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Three ideas, or why I don't believe Maduro's words about a possible resignation from the dictatorial position. The note

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    Three ideas, or why I don't believe Maduro's words about a possible resignation from the dictatorial position. The note.

  Three ideas, or why I don't believe Maduro's words about a possible resignation from the dictatorial position. The note.
  "Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is ready to step down if the Venezuelan opposition win the parliamentary elections scheduled for December 6 [2020]." (
  With text information, there is a photograph. The photograph shows a portrait behind Maduro's back - apparently, this is a portrait of Simon Bolivar.
  Most of the inhabitants of planet Earth and the inhabitants of Latin America and the inhabitants of Venezuela have not read the biography of Simon Bolivar. Simon Bolivar had no special theories. By the course of events, he was involved in historical events - after the actions of the emperor Napoleon I in Spain, a complex events began in Latin America. It seemed that happiness was near. However, among those peoples who continued to live under the rule of the monarchy both in the 19th and in the 20th centuries - among the inhabitants of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, among the inhabitants of the German Empire, and even - in a sense - among the inhabitants of the Russian Empire, conditions and living standards are often higher than in many Latin American countries.
  Frankly, I personally would prefer to live in a constitutional monarchy, although this option calls into question the coming to power of the East-Republicans in the USSR and the implementation of the space project. But there is a High Instance (Aauthority), and High Instance has its own decisions ...
  So, with all due respect to Simon Bolivar, I would recommend to evaluate objectively the usefulness of his participation in the liberation of Latin American countries from the power of the Spanish monarchy.
  But this is not the main thing. The main thing is that after reading the biography of Simon Bolivar, the reader will find that Simon Bolivar has nothing to do with Nicolas Maduro.
  This is the first lie.
  However, the idea itself is not bad one...
  As far as I understand, there are no realistic portraits of the founder of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. But many historical pictures were written many years after the events. And the artist conjectured images of historical figures.
  Perhaps two portraits (a portrait) of Władysław and Vytautas , participants in the Battle of Grunwald in 1410, would have looked politically correct ...
  We go further on the statement of Nicolas Maduro.
  There have been no real elections in Venezuela for a long time. There is also no information on the changing of the composition of the election commissions and on the new rules for the work of election commissions. So the words about elections is the second lie. There are, really, no elections.
  The third lie is the possible departure of Maduro. Venezuela is in a disastrous position. Its restoration can be carried out by the combined efforts of the Latin American countries. But do they have the resources to do this? Do Latin American voters agree with such actions?
  The only realistic option is the restoration of Venezuela by the United States. But the United States put Maduro on the wanted list. So Maduro has nowhere to go.
  Maybe he is able to quietly (invisibly) move to Russia? It would be interesting...
  Where will his loyal supporters, the collectivos, go if Maduro leaves?
  In general, there is no faith to Maduro's words.
  But for Nicolas Maduro himself, it is very important to arrange a performance - to make another attempt to legitimize his dictatorship. Natural resources in Venezuela are not yet exhausted. The possibilities for pushing the dissatisfied into emigration have not been exhausted. Supporters remain in various kinds of regional organizations. These people assist Maduro in portraying his legitimacy.
  So, the supporters of the minimum level of civilization, democracy and the rule of law may not connect any real hopes with the "Maduro elections" and with his promises.
  December 2, 2020 19:38
  Translation from Russian into English: December 2, 2020 21:38.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Три идеи, или почему я не верю словам Мадуро о возможном уходе с должности диктатора. Заметка'.
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