Железовский Илья Петрович : другие произведения.

On the black river... (song)

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  Эпиграф: "В модном клубе две пизды мочатся в сортир, а у парня на уме виртуальный мир... L@nelи Forest
  On the black river,
  On the black water
  I have taked your hand
  And my heart fell in love.
  And I have seen your image
  Of Glory, since time
  And said me: "My heart
  is yours.
  The leaves feld into black water
  And my heart was burmimg, but You
  didn't care me to be forgiven.
  And I hate You and want to be lonely
  I hate You and want to be lonely.
  Yesterday on the black water
  I have seen You with any guy
  And I laught at You and black autumn
  And my heart rememberd the time.
  When the leaves feld into black water
  And my heart was burmimg, but You
  didn't care me to be forgiven.
  And I hate You and want to be lonely
  I hate You and want to be lonely.
  L@nelи Forest

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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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