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Vladimir Vasilievich and his friends in the yard - "guys from our yard." A memoir sketch

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    Vladimir Vasilievich and his friends in the yard - "guys from our yard." A memoir sketch.

  Vladimir Vasilievich and his friends in the yard - "guys from our yard." A memoir sketch.
  In one of my miniatures, I recalled such an incident. I went out into the yard with a pen (or pencil) and a notepad. I was 5-6 years old? I intended to make notes - to write something like a reportage.
  The kids, my buddies, attacked me. The pen and notebook fell on the ground. I realized that such forms of behavior are not desirable - in the appropriate social environment.
  And how did Vladimir Vasilievich's relations develop with his neighbors in the yard?
  There is almost no information left about the pre-war period.
  Vladimir Vasilievich recalled two boys. One boy was the son of a regiment commander. This commander (along with his family) lived on the first floor [at sidewalk level]. Passersby could go up to the window (from the yard) and look into the apartment. The second boy came up and looked inside - into the room. They ate soup with chicken and noodles. The observing boy said: "They eat the chicken!" In his intonation, I distinguish three components: an envy, a sadness (about the own fate), an admiration for how the happy people live.
  The 20s and 30s were a lean time. Perhaps it was precisely this historical context that explained the instruction of Vladimir Vasilievich's mother to find Yevgeny Vuchetich in Moscow (in the 50-60s) and to convey greetings to Vuchetich from her (I wrote about this).
  She probably recalled how she fed Vuchetich dishes (food) that she cooked herself (personally) ...
  So, practically no memories have been preserved about the buddies of Vladimir Vasilievich (the boy) - from the pre-war period.
  The post-war period is a period of some kind of rising, period of growth. Vladimir Vasilievich shows himself at the college [technical school], having managed to fix a captured German apparatus (something like Enigma). He goes in for sports (boxing), directs dances at the technical school (this is not an easy task - local residents (from the vicinity of the Old Bazaar) were visiting dances with knives and pistols - after the war there were a lot of weapons on hand, and the area was criminal).
  From the technical school, Vladimir Vasilievich moves to the Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute (NPI), where he becomes one of the most successful students.
  His diploma with honors - thanks to the advice of two friends "to go hunting for tigers to the Central Asia" - did not give an immediate result. Working in a mine (covered with poisonous dust) in the desert steppes gave only experience (but not money and not a career). But he - nevertheless - returns to Rostov. He has projects. He organizes a scientific enterprise. To finance and supply it, he (the first from the university) has to visiting the Council of Ministers, Gosplan - to organize the scientific works ... Some object under his leadership is being built in Rostov (at the "old physics faculty") ...
  The friends who provided him with advice to go on a tiger hunt were not "friends in the yard".
  But the yard, and nearby houses, provided other acquaintances.
  All these people were related to intellectual pursuits.
  But their potential was different (it varied)
  One of these friends worked at the NPI as a teacher. And in order to travel from Rostov to Novocherkassk, he had a Pobeda car - not many people had a car at the time. He lived in a private house. What else? I can't remember any information about his creative achievements. Perhaps the mother of this man lived not far from Vladimir Vasilievich and his family - that's how they met. The owner of Pobeda had a tense relationship with own mother - he periodically scolded her loudly (in forms reaching the level of insults), and she affectionately called him "little buffalo", emphasizing his hard work and telling how he repairs the house.
  I remember this man because he came at the invitation of Vladimir Vasilievich to the boat base where Vladimir Vasilievich kept a motor boat, and when returning to Rostov, he could deliver [drive] me (not up to very my house). I was supposed to sit in the back seat. The owner of Pobeda laid newspapers on the mats (under the feet). Apparently, my shoes were very dirty (it was dry summer weather, everyone's shoes were in approximately the same condition).
  Maybe these newspapers meant something? His mother gave this buddy a reason to scold herself, but there was no reason to scold me (or anyone else) ...
  I'm moving on to other representatives.
  Among the residents of neighboring houses (and they were called "houses of specialists" - they were built in the Stalin's time for "specialists", for the intelligentsia), there was a woman with the mysterious influence and with two daughters.
  One of her daughters married a simple guy.
  The guy went uphill and soon became one of the party bosses.
  The guy and Vladimir Vasilievich met and became buddies. This guy often came to visit Vladimir Vasilievich and to ate dishes (food) that his mother cooked herself (personally).
  For some reason, it was to this suddenly grown friend that influential people approached with a muddy conversation about Vladimir Vasilievich.
  Apparently, for dirty tricks, a familiar person was needed. For surprise?
  The buddy was somehow embarrassed: "He did so much for the university!"
  A buddy was sent to Moscow (something like an internship). He there - suddenly - got a profitable position, got married a second time.
  The most interesting was a buddy - a type of complex origin.
  Somebody of his parents came from the Tatar princes, and somebody was from a small Belarusian town.
  This man lived not far from Vladimir Vasilievich - in a neighboring house. But, perhaps, he studied togather with Vladimir Vasilievich at the NPI and was drafted into the Rocket Forces, where he received an officer's rank.
  The legend reported such a case.
  Marshal arrived (Nedelin?). The garrison was lined up on the parade ground.
  "Are there any complaints?"
  Suddenly a voice is heard: "Yes!"
  The future buddy of Vladimir Vasilievich goes out of order and reports to the marshal that they refuse to dismiss him from the ranks of the Armed Forces - and he filed many reports [applies, statements] of dismissal!
  The marshal curses him [scolds him with obscene language] - in front of all - in full view of all military personnel.
  As a result, the descendant of the Tatar prince was fired from the USSR Armed Forces.
  He becomes a lawyer - but the places of lawyers in Rostov are all taken. He need to visiting to a legal consultation [working place] to somewhere far away in the region, to the periphery.
  He doesn't like it either.
  The man becomes a beekeeper. Now there are problems with the population of bees. And at that time such activity was profitable? Don't know. A work in nature. Away from people.
  How it all ended - I do not know ...
  This was perhaps the most interesting person. His potential benefit could be in his example - an example of how you can look at life outside the box. For such life turns, appropriate abilities are needed ...
  There was no real benefit - as it seems to me - from this acquaintance, as well as from others. They talked, they debated...
  Nobody else is coming to my memory now - from those who deserve attention.
  Maybe to mention acquaintances? - they were not neighbors in the yard, but somehow the acquaintance took place.
  The married couple lived in a relatively good apartment in the city center. There was a grand piano in the apartment. But I haven't seen anyone play this grand piano. However, the company was musical. When the company gathered, they were singing to the accordion "There is a suitcase on the [wagon] shelf, and this is my mother-in-law"s suitcase" ... The person on behalf of whom the song was sung (and they all sang it together, in unison) - this person threw the suitcase out the window of the railway wagon (at this time, my mother had some family problems affecting her mother - that is, my father's mother-in-law...).
  What else to recall?
  If I remember something (essential), then I will give these memories the form of memoir sketches or the another literary form.
  I recently posted a [bit of] translation of part two of "The tutorial of a writer's success" (Part II. Heinrich Schliemann, Nikolai Gogol, Maxim Gorky and their lessons). There, in chapter 10 "Chapter 10. The creative environment. Strong-willed qualities. A literary knack (Literary skills, literary dexterity). Homer", there are phrases: "From childhood until the time of recognition of his talent and genius, Nikolai Gogol developed in a creative environment. Childhood: Kibintsy (the estate of Dmitry Troshchinsky with a theater, library, collection), communication with creative personalities, including communication with Nikolai's father [Nikolai Vasilyevich Yanovsky]. Gymnasium: teachers, fellow students. Petersburg: the circle of Alexander Pushkin, Vasily Zhukovsky, Mikhail Vielgorsky and others.
  "However, in the circle of his family, Pushkin said laughing:" You have to be more careful with this Little Russian [maloross]: he is robbing me in such a way that it's impossible even to scream" ["I have to be more careful with this Little Russia [maloross]: he robs me in such a way that I can't scream."].
  Let note, - already after the recognition of the Gogol's talent, - the years of Rome: the brilliant artist Alexander Andreyevich Ivanov, other people of the creative, cultural circle. ("In the plan of joint visits, compiled by Gogol for Smirnova [Alexandra Smirnova-Rosset], there are about a dozen names of artists who lived in Rome at that time - German, English, Italian and others; among them are several celebrities, for example Overbeck and Tenerani (...). Together with Smirnova Gogol also visited Alexander Ivanov " "[Mann Yu. V. Gogol. Works and days: 1809-1845 / Yuri Mann. - M .: Aspect Press, 2004. - 813 p. - P. 646.])" ...
  [MCCСLXXVI. Vladimir Vasilievich, the Holmes method and a sailor in a train. The story. - April 8, 2020.
  MCCСLXXXV. Vladimir Vasilievich and the first occupation of Rostov-on-Don (in November 1941). The story. - April 9, 2020.
  MCCСLXXXVI. Vladimir Vasilievich and the Georgian city of Gori. The story. - April 9, 2020.
  MCCСLXXXVII. Vladimir Vasilievich in Kazakhstan. The story. - April 10, 2020.
  MDCXLIX. Vladimir Vasilievich and Vuchetich. A historical note. - August 16, 2020.
  MMXVIII. Vladimir Vasilievich and the hunt (for scientific achievements). A story. - February 18, 2021.
  MMXXV. Vladimir Vasilievich and the financing of defense from the family budget. A story. - February 21, 2021.
  MMLXXXVI. A card game, a shoulder straps, a one kopeck of the State Bank. A story. - March 26, 2021.
  MMСCXVII. Vladimir Vasilievich, the boxer and the participant in controlled conflicts. A story. - June 16, 2021.
  MMDCIV. Vladimir Vasilievich talks about visiting the NKVD in 1937. A story. - December 20, 2021.
  MMDCCXCIV. Vladimir Vasilievich and an employee of SMERSH (in connection of the joint safeguard of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant). A story. - February 25, 2022.
  MMDCCCXXXVII. Vasily Alexandrovich writes a certificate for the NKVD. Archive essay. - March 22, 2022.
  MMDCCCXLV. There was a battle in a history. Vladimir Vasilievich makes an attempt to save the history of the defense of Rostov-on-Don in November 1941. An archival essay. - March 25, 2022.
  MMDCCCXLVIII. Vladimir Vasilievich writes a letter to the patriot of the Soviet Motherland, comrade Vlasov A.V. An archival essay. - March 27, 2022.
  MMDCCCLII. A happiness and a luck of the defender of Rostov-on-Don (in November 1941), 56 Army commander Remezov. A historical essay. - March 29, 2022.
  MMDCCCLXXIX. Vladimir Vasilievich writes to the newspaper a story about the capture of Field Marshal Paulus. An archival essay. - April 12, 2022.
  MMDCCCLXXXIV. Vasily Alexandrovich writes the autobiography. An archival essay. - April 14, 2022.
  MMDCCCLXXXVI. Vasily Alexandrovich studies in the North Caucasus State University, Vladimir Vasilievich writes a book about piezoelectrics. An archival essay. - April 15, 2022.].
  MMCMVI. Vladimir Vasilievich, out of patriotic motives, works in favour of the Soviet Motherland. (The employment book and the party card of a member of the CPSU). An archival essay. - April 24, 2022.
  MMCMVII. Vasily Alexandrovich serves in the army (before and after October 1917 - until 1926). An archival essay. - April 25, 2022.
  MMCMIX. Vladimir Vasilievich, navigator. An archival essay. - April 26, 2022.
  MMCMXVI. Comrades in arms fought on Rostov-Gora on November 20, 1941. The letter by Leonid Starodubtsev dated June 13, 1989. An archival essay. - April 29, 2022.
  MMCMXVIII. Two photographs of participants in the battle on Rostov-Gora on November 20, 1941. An archival note. - April 29, 2022.
  MMCMXIX. The list of 7 photos. A collection of photographs "More than 45 years - after the battle on Rostov-Gora on November 20, 1941". An archival essay. - April 30, 2022.
  MMCMXX. The collection of letters and postcards "After 48 years: Postal documents of the participants of the battle of November 20, 1941 - the fight on Rostov-Gora". An archival essay. - April 30, 2022.
  MMCMXXII. In honor of Victory Day. The exhibition of photographs and postal documents of participants in the battle in Rostov-on-Don on November 20, 1941. A culturological essay. - May 1, 2022.].
  September 19, 2022 09:41
  Translation from Russian into English: September 19, 2022 12:09.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Владимир Васильевич и его приятели по двору - "ребята с нашего двора". Мемуарная зарисовка".
  { 3179. Владимир Васильевич и его приятели по двору - "ребята с нашего двора". Мемуарная зарисовка.
  MMMCL. Vladimir Vasilievich and his friends in the yard - "guys from our yard." A memoir sketch.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
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