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The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears in the morning on February 14, 2019

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    The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears in the morning on February 14, 2019

  The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears in the morning on February 14, 2019
  1. The nature of the problem.
  14.02.2009 00: 00
  Bear patrol
  Climate warming has affected the behavior of bears
  Text: Elena Mazing [Елена Мационг]
  Russian newspaper-Week Љ 33(7791)
  ... According to scientists, warming can lead to crossing of polar and brown bears. While in nature such facts are noted only in Canada, told " RG "Ilya Mordvintsev, Deputy head of the"polar bear study Program of the Russian Arctic". In 2006, an unusual polar bear with brown spots was discovered in Canada. Geneticists analyzed his DNA and concluded that he was born from different species - polar bear and grizzly. His called "pizzli" (pizzly). In 2010, canadian hunters shot another such bear. He seemed to be a hybrid in the second generation.
  Polar and brown bears almost nearby live in Russia on Taimyr. But also in other places the area of dwelling of these animals is promptly displaced, they begin to divide one ecological niche.
  - The main problem for polar bears in recent years - a catastrophic reduction in ice cover in the summer-says Mordvintsev. - Bears find themselves in extreme conditions and are forced to go on land.
  By and large the land is necessary to polar bears only for arrangement of dens and a conclusion of posterity. The real table and a roof to them are given by the drifting ices. A seal on an ice floe - the best dish for an umka. However because of warming ices recede from the coast further and further. Longer and longer the sea remains free from ice. Therefore polar bears are unpretentious today: eat the died animals whom waves deliver ashore, select food on garbage cans for people. - Polar bears try not to come deep into continents so far, but even more often hunger forces them to look for livelihood where it is only possible, - Ilya Mordvintsev tells.
  This factor, according to scientists, can lead to hybridization of brown and polar bears and at us. And at any time.
  According to scientists of the Arctic and Antarctic Scientific Research Institute Roshydromet, for the last 30 years the area of sea ices in the Arctic, on observations during the summer period, decreased twice. According to forecasts of scientists, by the end of this century of winter on Far North will be ten degrees warmer, and the summer will become hotter - on five." [https://rg.ru/2019/02/14/poteplenie-klimata-otrazilos-na-povedenii-medvedej.html]
  The comment.
  For getting food - in standard conditions - the polar bear needs ice.
  In the conditions of thawing of ices and reduction of the area of sea ices polar bears have only one option - instead of ice to live on the land.
  There is a worldview question: does a person have the right to push out the polar bears from the land-from the Islands or from the coastal areas of the continent?
  2. Cause of problems. Versions.
  14 February 2019, 09: 01...
  Viktor Nikiforov several times been on New Earth in the composition of the expeditionary unit
  Information noise around the provision of emergency announced on New Earth because of a mass exit to people of polar bears does not stop. But such situation arose far not suddenly. The project coordinator scientific экспедиционно the Marine mammals center, the expert in minimization of the conflicts between a polar bear and the person Victor Nikiforov tells about reasons and opportunities of settlement of such situation.
  Victor Nikiforov has many times in the New Earth in the composition of the expeditionary unit, studied the behavior of polar bears in such situations, he is monitoring developments and today.
  The Central polygon of the Russian Federation on the New Earth for over 60 years. This is an Outpost of military science. There is both an airport, and all means, the population about 3.5 thousand. IPresently for such place it is a lot [of the population] of therefore it is possible to bring order, to reclaim dumps, to protect access to the polygon ...
  ... The climate is changing, and we want the same thing every year? Especially the New Land-the habitat of polar bears tens of thousands of years. The island is conveniently located in the Arctic, it has ancestral dens... " [https://29.ru/text/incidents/65948781]
  The comment.
  In the presence of a vast ice surface relatively acute problems of coexistence between humans and polar bears does not arise. Polar bears use the ice surface.
  When thawing ices the problem "is displaced" to behavior of the person:
  1) Whether the human recognizes the polar bears as the natives of the Arctic, having the priority right for dwelling in the Arctic region?
  2) Does a person carry out more and more powerful resettlement in the Arctic with the displacement of polar bears from this territory?
  3. Who solves the problem.
  MK регионах14 Feb 2019
  Today, to help the besieged residents of Novaya Zemlya fly the Moscow "bear-hunters" [" safecrackers"]
  today at 09: 01
  The departure transferred several times is appointed at 10 in the morning today. As a part of expert group representatives of institute of environmental problems of RAS, national park "Russian Arctic" and Rosprirodnadzor - only four persons who, of course, will not banish the bears army which besieged the novozemelsky settlements of Belushya the Lip and Rogachyovo, but, at least, will estimate a situation and will develop the plan of opposition to shaggy army.
  While scientists were cooing in Arkhangelsk because of bad weather, they managed to throw some themes-for example, to build fences or electric fences around some social facilities.
  Also, experts have identified offhand the possible causes of the bear militia-it can be a reduction in ice fields as a result of climate change, and arranged by the people of the garbage. However, on the ground it will be possible to understand already today."[https://arh.mk.ru/science/2019/02/14/segodnya-na-pomoshh-osazhdyonnym-zhitelyam-novoy-zemli-vyletayut-moskovskie-medvezhatniki.html]
  The comment.
  Who is responsible for solving the problem?
  At this stage - in order not to offend anyone and not to hurt anyone's self-esteem-it is better to refrain from answering this question?
  If you ask a question in a hypothetical format- " who can (has the authority, competence) to solve the problem?" - it's not so easy to answer this question...
  4. The offered ways of a solution.
  There are a two fundamental directions of solving the problem.
  The first direction-cautious behavior. Abstention from any prompt, cardinal, active actions, from hostile actions against polar bears. In response to unusual behavior of wild animals to show care, organization, to put protections, etc.
  The second direction is active efforts. Consider the possibility of creating feed points (feed points) for polar bears.
  Optimize (reduce?) human presence in the Arctic. The Arctic climate automatically regulates the interaction of" ordinary " people and polar bears.
  The situation changes when figures with burning eyes, cold hearts and predatory appetites appear in the Arctic, who are solving the pleasant-unpleasant problem of cashing large volumes of huge a corporate (state and semi-state) money.
  For obnal [cashing] they need new and new construction projects. (Preferably in areas of limited access - with special legal regimes).
  It is called all this beautiful and tempting word " investment "(earlier a someone was lured by the word "communism").
  At the" financial entrance "these" investments " do not have voluntary funds of citizens and organizations. (For example, traditional joint-stock companies exist through the voluntary purchase and sale of shares). But these pseudo-investments have at the" financial entrance " taxes, tariffs, mandatory payments (fines) and other things that clean the pockets of "ordinary" citizens.
  "Today he will put (will establish) of a solar panels [turbines, dams, moorings, nd so on and so forth] a famous line,
  And tomorrow he will shake out a money from pockets of everyone".
  In General, we are not talking about" traditional " investment activities at our own expense and at our own risk.
  Pseudo-investments are carried out at the expense of the population, and it, the population, bears all risks.
  Thus, restriction of rough pseudo-investment activities yalyatsya useful both for polar bears, and for pockets of "ordinary" citizens.
  We, people, with polar bears "in one boat".
  5. Additional information.
  Conqueror of heaven, water and earth
  Quite so the name Zhigansha sounds in translation from ancient Tatar.
  The word "conqueror" is somewhat pompous ... the humble appearance of Zhiganshi Keshovich Mussin... , but fully reflects the essence. A sky and a sea the military pilot Colonel Musin conquered, and what about the land, so not only on the mainland land he served, but also on the archipelago of Novaya Zemlya. And by the way, continues to serve, although in a new role: at the end of 2009, the residents of the youngest in our area of the city district "New Earth" elected Zhiganshi Mussin the head of the municipality. We talk.
  - Zhiganshi Keshovich you have in the family were aviators?
  - No. I, as they say, from a simple working family.
  - Then how did you come to aviation?
  - I studied at a secondary specialized school, it was called the school of young cosmonauts ... ... Entered the Syzran higher military aviation school of pilots. 1971.
  - People then aspired into the sky?
  - The competition was - seven people into place. And trained us really well. Life checked it in the most cruel way: subsequently in Afghanistan least of all forced down fellows [destroyed helicopters] from our release [from our group from the school of pilots ]...
  - You were born in the Volga region, studied in Syzran - far from the seas, and received the specialty of the sea pilot. How consciously?
  - Here too the case pushed - the naval officer came to school, in a beautiful form, itself beautiful - harmonious, strict ... And just was announced the first enrollment in sea aircraft. I showed willingness ... And for the first time in life saw the sea in the Crimea when arrived for service to a regiment, on airfield in Kacha, - the 872nd helicopter regiment of coastal basing.
  - The way from the graduate of school to the cool pilot is long?
  - To a part lieutenants come from school, figuratively speaking, with a zero class, though are allowed to control of car [helicopter], and had practice. ... it is necessary to fly a much - and day and night, both at a weather minimum and with a fighting application... , years eight-ten it is required. It is a difficult way.
  - When to you suggested to come to academy with what class went?
  - I already had the I [the first] class ...
  - I was told that you one of the first in the country who mastered landing of the helicopter to a water surface ...
  - In the 87th I served on New Earth, returned to the Crimea, was a deputy of a komesk [commander of an avia squadron] in the same regiment, as earlier, but already the antiboatman: very intensive flights, day and night, and with water landing too... (...) I went to Novaya Zemlya, though with decrease. Graduated from service in the 2005th in rank of the colonel, at position of ... the head of department of aviation providing, then became the deputy head of administration Belushya Guba. That's all ...
  [J. K. Musin] - ...Cloud is rushing and rushing. I asked for a team to take off, and it is not and is not. Then I decided to fly by the helicopters not on the established route, as it passes through the epicenter, but through the gorges, in a zone free from radioactive contamination. After me, as agreed, the rest of caravan [twelve helicopters] rose. Flew past the clouds, sat down on the spare area, and stayed there, and later returned to old site, again bypassing the cloud...
  - Than personally for you the first state of emergency ended?
  - I was presented to the order of the Red Star. Then he was replaced by vacation...
  - ?!
  - Yes, here still that ... A gossip hotline, you know how works? In the Crimea states of emergency incorrectly interpreted, and fellows from a regiment to me on a funeral raised money ...
  - To go through the radioactive cloud and to survive, is not it a miracle?
  - There was timely and very careful sanitary cleaning. I left a bath: where clothes? And they show me on a fire sparks: there are your clothes, all. Only a service weapon - the gun [pistol] was not burned, number ShK2241 ...
  Interviewed by Oleg KHIMANYCH" [http://belushka.ru/site/blog-sajta/279-pokoritel-neba-vody-i-zemli]
  February 14, 2019 10:35
  Translation from Russian into English: February 14, 2019 13:37.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к Новой Земле и к белым медведям утром 14 февраля 2019 г.".
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