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The energetic actions of Julie D. Fisher. A note

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    The energetic actions of Julie D. Fisher. A note.

  The energetic actions of Julie D. Fisher. A note.
  All those who are interested in the events in Belarus have heard the name Julie D. Fisher.
  But it is one thing to hear, and another thing to see and observe.
  Already an important actions took place: (1) a meeting with Latushko, (2) a meeting with Tsikhanouskaya, (3) a visit to the Rasos Cemetery (On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with Belarus, US Ambassador Julie Fischer and Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya laid wreaths at the burial place of the hero of Belarus and Lithuania Kastus Kalinowski at the Rasos Cemetery in Vilnius (06.02.2021 / 15:11)
  All these actions are directing thoughts to hope, towards hopes ...
  It remains to reflect, to ponder, to ask what the citizens of Belarus want, and what are the intentions and capabilities of the Belarusian bureaucracy and Belarusian politicians, what is the content of their plans, goals, and programs? ...
  February 7, 2021 00:19
  Translation from Russian into English: February 7, 2021 06:57.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Энергичные действия Джули Фишер. Заметка".
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