Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Senya and a strengthening of a reputation

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    Senya and a strengthening of a reputation

  Senya and a strengthening of a reputation
  Senya was very busy when the boys came, running, and told that in some distant yard there are the plans to organize a paid parking. The thing is very monetary!
  Senya has the different affairs up to his neck. But the mention of the cash flow from the parking somewhere in a distant courtyard captured his thoughts. How it is? Does someone plans a profitable business? And my friends and I have nothing to do with it?
  Somehow the thought comes back to this car park all the time...
  Senya summoned the chief dude for associative affairs:
  - "What do you think of that?"
  Dude, as always, was speaking beautifully:
  - "We are for equality, democracy and civility!"
  It"s a little unclear how this relates to a paid parking.
  But if the dude was called up, it's necessary to send him there:
  - "You go, grind, with whom it's necessary, unite with the right people, take a common position and speak. Act authoritatively! If we even will not make money, we 'll show our influence! We are those people to be reckoned with!"
  The chief dude for associative affairs gone. Returns after a while.
  - "Well, what?" - said Senya. - "Showed our influence? United with the right people? Made a common position? "
  (About the money Senya wasn 't even interested...).
  - "I explained to them that we are for equality, democracy and civility!"
  - "So... They decided to set up a paid parking?"
  - "They are all at one! All are supporting the paid parking! "
  - "And you?"
  - "I said that the prospects of this case are unclear. We are - outside. We 're neither support nor against! Although we remained alone, but we showed ourselves!"
  It was pleasant to Senya. "We showed yourself!"
  - "All right! well done! Go, think, prepare proposals, new ideas! "
  There is a lot of problems. This paid parking is only an anxiety. But the influence was shown. The satisfied Senya began to do other things. A numerous plans - higher than the head! It's impossible to lose a second! But, still, a little benefit was collected on nothing!
  February 13, 2020 10:42
  Translation from Russian into English: February 13, 2020 11:36.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сеня и укрепление репутации".
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