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The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears in the evening of February 26, 2019

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    The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears in the evening of February 26, 2019.

  The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears in the evening of February 26, 2019.
  1. Additional information.
  14:46 26 February 2019
  Novatek will place orders in Russia for a trillion rubles for Arctic LNG-2
  Moscow, February 26. Novatek intends to place orders worth trillion rubles at Russian enterprises for the construction of the Arctic LNG-2 plant, said organization head Leonid Mikhelson at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
  Mikhelson stated that Novatek has embarked on the implementation of the second Arctic LNG-2 project. He specified that its capacity will be 19.8 million tons.
  'We have a lot of communication with our industrial enterprises,' he told the president, 'more than one trillion rubles of orders at Russian enterprises are expected.'
  Novatek will place orders in Russia for a trillion rubles for Arctic LNG-2
  Arctic SPG-2 is a plant for the production of liquefied natural gas. The company plans to launch this project on the basis of the Morning Field [Утреннее месторождение] in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The expected launch date for the first production line is 2022-2023.
  Author: Katerina Ivanova
  Source: RIA Novosti ' [unofficial translation]
  The comment.
  As usual, roughly the same set of questions:
  1. What are the costs? What is the price?
  2. What will be the revenue?
  3. What is the profit?
  ('' The main thing in the strategy of today's NOVATEK is the development of LNG. 'Https:// -v-rossii-8679 /
  But what about profit, but what about environmental safety? ...).
  However, for a change, you can add three more 'v-e-e-e-ry clever' questions:
  4. What are the sources of funds for this colossal project (the budget sources? Borrowed funds from the state banks?)
  5. What are the indicators of environmental damage and the costs of its compensation, sources of financing environmental costs? (in the short, medium, long term - and it would be nice if 'independent', international assessments were used).
  6. Are there alternatives to developing Arctic deposits? In addition to the Arctic, in Russia there are no other territories with hydrocarbon deposits?
  Otherwise, everything is convincing. Soon our pockets will fill ... See... watch ... Be in hopes...
  February 26, 2019 11:35
  The head of Roshydromet told what the first strike of the West against Russia will be ...
  According to the accuracy of a number of forecasts, the national meteorological service shows very high rates.
  However, unlike the times of the USSR, it depends on foreign satellites, said Maxim Yakovenko, head of the Federal Service for Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring, in an interview with NTV, reports ЕНВ ...
  In Soviet times, the head of Roshydromet said, the Hydrometeorological Center had an orbital constellation of 47 satellites.
  Today there are a total of 9 such, so you have to turn to foreigners for help.
  'Honestly, we are completely dependent on information from remote sensing of the Earth from space,' Yakovenko admits. 'If we are disconnected from the foreign group that we now have, then we will just have huge problems.
  Because we can only see points on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  Everything that is on the 'ball' for the forecast, we will not see. Therefore, the very first blow to us will be made - to disconnect us from remote sensing of the Earth. " [ttps: //]
  The comment.
  If 'weather' is mentioned, then something vaguely recalls about either a 'workshop' or a 'kitchen' of weather. It seems the Arctic so is called ...
  Global warming could ruin Lake Baikal
  Scientists at the Irkutsk Limnological Institute of the SB RAS have suggested that global warming is one of the significant causes of environmental degradation in the coastal zone of Lake Baikal. Along with an increase in average annual temperature, the amount of precipitation decreases, the winds weaken and the temperature of the surface water layer rises.
  Vasily Parfyonov
  Global warming could ruin Lake Baikal
  Over the past century, the duration of freezing has decreased by 18 days. Between 1991 and 2015, the average wind speed decreased by 12.5%, and the amount of precipitation decreased by 5 mm. As a result, flashes of water bloom caused by the intensive multiplication of cyanobacteria erupt, the shallow water overgrows, and one of the main lake filtrators, the Baikal sponge, dies.
  In addition to global climate change, an anthropogenic factor has a significant negative effect on the ecology of Lake Baikal. For example, in recent decades, the influx of tourists has increased, but the infrastructure has not been adequately created. Damage is caused not only by household garbage, but also waste products - largely because of this, the population of the Baikal sponge decreases ... "
  The comment.
  If something 'bad' happens to Lake Baikal, then you can be 100% sure that the increase in anthropogenic pressure on the nature of the Arctic will have nothing to do with it.
  Well, and so on ...
  February 26, 2019 16:25
  Translation from Russian into English: June 8, 2020 06:21.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ об интересе к Новой Земле и к белым медведям вечером 26 февраля 2019 г.'.
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