Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

The Monologue about the historical inventions

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    The Monologue about the historical inventions

  The Monologue about the historical inventions
  After the writing of several miniatures devoted to society of a resource pie and the events in Venezuela (The Monologue on political luck, The Monologue about the precedent of a movement of "a brand of a legitimacy," and "a status of the resource Manager" in "a society of a resource pie" and some others) it was interesting to find the information about the writing of the article: Vladislav Surkov: The Longrange State [country] of Putin [http://www.ng.ru/ideas/2019-02-11/5_7503_surkov.html].
  Somehow there is a wish from area of the assumptions of what will be in 2028 or 2031, to pass into the area of an obvious.
  "Four main models of the state, which can be conditionally called by the names of their creators, are known to the Russian history, thus:the State of Ivan III Vasilyevich (Grand Duchy of Moscow/ Kingdom Moscow and all Russia, the 15-17th century); Peter the Great's State (Russian Empire, the 18-19th century); the State of Lenin (Soviet Union, the XX century); the State of Putin (Russian Federation, the 21st century)". (Vladislav Surkov: Long State of Putin).
  It is interesting! It appears, the State of the Peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and the State of Tehran-Yalta-Potsdam is the same. And this "a same" is called "the State of Lenin!"
  The devastation of 1918-1921 and of some subsequent years are united with the period of outstanding achievements. "The State of Lenin!"
  At the same time, on the road "lost" both the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and the Rzeczpospolita [Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth] (with their outstanding democratic history) ...
  After this "discovery" there was no desire to read the rest of the text ...
  "The high internal tension associated with the retention of huge heterogeneous spaces and the constant presence in the midst of geopolitical struggle make the military and police functions of the state the most important and decisive."
  See: "Venezuela" plus "the State of Lenin" (The Peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk - the Kronstadt mutiny - the New Economic Policy - the Gorki Leninskiye ...) ...
  February 11, 2019 14:16
  Translation from Russian into English: February 11, 2019 15:03.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Монолог об исторических конструкциях".
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