Аннотация: Two car episodes from the history of interpersonal relationships. An autobiographical note. (With the autobiographical story as app).
Two car episodes from the history of interpersonal relationships. An autobiographical note. (With the autobiographical story as the app).
In one of the previous miniatures (written in 2019) I told about three cases that seemed to me slightly curious.
I will briefly remind these cases.
In all these cases, I is talking about different girls and women, who were not familiar with each other. The cases occurred at different times (in different years) and in different places.
In two cases, the acquaintances happened when I visited the workplaces of future failed friendgirls. In another place, I met the owneress of a curious dog, who (the dog) wanted to be treated to something delicious.
The first case. I met an employee at a large trade organization. After a short conversation, we exchanged phone numbers.
On the phone, we agreed on our meeting.
On the day of our meeting (which was scheduled for the evening) a potential girlfriend returning home. She went up to the one of middle floors of a high-rise (multi-floor) apartment building. When she got out of the elevator, she found a male company of about five people near the front door to her apartment.
Nothing like this had ever happened to her before.
She was very scared.
The company did not touch her, but the very fact of the presence of five men in front of the door, who for some reason in a huge house among many floors chose this particular entrance, this particular floor and her door, scared her very much.
She didn't want any clarification of any circumstances about the presence of strangers near her door. With a high degree of probability, she rented this apartment.
So any clarification of the details could lead her to a new big problem of finding a new apartment to live in.
The mood of a potential girlfriend was spoiled. The meeting did not take place. The relationship has not been developed.
The second case. I met an employee of one of the parastatal institutions when she was performing duties at her workplace. The workplace was unpromising. The salary was small. The potential girlfriend was divorced. She had two children. The children were preparing to go to school. At her workplace, she clearly did not enjoy much popularity of the opposite sex.
After attending some events together (one evening, when I was walking her home, I noticed something like surveillance), after her visit to my house, where we ate ice cream and fresh fruit and swung on a swing, there was a sudden pause in our relationship.
For many days and many times I called her, but she did not answer the phone. I may even have visited her at work, but I couldn't find her at her workplace.
Finally, at some point, she picked up the phone and told me that she could not meet me, that "A car was sent for me ... I'm waiting now...".
I thought about the vicissitudes of fate. Before meeting me, a person slowly faded without male attention, and after meeting me, he suddenly gained unexpected popularity...
Should I be happy or sad about such my level of influence?
The third case. During the walk of the dog, who was very sociable and inclined to be treated (from side of other people) with sausage, there was a conversation with the owneress of the dog.
A few seemingly random conversations could to turn into something more substantial.
However, after one of our conversations, the owner of the dog returned home, where she received an instruction from some significant woman: 'Do not be friends with him! Do not be friends!'
The significance of the woman who gave the instructions blocked the possibility of clarifying: why not be friends?
In general, people are prone to fears, to the expectation of dangers from all sides.
The owneress of the dog disappeared somewhere...
The relationship has not been developed.
All three cases had nothing to do with driving a car. If it was necessary to go somewhere, then taxi services were used.
All these three cases were remembered by me sufficiently to take their places in the miniature, written back on October 20, 2019.
But today, on September 16, 2021, I listened to the radio, where another portion of fears related to using a car poured out on radio listeners.
I remembered two cases related specifically to my driving a car, such cases that have never been repeated.
Both cases took place in the presence of two different women, at different times.
In both cases, my girlfriends were sitting in the car to my right in the front seat. I was driving.
(I will continue numbering the cases).
The fourth case. I was traveling from Rostov to some locality with a girlfriend. The road was not busy. There were almost no vehicles on the road. The sun was shining, it was dry. It was either summer or early autumn. The road was not loaded (it was free, whithout other cars), so I moved to the leftmost row. The road had either two or three lanes of traffic. As a rule, in the far left row there is a minimum of damage to the roadway and a better overview.
At some point, without giving any signals, another car appeared on the right, which began to approuch to me closer and closer from the right, trying take position right in front of my car. Any option: both a sudden braking, and a continuing to move at the same speed with the same direction of movement, threatened with an accident. By some miracle, the accident was avoided. My girlfriend and I continued on our way.
Ahead was a roadside market. I got out and walked along the retail outlets. Suddenly, I saw the car that created the emergency situation. The driver was coming from this car. This person in front of me went to one of the outlets. My first impulse was to start discussion, but still I decided not to do it. Perhaps this person created not one, but two emergency situations.
Never before or after this, such an impudent and dangerous clipping on the right, with an exit in front of my car has not happened to me.
In itself, this incident seemed strange to the extreme, and caused only surprise. This incident did not affect our relationship with my girlfriend.
The fifth case. Having met a girlfriend (this is a completely different person, a different time and a different place of action) who was returning from work, I undertook to bring her by car. It was the evening, everyone was returning home after a working day.
The traffic was very dense. The traffic was slowing down, then speeding up. It was necessary to carefully monitor the road, to brake timely, to start moving in time.
And in front of me, and behind, and to the left, and to the right, cars were moving.
On the left, the car was moving at a distance of less than one meter. Suddenly, someone sitting in this car threw water on my windshield.
For a few seconds, the ability of observing, of watching disappeared. At a ragged pace of movement and at the maximum density of the flow, this threatened an accident. Somehow I managed to orient myself, turned on the windscreen wipers. The possibility of observing, of watching was restored.
It seemed to me that my girlfriend was disappointed that I did not demonstrate a willingness to find out the relationship with the abuser.
Yes, perhaps the peaceful return home should have been turned into an episode of a movie with car adventures...
However, she did not say anything out loud, and obviously this situation did not affect our relationship.
Nothing like this has ever happened to me before or after this incident.
All five cases are unique in some sense, all five cases are related to interpersonal relationships.
All of them, if they affected interpersonal relations, then in a negative way.
Was it worth telling about the fourth and fifth cases - in addition to the first three?
If they came to memory, then let they be in the collection...
Our whole life consists of large, medium, small details...
[MXC. It is better to be the boss and to be in friendly relations with the theater environment. Story. - October 20, 2019.].
September 16, 2021 14: 52
The app:
Thanks to my ardent interest in journalism, I learned about the creative talents of my neighbors. An autobiographical story.
There was a time when I felt an ardent interest in journalism.
By coincidence, I found a like-minded person - a pretty girl who was interested in the creative issues of journalists no less than me.
We were so passionate about this topic that we discussed it several times from evening to morning.
Once or twice my friend went about her business from my apartment in the morning without my escort.
But one day I decided to go with her a little.
To exit the courtyard to the street, it was necessary to pass through a long dark, unlit arch. Even during the day, when the sun was shining, there was semi-darkness in the depths of this arch. Naturally, it was dark under the arch in the early morning.
Moving under the arch with my girlfriend, I noticed two figures approaching us - these people were coming towards us.
I recognized them. These two were relatives. They lived in some apartment. For some reason, they did not feel very kind to me.
When they approached, I experienced a range of emotions.
As far as I could imagine, while I was discussing journalism issues all night, they were mastering and developing acting skills. According to the Stanistlavsky system? Or- according the Mikhail Chekhov system? In a theater club? All night?
They did not come out of the artistic image by the time of our meeting. Their faces depicted an extreme degree of disgust, anger, malice and aggression.
Naturally, I was skeptical about them, as about people I met quite often. In my opinion, they weren't a Shakespeare's characters... But who knows?... Often we discover something new in people...
In general, they entered the yard, and my girlfriend and I went out from under the arch to the street. She went about her business.
After this meeting with the neighbors, I experienced mixed feelings. In any case, I couldn't help but pay tribute to their acting skills - the skills of the highest standard.
I also thought that if my friend had met these people alone (without my escort) with their artistic skill in the dark space under the arch, she would have been very scared. Having experienced a strong fright and being afraid to meet such terrible people again, she would hardly have wanted to continue in my company fervent discussions about the problems of journalists.
So, thanks to the discussion of journalism issues, I unwittingly discovered in my neighbors huge reserves of artistic talents.
We often underestimate the people around us. And only random coincidences allow us to learn the depths of their extraordinary abilities.
September 16, 2021 17: 10
Translation from Russian into English: September 16, 2021 18:59.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Два автомобильных эпизода из истории межличностных отношений. Автобиографическая заметка. (С автобиографическим рассказом в качестве приложения)'.