Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Dialogue about unspoken

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    Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich (Владимир Владимирович Залесский). Dialogue about unspoken (Диалог о недосказанном). Translation from Russian into English (Перевод с русского языка на английский).

  Dialogue about unspoken
  Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich
  The Reader(man) and Reader(woman) went along the street, debating books recently read.
  The street hum muffled their words and prevented to hear each other clearly.
  - Read the works of Yury Trifonov, - said the Reader(man).
  - Nikolay Mikhailovich Karamzin in "History of the Russian State" wrote about the relations of Russia (Moscow Rus') and Grand Duchy of Lithuania. How to name of the inhabitants of Russia - question does not arise. And how to name the inhabitants of Grand Duchy of Lithuania? - the Reader(woman) was shared by impressions.
  - "For us, Soviet people, are clear the ideas and the feelings of heroes of Chekhov! You see our country has changed unrecognizably, the customs, life of the people, all world have changed. And however - as are close, as be clear!" - the Reader(man) of the word of Yury Trifonov as quoted.
  - Karamzin names The Grand Duchy of Lithuania by Lithuania, and inhabitants of this state (Duchy) he names by the Lithuanians. "Lithuanians" - this term in Karamzin's "History" dominates. It is "inconvenient". The ethnic Lithuanians and Lithuania (ethnic territory) existed at times of Karamzin. Small - "ethnic" Lithuania (partially) some centuries was integrated into hugeness Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Especially, presently, at our epoch, it is "inconvenient" to name by "Lithuanians" of all inhabitants of Duchy, when there is the small Baltic state a Lithuania. Inconvenience, mixture of notions.
  - About the grandmother on the part of the mother, Tatyana Aleksandrovna Slovatinskaya, Yury Trifonov mentions: " At one time she studied in music in Wilno (Vilnius)... ", - the Reader(man) has noticed.
  - How to name the inhabitants of Grand Duchy of Lithuania? - the Reader(woman) set forth doubts. - Members of the Polish-Lithuanian szlachta? Between the dynastic union of 1385 and state union (association of two states of Poland and Lithuanian Duchy in Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania) in 1569 almost two centuries have passed ... The Duchy existed. Had inhabitants. How them to name? At Karamzin's "History" the word "litvin" twinkles. But, probably, this word strange sounded and in times of Karamzin. It especially is strange sounds now.
  - Yury Trifonov has written about the neighbour (on garden) - writer, talented poet, literary functionary, main editor of a magazine - A. T. Tvardovsky: " Later, when I have analyzed Aleksandr Trifonovich closer, I have understood, that his character is intricate, I have descried as he simple-hearted and is suspicious simultaneously, and is a lot of in him of simpleness, pride, nobleman arrogance (honor) and peasant kindness... ", - the Reader(man) continued.
   The Reader(man) and Reader(women) were overtaken by the amateur of poetry, muttered under a nose: " Legends of bygone years. Memoirs of ancient fairs".
  Ahead on a course of the interlocutors the group of the tourists was placed.
  In front of group of the tourists the guide attempted to shout over street hum to mention a campanile "Ivan Great".
  Machine with diplomatic numbers has induced someone to the commentary on her state belonging.
  The votes merged. The words were imposed. The Reader(woman) heard: "...Great... "... "...Lithuanians... ".
  - "He has opened great force of unexpressed", - the Reader(man) continued.
  On a traffic light green light was lit.
  The Reader(man) and Reader(woman) have begun to cross a street.
  August 27, 2017 - August 28, 2017.
  This translation: 31.08.2017 01:30
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