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Senya, radio station and patriotism. A story

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    Senya, radio station and patriotism. A story.

  Senya, radio station and patriotism. A story.
  A water tap was once, in the old times, organized in the yard of the apartment building where Senya lives. The pipe was going and hiding towards somewhere in the basement of the house. Perhaps the builders needed a cold water in the yard - at the construction stage of an apartment building.
  After moving into the house of residents, the water tap was blocked for a long time. Nobody used it.
  However, at some point, Senya and his friends removed the plug from the tap and found a handle to open and to close the tap.
  Now when Senya and her friends were gathering in the yard, they sometimes approached the public crane, washed their hands, refreshed their faces, filled plastic bottles with water. A couple of times, Sena was approached by drivers, owners of cars, from a nearby yard - asking to pour water into buckets. Senya did not refuse. People ask, they appeal!
  Senya 's neighbors (by the entrance [the porch] and by all the apartment building) were slightly unhappy. The water consumption of Senya and friends - when compared to the total water consumption throughout the all the building - is relatively small. But still the question is why other people should pay for Senya and friends, for their water consumption from the public tap.
  One day, some of the neighbors even made Senya a critical comment. Why is he using a public water? But friends stood up for Senya. The squabble began. There was a noise.
  The neighbors decided not to ruin their nerves about it. They periodically criticized Senya among themselves for the consumption of water from a public water tap; they spoke unkindly of such actions.
  Some of the criticism of the neighbors reached Senya.
  He decided to talk with a friend, who worked at a radio station. Friend was broadcasting on a problematic topics.
  Why people criticize? Why do they allow themselves unkind statements?
  Senya's radio-friend quickly gave the information on the air. "There are people who love their yard little - they are violating the atmosphere of friendship and good-neighbourliness!"
  Senya listened to the radio program (with a friend 's performance), sitting in the yard on a bench. He turned on the radio to full volume.
  Senya was happy. "Let them know those who are not patriots of the yard! They are on note of a reputable figures of mass media!"
  At the same time Senya decided to refresh a little. He walked up to the public tap, washed his hands, rinsed his face.
  Still, this is the right thing - a public water tap in the yard! And when you have reliable friends and a good radio station, life in general seems like a nice thing!
  March 24, 2020 16:09
  Translation from Russian into English: March 26, 2020 10:38.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня, радиостанция и патриотизм. Рассказ'
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