Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

A Fairy Tale about Phrunze

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    A Fairy Tale about Phrunze. Translation from Russian into English. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сказка о Phrunze".

  A Fairy Tale about Phrunze
  Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze finished reading the story by Yury Trifonov "Short stay in the torture chamber" and has gone down to the hotel hall.
  "Coffee smell!".
  Outside there was 1947.
  "Thick books in allegedly ancient, leather covers lay in the empty hall on a table: Gastebucher. What at us is called visitors' books." Not being anything busy, he browsing them and enjoyed the German openheartedness. "The recordings were made with the twenty-ninth year, when the hotel in the village of Shtubental was founded.
  All the recordings were similar: gratitude to the owner, praise to the mountains, snow, wine, girls, selection of plates for the jukebox."
  Frunze has reached the Anschluss: Nothing has changed, the same delight about snow, air, girls.
  "Here and the War: Judging by the records, the wounded German officers rested here.
  But from them it was impossible to know anything except admiration for the nature, girls, Italian wine, Spanish oranges.
  Once flashed patriotic inscription: "Alles wagen, England schlagen!", that is "To decide on everything. To beat England."
  Small letters, using a pencil, someone has attributed from above: "England hat ihnen stark geschlagen!", that is "But England has beaten you hard".
  Also is later a green felt-tip pen: "O, sie gute arme Idioten!"
  But it is unknown whom it concerned: to the beaten Germans or to those who rejoiced to a victory. And it was everything that concerned war. Further the same proceeded: a skis, sun, happiness, Erbbmiss".
  Frunze decided to train in knowledge of the English language and made a record: "A nature, women, Italian wine, Spanish oranges. Phrunze. 1947."
  Suddenly because of a back the voice was distributed. The person spoke Russian: "Not PH, but F!".
  Frunze thought deeply for a second.
  The voice added: "Such there was a studying at the middle school with a special study of English?"
  Frunze has once more read the own record: "A nature, women, Italian wine, Spanish oranges. Phrunze. 1947."
  Frunze smiled and, without turning round, silently came out of the hall to the fresh air, to the snow, sparkling under sunshine.
  February 18, 2018 14:15
  Translation from Russian into English: February 21, 2018 18:18. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сказка о Phrunze".
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