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The Sketch about a new understanding

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    The Sketch about a new understanding

  The Sketch about a new understanding
  There is a student of the Literary institute named after Gorky along a Moscow street and sadly thinks: "Positions of theatrical figures are strengthening ...".
  He comes into the cafe and takes a cup of coffee. He looks back. Also sees: the theatrical director sits beside the next table. He, seems, to be one of the widely known.
  The mood at the student improved: "I - in the center of the cultural world!"
  On pleasures, the student takes in addition to coffee also cake and sings:
  "Vene-ti-an Moor Othello
  One little house visited...".
  Suddenly some person, similar to some famous person, comes and pulls out the theatrical director from cafe.
  The student began to worry.
  There was a person - the guy in a bullet-proof vest and with a badge "press":
  - Boys, I not understand something, who does the application, concerning the hostess??
  Student sobered by the idea, that guy in the stupid form expressed. "He's not a fool. We're fools!"
  There was a wish to leave quicker the cafe far away.
  The student drank up coffee quicker, ate up a cake and went outside
  "He wants to dive... You see! A diver!"
  The student saw some a stranger, walking towards him. It seemed to the student that he hears: "It seems, he is from the Literary ..."
  The student just in case quickened the pace.
  January 24, 2019 09:00
  Translation from Russian into English: January 24, 2019 09:52.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Скетч о новом понимании".
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