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The Monologue about the personal historical memories

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    The Monologue about the personal historical memories

  The Monologue about the personal historical memories
  The monument in Moscow for Alexander Isayevich Solzhentsyn today opened . Alexander Solzhentsyn was born on December 11, 1918 in the city of Kislovodsk.
  It is supposed to shoot the film on the base of one of his most famous works.
  I wondered: who of the famous writers was placed into the detention? Fyodor Dostoyevsky?
  I open Wikipedia. The article about Dostoyevsky. It is a lot of interesting details. But not everything is clear. Somehow imperceptibly his ancestors from inhabitants of the Rzeczpospolita (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) became orthodox priests? Historical processes did not stop. Many destinies were destroyed?
  Activity of the Empress Catherine the Great can be presented according different positions. You can focus on the destruction of the fate of, say, many residents of the Rzeczpospolita (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). But the glory of the "Catherine eagles" is a historical fact.
  Touching detail. Fedor Mikhailovich did not part with the Bible. Before leaving this world, he handed the Bible to his son.
  It is a lot of also other interesting biographic details. I, for example, did not know earlier that Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky was personally familiar with members of Imperial family, including, with future Emperor Alexander the Third.
  About Alexander Solzhenitsyn, one way or another, had to hear in school, and after school, and before the 90s and after 90s. I read his talented works.
  Partially his destiny was connected with the city of Rostov-on-Don.
  In 1936 he entered Komsomol.
  In 1936 Alexander Solzhenitsyn entered the Rostov state university. At the university Solzhenitsyn studied on "perfectly" (the Stalin scholar) ...
  In 1937 conceived the big novel about revolution of 1917.
  In 1937 began to collect materials on "Samsonovsky accident", wrote chapters 1 of "Augustus Chetyrnadtsaty" (from pure communistic positions).
  Was interested in theater, in the summer of 1938 tried to pass examinations in drama school of Yu.A. Zavadsky, but it is unsuccessful.
  Graduated from the university in 1941 with honors, qualification of the scientist of the II category in the field of mathematics and of the teacher was appropriated to him. The dean's office recommended him for a position of the assistant to higher education institution or the graduate student.
  In 1939 arrived on correspondence department of faculty of literature of Institute of philosophy, literature and history in Moscow.
  Interrupted training in 1941 in connection with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.
  In August, 1939 made with friends a trip on the kayak along Volga. The writer's life from now on and till April, 1945 is described by him in the autobiographical poem "Dorozhenka" (1947 - 1952).
  On April 27, 1940 married Natalya Reshetovskaya. Reshetovskaya was born in Novocherkassk. As well, as Alexander Isayevich, Reshetovskaya studied at the Rostov university.
  About acquaintance to regal persons. Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov, - when receiving the Nobel Prize, - probably, got acquainted with the King of Sweden.
  Sholokhov was not banned. But history is an interesting thing. Depends on a position, point of view. While reading Sholokhov (I'm talking about my school times) I saw that "white" and "red" are fighting. But "white" is a "wide" notion. Different people and with different goals opposed "Soviet" power. Those, who are on the Don in early 1919 were opposed, - they are "white"? Or just civilians concerned about maintaining their normal live?
  It so happened that Alexander Isaevich was not a contemporary of the events of the beginning of 1919 on the Don. He was born in December 1918 year.
  Colonel Vasily Chernetsov, one of the heroes of the First World war, did not recieved a chance to live a long and productive, glorious life. He with arms in 1917 - 1918 years opposed to "the Soviet" government. Let's hope that will put him a monument in Rostov-on-Don. Even if we do not take into account his opposition to the "Soviet" power with weapons in his hands, he is a hero of the First World War.
  In General, history is an interesting thing. Events go on, and a literature is always with us.
  December 11, 2018 21:24
  Translation from Russian into English: December 11, 2018 22:16.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Монолог об исторических воспоминаниях".
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