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Vaccine. - Russial science. Achievements. Leaders. Essay on the philosophy of modern Russial science

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    Vaccine. - Russial science. Achievements. Leaders. Essay on the philosophy of modern Russial science.

  People of success. A list of personnel reserve instead of the list of creators of the world's first vaccine? A sketch.
  Again and again, we all hear about the personnel reserve (talent pool). A meeting was held at the highest level in the mode of videoconference with people who are in the personnel reserve or are close to this happy event.
  As an example, the Minister of Health Murashko is mentioned. According to the media, he is from the personnel reserve.
  Let's remember the beginning of the pandemic. There are the disturbing news from China. Meanwhile, the tourist exchange is growing. The masses of tourists are sent from Russia abroad - these are the very people who will then be exported from abroad in a centralized manner.
  This tourist flow is a matter of care ... In order to declare on time the need to stop it due to an epidemic (pandemic), you need to have a civic courage.
  Did any of the dignitaries related to medicine timely announced the need to stop the tourist flow?
  Then a historical period of numerous inconveniences and losses for the broadest masses of the population began. It was a good rest! A nice vacations!... Who will be responsible for all the tests - for days and weeks of self-isolation, for all the restrictive measures? ..
  However, Minister Murashko is probably related to the creation of the world's first vaccine against the coronavirus! The creation of this vaccine was announced to the public around August 11, 2020.
  If there is a vaccine, then there are its creators!
  We dedicated a miniature "MDCXLVI. Heroes of the world's first vaccine. A sketch about the history of science" to this event. According to our rough estimates, about 500 to 50 people were involved in the creation of the vaccine.
  These people are the saviors of humanity. They are the candidates for high posts, big money, they are the candidates for a happy life in the modern world (in general) and in modern Russia (in particular).
  According to the official version, there is success (creation of the world's first vaccine).
  Accordingly, there are people of success (from 500 to 50 people, approximately) - the same personnel reserve that has shown its social effectiveness through a real achievements, and not through other actions (...).
  Where are these people? Where is their list? Where are their awards? Where are the happy faces of the new owners of (foreign) mansions, of the most expensive cars? Which of them is a candidate of sciences, doctor of sciences, academician? Or real people of success - separately, and titled persons - separately?
  May be, it will happen that a man with a backpack, plastic bags and a pistol in his pocket will be detained near the one of the St. Petersburg canals. Later, a press will find that this man was involved in the creation of the vaccine some time ago. But first his name was silenced, and then he was hounded (was baited) by effective managers by the hands of scientific (and of other types) pranksters ...
  And some minister with a scandalous, extremely dubious reputation will become the owner of the brand of historical reconstruction (the brand of the creation of a vaccine) ... And what is the fate of the brands of bicycle parades and patriotic processions? ... Where are their creators? From what date were these people of success succeeded to recieve awards, when they acquired mansions? The most expensive cars? ...
  Once again we hear about the personnel reserve ...
  'All these large circus tents in which 'young leaders' are selected are exhibition circuses, and not a real search for personnel' (11.08.2020 - Вячеслав Штыров: Государственная программа по развитию Дальнего Востока исчезла... [Vyacheslav Shtyrov: The state program for the development of the Far East has disappeared ...] http: //
  One way or another, if a vaccine is really created, that the people exist who created it (about 500 to 50 people), and society has the right to know not the names that it already hears every day (did they personally create the vaccine?), but names of those who saved the world, humanity and Russia from the coronavirus!
  With the presentation, with the announcement of the names of people of success for the city and for the world, with their rewarding and encouragement, a work with personnel reserve begins ...
  [MDLV. Vaccine. - Russial science. Achievements. Leaders. Essay on the philosophy of modern Russial science. - July 12, 2020.
  MDCXLVI. Heroes of the world's first vaccine. A sketch about the history of science. - August 15, 2020
  MDCXXIX. Oleg Sokolov, Andrei Sakharov, Vladimir Medinsky ... Details to the biography of Oleg Sokolov. - August 9, 2020]
  August 20, 2020 16:00
  Translation from Russian into English: August 20, 2020 16:52.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Люди успеха. Список кадрового резерва вместо списка создателей первой в мире вакцины? Очерк'.
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