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The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme on January 13, 2019

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    The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme on January 13, 2019

  The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme on January 13, 2019
  There are new messages concerning the "Bureya situation".
  For the best understanding of the developing events we will give one of the Internet-publications (of January 10, 2019):
  "Russian Defense Ministry; Original account @mod_russia
  At the request of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin the force and means of the Russian Defense Ministry are used for clearing of the watercourse and carrying out drilling-and-blasting works for restoration of the normal hydrological mode of the Bureya Reservoir" [].
  What is significant in "fresh" publications?
  Firstly, data on preparation for elimination of a natural dam on the Bureya River.
  Secondly, indirect indication of the solving method of the "Bureya problem".
  Thirdly, there are doubtful publications on a subject about the reasons of the "Bureya problem".
  Fourthly, insignificant mentions of concomitant circumstances.
  If to concretize these subjects, then it is possible to note the following:
  1. "06:34, on January 13, 2019. Moscow. January 13. INTERFAX.RU - Began delivery an air way to Khabarovsk Krai of the engineering equipment for elimination of consequences of a rockslide near the Bureya Reservoir, reports department of information and mass communications of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.
  "The Il-76 planes of the military transport aircraft (MTA) from one of airfields of the central region of Russia organized delivery to airfields of the Eastern Military District of the engineering equipment and special engineering charges [devices for drilling-and-blasting works] for carrying out by experts of engineering troops of works on elimination of a collapse of rocky breeds near the Bureya Reservoir of Khabarovsk Krai", - it is said in the statement of department which came on Sunday to Interfax.
  According to the Ministry of Defence, all five VTA planes will be involved: four Il-76 and one An-124 Ruslan which will deliver more than 175 tons of freight to airfields to Khabarovsk Krai. To the place of a [spontaneous natural] dam the engineering equipment and special engineering charges will be delivered by helicopters of army aircraft and the motor transport". []
  "13 January, 12:47. Specialists of the Ministry of Defence will deliver 300 tons of explosive for elimination of a [spontaneous natural] dam on the Bureya River" to [].
  "On January 13 201908:57 Denis Alekseev. "At the reservoir it is already set up the camp with tents and the field kitchen"" [].
  2. If explosives are delivered and not bombs, it can be assumed that the likely way to eliminate the natural dam will be sapper work, and not the use of bombs.
  3. The unchecked and unconfirmed message relating to versions of the reasons of the "Bureya problem": "on January 12, 14:20. Inhabitants of the Amur region are frightened by the fallen rocket from Vostochny Cosmodrome" [].
  Years will pass, and new and new versions will appear - this is one of the versions...
  4. "On January 12, 2019, 16:52. Internet: into Bureya River the rocket fell, the territory of anomaly is cordoned" [].
  (It is easily understood that during the explosive works there will be some restrictions of access to the adjacent territory).
  "January 10, 2019. From Khabarovsk to the Bureya anomaly the large-scale expedition went ... The government of Khabarovsk Krai together with administration of Verkhnebureinsky district organized an expedition for carrying out researches on the Bureya River, in that place where the watercourse as a result of strange incident was blocked by rocky soil. As reported to "Khabarovsk Krai Segodnya" news Agency in committee of the government of the region on civil protection, on January 10 to the region of anomaly the first group of participants of an expedition of 9 people moved forward from Khabarovsk" [].
  Information on scope of preparatory work of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation inspires hope that shortly we learn about restoration of a watercourse in the Bureya River.
  January 13, 2019 14:13.
  Translation from Russian into English: January 13, 2019 14:52.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к Бурейской теме 13 января 2019 г.".
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