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The Story about interest in the Bureya theme on April 18, 2019

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    The Story about interest in the Bureya theme on April 18, 2019

  The Story about interest in the Bureya theme on April 18, 2019
  1. Everything will be OK.
  In Khabarovsk Krai prepare for mass evacuation
  APRIL 17, 2019
  In Khabarovsk Krai the emergency mode in Verkhnebureinsky district introduced after a descent of a part of the hill and overlapping of the bed of the Bureya River continues to operate. As the head of administration of the area Alexey Maslov told Habarovsky Kray Segodnya news Agency, forecasts of hydrologists and weather forecasters do not assume aggravation of a situation at the village of Chekunda, nevertheless, preparation for possible evacuation of citizens from the place of potential flooding is conducted.
  - From now on we begin to prepare a temporary public housing, 44 apartments in settlements of thermal power plant and Chegdomyn, will be enough for resettlement of 72 families, - the head of Verkhnebureinsky district Alexey Maslov says. - The termination of terms of repairs in these apartments it is established for June 24, 15 million 850 thousand rubles are allocated for these purposes. Just in case we prepare temporary accommodation centers, it is school, the out-of-school center and, in the most serious option, the building of railway hospital. Tomorrow we will see this room [building] with the head of the far Eastern railway.
  According to the report of hydrologists, inflow of water to the Bureya Reservoir will be up to the standard and less this spring that does not create danger to life of inhabitants of Chekunda and their property. According to researches, flooding of low places and the cemetery of the village happens at marks 254 - 256 meters, water will come to kitchen gardens at a mark of 256 meters, houses begin to be waterlogged at marks from 259 meters and above. Infrastructure and residential buildings in the village of Ust-Urgal can be flooded at the level of the reservoir 260 - 265 meters.
  - Our calculations show that at the admission of a spring high water the maximum levels at Chekunda will not exceed safe marks of 250 meters, - the acting head of department of water management of the Amur Basin Water Administration of Federal Agency for Water Resources Nikolay Yefimov notes. - During thawing of ice on Bureya there is a probability that ice and the tumbled-down trees will create a jam in the proran [the channel] and it will cause fast intensive rise in water level in Chekunda. At this scenario blasting a jam by forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations can be required.
  Let's remind, since the beginning of April around the Bureya anomaly the airmobile group of rescuers, its tasks - control of a state a proran and, if necessary, assist to inhabitants of Chekunda. he complication of the situation may occur later, in the first decade of July after the rain flood. Assessment of experts: such succession of events can happen to the probability of 1%, that is, every hundred years. Meteorologists will submit more exact forecast for rainfall during the summer and autumn period of 2019 later." []
  2. About an ice situation
  ... Bureya was already freed from ice. Since April 5 on Bureya and its inflows navigation is open for small size vessels ..." []
  On April 16, 2019 14:15
  "According to the carried-out measurements on the Bureya River a condition of ice will remain without changes. Thickness of the main ice field up to 1 meter, ice with the wood massif to 50 cm. Besides, on the place rescuers perform works on clearing of the course [channel] and sawing up of the trees which froze in ice which can complicate and slow down the movement of an ice drift subsequently. By means of the unmanned aerial vehicle monitoring of a condition of proran and rocky masses on this site of the area is conducted", - the deputy chief of the Head department of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia in Khabarovsk Krai on civil protection - the head of department on protection, monitoring and prevention of emergency Andrey Prokopenko explained." []
  3. Powers and their documentary registration.
  APRIL 15, 2019
  The governor of Khabarovsk Krai Sergey Furgal visited museum of local lore of Grodekov which in April of this year celebrates the 125 anniversary with an informal visit. As reported to Habarovsky Kray Segodnya news Agency in administration of institution, the Grodekov museum became the first institution of culture of the region which Sergey Furgal visited after the election on a post of the regional head. It is noted that the governor contributed important documents to funds of the museum. Among them there was also its own certificate of the elected head of the region.
  - It does not mean that Sergey Furgal was left without governor's certificate. He transferred the historical document on recognition him the elected head of Khabarovsk Krai which was signed by the chairman of regional election commission to the museum. On hands at Sergey Furgala there is an existing governor's document signed by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, - the press secretary of the governor of Khabarovsk Krai Nadezhda Tomchenko explained." []
  The comment.
  (I state my views without preliminary reading of regulations - inaccuracies in terminology are possible).
  Transfer of the certificate in the museum - a curious event. We will not state all the considerations related to this transfer. Let's limit ourselves to the assumption that such an action demonstrates respect for the Museum...
  People in Russia like documents, a seals, signatures .. As if some kind of uncertainty is present in the depths of the subconscious...
  There is a temptation to lead a chain of reasonings to historical "point", to Tatar - Mongolian to a yoke and to labels on reigning ... Or to passports, to "a road documents"?
  If the inhabitants of some Northern country gathered for the General people's Assembly and someone was elected - this person, who elected to the post, he needs some kind of document? His and so all know and respect...
  But let's not overly complicate things. Anyway, in all civilized countries documents are formed ... (Mentions of analogs of passports in the Persian Empire, Ancient Egypt, the Islamic caliphate meet).
  Let's return to transfer of the certificate of the elected head of the region to funds of the museum.
  If you do not take into account the certificate, what documents can confirm the authority? Probably, first of all, it is the Protocol of the relevant election Commission on election to a position.
  And how about documents (acts) of local parliament? On the solemn procedure of taking office ("inauguration") money spent? It is possible to assume that at rather detailed specification of expenses the act of local Parliament on the approval of an expenditure part of the budget can serve as documentary confirmation of the assumption of office and confirmation of existence of powers...
  On April 18, 2019 22:28
  Translation from Russian into English: April 18, 2019 23:47.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "The Story about interest in the Bureya theme on April 18, 2019".
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