Аннотация: The Tale of a Ticketless Departure of Nikola Tesla. Translation from Russian into English. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сказка о безбилетном отъезде Николы Теслы".
The Tale of a Ticketless Departure of Nikola Tesla
1884. On the crowded platform of the railroad station in Paris Tesla has soon found lack of a packet in hands and loss of a purse with money. Tickets have disappeared: for the train from Paris to Le Havre and for the steamship from Le Havre to New York. While Nikola reflected on the situation and looked for an exit from it, the train has started.
What to do? On what finance to live in path?
A recent meetings have unexpectedly came to memory. Different people participated in these meetings. Including his, Nikola, relatives. Some of them did military service in Napoleon's Army, have been awarded for military valor. Other relatives held high positions in Austro-Hungarian hierarchy, were educated people. Also other people - a sincere patriots, - participated in conversations. The young man - Gavrilo Princip - has come to one of meetings.
Also Nikola remembered the widely famous war reporter keeping the program on one of radio stations, the honored person. And at night this journalist read his own works at radio station. Recently at night the story about great history events, about manifestations of heroism in great battles was heard. In the work a literary experience and a certain literary skill were felt ...
In general, Tesla was surrounded by a patriotic, sincere, quite educated, honored people.
Among a themes of a conversations there were shortcomings of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, unequal position of many peoples, prospects of independent life.
Tesla was a patriot. He was agreeing with much of what he heard during these conversations.
But at night he saw some bad dreams. A terrible pictures were arising before him in dreams.
Waking up, he thought that the Austro-Hungarian empire isn't so bad a thing. Peaceful co-existence of the different nations. A cultural environment. An opportunity to get an education. Many were a wealthy people. His personal example and examples of him many relatives can to show that it is possible to live in the Austro-Hungarian empire quite comfortably: to study, to do a career, to move across Europe ...
But it was absolutely senseless to speak about an empire's advantages.
In general, people are worthy a bigger. The future can't be unattractive. And dreams - during a sleeping? Different people see, when been asleep, different visions. Also you can to prove not a much using a logical reasonings. The logical reasonings too little to prove anything. One person will build one a logical construction, another - other. It's impossible to bring in friendly conversations of indicators about steel smelting, about economic potentials, about sizes of budgets ... A figures is a field of activity of passionless scientists, but not the sincere people, filled with enthusiasm ...
To try to tell about an electromagnetic induction? About the coming electrification of the world?
Tesla remembered the inhabitant of one of a human settlements where he, Tesla, grew as the boy. This inhabitant was engaged in hunting. He had a rifle. And he periodically from this rifle was aiming in the little Nikola. Strange predilection. A rifle aiming toward the child... Such action couldn't to be explained from the point of view of a commonly understood motivation. Such acts couldn't and serve acquisition of reputation of the valorous person ...
So, how to go without ticket from Paris to Le Havre? How to float without ticket from Le Havre to New York? On what finance to live in path? Tesla began to hesitate: probably, it is necessary to refuse the planned travel... And then - again conversations ... Different people will be gathering ... Perhaps, will come Gavril Printsip. And then - bad dreams ...
Continuing to deliberate, Tesla was racing behind train, mentally counting the trifle which has remained in waistcoat pockets.
At the very end of the platform, he made a decision and jumped on the footboard of the last railway car.
March 20, 2018 08:11
Translation from Russian into English: March 20, 2018 10:15.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сказка о безбилетном отъезде Николы Теслы".