Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Dialogue about Lack of Preliminary Censorship

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    Translation from Russian into English. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Диалог об отсутствии предварительной цензуры".

  Dialogue about Lack of Preliminary Censorship. (From Minicollection "The Tale and The Dialogue about Freedom of Speech").
  The Reader and the Readeress went along the park pathway, discussing the books were read in M. Gorky's cafe-library.
  - Somewhere I have found a question: and whether were published in France at the time of Napoléon I of the book about invasion of the Swedish troops of Karl XII into Russia. Strange question, - the Readeress admitted. - It is well-known that Napoléon I was one of the most knowing, competent rulers.
  The Reader has smiled:
  - Napoleon hasn't established for newspapers of preliminary censorship.
  - Blossoming of the press! - the Readeress has smiled in reply. - After destruction of the French Directory and coming to power of the general Bonaparte he has destroyed all Parisian political newspapers, except thirteen (60 of 73). According to the order of the minister Joseph Fouche in each editorial office of more widespread newspapers has been appointed editor-censor who was receiving a salary from means of the newspaper at a rate of 2/12 income of the newspaper.
  - And what about books about the Swedish troops invasion? - the Reader has demanded conclusions. - Censorship was extended over books?
   - In February, 1811 censorship has forbidden French translation of some Psalms of David because "malicious" could see in David's words a hint on oppression of the Pope by Napoleon I. "... Sometimes there was a subject to confiscation even King Solomon with his Parables...", - the Readeress has reminded. - E.V. Tarle wrote about Napoleon I that "he has absolutely taken out all domestic and all foreign policy off the sphere of discussion and considered as great grace the permission for the rare bodies of the press to publish only of most short information notes of "political character", i.e. simply notes about news, short messages about the facts".
  "I don't attach any significance to disputes of these fools", - Napoleon said...
  The general line in management of "the sphere of the press" has been directed to reduction of number of discussions, debates, emotional subjects, to reduction of number of newspapers...
  "When each person will have rather common sense to be concentrate onto the sphere of own the duties?" - the French ruler who has come to the power tried to understand.
  What was the subjects of trade of French book traders at that time? Old editions with pictures, jokes, stories about beautiful women,the lists and the images of beautiful women...
  - "Naked asses"? - the Reader alarmed.
  - In a privileged position there were scientific, professional publications, though and they were under "pressure", - the Readeress has tried to neutralize the alert.
  - And protection of the law? - the Reader was indignant. - Principles of the French revolution? To the law and the principles have turned by a bare back (a lower part)?
  The Readeress has sighed:
  - The minister of police of France Joseph Fouche concerning legality joked: "My dear, the constitution is a beautiful woman on whom it is allowed, passing by, to throw an admiration look, but she doesn't belong to public".
  The police watched and printing houses, and authors of publications, and buyers of printing editions.
  The bookstores were under constant, close observation of the authorities.
  But it is necessary to mention also examples of the loyal attitude of the power towards writers.
  During an era of a marriage of Napoleon I on the Austrian princess a large number of authors were glorifying this event, have composed verses. For their remuneration the sum of 88 400 francs has been spent from treasury. From marriage of the emperor the child who has received a title of the Roman king was born. In honor of the birth of the Roman king a number of works has been written; for remuneration of authors 30 thousand francs have been spent.
  - If any structure can provide itself with work, then the such a situation for such structure is comfortable, - the Reader has assumed. - I will give an example of effectiveness. The minister of police of France, to the greatest indignation, has learned that the censorship subordinated to the Minister of Internal Affairs will confiscate even books which he (the minister of police) writes out from England. That is, the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has found out that the minister of police receives and reads "undesirable" books. What result, what benefits of such information? But - all are busy with (important) affairs.
  And here England printed and read all books (and continues to do it), adheres - it seems, - the principles of freedom of speech and freedom of information - and, probably, doesn't suffer.
  In principle, it is possible to make subject to control the sightseeing of architectural sights. The look of tourist falls on others windows. And what things and events tourist there sees? To what opinions does come? To what actions the tourist is induced? Big necessary information and analytic business. To collect information, to generalize, take measures...
  The majority spoke and are speaking about the Enlightened mode of the individual power of Napoleon I. But someone could speak risk of approach of "the kingdom of ignorance".
  - There were also positive phenomena, - the Reader tried to keep objectivity. - The retired cavalry captain Marten has intended to publish in Bordeaux "Journal des dames" devoted specially "to ladies, love, beauty and Graces".
  Permission has followed. Though were needed the personal information on the captain, correspondence, solemn permission from the minister of police.
  - But there is not only an advantage, but also harm of freedom of speech. Statements meet, for example, in the sense that the press "disorients", "confuses", "excites", "involves", "do black", "pits", "offends", "provokes", "creates undesirable moods"... - the Readeress has noticed.
  - Action gives rise to counteraction...- the Reader spoke. - Whether are connected planning of invasion of Napoleon to Russia in 1812 and the subsequent death of Great army with lack of publications, discussions, books about invasion into Russia of troops of the Swedish king Karl XII? - the Reader has continued reasonings. - About Russia, about its climate? About history of Russia? I find it difficult to draw a conclusion.
  - Gloomy picture... "Crush" of readers, writers, publishers, typographers, book dealers on the historical bridge between the French revolution and mature state system... Berezina... - the Readeress has expressed opinion.
  - You shouldn't exaggerate, - the Reader has made the amendment. - France is known for the outstanding literature, including, works on military subject.
  - It is possible to remember the expressive description of E.V. Tarle of process of adoption of the decision on the beginning of unlimited submarine war, pernicious, self-destructive for the German Empire, - the Readeress has remembered. - "Leaders of a Reichstag" "discussed" an issue; but they had no appropriate information. The account of submarines went on tens, at such quantity the underwater fleet of Germany of cardinal counteraction to the opponent couldn't render. However the exact number of submarines wasn't known; it was secret. After the decision of leaders of the German Empire - in the conditions of deficiency of information - about the beginning of unlimited submarine war was followed not a victory, but declaration of war by America and "automatic" defeat of Germany in 1918. It was necessary "to know only a little", not to know "superfluous", to have "rather common sense to be concentrate onto the sphere of own the duties"!
  - In E.V. Tarle's works I haven't met detailed estimates of a condition of freedom of speech in England, - the Reader developed a thought. - However, the short description of E.V. Tarle by management of the war in England may be compared with slightly ironic description of making decision on the beginning of unlimited submarine war. The tonality of this laconic description in itself is curious: ". . The War Cabinet was resolving in final instance all issues - military, diplomatic, economic, financial, questions of supply and food, - a word, all problems connected with warfare; the ministries were only the tools executing his orders. The War Cabinet was meeting twice a day, daily during the all the time of the existence... Executive body of a War Cabinet, the enormous secretariat, created along with an Cabinet, (at first 36, then 98 and at last 136 people), not only transferring to the ministries, armies and the fleet orders of a War Cabinet, but actively monitoring their exact and fast performance". "The head of a War Cabinet Lloyd George has addressed Holland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden with a persistent request to give to England their merchant fleet "for temporary use" ...". "The most favorable guarantees and material compensations were given. (...) On it finally all calculations of the German military supreme commanders have failed, calculations, however, and without this emergency measure couldn't be fulfilled".
  I will mention that by 1914 - when has begun World War I - the politician and the parliamentarian Winston Churchill has written a number of books. He had experience of the officer and war correspondent. In these books military operations with participation of the English troops (some kind of "local wars") during before World War I were described, in particular. Anyone could read these books, they were popular.
  - Well, many Russian generals who were involved in World War I had literary talents, - the Readeress has noticed. - Many generals of different armies have written memoirs.
  - In memoirs of Walter Schellenberg, one of heads of intelligence agencies, - the Readeress began to remember again, - there is a story about how he has submitted to leaders of Hitlerite Germany at the beginning of 1942 the report on the potential of war industry of America and on opportunities of the U.S. Air Force. Heydrich has been struck with contents of the report; especially he was amazed by data on production of steel. Goering called the report "nonsense". Hitler was very angry and has said that he doesn't trust to a word. After the end of war Goering has told Schellenberg: "Yes, it has turned out that you told not nonsense".
  -In Hitler's Germany were negative about freedom of information, to freedom of speech,-phlegmatically said the Reader.
  - Comparison of the Napoleonic, Kaiser"s and Hitlerite regimes as it seems to me, - isn't right. Even - it is incorrect, - the Readeress admitted.
  - Not political regimes, but level, quality of decisions in the conditions of deficiency of information, in the conditions of absence or limitation of freedom of speech, freedom of information are compared, - the Reader has directed attention. - Someone could and can freely read ANY books by ANY authors, and someone - freely to admire "naked asses".
  - If to go deep into history, then it is possible to remember that by the Imperial Manifesto of Nicholas II on October 17, 1905 the population of Russia has been granted, in particular, freedom of speech, - the Readeress has added.
  - And this freedom was real, - the Reader didn't begin to object. - V.N. Kokovtsov remembered how, being in the head of the government of Russia from 1911 to 1914, he repeatedly counteracted initiatives "to restraint the press". The same V.N. Kokovtsov wrote about "remarkable" economic blossoming of Russia in a decade between 1904 and 1914. Casual coincidence?
  - The citizen living in the educated and progressive society, in the humane, benevolent environment, - the Readeress has spoken, - as a rule, keen on the positive purposes of this society, is involved in it's (society) progressive processes. He doesn't need the bans of "harmful" books. He (citizen) or won't (will not have time) to read them, or they will leave him indifferent, or will generate at him bewilderment or rejection... Are the "naked asses" an element of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of information? Of freedom of creativity, at last?
  - "Naked asses" don't contradict freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of information, freedom of (scientific) creativity: public anatomic atlases demonstrate it, - the Reader has assumed.
  - What kind the "content of message ", which the creators of "naked asses" are sending? - the Readeress insisted.
  The Reader and the Readeress have sat down on a park bench. After whiffs of wind the heat was felt. Then again the coolness came.
  August 05, 2017 - August 12, 2017.
  Translation from Russian into English: January 21, 2018 - January 23, 2018. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Диалог об отсутствии предварительной цензуры".
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