Зеличенко Александр Леонидович : другие произведения.

Hiv medals

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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   HIV - medals
   A range of police members from all regions of the republic were awarded with the Medals "For valuable input to HIV prevention in the Kyrgyz Republic"
   Cooperation in this field started in the late 1990-ies, when the first cases of infection were revealed. Taking into account, that such cases were induced by drug consumption, the decision was made to pay more attention to the injecting drug users.
   The key role here was played by police. It was necessary to put the police officers on the safe side from infection during performing their duties - making searches, examinations - on one hand. On the other hand - it was necessary to teach them to be tolerant to the ill persons - the drug addicts. Otherwise, staying in the underground because of being afraid for prosecution, they would continue to spread the disease.
   Changes in the legislation, preparation of training materials and guidelines, trainings - many things have changed within previous 15 years. And today there are much cases, where the district police officer or patrolman brings the drug user to the doctor, to rehabilitation center or to the social NGO instead of prison.
   Such officers will never foist drugs to increase the percentage of crime detection, they will not make ambush near methadone sites, or extort the wages. It's a pity that they are in minority now ...
   The HIV servicing organizations of Kyrgyzstan developed design and produced the awards for their own money; they determined the most active partners among Law Enforcement officers.
   And 14 police officers from various parts of the Republic were awarded with these medals in the Headquarter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is unprecedented case in the CIS.
   ... This medal is not yet designated in the table of ranks. And therefore I was proud to put it to the top of awards, between the Kyrgyz "Erkindik" ("For Courage") and UN medals "Service For the Peace", received in Kosovo.
   Aleksandr Zelichenko,
   Police Colonel (ret).

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