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The Express Sketch about strict bobik, elections and large-scale forest fires

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    The Express Sketch about strict bobik, elections and large-scale forest fires

  The Express Sketch about strict bobik, elections and large-scale forest fires
  Bobik (kind of a doggy) was scattering in the radio program about the problem, about great "wildfires in Siberia".
  What is the problem?
  It turns out "the opposition" uses a theme!!!
  Why does the "opposition" use the theme?
  Because this year, - in September, - elections. And last year "opposition" did not use this subject.
  Radio doggy claims that in the past year there have been wildfires, but as elections last year, allegedly, were not, "opposition" did not use this subject.
  It's necessary to extinguish forest fires or not? Doggy spoke on this subject somehow a confusing, uncertain, unclear, vaguely...
  If the relevance and efficiency of suppression of wildfires are placed outside a brackets of a discussion, what remains?
  The elections remain...
  Option 1 - Or wildfires in the election year are forbidden,
  Option 2 - forest fires are allowed in the election year, but it is forbidden to talk about them...
  But doggy slightly did not fit into a road turn, into the "official" point of view.
  We learn that the smoke of fires has a negative impact on health, on the quality of life, that there are risks to human settlements and people, and that forest fires should be extinguished.
  Doggy did not thinking effectively, did not guess... The second option is out, off.
  There is an only option - wildfires in the election year are forbidden.
  Let's imagine a situation, that doggy does not earn a bone by infinite talkings (telling, by the way, about the enormous life experience and that he wears glasses), and timely detects the approaching terrible problem (large-scale wildfires, a smoke distribution - including areas of foreign countries) and publicly expresses concern, insists on timely acceptance of timely measures - especially in the election year....
  Not to lose a bone at such option...
  Do not touch a subject of wildfires! Year of elections!
  Doggy - he such, he is strict... He guards public interests...
  On July 31, 2019 20:12
  Translation from Russian into English: August 1, 2019 05:25.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Экспресс-скетч о строгом бобике, выборах и масштабных лесных пожарах".
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