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Seversk. An essay on geographical and historical associations

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    Seversk. An essay on geographical and historical associations.

  Seversk. An essay on geographical and historical associations.
  The geographical name "Seversk" sounds in the news.
  This is - as I understand it - such a city.
  The simplest assumption: "Seversk" comes from "Sever" ["North"] (one of the main points of the horizon).
  However, it is clear that the name "Seversky Donets" is not accidental.
  If Donets (River) - he is "Seversky" and not "Severny", then "Seversk" most likely does not originate from the "Sever".
  Maybe somehow connect the city of Seversk and the Seversky Donets River with the Severan dynasty (Roman emperors)? Or did the Roman legions visit these lands, or did the founder of the dynasty Lucius Septimius Severus himself come from these lands?
  However, no traces of the Roman legions (the era of the emperors of the Severan dynasty) were found in these parts, and the founder of the dynasty allegedly came from Africa (was he born in Africa? - it necessary to understand the details).
  We leave the "dynastic version" aside.
  What do encyclopedias tell us?
  There was a tribe called the Severians. It lived along the left bank of the middle Dnieper and along the Desna River. The habitat is determined by archeological data.
  Departing from the Dnieper, the border of the Severians' settlements ran almost straight eastward to the Don River. (Seversky Donets flows into the Don River).
  Severians were included in the Kievan Rus'.
  After becoming part of Kievan Rus', the Severians cease to exist as a separate tribe.
  Later, the area inhabited by Severians entered the Grand Duchy of Lithuania ...
  Geographical and historical names remained: "Seversky principality", "Seversky cities", the city "Novhorod-Siverskyi", the city "Sevsk (Seversk) [Siversk]", the river - Seversky Donets.
  Allegedly, the entire region, including up to the 17th century, was called Seversk Ukraine (I personally have never seen information about this before; I have not found evidence of this statement). [Siverskaya land, Siverskaya side, Siverska ukraine]
  Thus, "Seversk" does not come from the "Sever", but from the "Severians".
  In the Krasnodar krai there is a stanitsa Severskaya (probably founded by people from the region of the Seversk cities). [The administrative center and the largest settlement of the Seversky district. The administrative center of the Seversky rural settlement. The village was founded in 1864 by a party of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, immigrants from the Azov Cossack Host, led by uryadnik [constable] Grigory Mikhailovich Volik. The village was named Severskaya in honor of the Seversky Dragoon Regiment.]
  Known Seversky barrow as well asother names derived from the word "Seversk".
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  May 8, 2022 07:11
  Translation from Russian into English: May 8, 2022 08:13.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский Северск. Очерк географических и исторических ассоциаций'.
  { 2967. Северск. Очерк географических и исторических ассоциаций.
  MMCMXXXVII. Seversk. An essay on geographical and historical associations. }
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