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Successful flight of Jeff Bezos. The note

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    Successful flight of Jeff Bezos. The note.

  Successful flight of Jeff Bezos. The note.
  Jeff Bezos successfully executed a flight into space on July 20, 2021, aboard Blue Origin's New Shepard spacecraft.
  In this brief note, we do not intend to analyze the events preceding this flight.
  We do not plan at this time to compare the design of Jeff Bezos' spacecraft with the designs of other spaceships.
  We're not going to comment on the flight path now ...
  We will confine ourselves now to admitting that Jeff Bezos is a successful person.
  July 20, 2021 - July 21, 2021
  Translation from Russian into English: July 21, 2021 04:59.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Успешный полёт Джеффа Безоса. Заметка".
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