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The launch of interesting low-cost line of films about the Russial space industry without significant expenses. The note

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    The launch of interesting low-cost line of films about the Russial space industry without significant expenses. The note.

  The launch of interesting low-cost line of films about the Russial space industry without significant expenses. The note.
  "The feature film "Vyzov" ["Вызов", "Challenge"] is a part of a large scientific and educational project, within the framework of which it is planned to shoot a series of documentaries about the enterprises of the rocket and space industry," about specialists involved in the production of launch vehicles, spacecraft, ground space infrastructure. [unofficial translation] (
  Thus, the film "Vyzov" is not a something exclusive, a something isolated. It is a part of a great creative whole.
  Possible list of topics for films from the "large scientific and educational project":
  Chief (general) designers (of RSC Energia) in the 21st century and their achievements. History of their appointments and resignations.
  A history of the "Nauka" module.
  The history of the development in the 21st century of a heavy rocket for a manned flight to the Moon.
  Successes (of Russia) in the exploration and exploration of the Moon in the 21st century.
  Advances (Russia) in the Mars exploration in the 21st century.
  Billions of dollars as payment for flights of astronauts on the Soyuz spacecraft; and the efficient usage of the funds received.
  Successful participation of Russia in international aerospace exhibitions, the demonstration of new samples of space technology at exhibitions (FAMEX-2021 and others ones).
  The state financing of the Russial space industry in the 21st century (interviews with the ministers of finance - with former ones and the current one, as well as with the auditors of the Accounts Chamber of Russian Federation) ...
  September 27, 2021 03:45
  Translation from Russian into English: September 27, 2021 04:21.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Запуск интересных фильмов о космической отрасли России без значительных затрат. Заметка".
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