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The Express-Sketch about Kipling. Series 2

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    The Express-Sketch about Kipling. Series 2

  The Express-Sketch about Kipling. Series 2
  Mikhail Suslov comes into the Leonid Ilyich's office-room:
  - There are new trends, Leonid Ilyich! I a minute ago was in the Internet.
  - How there?. Index? Internet articles according your preferences?
  - Yes! There is an advertizing: "The best movies about mafia and gangsters".
  - I like "The austeria-café "13 chairs "" - the comic multiseries TV play - to watch! - Leonid Ilyich has taken the control panel and has slightly strengthened a TV sound.
  - I too, Leonid Ilyich!
  - One clever person, our colleague from the Politburo, says that problems with creative tendencies need to be solved gracefully, creatively. - Leonid Ilyich explains. - Be specific!
  - "Nice guys"!
  "Trilogy "Godfather""!
  "Damned way"!
  "Mean Streets"!
  "The underground empire"!
  - Gomorrah or Camorra?
  - It is written: "Gomorrah" ...
  - Creative minds appear and develop. In Crimea they reflect.
  - Pan director! Pan director!. - Mikhail Suslov has become interested in the events on the screen.
  - Well ... Let's give an order to Soyuzmultfilm!
  - Whom to attract as the producer?
  - E-e-e ...
  - Oh-Oh-Oh...
  November 02, 2018 19:31
  Translation from Russian into English: November 2, 2018 19:53.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Экспресс-скетч о Киплинге. Серия 2".
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