Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Sketch about the interview with one of the defenders of the Khimki forest

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    The Sketch about the interview with one of the defenders of the Khimki forest

  The Sketch about the interview with one of the defenders of the Khimki Forest
  - Now it is fashionable to address history! - the journalistess has said. - Therefore I want to interview one of defenders of Khimki Forest.
  In edition have looked at her somehow strange. Also have kept silent. Silence means consent?
  The journalistess went to the Khimki Forest. Goes through the woods and looks: one of the defenders. She approaches:
  - I would like to interview you: why you so actively protected Khimki Forest?
  - I was a purely urban resident earlier. Asphalt, tile, concrete. Rare trees ... When I has moved to the area of Khimki Forest, I began to walk ... I look: plants, birds, other animals ... I am not an expert in biology: it seems, partridges, pheasants, hares, proteins ... Birds different, beautiful ... Strange feelings began to appear at me: that I deal with some a living creature. As in one philosophical science fiction novel ... In this novel or a planet, or a ocean was described, seems, as a living creature. During walks in the woods I felt that my state of health had changed. Health has a little improved, probably ... When I heard about the plans of the motorway construction through Khimki Forest, I imagined that this living creature would be divided, be sawn - as on a performance of a conjurer. Only not as illusion, but in reality. I began to speak out in defense ...
  "What is suitable for a media report here?" - the journalistess has thought. - "She walked ... Animals, birds. Plants ... Health has improved ..."
  - I tried to argue and rationally, - the defender of Khimki Forest continued, - but to compare in a rational form of a notions of different levels quite difficult. On one bowl of scales - mass economic interests, on another - the life of a living creature... Yet, I think, has the right to exist such a reasoning: human is part of nature. If other living beings have the opportunity to live a normal natural life next to human, then this is one of the indicators of the normality of society. Perhaps - this is the key to the survival of human.
  - All this, on the one hand, true. A health, a survival of human ... On the other hand, a survival of human demands roads, heating and many other benefits ... - the journalistess doubted.
  She came to the office and turned on her computer. She entered the Internet. And there news: in a large city decided to create a park from the grove. Some inhabitant initiated a poll on a special website. More than 500 people supported the transformation of the grove to the park.
  The journalistess is not a big expert in these problems. And thinks: "and a grove is not a park?"
  Asks colleagues: what is the difference between a grove and a park?
  Colleagues thought: in a sense, a grove is also a park. But, nevertheless, park is a more "civilized" object. Someone mentioned asphalted paths. Other added trimmed lawns, third remembered attractions, amusements, fourth said the word "cafe"...
  "I will go to a business trip, in transit I will have a talk with the author of this Internet poll", - the correspondent has decided.
  After some time she meets the initiator of Internet poll:
  - There is a grove, in it trees, bushes, birds, some wild small beasts live ...
  People - who jogs, who walks and who cooks the barbecue at the weekend.
  And all the enormous city also has the benefit: settles dust on leaves of all these dense green thickets, but the leaves do not give up - emit oxygen for the big city.
  And what you want?
  - Life is not easy now, - the initiator of the Internet poll says. And is looking intently at the journalistess.
  - It is clear, - the journalist answers. - We see it on the Internet. In some areas, drinking water is not enough. - Almost a national disturbance. In other areas of the Earth the air is dirty. In thirds economic depression is, - people run away ... In fourths - and so on. But here, somehow ... more or less...
  The initiator of poll somehow stares at the journalistess:
  - Well, we would like that we would have a cafe too...
  - But after all from the "alteration" of a grove into the park before the creation there the cafe - there is a distance ... And then, why this cafe will be yours?... - the journalistess is surprised.
  The initiator of the poll looks at the journalistess strangely.
  The journalistess has decided on the other hand "to approach a theme":
  - There are regions different. One - economically depressive, people leave them away and leave off. And others - there people have different diseases, for example, pulmonary ... Here, in this area, somehow ... more or less ... A park will be made out of the grove... Some new additional actions and changes ... At some point, the region will change; won't have to leave him?
  The initiator have sighed somehow sadly and quietly says:
  - With money - it will be easier ...
  The journalistess feels that the interview is not "passes" ... Thinks: since I came here, I will go the famous river to observe.
  Here and river. Stadium enormous on the opposite coast. "I will visit a cafe" - the journalistess decided. Here some holiday: balls let in air and sing the song in the karaoke format: something about beaches and backwater. About the maelstroms and the sandbars...
  "Oh, as cheerfully!" - the journalistess was glad. - "However, fish became less - almost there no fish. And crayfish, it seems, it isn't always safe to consume in food".
  The journalistess has drunk a foreign soft drink.
  Then she continued her business trip.
  At last, she comes back to the main office. Thinks: what to do with the collected material?
  She went to the point of sales to buy a bottled water. In the hallway she accidentally meets her chief. He suggested to step aside and said: what are you there about parks and cafes was asking? There are people very not indifferent ... to the earth ... to the land plots ... You know that you have been employed temporarily, - while the grant is allocated for the appropriate program ... I like a forest, and I wish you nothing bad ... You have understood me ...
  The journalistess bought bottled water and decided to take a walk in the Khimki Forest, get some fresh air...
  August 8, 2018 10:44
  Translation from Russian into English: August 17, 2018, August 20, 2018. Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч об интервью с одной из защитниц Химкинского леса'.
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