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The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears on March 22, 2019

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    The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears on March 22, 2019

  The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears on March 22, 2019
  1 Environmental and legal context.
  Newspaper "World news"
  yesterday at 00: 20
  The whales will remain in captivity?
  Almost a hundred orcas and Beluga whales, who are in the seaside "whale prison", will have to wait for the release of at least three or four months, and, perhaps, remain in captivity forever.
  The price of one individual [animal] specified in customs declarations - 1 million dollars, the Chinese call other amounts-6-7 million and environmentalists claim that in the domestic market of China prices can be raised up to 15 million.... In terms of profitability, this business is comparable to drug trafficking and prostitution...
  And only thanks to intervention of zoodefenders delivery of permission to catch was recognized as illegal. The president Vladimir Putin ordered to liberate captives.
  The other day, the Chairman of the state Duma Committee on ecology and environmental protection Deputy Vladimir Burmatov said that they will release orcas and belugas not earlier than this summer: at the moment, an investigation is underway and evidence is needed to punish the perpetrators. These proofs are the unfortunate captives.
  "The inspection of the Prosecutor General's office conducted at our request revealed that Rosrybolovstvo knew that no one was going to use these orcas and belugas for cultural and entertainment purposes, as it was declared, and they were originally planned to be illegally sent to China. The investigative Committee opened a criminal case on the fact of illegal catching of animals and the second criminal case on the fact of cruel treatment of animals, and Rosprirodnadzor - three of the administrative case under three articles of the administrative code," - said Deputy Vladimir Burmatov.Almost all the animals in the" prison " got sick, and they are unlikely to survive in the wild now - for this Beluga whales and killer whales will have to go a long way of rehabilitation. In addition, they managed to domesticate, and if they are now released into the sea, they will die in the wild.
  Meanwhile the businessmen who caught marine mammals threaten Russia with the international sanctions. According to them, at hunters contracts with foreign oceanariums were signed and failure of the contract threatens to turn back the legal claims and big material expenses measured in hundreds of millions of US dollars for Russia.
  Animal activists are afraid that of marine mammals will be transferred to "customers", the most part of the sum is already paid for them ...
  What do we know about killer whales and Beluga whales?
  These are highly intelligent, extremely sociable animals. And they are distinguished by an unprecedented attachment to the offspring...
  In general killer whales are very family animals! (...)
  In the summer of 2018 the whole world was flown by shrill news: at a killer whale of Tielakua the cub died, but she did not recognize 17 more days loss and kept body of the cub afloat. When the killer whale was tired, the body of the kid was supported by tribespeople. Before reconciling to loss, Tielakua floated 1600 kilometers with a body of a little killer whale.
  Belugas are also called "Canaries" of the sea ...
  These are extremely sociable animals, live usually in flocks: separately females and cubs, separately males. When the white whale mother gives birth to the cub, to him as to any mammal, it is necessary to make the first sigh. For this purpose other females circle around the mother in labor and as soon as the kid is born, white whales amicably rush to it and throw up the born kid by their noses up, over a water surface.
  ... Can you imagine what awaits the cubs, forcibly separated from their mothers? They're practically doomed.
  Marina Lepina,
  Adelaide Sigid."[]
  The comment.
  1. Financial losses are the problems of the catchers. Neither Russia nor the General public signed contracts with "partners". Who took responsibility for the signing of contracts, he must bear the losses. It seems that entrepreneurial activity is an activity aimed at making a profit at your own risk and at your own expense?
  2. It seems to start a favorite procedures for cadastral registration. ("Experts will make medical cards of each animal in "whale prison"". SOCHI, 21 Mar - RIA Novosti. [])
  The "average" person, instead of watering flowers at his dacha and eating grapes, is forced to fill his head with a bunch of different information about what needs to be (to build - not to build, to grow-not to grow, and so on, and so on, and so on...), and what is no longer necessary. What is possible and what is not.
  You will tell - it is the interests of the state.
  I doubt.
  If we could not to water the flowers and eat grapes because of the need to endlessly study all the new legislative innovations, but at the same time the range of social guarantees would expand, the retirement age would decrease with the simultaneous growth of pensions and other social payments, if life became "easier" and more pleasant, then I would agree with the argument about "the interests of the state".
  Not the" interests of the state", but the encumbrance with a mass of entangling meaningless rules, depriving of opportunities for normal life, negative results in the field of public administration - that's what all these tons, hundreds of thousands of tons of bureaucratic efforts mean.
  Similarly with killer whales and white whales. Stop studying, describing, creating cards (medical card) and so on and so forth. Begin to let out one animal behind another (or all together or groups) to the habitual habitat - in the presence of representatives of the press and the public. Impose a total ban on a catch of animals.
  We have already heard about the "care", "concern" of animals, that they may not survive and so on and so forth.
  Under any circumstances it is necessary "to create a barrier" before those who carry out catching of marine animals, before those who arrange profitable entertainments due to similar catching.
  Stop confusing by arguments about care of animals, of a possibility of death of a certain number of the "captives" released from prison ...
  The habitat of life of marine animals - the wild nature. And it, this wild nature, has certain properties. Not all animals survive in the wild nature. But queues towards Chinese and other oceanariums from among the free killer whales and Beluga whales, however, is not observed.
  All this pseudo-care is a very unpleasant, heavy thing ...
  March 22, 2019 23:36
  Translation from Russian into English: March 23, 2019 00:29.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к Новой Земле и к белым медведям 22 марта 2019 г.".
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