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The Monologue on the alleged migration catastrophe

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    The Monologue on the alleged migration catastrophe

  The Monologue on the alleged migration catastrophe
  From Russia it is difficult to understand adequately the events which are taking place in the USA.
  For example, about a situation with murder in Turkey of Jamal Khashoggi in Russia there was many times more information, than about migration problems in the USA.
  Wall on the state border between the USA and Mexico - it is important or unimportant? It is hard to say ... Some there are doubts concerning its ecological influence ...
  Gradually media in Russia give more and more information on the "wall" and about the interconnected problems.
  The commentators more or less competent of the American events are invited. The "wall" is important, but the problem seems to be wider.
  Of course, with that information which arrives it is all the same difficult to draw sure conclusions.
  What there is a speech about? These are migratory "unpleasant situations"? "Problems"? "Crisis"? "Catastrophe"?
  From that information which comes to Russia there are visions of the many thousands "migration caravans" moving from the South to border of Mexico and the United States. Violence in relation to the Mexican security forces. Violence in relation to security forces of the USA.
  The terms "danger of terrorism", "organized crime", "large-scale violence" are used.
  One commentator used the term "civil war" to refer to the situation on American territory near border . How correct is this term?
  Gradually the tone of the Russian commentators in relation to the U.S. President Donald Trump changes. The more it is told about his persistence, the more (involuntary) respect in statements about him appears.
  The feeling is for some reason formed, that in discussions concerning "wall" and other interconnected questions the effective solution will be found, the effective policy will be created. And not only policy will be created, but also it will be implemented.
  And it is not so important what takes place: Migratory "unpleasant situations"? "Problems"? "Crisis"? "Catastrophe"?
  Important that the constitutional mechanisms of the USA brought to power the vigorous, effective people capable openly to say about problems, to develop plans for their decision and to effectively solve the problems.
  It is possible to assume that we observe process of the effective solution of the next complex, heavy problems by those people who came to the power in accordance with American democratic mechanisms.
  January 10, 2019 22:41
  Translation from Russian into English: January 10, 2019 23:15.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Монолог о предполагаемой миграционной катастрофе".
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