest essence of everything.
Presumably, similar Supreme Being should have an eternal consciousness, and in this respect be infinite and timeless, composing potentially everything that was, is and will be in beingness, - both the active and passive. Therefore, Supreme being in this hypostasis can be called an unmanifested God of eternity.
Along with that this Supreme being must also be in another form connected with time.
It must have the ability of the dissemination of its own consciousness both on the frequency basis of beingness - the hologram and on beingness itself, derived from it, that is, to be all-pervading in order to manifest beingness in space and time, and thus, to accept this beingness on oneself, use it for own development.
Therefore, Supreme Being cannot but be in time in time and should be constantly changing, but not invariable, that is, in this form it manifests itself as the God of time of a hologram, in which each particle of the active coincides with the whole active, and which due to both its single and the coverage of all its particles thereby can be designated as God of time.
Along with that a hologram comprises also the passive. Therefore, a manifested God of time covers every "moment" in a hologram Everything - and the past, which is contained in the database, and the present, i.e. that was and what is, since any part of a hologram coincides all hologram.
Since this Supreme Being is changing all the time, it cannot be omniscient and omnipotent, but it can strive for this in eternity, comprehending all innumerable and diverse nuances of beingness, making mistakes and correcting them in its active particles in alive, finding in this the charm and meaning of own existence or more precisely, life in this eternally and ever-changing beingness.
At this, for one's own implementation this Supreme being must be divided in order to act through own particles in the finite (mortal) beings, temporarily animating them and making them intelligent to one degree or another, but beings, who are not knowing that they operate, albeit of their own free will, but with the representation (presence) of the same God in each such intelligent being.
Everything else (the passive) in beingness is a base and a condition for the development of particles of Supreme Being, or God, and God should be both divided and omnipresent, and single and integral, which is quite possible at different levels, since we know corresponding by this the holographic principle [10].
Thus, this Supreme Being does not require some unclear transcendence place and mysterious incorporeality, and it is the highest, that is, conscious and, to some extent, the leading connecting link of eternal and diverse changing in time of beingness, which is being created by this Supreme Being through alive, representing the total current time and the own time of each of uncountable living beings, i.e. co-beingness for this Supreme Being.
This Supreme Being can be designated as Single consciousness, or God in two forms - an unmanifested (timeless) and a manifested (temporary).
Single consciousness oneself, and without any pressure, forms copies of things from an infinity out of time manifesting them so, how it can recognize them according to own understanding, available for it at the moment and at this level of development: this single consciousness oneself already in the quality of each individual consciousness can go deep into this manifested hereinafter.
Thereby Single in own multitude consciousness oneself establishes an order of things.
However, consciousness immediately falls under this established order. What saves the situation from bad infinity is that Single consciousness works with the finite and can begin its work anew, just as any individual consciousness can try to correct what has been done him earlier in the course subsequent stages of development.
You can also read more about this phenomenon, for example, in the article "Whether there is the presence of the invisible God in us?" [7. Part 3. Section 4].
If we summarize and consider the arguments for and against the hypothesis of the matrix, then most of these arguments, which are presented above, are directed against this hypothesis.
We note, however, all these arguments in brief with some remarks.
The world around us, that is, life in natural reality, is impossible to simulate like a computer game purely technically. This fact as a result of studies of the relationship between gravitational anomalies and the complexity of quantum computations in 2017 was demonstrated by the publication in the journal Science Advances of physicists from the University of Oxford Z. Ringel and D. Kovrizhin.
They, trying to tackle computer simulations of quantum phenomena in metals, found evidence that such a simulation is impossible in principle, since the complexity of this simulation, measured by the number of hours of processor operation, the amount of memory and power consumption, increases in proportion to the number of particles to be simulated.
In other words, in the case of exponential growth of computational resources, even for storing information about several hundred electrons in the computer will be required the memory in recalculation on atoms in number greater than the number of atoms available in the universe [11].
Here we can add the argument that there is no knowledge about consciousness, as such, and without this also no modeling is possible. Moreover, it is not even possible to simulate the biological and chemical processes of the human body in their natural form. That is, the living world does not fit into the matrix in any way.
If, nevertheless, we accept some kind of existence in the matrix, then in virtual reality its inhabitants will not be able to reproduce due to their lack of consciousness, which is impossible to implant, and these disposable aborigines will have to be replaced over and over again, similar kind of existence with life in development is in no way connected.
In other words, it is not the objects of beingness that produces consciousness at some level of complication, but on the contrary, consciousness makes certain objects alive.
Again, if the universe is simulated by some otherworldly being for it, then where to look for this side and what is the reason why this creature wanted to create a matrix?
There are no answers to these questions. However, it is clear that this matrix must have its origin in the face of its creator. This means that it will inevitably have an end, that is, the matrix has nothing to do with eternity.
However, the hypothesis of the matrix has also a positive meaning, despite its unreality.
This meaning consists in the fact that there really is some otherworldly beyond the organs of senses, which quite realistically provides us with a product to transform it into the world around us and together with ourselves.
The invariability of world constants and world laws that allow living beings to arise and function also indicate that everything around us works according to certain programs that must be created by someone or something.
However, it is foolish to reduce the entire Creation to some kind of high intelligence that has programmed us because it is having more fun with us.
It is also known that it is impossible infinitely to divide space into cells in the direction of their reduction, and the limitation is the Planck length, beyond which modern physical theories cease to work.
Again, from this fact, a conclusion was drawn about the simulation of our reality, since also on the monitor screen at a close distance, the image breaks up into small grains-pixels.
The similarity of the computer simulation and reality in the form of the universe, known to us, lies also in that, that at the depth level the universe consists of a small number of particles, which interact by rules, the number of which is also small.
These facts are difficult to deny, but it is also impossible to infer from them that our universe is just an illusion, discarding other hypotheses in which these facts fit. One of these hypotheses will be described below.
Bostrom and his followers, considering the rejection of computer technology or the fall of humanity into the Stone Age unlikely, argue that in the future the matrix in which we exist will be improved to the delight of its inhabitants.
It seems that they are right and such degradation of humanity is unlikely, but they did not take into account such a factor that arises with the development of various types of technologies, including computer technologies, as an information collapse, which leads either to the crash of this civilization, or to its transformation into an equilibrium ecological formation.
However, this process should be attributed only to the renewal of humanity, consisting in the temporary loss of technologies that can be developed again, since self-consciousness, dissatisfaction with the present and creativity, resulting from it don't disappear anywhere. That is, the existence of homo sapience communities with self--consciousnes is not interrupted, but is resumed again and again, changing one stage of development to another, up to the information collapse, but along with that, the development of self-consciousness does not stop, and when suitable conditions for life disappear, its "seeds" are transferred to other exoplanets.
Therefore, the choice of Bostrom and his followers of the matrix as a shell of humanity's existence with the improvement of this matrix, which, in their opinion, ensures the continuous progress of mankind, is filled with ineradicable contradictions that make this matrix completely meaningless.
As for the hypothesis about the generation of our universe in the form of the virtual reality by the quantum states, which are alternative to matrix, the doubtfulness of such a hypothesis manifests itself again in the absence of answers to the above questions from its authors. The main of these questions are the following: how and who, in turn, produced this the quantum world and by what such inspiration it suddenly gave birth to our world in the form of an illusion?
Nevertheless, this hypothesis, just like the hypothesis of the matrix, quite adequately notes the presence outside our world of some otherworldly invisible to us.
The hypothesis about God, or a higher being, described above, also carries a positive meaning, which consists in the presence of a certain timeless entity that determines itself as the original source of signals to the senses.
Be that as it may, all attempts by genetic biologists to artificially create a living creature were unsuccessful. This indicates a different relationship between inanimate matter and consciousness in comparison with the views of materialists, and the very essence of consciousness is not determined by science even now.
Hence, the relationship between even the most advanced computer game and the natural world is clear: in the former, the programmed actions of the inhabitants of this game dominate, and in the latter, these actions are largely uncertain, even if we mean not only people, but all other living beings as well.
The fact is that the consciousness, inherent in all living things makes all living beings internally dissatisfied always, because a living thing cannot but strive to where it feels it will be better, but no living being has exact knowledge about this best. and therefore is often mistaken, but any being does not stop its forward movement in its various forms, while those which do not possess consciousness, that is, passive objects of beingness, do not experience similar aspiration.
Therefore, all the actions of the inhabitants of a computer game, reminiscent of the human actions, are actually performed according to predetermined algorithms and they are not characterized by uncertainty of actions, which is an indispensable condition for the existence of living beings because of their eternal latent dissatisfaction by the present, pushing them to a seemingly better lot, and this dissatisfaction is being given to them by consciousness, thereby ensuring the independent development of each living being, unlike any programmed simulation.
This dissatisfaction by the present, reaching the highest possible level in a person in comparison with other living beings, leads him to creative actions that further accelerate the development of consciousness in a rapidly changing artificial environment, which is created by human efforts of many generations, and thereby differs from the disposable environment of the matrix where there is no breeding.
As for self-consciousness, it cannot be imparted to simulacra in any way, since it arises and is maintained only thanks to natural consciousness, that is, it does not have autonomy, and at absence of the natural consciousness - and it is not in the matrix - self-consciousness is in no way able to manifest itself.
Thus, for the inhabitants of the matrix there is no possibility of acquiring consciousness at any of its levels, and the universe, created in the form of an artificial matrix with its phantom inhabitants, can only be a puppet theater.
But what about the above-mentioned artificial features of the environment that surrounds us, which is, as it were, created for life?
In addition, how to substantiate the eternity of Creation and describe the supposed mechanism of its endless functioning on the basis of active and passive in the field of information?
On this subject, a hypothesis about the holographic laying of Creation was proposed, set out in detail in several works, in particular, "Everything and nothingness", "The person as the hologram" and in several collections of my articles posted on the websites "Litres" and "Amazon".
This model of Creation is distinguished by properties that explain both the presence of eternal life and the role of consciousness (the active) and passive objects in beingness. In addition, these properties presuppose a certain structure of the eternal Creation, in which beingness is a derivative of a holographic projection of an infinity out of time, which through this projection has a feedback with an infinity out of time, thereby ensuring both the stability of Creation and the development of consciousness (the active), which is the mover of all things.
The proposed model of Creation based on a hologram combines the natural and eternal course of events and the artificial role of consciousness in beingness, which the authors of the matrix hypothesis of the universe in the person of its creator hinted at, but the model they proposed, as shown above, is clearly inoperable.
Briefly, the hypothesis of the universe based on the hologram is as follows.
One can imagine Creation as a collection of active and passive objects outside time and in time,
Time arises from information packages primarily for the emergence of the possibility of modification the active and passive with the priority of the active (consciousness). Thus, the presence of the current time as actual is the basis for the process of changing everything that is manifested (existing).
An infinity out of time contains in itself in a hidden (unmanifest) form the active and passive, merged together, but it is not capable of manifesting itself. Nevertheless, our existence is a sign that an Infinity out of time is manifesting itself in the form of being known to us.
So, presumably, there must be some kind of "information bridge" between beingness known to us with its current time and an infinity out of time, with the support of which the active and the passive in the form of copies are somehow extracted from an infinity out of time and eventually converted into more or less dense finite objects of beingness in the current time.
Thus, Creation can be represented as an infinite, timeless Nothingness and along with that - as a set of finite objects, which are manifested in time infinitely, i.e. that we call beingness, or existing present. Along with that, the information bridge connecting an infinity out of time and beingness can be considered a projection of an infinity out of time in the form of a kind of formation, hidden from our view because it represents ultra-high-frequency formations that are situated in the opposite phase mutually. As a result, when they arise, they immediately destroy each other, representing in this respect, like an infinity out of time, an infinite nothingness, but only integrally.
Nevertheless, each "half" of these wave-like high-frequency formations, arising, can serve as the accumulator and transmitter of information like radio waves in the ether, connecting an infinity out of time and beingness.
Thus, the active and passive are capable of "being" as if in three places and states: inseparably in an infinity out of time, separately in its frequency projection in the form of wave-like structures, and also separately and partly together in beingness in the form of more or less dense objects.
Moreover, in beingness, as we observe, the passive represents inanimate objects, and the active represents alive, but not in the literal connection with the passive, but in the form of a kind of "the coverage" by them of the passive objects structured a certain way which are supplied with a program of growth, action and development in a combined environment of passive and living objects with conditions that allow all living things to exist, multiply and develop.
The functioning of such eternal and endless system of Creation can only provide a unified management by it, which we, not understanding what it is, call God. And, indeed, it is difficult to imagine the management of the infinite in the form of finite objects eternally by someone or something. You can only fantasize.
Nevertheless, at present it is possible to imagine similar manager. It can be called God, but, more precisely, it makes sense to call it a single consciousness, since the active in beingness does not exist by itself, but only in association with the passive, appropriately structured, becoming the consciousness of this previously passive object.
The thing is. that relatively recently was discovered holography. And its principle fits perfectly with the image of a manager of information flows associated with everything active in Creation.
The key to the presented model of Creation is a projection of an infinity out of time, providing a connection between an infinity out of time and beingness, as well as the storage of information, generated by alive; the energy of this system is presented by the active (consciousness), and the material of this system is presented by the shapeless passive.
Such projection of an infinity out of time can only be a hologram [10]: in a hologram, any part of it repeats the whole. The hologram itself is a high-frequency formation as a product of the superimposition of several coherent waves, which gives a stationary interference pattern, since the phase difference of the waves does not change.
In a hologram, each particle of the active does not lose its unity with the entire single-multiple infinite set of the active particles, and therefore can, in particular, with the help of this unity, to recognize, read and copy from an infinity out of time by means and methods, which it is available, necessary for own existence the things in their connection, recognizing them in accordance with own mind (intellect), coupled with form-building abilities so, as it wants and can, updating every "moment", that is, discrete, but infinitely, a holographic projection as a quasi-temporary basis for one's own existence in the current reality in the form of a living thing in this information process.
Particles-copies of the active (consciousness), in the association with copies of the passive in a current reality, are able thereby to receive from an infinity out of time the necessary copies of things (passive) for them to replace existing copies of things in beingness, including replacing own material base, as well as updating also themselves.
This information process of the interaction of an infinity out of time, where everything is inseparably, and the holographic projection, where the active and the passive are separated, requires for interaction of the active and the passive as well as for interaction of the active with an infinity out of time the artificial union of the active and passive (see below) in one form or another of alive, the main difference of which from everything else is the ability to convert individual consecutive data packets, carrying encoded information, into objects of a current reality for their updating, including consciousness in alive.
These packets are similar to the pulsed signals from the transmitter via the ether to the television receiver, in which they are converted into a changing decorated picture on the screen.
That is, alive is also able to convert individual impulse signals containing information into a incessantly changing picture of the world due to a certain inertia of signal processing, which in the minds of any living being nullifies pauses between incoming packets of information (the positions of the update), creating a continuous change in the whole picture, in which arise already real more or less "dense" - objects, rather than frequency information copies of the active and the passive.
However, unlike a television set that only decrypts and converts into an image a scene, that has already been prepared in advance from an appropriate source, a living creature has the ability to change this picture in accordance with own needs, desires, at this, the person can change this picture also in accordance with own goals, communicating automatically through own sense organs through a hologram with an unmanifest infinity, although, in the whole, the process of updating beingness is regulated by a single consciousness of the holographic projection of an infinity out of time.
As a result, for the consciousness of a living creature arises in motion (energy) shifting world of events - the current reality, or beingness, in which it is already possible to live in one's own present, but in the frameworks of general time.
In other words, the powerful energy of ultra-high-frequency wave-like structures of a holographic projection of an infinity out of time, which carry in their harmonics corresponding encoded information, is converted into the mass and energy of objects of the current reality, which are related to each other in accordance with the well-known formula E = mc«.
Thus, the active is an ultra-high frequency wave-like formation in a -hologram - a projection of an infinity out of time, the harmonics of this formation are a series of programs, allowing to arise, grow, develop and act correspondingly to the structured matter in the form of the association the particles of the active of a hologram and the particles of the passive, caused by the active from the unmanifest infinity. The hologram also accumulates the information from all living beings. Each section of the hologram contains the information about the entire hologram, that is, everything is contained in each part, which means that each particle of the active is connected to the entire hologram out of time, having thereby the possibility to use any information from the databases of the hologram.
The active, presenting in all living beings, is consciousness of alive, which is in it, because only it is able to extract by means of the organs of senses and the information processing center of the body in accordance with the existing form-building abilities own information copies as well as copies of things from an infinity out of time through a hologram, sequentially converting them into all objects of beingness - from universes up to the micro-world, from living beings to the favorable environment, around them.
The active in beingness, becoming in it by the consciousness of living beings, transforms, collects, accumulates and transmits information, acting through alive, but only in order to live and develop in the form of alive in the information flow, which is manifested for all living beings as the current reality (beingness) with things moving in it, the set of which is being compiled as a derivative of their sense organs, both individually and as a whole. Along with that the accumulated information from each individual consciousness in alive is transmitted by it to the database of the hologram, that is, to a single active (consciousness) for further joint use.
Thereby, the active in beingness, that is, each individual consciousness in the form of alive is a producer, a product, a dynamic carrier and transmitter of information about oneself and own surrounding. At this, each individual consciousness in alive, in order to avoid stagnation, on the one hand, replenishes the available information in interaction with other kinds of individual consciousness in alive, continuously transmitting it to the databases of the hologram, and on the other hand, each individual consciousness in the form of alive one consistently replenishes the current information for oneself through the hologram from the inexhaustible reservoir of an infinity outside of time, providing own infinite development.
Beingness, in which we are, in the form of a complex hierarchical structure of an infinite series of universes with inhabited planets, interspersed in them, and other attributes, is the material (thingness) derivative of an ultra-high-frequency structure - a hologram, that carries information for subsequent conversion of it into various objects, and the manifestations in this surrounding of living beings.
In turn, a hologram as a superhigh-frequency formation of a special kind is an infinite projection of infinity out of time, but the prototype of time already manifests in the hologram in the form of discontinuities of infinity as a consequence of its frequency structure that carries information for the formation of beingness in the form of space with moving objects. Thus, the holographic projection serves as a kind of laying between an infinity out of time, potentially containing everything, that is, the past, present and future, and beingness, containing only the past and present.
You can read more about consciousness and the hologram as a key feature of Creation in my article "Why does not science have the ability to identify the essence of consciousness?" [12].
Creation cannot be frozen and therefore devoid of development, since it immediately falls out of existence.
Creation cannot be chaotic, because it will immediately disintegrate, due to the initial instability.
Therefore, the laws according to which Creation functions do not just keep it from stagnation, collapse or decomposition, but contribute to its development, the meaning of which cannot be laid down in dead matter, but is only in living matter, since only it is capable of development if only the living beings can perceive, process and transmit information.
It is precisely to keep Creation in a stable state, suitable for the development of the consciousness, present in it in alive, that it is necessary to give the birth to living beings who, in the course of their life, continuously receive the new packets of data from an infinity out of time, selecting from them, in accordance with the means available to them, the information that is necessary for their existence, as well as updating themselves.
In addition, on the one hand, the living beings, as it were, animate through themselves and maintain this unmanifest infinity in a stable state thanks to the functioning of the applied beingness, the motor of which is the various living beings.
On the other hand, the living beings are born in order to the consciousness that manifests in them and through them, has not been standing, but has been developing through their communication and actions.
However, the renewal of each object of beingness according to its original frequency form has some limit that exists for all its objects, including living beings, when failures in the process of this ultra-high-frequency update, occurring in frequency-wave basis of beingness lead to disorganization of the functioning of the organism as an object of being, which now becomes unsuitable for the stay of consciousness in it, and it leaves this body, stating thereby the death of the body, but along with that - the renewal of consciousness, which immediately manifests itself in a new body for other life, forgetting therefore about the previous life, because it is necessary not for a person, but precisely for the development of consciousness in a new guise and in new circumstances.
Similar disruptions in the frequency-wave basis of beingness are the true cause of the destruction of the bodies, and in general, they are the cause of the disintegration of all objects of beingness, which therefore cannot but be finite.
Nevertheless, through these finite objects of beingness, and not otherwise, occur the manifestation in the form of beingness of timeless, that is, eternal infinity, delivering through its holographic projection the information copies of all objects of beingness, including each individual consciousness, which living beings convert into the objects of beingness.
In addition, the death of living beings means a discrete renewal of each individual consciousness, which allows it to develop differently in a new living being, and so on - ad infinitum.
The basis of the association of the active and the passive in beingness is a formation of the passive matter in the form of molecular complexes, containing sensory organs, information processing centers, centers that ensure the implementation of form-making abilities, as well as a genome containing appropriate programs for the growth of existence and development of a being in a certain environment.
It is only through this structural formation of the passive matter that consciousness gets the opportunity to flow into the flows of information, using them. Therefore, consciousness, as it were, covers the structural formation formed and updating by it from passive matter, energizing all the components of this formation, which begin to function according to the program laid down in them, starting from the embryo.
That is, the active (consciousness) does not unite directly with the structure formed by it, being another - the most organized wave matter of the hologram, but, like a source of energy and along with that an antenna for a radio receiver, connects through itself revitalized by it the structure with the hologram, which is an information bridge, connecting alive with an infinity out of time.
In this process of forming the basis of a living thing from the passive matter and connecting it to a hologram, consists the revitalize of this formation out of the passive matter, that is, consciousness makes it susceptible to the surrounding in association with itself during the life (a certain period of time of growth, development and dying of a being), on the one hand, creating possibility to process information flows to ensure the stability of Creation, on the other hand, giving this formation, in association with it, opportunity in the allotted time to "enjoy" life, the basis of which is nutrition, reproduction and the desire to improve its own existence due to imperishable dissatisfaction with the present, which does not allow a living being to stagnate.
Therefore, similar association of consciousness and the passive matter of a certain form and structure creates a completely autonomous living being, which cannot be attributed to either the passive matter or the active, and it, therefore, as something in between, not realizing its main function - the keeper of stability of Creation and the builder of beingness, simply lives for oneself in the form of communities in consecutive generations in corresponding niches, mainly devouring each other, excluding the civilized human communities, in which this process is no longer practiced.
The difference between the passive and the active in being is also manifested in the following.
If the thing isn't capable to correct consciously the changes happening to it at it as the passive there is no aspiration anyway to retain its peculiarity, which it is not aware, a thing has only elementary feedback mechanisms preventing its chaotic disintegration - then any living being, and not only a self-conscious being, by all possible means, which it has enough, clings to life. Thereby, consciousness keeps its main feature - the activeness, or the persistent aspiration to changes in itself and around itself.
Actually, "immersion" of consciousness into the finite live existence over and over again is also a solution of the problem of preservation itself as the active.
Existence in things and among things, and also close to other forms of consciousness as alive, on the one hand, allows consciousness to correct the structure of own kernel on the basis of reactions of the surrounding on own actions not to lose ability to aspirations on the preservation of the main peculiarity own activeness, and on the other hand, allows to try to use changes which it is capable to feel and/or to be aware anyway with advantage for itself, but not to the detriment.
The variety of situations in each finite existence for any individual consciousness means finding of sole own individuality among an infinite number of particles of consciousness.
So goes the development of the living beings and consciousness in them, i.e. the initial frequency disruptions in the structure of the active does not lead him to disaster (the collapse, or loss of the form), since the kernel of the active is restored in the finite living being that, moreover, makes the ultra-high-frequency wave-like holographic projection of an infinity out of time stable as a whole, and each particle of consciousness - capable to participate in the formation of time and, as a result, all real worlds in time.
Thus, the finite is necessary to the infinite not only for functioning of the system of Creation as the timeless and along with that as the temporary system, which thereby is retained in equilibrium, but also for stabilization of the active in Creation, making the active by unchanging and eternal in its essence, yet infinitely changeable.
In addition, the restoration of the core of the active in beingness is facilitated by the fact that the decaying passive objects of beingness by the energy of their own decay, as it were, feeds consciousness in alive, which, due to this, gets the opportunity to restore its core, in turn spending part of this energy of decay on the restoration of the passive objects in other forms, thereby renewing both oneself and them.
Comparing the presented models of the universe, we note that they all carry a completely adequate indication that there is some otherworldly outside of us, which quite realistically provides us with a product for turning it into the world around us together with ourselves.
However, all these models, except for the holographic, as well as the Hindu, but the latter is looped on repetitions, presuppose a beginning in this transformation initiated by God, quantum states or the programmer of the matrix.
That is, in these models there is a certain external cause of the emergence of Creation, which the authors of these models, even if they wanted, cannot eliminate.
In other words, in these models, Creation cannot be eternal, causeless and at the same time everything and nothing that naturally requires neither a beginning, nor an end, nor a creator, nor material for Creation.
But who, then, is the main actor in the functioning of Creation for the sake of creating acceptable conditions for the existence of living beings, as indicated, in particular, by the immutability of world constants, world laws, limitation of the speed of light, as well as the dimensionality of space with a minimum limit - Planck's constant and much more?
In addition, the universe we know does not develop chaotically, and in the genome of every living creature there are also programs for growth and development on a protein carrier.
From the presented model of Creation on the basis of a hologram, it is clear that its main actor is a single consciousness (the active). It also represents all living beings in beingness in the form of its particles - individual forms of consciousness, at this, the coincidence of each separate active (consciousness) in each living being with a single active (a single consciousness) in a hologram means their inextricable timeless connection both with a single consciousness and among themselves in beingness through it. In particular, it is for this reason that a unified consciousness ensures the automatic functioning of the organism of every living being and of all communities of living beings.
In addition, a single consciousness represents infinity out of time in that conditional part of it, which contains the active.
A single consciousness in all its hypostases solves two main tasks: its own endless development through the living in the current time and keeping Creation in a stable state through alive, since the enduring activity of living beings in the form of their constant renewal at all levels not only ensures their own existence, in particular , in the form of biological life, but also keeps them as well as the things they manifest in the form of beingness known to us, without which Creation as a whole cannot manifest itself, that is, Creation without living beings can be qualified as non-being.
Therefore, a single consciousness cannot but be eternal, representing in one hypostasis the infinity and eternity (timelessness), as if containing what was, is and will be.
Along with that, in its other hypostasis, a single consciousness manifests itself in time through beingness, that is, in eternal development through the renewal of living beings along with the entire infrastructure of beingness thanks to the frequency basis of the holographic projection of infinity out of time, embracing what is and was.
The above comparison of the noted models of Creation shows that the most acceptable model, corresponding to modern discoveries in physics and biology, and consistent at the same time, is the model of Creation based on a hologram.
Due to the property of the hologram "everything in every part", each part of the hologram contains information about it as a whole, providing, moreover, a timeless connection between all parts of the hologram. This leads to the fact that the single consciousness of the hologram is all-pervading, but not all-knowing and not omnipotent, since in time it is only able to be in the present due to sequential high-frequency update of all objects of being, but retaining in its memory all the past and not being able to anticipate the future. The absence of such an opportunity is necessary for him for his own development in permanent changes through living beings.
Thus, a single consciousness always strives for knowledge and puissance, not comprehending and not achieving them in eternity ultimately, respectively, but finding all the innumerable and diverse shades of life in all its manifestations.
In beingness, a single consciousness is divided for the actions of its particles in the existing alive, becoming omnipresent in it, but along with that maintaining unity and integrity in accordance with the principle of the hologram.
Thus, a single consciousness does not require any supra-worldly place and senseless incorporeality, and it is the highest, that is, conscious and, to a certain extent, the leading link of the eternally and variously changing in the general current time of beingness created by it through the living as well as in own time of each of the countless living beings, or co-existence (co-beingness) for this single-multiple formation.
A single consciousness, without the participation of any external forces, forms through living beings the copies of things from infinity out of time in the form of what manifests, from successive impulse packets of information so, how it is able recognize them in accordance with the understanding that it has at the moment and at a given level of development in order to in the sequel this single consciousness itself, already in the quality of each individual consciousness, can deepen into this manifesting objects.
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Chapter 11.
Whether there is the presence of the invisible God in us?
The invisible presence of God is revealed in the invisibility of consciousness in alive, but the narrowness of a person is manifested by the contradictoriness of the image of God, created by him. Whether it is possible to eliminate these contradictions?
Theologians attribute to Supreme being. or God those properties, which aren't inherent in people: absolute singleness, infinity, invariance, omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience.
At the same time, they claim that God is the reasonable, living being for the reason that he created everything, including own image in the form of a reasonable and living person.
Thus, people, limited in their existence, but understanding own finiteness, could not fail to create in their imagination a being that combines in themselves what they possess, and at the same time that they would like to have, thus acquiring a support, hope and patron.
The obvious contradictoriness of this "being" had receded under the onslaught of its necessity for this terrible and unpredictable world of fast-flowing time in which the danger traps the person continually, and his death is inevitability.
Therefore, each hoped to find beyond a limit of this disastrous threshold at least rest.
Not much were being managed to hold himself on the godless position, but and they tended mostly to pantheism or agnosticism, at this, towards the end of their life they were invariably worried because of doubts about the loss of their own accumulated personality, which one would like to preserve.
For the same reason, but not relying on God, the richest or sovereign persons from atheistic simpletons, who see only that which is on the surface, with the support of some cunning pseudoscientific persons, seriously hope for personal immortality, allocating to this unpromising business the considerable sums.
Be that as it may, the main theoretical mistake of theologians, parasitizing on the misfortunes of the fast-flowing life was to place this highest "being" into the otherworldly nothingness.
Ordinary logic indicates that in nothingness one can be only nothing, and all the more so from this nonentity is impossible to directly and arbitrarily create beingness suddenly.
If God is a reasonable and living being, then according to this definition, he must live a conscious life like the way people live, that is to participate in various acts, to develop, to change consciously surrounding in the course of certain events, to change oneself, that is, forming ones "present".
Let's wonder whether all this is possible before God created the world?
Outside of time and space, the living and reasonable, moreover in singular, is not able to manifest.
Nevertheless, even if to admit existence into "Nothingness", by definition, of the lonely reasonable Supreme being, then, as we know, any mind can be manifested only in communication with similar reasonable beings without communication any mind, consciousness is not able neither to be manifested, nor to be in state of development. Besides, there is no the opportunity for God to live, who, by definition, is alive, outside time and space, because there are no subjects, no events in "Nothingness", so there can't be not only life, but also usual motion, and there is nothing to do there.
However, it is impossible to recognize God, who created everything, as the unreasonable.
Apparently, God, who was thought up by theologians, was placed in Nothingness due to the fact that they faced the need to completely separate this "being" from the vain world, having made him unusual, and they weren't up to taking into account all the contradictions that arose during this.
Anyway, to avoid the specified contradiction, God, if he is, must be infinite and along with that manifest himself in the finite, that is, to be both out of time and in time.
Alive and reasonable, by definition, God can't be invariable, inasmuch life is the continuous change, and the mind is the conscious participant of this change of life that proceeds within spatio-temporal measurements, or in beingness.
Hence or God is changeable and he is situated in these measurements, or he has neither life, nor mind, i.e. he isn't present.
God can't be all-powerful owing to Russell's paradox. Its essence is as follows: "Let K a set of all sets which don't contain themselves as the element. Whether contains K itself as an element? If to assume that contains, we receive a contradiction with "Doesn't contain itself as the element". If to assume that K doesn't contain itself as an element, again there is a contradiction, after all K a set of all sets which don't contain themselves as the element, so, it should contain all possible elements, including itself" [1, Chapter II. 4, 5].
The paradox of omnipotence is a consequence of this mathematical paradox for sets. It lies in the fact that if a being will execute an action which will restrict its ability to execute actions, then it will restrict its own ability to execute actions, therefore, a being be not the all-powerful any more. If the being can't restrict the ability to execute actions, then it can't execute self-limiting actions and therefore it isn't all-powerful [2].
God can't be omnipresent, inasmuch he, by definition, is considered as invariable, so he can't be divided. Therefore, he can't present components, or any particles which would penetrate everywhere, into all measurements of beingness.
If God is considered as the reasonable being, he can't be omniscient as far the essence of any live mind consists in aspiration to the infinite knowing, development, but in any way - not to knowledge in advance of everything. The lack of need for knowing for God is the consequence of this thesis. But after all he is a living being?
God in similar theological interpretation is some essence contrived by incomplete, limited, mortal people who wish to realize themselves in such contradictory being in the form of an immortal, all-powerful, omniscient being who, nevertheless, would be same alive and understanding as they, without taking into consideration that all alive and, especially, realizing oneself, exists only because jointly, but not in alone, acts, anyway, in time and space in conditions, suitable for life.
Thus, recognition of such contradictory and thereby absolutely fantastic being by God looks inadequate.
At the same time, the denial of the existence of a creator, or God, as proclaimed by atheists, is also untenable because they, by their denial of a highest or infinite being, automatically recognize by the highest being of a reasonable but finite person, humanity, that in itself is nonsense, inasmuch the finite, in this case, both a person and mankind, by definition. cannot be eternal and omnipresent.
Let us return, nevertheless, to certain transcendent, or otherworldly, into which the theologians "placed" God.
Indeed, God cannot be finite and limited in time of life.
Therefore, it must be located in an infinity beyond time and / or be infinite in time.
If there is no time in this divine infinity, then God represents everything in it, and it must be uniform, merged, and along with that hidden, or unmanifested, that is, this divine Everything coincides with Nothingness.
If God is only like this, then he is equivalent to non-existence, since beingness is impossible without the current time.
Nevertheless, being, as we know and sense, exists quite to itself, which means the presence of God, if he exists, also in time, and time does not limit him in any way, that hints at the fact that he produces time.
Suppose that all objects of Creation can be reduced only to two categories - the active and the passive.
Indeed, it is possible to carry to active all material objects having subjectivity, that is this or that degree of consciousness allowing them to organize both themselves, and own surroundings, eat, breed and act in this environment, adapting to it for more or less comfortable existence.
To do this, the active should have a program of its own development and action (genome), certain receptors, centers that process incoming information, as well as form-building abilities, that represent the surroundings in the form, suitable for the existence of this active.
But all this is impossible without a base, in which the active must be placed and act.
In a certain simplification and coarsening, the active is similar to the computer program, but a program, which is free in actions and creative, unlike, for example, the artificial intelligence known to us.
Therefore, the active, being kind of software, cannot do without "iron" - the passive, which, being shapeless and representing matter deprived of consciousness, takes only those forms, which are necessary to the active for own existence and development, that is, the passive makes a background - an environment, ordered in this or that relation for the active, and elements of this environment are structurally connected and interact with each other not on their own, and according to the regularities, determined by the active one, who, time it somehow thinks (processes an information), should be recognized as consciousness.
Thus, in an infinity beyond time is situated Everything, but this Everything is the active and passive, only merged together and hidden, i.e. not capable of action.
In such state, Everything represents Nothing, or non-existence, and cannot express itself in any way, unless it has a projection in which Everything is capable to be divided in the form of copies of the active and passive in this or that duration, at this copies of the active "are engaged" in this projection only in that they derive the passive from infinity beyond time in the form of information copies, that is possible initially only thanks to combining the active with the passive already in the form of alive as certain support of itself.
Similar projection of an infinity beyond time can only be a hologram [3]: in a holographic picture each particle of the active doesn't lose unity with all infinite set of the active particles and therefore can, in particular, by means of this unity to distinguish, read out and copy using own means things, necessary for own existence, in their relationship, identifying them, from an infinity beyond time according to the understanding, which this active has how it wants and can, updating every "moment", i.e. discretely, but infinitely, of a holographic projection as the basis for own existence in this information process.
The particles-copies of the active, i.e. the particles-copies of consciousness, thus, "receive" out of an infinity beyond time the copies of things (the passive), which are required for "replacement" (update) by them of previous copies of things in a holographic projection.
This informational process of the interaction of an infinity beyond time, where everything is merged, and a holographic projection, where the active and passive are separated, requires the association of the active and passive in certain artificial form (alive) for the interaction among themselves and with an infinity beyond time. The main difference of alive from everything else is the ability to transform the individual consecutive information copies (the discrete packets of information), similar to pulse signals from a transmitter to a receiver, into a changing decorated picture (current time) like an image on the screen of a television receiver, produced from decoded transmitter pulses, that is, alive is also able to transform the individual pulse signals containing information into a continuously changing image due to a certain inertia of the signal processing, which in the minds of any living being eliminates the pauses between the arriving information packets (positions of the update).
As a result, for the consciousness of a living being, a changing event world arises in motion - beingness, in which it is already possible to live in own present, but within the framework of a common (external) time.
In other words, the informational process of interaction between an infinity beyond time and its holographic projection cannot do without local, temporary, artificial and programmed formations of the active and passive, for which, in turn, requires an appropriate environment (beingness), i.e. the macroscopic and microscopic (dark matter and energy, stars, planets, space, galaxies, radiations, elementary particles, molecules, etc.), that we know.
The things themselves remain in an infinity beyond time in the merged state, as and the active, or consciousness (an unmanifested God of eternity), and along with that through the copies of the active particles (consciousness) manifest as a result in the form of the environment (beingness), which surrounds the particles of consciousness from the outside and from the inside. These copies of the active particles in their unity in a holographic projection represent already a manifested God of time, since in an infinite holographic projection - a frequency formation - emerges the duration.
That is, in the reality (beingness), manifested through a holographic projection, objects from an infinity beyond time do not appear as such, but they are nevertheless present in this reality in the form of copies, which are constantly updated by means of the active of a holographic projection, since through it into alive the packages of information corresponding to its properties (features of the sense organs, information processing centers, form-building abilities-programs) consistently arrive.
A holographic projection itself cannot but be material. By definition, it is a frequency formation.
The multiple copies of a single consciousness (a manifested God of time), which possess self-consciousness, have one frequency structure, other frequency range has usual living beings (only reflex- instinctive on actions and behavior), at this, the things (non-living) from an infinity beyond time, recognized by particles of consciousness of the living beings in the form of the information copies, are the simplest frequency structures, making up the real (object) surroundings of alive in beingness.
A holographic projection of an infinity beyond time, like this infinity itself, cannot but represent by itself Nothingness, since ultrahigh frequency oscillations that make up this projection of an infinity beyond time are in antiphase, i.e. integrally equal to zero.
An infinity beyond time in combination with its own infinite projection in the form of the finite renewing formations constitute the equilibrium unity of the temporary, finite in infinity, and the infinite beyond time, hidden that holds the whole system in existence, despite the fact that it does not exist according to material balance.
A holographic projection, being formed by a single-multiple consciousness, (a manifested God of time) has no motion, but, paradoxically, it is being changed, more precisely, it is the consistently updated ultrahigh-frequency picture-hologram owing to the inseparable connection of the active (consciousness) in its multiple-single expression in a hologram-projection with an infinity beyond time (an unmanifested God of eternity), in which everything is merged together, but can be extracted every moment of updating through a holographic projection in the form of the fixed information copies thanks to the actions of the active in the form of alive out of beingness.
The active (consciousness) through a holographic projection receives a life and the ability to change in the sequence of updates of all objects of beingness, being formed by the active in the form of alive, thereby a latent infinity beyond time (an unmanifested God of eternity) comes out into real existence, as if coming to life in time and keeping of itself from falling into nothingness, in which nothing can happen.
Thus, God in the dual system of Creation has two hypostases: an unmanifested God of eternity and a manifested God of time.
At this, there is no motion either in an infinity beyond time or in its holographic updated projection, since consciousness does not need to move the frequency copies of objects from an infinity beyond time, it is enough only to update them within the information process of the recognition in an irreversible sequence on the basis of an infinity beyond time, to which a single consciousness of a holographic projection (a manifested God of time) has access and it kind of scans an infinity beyond time in accordance with own intentions and programs.
Similar ratio of an infinity beyond time and its holographic projection can be realized only on the basis of the interaction of the active and passive from an infinity beyond time through their divided copies in a projection-hologram, which are being united artificially in frame of own derivative (beingness), making in it alive.
It is this artificial initially and finite alive in its combination of the active (consciousness) and the passive (inorganic) in beingness, being derived from a holographic projection, keeps the dual system of Creation (which has neither the end nor the beginning), consisting of an infinity beyond time and its temporal holographic projection, in balance, and creates the condition for the eternal but discrete development of consciousness (the active) in beingness.
So, what attributes should the Supreme Being possess, which, as we have shown, is a single-multiple-consciousness of a holographic projection, manifested in beingness as usual living beings in instinctively-reflex form on type of their actions, as well as the living beings, conscious of themselves, and along with that this Supreme Being is an unmanifested essence of everything?
Presumably, such Supreme being should have an eternal consciousness, and in this respect be infinite and timeless, composing potentially All that was, is and will be in beingness, - both the active and passive. Therefore, Supreme being in this hypostasis can be called an unmanifested God of eternity.
Along with that this Supreme being must also be in another form connected with time.
It must have the ability to extend its own consciousness both on the hologram and on beingness, derived from it, that is, to be all-pervading in order to manifest it in space and time, and thus, to take this beingness on itself, use it for development of own consciousness.
Therefore, Supreme Being cannot but be in time in time and should be constantly changing, but not invariable, that is, in this form it manifests itself as the God of time of a hologram, in which each particle of the active coincides with the whole active, and which due to both its single and the coverage of all its particles thereby can be designated as God of time.
Along with that a hologram comprises also the passive. Therefore, a manifested God of time covers every "moment" in a hologram Everything - and the past, which is contained in the database, and the present, i.e. that was and what is, since any part of a hologram coincides all hologram.
Since this Supreme Being is changing all the time, it cannot be omniscient and omnipotent, but it can strive for this in eternity, comprehending all the innumerable and diverse nuances of beingness, making mistakes and correcting them in its active particles in alive, finding within this process the charm and meaning of own existence or more precisely, life in this eternally and ever-changing beingness.
At this, for one's own implementation this Supreme being must be divided in order to act through own particles in the finite (mortal) beings, temporarily animating them and making them intelligent to one degree or another, but beings, who are not knowing that they operate, albeit of their own free will, but with the representation (presence) of the same God in each such intelligent being.
Everything else (the passive) in beingness is a base and a condition for the development of particles of Supreme being, or God, and God should be both devided and omnipresent, and single and integral, which is quite possible at different levels, since we know corresponding by this the holographic principle [3].
Thus, this Supreme being does not require some unclear transcendence place and mysterious incorporeality, and it is the highest, that is, conscious and, to some extent, the leading connecting link of eternal and diverse changing beingness, being created by him through alive the total current time, and the own time of each of uncountable living beings, i.e. co-beingness for this Supreme being.
This Higher being can be designated as Single consciousness, or God in two forms - an unmanifested (timeless) and a manifested (temporary).
Single consciousness itself, and without any pressure, forms copies of things from an infinity beyond time in the form of the representing so, how it can recognize them according to own understanding, available for it at the moment and at this level of development: this Single consciousness already oneself as each individual consciousness can go deep into this representing-manifested hereinafter.
Thereby Single in own multitude consciousness oneself establishes an order of things.
However, consciousness immediately falls under this established order. What saves the situation from bad infinity is that Single consciousness works with the finite and can begin its work anew, just as any individual consciousness can try to correct what has been done him earlier in the course subsequent stages of development.
Thus, consciousness as a single and as each individual consciousness falls out of an order, and along with that follows to this order.
Consciousness for its own development oneself encloses itself in the framework of an order, necessity, but, only to overcome this order, to exempt oneself from it, in what in its highest expression manifests liberty of the consciousness, always striving somewhere and always "dissatisfied" and by surrounding, and by oneself.
Be that as it may, the essence of consciousness in each of its highest individual expressions (a person), unlike things, does not allow him to be in the channel of this order, but on the contrary, it requires breaking it in the course of the search of a new self in other essences, and this search emanates from the permanent dissatisfaction of consciousness by oneself, or liberty.
Consciousness in a holographic projection of an infinity beyond time is capable to forming copies of things on the basis of the passive from an infinity beyond time, not only because of its activity, but precisely because of its material essence of a higher level than the material essence of a thing.
The material consciousness has in self, along with understanding oneself and the active aspirations, also the form-building abilities. All this is realized in alive through a holographic projection, which is the frequency structures of different orders that are discretely updated by consciousness. That is, consciousness, as a material structure, in its particles can interact with other particles of a lower order, which it forms, turning to an infinity beyond time in search of what needs and afforded by an infinity beyond time, because an infinity beyond time contains everything potentially.
Consciousness replaces every conditional instant with copies of newly found (recognized) objects from an infinity beyond time, slightly modifying each impulse, available information copies of things. Single consciousness produces nothing and does not destroy. Single consciousness just every moment updates the frequency structure of the holographic projection on the basis of an infinity beyond time, manifesting it in itself as the source of all real, and along with that keeping this infinity beyond time from falling into non-existence.
In other words, at its core, Creation remains unchanged and along with that it is updated.
The explanation of the presence of beingnesss - the derivative of a holographic projection, - can be only that beingness is being formed by consciousness artificially by means of alive through a holographic projection, and exists only for consciousness, but not in general for some reason.
The problem of manifestation of an infinity beyond time by the active (consciousness) consists that to consciousness for the purpose of development, and the passive - for participation in life of consciousness requires in a way out from the motionless, hidden state, if as such can be recognized an infinite beyond time, into the finite changing worlds, but along with that an infinite beyond time is the opposite to the finite, multiple and changeable, and it has to remain as eternal and unchanging.
Consciousness solves this problem with help of the attraction of the mechanism of own information influence on the passive from an infinity beyond time, inasmuch consciousness as the active from an infinity beyond time is capable to be both the single, and multiple in the form of the own particles-copies in the twin of an infinity beyond time - a holographic projection.
Each particle-copy of the active of a hologram contains information on all sequentially updated holographic picture. Therefore, Single consciousness can discretely carry out the "exit" into own holographic projection of the copies of objects from an infinity beyond time by means of own copies for replacement, more precisely, updating of the previous copies of things.
As a result, as the derivative of a holographic projection in time, exist the changing worlds, or beingness, but along with that the basis, being manifested thus, i.e. an infinity beyond time, containing and consciousness, remains the same the eternal and motionless.
If to define information as data on the state of material objects, which consciousness is capable to identify (recognize) when scanning of the surrounding by the means which are available at its order, then information is the key unit, linking consciousness, which acts in a holographic projection (the manifested God of time), with an infinity beyond time (the unmanifested God of eternity).
Thanks to information as the response reaction to the inquiry of consciousness in alive to an infinity beyond time, take place the update of a holographic projection and along with that also, being updated, is formed the surrounding of each individual consciousness.
Each such "transformation" is made by scanning by consciousness by the means, which are available for it (the person has sense organs for this purpose), of own surrounding with obtaining copies only of those objects from an infinity beyond time, which this consciousness is capable to identify (recognize) through sensations and "to convert" of them into images, understandable for each individual consciousness in alive, through the control centers.
By means of this information process occurs the consecutive and discrete manifestation from an infinity beyond time, corresponding to the state of consciousness and the sense organs which are available for its carrier, the things in the form of copies, more precisely, this manifestation means updating of the available picture for a multiple-single consciousness, and the update of its surrounding, and along with that the manifestation of "now" for each individual consciousness. Thereby is formed time. As a result, and also thanks to subsequent loss of the pause between positions of the update, for each individual consciousness emerges the current time, i.e. appears in motion the changeable world of the events - beingness, in which consciousness in each subject can experience, meditate, feel, perceive, think, act, i.e. to live in own "now".
The ability of consciousness to the certain separation from the passive, consisting in its highest expression in understanding oneself and its capabilities, implies connecting with an infinity beyond time already on the basis of own considerations and actions.
Ultimately, consciousness decides, what represents the accessible for him in an infinity beyond time, "allocating" and linking the corresponding fragments from an infinity beyond time by available means in the corresponding information process of their identification (recognition), already having in a holographic projection of the copies which are replaced, more precisely, are updated sequentially. In other words, consciousness manifests, i.e. opens an infinity beyond time only so as it can in own current state.
Consciousness (the active) doesn't exist independently and can't be manifested outside the world, out of time, since there are no points of application without the things for consciousness - the free, dynamic, thinking, solving, communicating, creating, developing formation, i.e. there is no place to realize oneself. At this, consciousness isn't incorporeal so how in this case it cannot have the interaction with things. Therefore, consciousness is nothing more than the active, material, lively, thinking and, in some respects, producing echelon of the dual system of Creation (a manifested God of time).
However, to contemplate consciousness, that is, the presence of God of time in any living being is not possible, just as the butterfly does not have the opportunity to see itself in its own pupa.
The matter is that the ultra-high frequency of updating of a holographic projection with an exponent in several orders, making the essence of the active, but ultimately reflected in the living being, cannot be fixed by any devices, and the projection itself is not available for beingness, because the last appears every instant only through the functioning of a holographic projection.
Outside of consciousness the things and phenomenon as separate, multiple and harmonious aren't capable to exist either as material forms, nor as ideal objects, inasmuch they as if dissolved in an infinity beyond time from which only consciousness is capable "to extract" them in the form of copies.
It means, in essence, that except consciousness, more precisely, together and inseparably with it there is something passive in an infinity beyond time, which only the active (consciousness) can manifest in forms determined by it and can put in order according to own opportunities through a holographic projection, providing to oneself as a result the development and life in the changing world of the events (beingness).
At this, the active in each particle-copy, unlike the passive (things-copies), keeps all saved up from the finite lives in the memory and thereby spiritualizes Creation in general satisfying oneself and it.
The passive, losing form in the finite (beingness), restores thereby a form of the active at their interaction. The active, thus, does not lose its basic form and form-building abilities at the expense of decay of the passive in beingness, but it (the active) also, by "evoking" the passive from an infinity beyond time in the form of information copies during the period of existence of the finite, restores the form of the passive and changes it. So, by means of the address to the finite in the form of the passive, losing own shape, the active becomes eternal in form, properties, and can keep the whole system of Creation in actual existence.
Thus, the finite and alive are necessary for the infinite not only for the functioning of the dual Creation as a timeless and along with that a temporary system, which is kept by this in balance, but also for the stabilization of the active (consciousness) in Creation, what does the active unchanged and eternal in its essence, but along with that infinitely changing: in beingness the form-building active is fueled by the passive, which loses its form in finite formations.
Let's note in conclusion: an unmanifest God of eternity (an unmanifested single consciousness), represents what was, is, and everything that is not yet, but not separately, and in indissoluble connection with the manifested, temporary, infinite God of a holographic projection (a manifested single consciousness, or God of time), who is forming the present of each individual consciousness in the form of own time of the individual consciousness through the organism of this consciousness, as well as - the general present time by the entire local totality of living beings of each universe. The projection of the manifested God of time contains everything that is (the present), and everything that was in own memory.
The manifested material-frequency God (the manifested single consciousness) transfers time into motion, and determines everything in the forming beingness (the set of universes at different stages of development) through the general time in changes, i.e. manifests the infinite through the finite infinitely, but discretely in the form of beingness for own development, life and expression, by holding along with that own one-multiple holographic formation, updated with high frequency, in balance with an infinity beyond time in the form of the dual Creation by means of the formation of the total time through oneself as alive, creating thereby the space and things moving in it.
The eternal, but discrete updating and keeping of beingness is produced through the finite living beings, who are not only holders of the sense organs, but also owners of consciousness. This process results from interaction of a temporal holographic projection in the face of the active (consciousness) and an infinity beyond time, containing the passive. At this, information is that bridge, which connects them, and ultimately forms the world around the living beings, as well as living beings themselves. The infinite in this case is expressed in the finite infinitely, but discretely.
Not to be manifested in the form of such holographic projection, making thereby dual timeless and along with that temporary - system, God can't, so how outside this formation an infinity beyond time - no other than non-existence.
Thus, active (consciousness) and passive (things) in an infinity beyond time are inseparable, and along with that in a certain relation they are divided in a holographic projection.
So far as the total time is formed by God of a holographic projection (the manifested God of time) through own particles in the living beings not at all for something, but for own development, life and expression which is possible only in communities, in so far as within frame of the general time each particle of God of time (Single consciousness) is forming in own carrier (the living being) its present (own time).
Therefore. God of time unites in the course of formation by each living being of its own time the material components and consciousness into a single whole for limited time of life of a being, giving it an opportunity to act according to the level of consciousness, which is available for it the highest level in this regard corresponds to the beings with self-consciousness having liberty of will.
At this, each living being from their infinite set is such, as a result of possession of the genetic code (program) providing type, functioning and reproduction of organisms as beings of the lowest consciousness (one program), and beings, conscious themselves, i.e. the beings, in which are contained the program of self-consciousness additionally.
Along with that, God of time during life of each being retains the communication with it with own side, but disconnects the communication of the living being with oneself, providing thereby autonomy of actions of each individual consciousness in own carrier: the connection of single consciousness (God of time) with each individual consciousness is preserved during life of the living being as the main property of the hologram, becoming unidirectional at the time of the birth, with removal of this restriction at the moment of the death of the living being, associating thereby this individual consciousness with self (God of time), in the form of a hologram particle, but only in order to unite again this particle of the active (consciousness) with the embryo of alive for further development, the formation of time, the stabilization of its own nucleus and holding dual Creation in balance. And this process is unchanged and endless at all levels of alive.
Forming own time by each living being from their infinite set is converted automatically into formation of the total time, i.e. the creation by each being of the own environment forms automatically all Creation by all this set, more precisely, recreates it infinitely, but discretely each impulse of high-frequency updating of a holographic projection of an infinity beyond time.
In more detail this theme is opened in the monograph "New by the opposite - proof of the presence of God" [4].
1. R. Courant and Robbins G. What is mathematics? Ch. II. 4, 5.
2. Suber P. Paradox of Self-Amendment. A study of Law, Logic, Omnipotence, and Change/ Peter Lang Publishing. 1990).
3. 1980. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-7100-0971-2.
4. Nizovtsev Y. M. New by the opposite - proof of the presence of God. 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru
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