Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Strict Senya. The story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Strict Senya. The story.

  Strict Senya. The story.
  Last night, friends organized a clever trick.
  They found out that there is no water in the nearby public toilet, and there was a sign on this toilet saying "the toilet is temporarily not working".
  Friends hung a few pieces of paper with arrows.
  The arrows directed those who wanted, towards the sandbox.
  Those who wanted could cope with the need in the sandbox for the same fee as in the public toilet.
  It was in the evening, in the dark. And friends ensured the safety of those who paid for the services.
  The next day, the kids went out for a walk in the yard and their clothes were stained , smeared.
  Senya was very unhappy.
  He gathered friends. At first he demanded the most guilty persons to himself and looked sternly into their eyes.
  Then, he loudly declared: 'I 'm not happy! I'm very displeased!"
  Friends looked bewildered.
  Senya's gaze fell on the yard faucet with the cold water, and he went to wash his hands.
  Friends with a sad look went to velosimulators to rotate pedals.
  After washing his hands, Senya decided to take a walk. He chose such a route so as not to stain his clothes, not to be smeared. He headed to the garbage cans. He found a discarded fencing tape near the dumpsters.
  Senya instructed the kids to take this tape and to enclose, to garden the sandbox, which was used as a public toilet.
  The children, although they experienced discomfort after visiting the ill-fated sandbox, took the tape and fulfilled the order of Senya.
  After that, the kids cheered up: 'Senya is very strict! He will not allow to spoil life in the yard! Now in the yard we can walk almost as before!' Senya washed his hands again. Then he examined the enclosed sandbox and approved the tape stretched around the sandbox.
  Friends felt a shame after Senya 's strict words.
  It is very important to respond to wrong actions timely and in a strict manner.
  June 4, 2020 00:03
  Translation from Russian into English: June 4, 2020 00:38.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Строгий Сеня. Рассказ'.
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