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The Russial sly man in the Far East. The note

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    The Russial sly man in the Far East. The note.

  The Russial sly man in the Far East. The note.
  Yesterday, September 27, 2020, the media reported that a new, a next, a regular (which one? what a number?) program (for the development of the Far East) was prepared.
  It is interesting. (Brief information in the media suggests that the authors of "one hundred and thirty-fifth" pin their hopes on federal budget "investments" ...).
  But another thing is also interesting.
  Yesterday, September 27, 2020, the situation near the southern borders of Russia escalated sharply.
  Russia's policy in the South Caucasus is similar to Russia's policy in the conflict between China and India.
  Really. There are two conflicting sides. There is a disputed (for China and India) territory. Russia is a partner, even an ally, of both parties to the conflict. She even tries to position herself as a mediator, negotiator, peacemaker (the results of peacekeeping efforts are incomprehensible).
  In the situation with China and India, Russia seems to be leaning more towards China.
  Beijing is necessary when building political positions in situations with Belarus, Venezuela, Syria (with Libya? Turkey? Iran? ... Lebanon? ...), is necessary when voting in the UN Security Council.
  If that's the right assumption, we can to expect the India's response.
  And if India's reaction to such a foreign policy of Russia is expected event, then, consequently, relations between Russia and China should become increasingly close.
  It's very deep, very cunning ...
  His own skills, his own the cunning will not catch the sly man? ...
  September 28, 2020 07:09
  Translation from Russian into English: September 28, 2020 07:39.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Российский хитрец на Дальнем Востоке. Заметка".
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