Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Senya and the story by Zoshchenko. The story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Senya and the story by Zoshchenko. The story.

  Senya and the story by Zoshchenko. The story.
  Someone from friends told about an unpleasant incident.
  It turns out that ten minutes ago the kids walked in the yard. Some passerby was carrying a packet of gingerbread from a store. The kids asked him for gingerbread. A passerby parted a quarter of the one gingerbread and handed it to the kids. The kids happily ate this quarter of the gingerbread.
  Any problem must be resolved ahead of aggravation.
  Senya had a business conversation with friends.
  As a result, friends found and delivered the monkey. They dressed the monkey in decent clothes, and put next to Senya.
  The educational event, it was decided to hold next to the sports ground.
  After that, the kids were invited. Behind them came up to the place of the educational event and other inhabitants of the yard. A small crowd of spectators gathered.
  Senya showed the kids to the monkey:
  - 'Imagine these are your desires! You must be able to manage them, influence them, give them a civilized form! .. Look, children, if a monkey is dressed in civilized clothes, then she behaves in a civilized manner ... '.
  At this moment, the monkey saw in the hands of one of the listeners, standing in the back rows, a packet of carrots.
  She rushed right over the heads of the audience to the packet , grabbed it and escaped with carrots across the trees branches in an unknown direction.
  All gasped. But Senya wasn't worried and kept complete calm.
  He used this incident - the actions of a monkey - to illustrate his pedagogical views.
  - 'So behave those who are not able to control their desires, children!'
  The children, struck by the behavior of the monkey, were silent.
  One of the friends handed the beforehand opened book to Senya.
  It was a collection of stories by Zoshchenko [writer-satirist; (1894 - 1958)].
  Senya took the opened book and read the lines from Mikhail Zoshchenko's story 'The Adventures of the Monkey':
  "She jumped into the ... shop. She sees a big queue.
  No, she did not stand in line. And she did not push people aside to make her way to the counter. She ran right over the heads of the buyers to the saleswoman. She jumped on the counter. She did not ask how much a kilo of carrots cost, but simply grabbed a whole bunch of carrots and, as they say, was like that [she run away]. She ran out of the store happy with her purchase. Well ... monkey. Doesn't understand what's what. She sees no reason to be left without food. "
  The educational event ended with the Senya's words to the kids:
  - "It is necessary to limit the wishes! And you need to know a literature well!"
  By this time, evening had come.
  After impressions from the monkey and after the reading aloud the story, the children went to bed without any requests for food.
  All were delighted. Senya is a master of visual methods of education! Senya knows how to find a common language with the kids! He is ready for any turn in the development of events!
  June 1, 2020 10:05
  Translation from Russian into English: June 1, 2020 12:15.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня и рассказ Зощенко. Рассказ'.
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