Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The program of restoration of Russia's economic during and after the 2019-2020-... pandemic. The chapter "Tourism and related industries"

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    The program of restoration of Russia's economic during and after the 2019-2020-... pandemic. The chapter "Tourism and related industries"

  The program of restoration of Russia's economic during and after the 2019-2020 -... pandemic. The chapter "Tourism and related industries"
  1. To analyze the repeated situations of mass tourist trips abroad with the mass returnings at state expense of those who left. To draw conclusions and to take appropriate action.
  2. To liquidate Rosturizm (The Federal Agency for Tourism). To brought to justice a persons, who are responsible for increasing of tourist flows after the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic (pandemic) in 2019.
  3. To stop any financing from the budget in any form of travel agencies.
  4. Create preferences for charitable organizations and private philanthropists who provide assistance to people who have remained abroad without financial resources for any reason.
  5. To establish public access lanes along the banks of any rivers and water bodies - 150 meters from the edge (each) of the bank. To eliminate fences and any other obstacles that impede the movement along the banks (along the shores) of rivers of any persons. To prohibit obstacles (barriers) for a public access to the shores in the form of imposing any paid services. To exclude the existence or emergence of "own" or private beaches, of the fenced (enclosed) sections of the shore.
  6. To ensure the collection of household garbage along the banks of rivers (water bodies) at the expense of budgets.
  7. To restore all recreational spaces along the banks of rivers and reservoirs (including recreational spaces of local significance), within the borders that existed before 1991.
  8. To stop any economic use of urban forests, groves, and other green spaces. To prohibit and eliminate the fencing of parks and squares. To achieve the demarcation (spatial separation) of territories occupied by organizations of various kinds (regardless of their functional purpose) and spaces occupied by green spaces. To prohibit the embedding of any objects into a recreational spaces (green spaces) or the attachment (approaching or arrangement at the borders) to recreational spaces. To set the standard of removal - for example, 50 meters.
  9. To restore all botanical gardens, all the land plots for educational purposes within the borders that existed before 1991. To make these spaces the territories of public access (to the maximum extent).
  10. To restore the all-Russian service of foresters. (Redirect funds released after the liquidation of Rosturizm, to restore the all-Russian service of foresters).
  11. To recognize as the antistate direction of activity the urbanian policy with a course to the overload of water resources (rivers) and to the creation of huge, overpopulated megacities.
  12. To achieve the following result by 2025. Since the actual trends of modern economic development show a constant increase in the debt of the broad masses of the population, to consider as a typical citizen (resident of a city or a settlement) a person without work, without income and with debt (of various types) in the amount of approximately one million rubles. Such a typical citizen (resident of a city or a settlement) should be able (have a possibility) to achieve by foot for approximately one hour a recreational space, to rest there for free [without payment] (take a walk, run, swim, ride a bicycle, to sail on an inflatable boat - if he has the appropriate property) and to return up to the place of residence without using paid public transport services.
  Thus, the right to rest and the actual possibility of rest for the majority of the population will be ensured without any travel abroad, without the need to purchase any paid services (during holidays, vacation, weekends, periods of unemployment) - and in the absence of work, any income (and in the presence of arrears).
  13. The planned results of fulfillment of this Chapter of the Program.
  The ability to live fully without any income at this economic stage will be the basis of economic prosperity when the right social conditions will be created for successful economic activity.
  14. To introduce the rule and principle: each citizen can in a necessary volume and free of charge to have a rest for a day, week, month and other period of time without leaving his city (settlement). A free (non-paid) rest in a necessary volume, a wide public access to such a rest is the basis for productive work (for hire) and for successful business.
  (MXXXIV. The Far East Development Program.
  MCCСLXXVIII. The new program on the Far East. The note.
  MCCСCXXXIV. Buy and Sell. Loan and mortgage. An issue of shares and a privatizing. A joking brief program for the development of the Far East.)
  June 2, 2020 20:23
  Translation from Russian into English: June 3, 2020 15:39.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Программа восстановления экономики России в ходе и после пандемии 2019-2020-... годов. Раздел "Туризм и смежные отрасли"'.
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