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The transformation of a panic attack into an interpersonal one - in the absence of a quality of resistance (with mention of the examples of Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi). A culturological and psychological essay

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    MMMDXL. The transformation of a panic attack into an interpersonal one - in the absence of a quality of resistance (with a mention of the examples of Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi). A culturological and psychological essay. - September 15, 2024.

  The transformation of a panic attack into an interpersonal one - in the absence of a quality of resistance (with a mention of the examples of Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi). A culturological and psychological essay.
  Under the weight of circumstances, I periodically direct my thoughts to the example of the most famous modern Russial historian.
  It is an interesting script - the unexpected changing in his relationship with his girlfriend (his de facto wife).
  The historian was extremely surprised by the changes in behavior of his girlfriend.
  Long time she was an ideal girl, a life partner, an employee, then - suddenly - in the final phase of their relationship, in his opinion, she turned into a very negative character.
  She was a graduate student (preparing a PhD thesis), so she was about 25 years old. He was about 60 years old.
  She came to the cultural center of the vast homeland from the southern regions of the country (from the province).
  The historian looked attractive. He gave fascinating lectures. The historical reconstructions (he was involved) looked amazing. Mutual trips abroad (regular -?). The prospect (for a young girl) of becoming a teacher at one of the most prestigious universities in the country. There were also real plans to create an official family.
  Everything was going great.
  At a certain point, an attack began onto the historian. At first, the "thunderclaps" sounded somewhere far away. But the moment came, when, - figuratively speaking, - an icy wind blew on the historian and his girlfriend; they found themselves under a dense and cold rain with hail...
  (Phone) Prankers, problems with e-mail, intimidation, threats, offensive inscriptions in the entrance, dead rats under the door of their apartment, hints regarding the failure of the future thesis defense, a postponing of a visit to the registry office (that is, the postponing of the creation of official family).
  Suddenly, the young girl realized how ephemeral her plans were: both the defense of her PhD thesis and the official registration of their relationship were in question. According to some signs, some additional important (joyful) event in their common life was interconnected with waited formalization of their relationship.
  At this moment, apparently, such a (widespread) circumstance, as the lack of resistance in the individual culture of the individual, manifested itself. (Interestingly, one of the many publications devoted to all this case talked about provincial psychology: "we are small people, we should not wish of much").
  The lack of resistance is combined with the lack of social and individual experience, with psychological dependence on external information flows and on assessments of other people.
  Suddenly, the young girl's image of world and of her future has changed: there is no defense of her PhD thesis ahead, no PhD degree, no teaching position at a prestigious university, no status of an official wife. On the contrary, there is a situation of a provincial loser girl (who arrived to the cultural center), failed in all her endeavors. And in the case of the birth of a child, there is also the position of a single mother who gave birth to a child from a person with a misty, not clear biographical line.
  A panic attack began at the historian's de facto wife, - as can be concluded from many signs,.
  Meanwhile, if there was a sufficient level of resistance, the historian's girlfriend could take into account (1) that he behaved in a very caring way towards his wives, girlfriends and children; all his wives, girlfriends and children were settled enough comfortable in life, (2) that even under (with) the most unfavorable option the development of events (his dismissal from the university and extreme distancing from fascinating historical movements-organizations) his financial situation and his system of social connections left him in a very advantageous position.
  Moreover, the crisis artificially created by some figures in his life (and in their common life with his girlfriend) could turn out - for their destinies - very favorable.
  But such thoughts had no place in her worldview, and the lack of resistance did not give them a chance to appear in her mind.
  (And who misled her?! Who is to blame for the situation!?).
  A panic attack - perhaps not without external influence (the dependence on other people's assessments and opinions manifested itself) - turned into an intrapersonal attack (attack within personal relationships) - into her attacking negative actions towards historian. (It can be assumed that such effect was an important, expected part of the plan of figures, who launched a campaign against the historian).
  At some point, the historian felt an attack not only "from the outside", but also 'from inside".
  A prolonged and intense stress led to disaster.
  I would like to emphasize once again: if to look at the situation from different angles, then (even with the most unfavorable turn of events) the historian's de facto wife would be in a very advantageous position if to compare her with her fellows-girls in the student group or in the group of those who was preparing dissertations.
  Moreover, the crisis could prompt the historian to a positive transformation of his life. The regular communication of the historian with his social (professional) environment was not such a great value... In many ways (a knowledge of a foreign language (several languages - ?), the ability to carry out complex projects, to organize his life, to earn money, etc.), he was head and shoulders above those he encountered at university and in everyday life.
  After the crisis, if he had felt her steady support during heavy period, the situation would most likely have come to (official) formalization of their relationship.
  But his de facto wife was involved into the panic attack and into the interpersonal one, and she did not have the inner reliance (in her consciousness, in her mind) to see the situation with all its features.
  In this regard, I remembered some of the circumstances of Leo Tolstoy's life, his departure from Yasnaya Polyana in 1910. This event was preceded by the aggravation of Leo Tolstoy's relations with the state and church elites, and the complication of his intra-family relations. As a man whose worldview was largely based on Biblical truths, Leo Tolstoy may have believed that a wife should obey her husband and to follow him.
  An example, concerning the life of Leo Tolstoy (in comparison with the case of the most famous modern historian), shows that the lack of resistance (insufficient quality of resistance) is a stable feature of the general culture.
  My brief acquaintance with the biography of Mahatma Gandhi (a follower of Leo Tolstoy) gives me the impression that there were no noticeable conflicts between Mahatma Gandhi and his wife, Kasturba Mohandas Gandhi. Even though Mahatma Gandhi's life path was very, very difficult. Perhaps the situation was influenced by customs, environment, upbringing. In addition, both Mahatma Gandhi and his wife knew the biography of Leo Tolstoy. The level of resistance proved to be sufficient.
  So it is advisable for modern historians to study not only the era of Napoleon, but also the life paths of Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi.
  September 15, 2024 04:03
  Translation from Russian into English: September 15, 2024 23:13
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Превращение панической атаки в межличностную - при отсутствии резистентности (с упоминанием примеров Льва Толстого и Махатмы Ганди). Культурологический и психологический очерк '.
  { 3569. Превращение панической атаки в межличностную - при отсутствии резистентности (с упоминанием примеров Льва Толстого и Махатмы Ганди). Культурологический и психологический очерк. - 15 сентября 2024 г.
  MMMDXL. The transformation of a panic attack into an interpersonal one - in the absence of a quality of resistance (with a mention of the examples of Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi). A culturological and psychological essay. - September 15, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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