- Let them watch. "We" have officials. Young women.
- We have officials. But this official, a young woman, - is not a simple.
- All highly qualified and love to work.
- That's not the point. First of all, she is photogenic. Second - a disinterested. Third, not married.
- Not married . ...
- She's free, but "half." She has a"young man."
- Um...
- How to name him? If to name "the bridegroom" - the according to Eastern traditions "the bridegroom" is an official person. You need to show the pictures different, collective. And so - can be and without photographs. Semi-Eastern figure. Semi-Western.
- No photos! Why this "young man", if without photographs? People love photos.
- There are no photos of the "young man". But there is news, that he gave to "his young girl" the car. As a gift. A very expensive car.
- That sounds inspiring.
- But she is very fascinated by the civil service and its official tasks. Keeps him at a distance. Does not accept a gift. I am an honest girl! Make investments into region economy!
- From the Baikal Lake far?
- It's far.
- Then let them. It's not just an investment. This is a romantic investment.
- Several advantages at the same time. First, "we" have unselfish and effective officials. The young women. Secondly, she photogenic, many dream of her or will dream. Thirdly, - investments.
-Uh, you know her personally?
- Personally?. somehow at once I cannot tell ...
- What's she driving?
- A foreign car of some sort, probably...
- Then why he gives her a foreign car? As a gift?
- If someone can win an art competition, then why for another it is impossible in the press a beautiful information company to organize? By the international Women's Day? How it?. "The gratitude was unforgettable!" - so, it seems.
- M-mm ... I am very busy!
- "We" know how to fly by trolleybus!
- Yes....
- Thank you. Went to give orders!
- Yes....
- March 8. It is necessary to make to people pleasant. And to men. And for women.
- Yeah...
March 10, 2019 16:27
Translation from Russian into English: March 10, 2019 17:17.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Диалог о современной чиновнице или как прокатиться на троллейбусе".