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United power with Minma on Kosti-Nf. A foreign policy sketch

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    United power with Minma on Kosti-NF. A foreign policy sketch.

  United power with Minma on Kosti-NF. A foreign policy sketch.
  Mr. Wintertund, second deputy general director of Kosti-NF radio station, thought on the impact of events in Afghanistan on public opinion.
  Many people are at a loss ...
  The unpleasant feeling ....
  "We need to be ahead of the events! ..." - Mr. Wintertund thought.
  Mr. Wintertund dialed the phone number of Mrs. Quicktalker.
  - Do you remember the hoax radio shows? "Invasion of the Martians" ?. The capture of the city by Nazi troops in North America? They were great media products! What do you think about the events in Minma? Many peaceful demonstrators were shot there! Have you heard about this too?
  Here's my idea! We create an innovative media product. A ligament of a discussion, of an interview and of a reportage.
  You invite to the discussion, for example, Iron Man (he is now a candidate for deputy!) And someone from among those who are close to economic issues.
  No, those who have been working on the 500 Days Program - they are already outdated. There are new achievements. The 5000 Days Program. The construction of gas and oil pipelines, of a nuclear power plant, the creation of a space industry, and so on - all this is free. In 5000 days, a powerful, well-armed state with very complex foreign policy vectors has been created! This state can direct (via satellites) its drones against remote-controlled inflatable elephants!
  The topic of discussion: to create with Minma a common state with a common parliament and a common currency, or to limit ourselves to 60 roadmaps of integration. It is very important to sell gas for $ 100 when it costs $ 600. Here, also, for discussion - the topic of construction of a nuclear power plant without payment and with the allocation of a part of our energy market for the sale of this nuclear power plant's products ...
  It would be good if they detained our studentess - our citizen. We would have fussed around this studentess. Minma would politely send us towards the three letters ... But we would not be offended, would have thrown to Minma a couple of billion dollars and pretended to have forgotten about the studentess.
  We care about our citizens! Meetings of consuls, statements by the Foreign Ministry press secretary, persuasions of important people ...
  Now about the interview.
  You invite someone from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for an interview.
  Let this figure tell radio listeners that Minma is a great friend of ours. Back in the 19th century, everyone drank tea from Southeast Asia. Elephants were depicted on the packs of tea. Everyone looked at these elephants and drank tea from a saucer! So Minma and we are historical friends.
  Naturally, we support Minma everywhere, in all international situations, in all foreign policy scandals. Naturally, not free. We pay her, in addition, a lot, directly or indirectly. Billions of dollars!
  Finally, a report on joint military exercises with Minma. For the first time, remote-controlled inflatable elephants float alongside battleships and frigates during the military exercise. Elephants release water jets from innovative newest trunks. It will be scarier than the invasion of the Martians! ...
  You will be the coordinator of the entire bunch of three programs and, in addition, you personally prepare a report on the joint military exercises with Minma.
  When to start? I thought you were already started working ...
  You have a groundwork, already? Material about the common oil and gas and electricity markets? OK!
  Later we will tell everyone that this is all - a fantastic scenario! When everyone will get tense, and when will the big noise start! But we will already go down in history as the successors of radio scenarios - hoaxes!
  Go ahead!
  Mr. Wintertund finished the conversation with the Mrs. Quicktalker.
  The bewilderment becouse of Afghanistan must be supplanted by skillful information campaigns.
  Even if someone at the top will not approve of something, the preparatory work will not be lost!
  The discussion will come in handy ... The interview can be edited and put someone else in Minma's place. The report on the joint exercises will not be lost either! Inflatable elephants with floating blocks and a speed of five moxuitos!
  Mr. Wintertund again dialed the number of the Mrs. Quicktalker.
  - Yes, think about where to insert the material on mutual recognition of vaccines and on cooperation in their manufacture!
  "Well, it seems, that's all!"
  Mr. Wintertund walked around the own office room, listening to the a mysterious telephone apparatus that never rang, and attentively looking at the portrait hanging over the armchair.
  The telephone and the portrait were mysteriously silent.
  Maybe they don't want to spend money?
  No! There is a lot of money. Where to spend them? And an active foreign policy is very necessary.
  Mr. Wintertund turned on the radio and listened with pleasure to the election materials.
  'I came to stir everyone up! And with the rest candidates - everything is clear! "
  Need to work ahead of history! Do not lose even a minute...
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  September 14, 2021 12:20
  Translation from Russian into English: September 14, 2021 15:08.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Объединенное государство с Минмой на Кости-NF. Внешнеполитический скетч'.
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