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Sanya Lokhushenko is dancing a waltz at the New Year's ball. A story (continued)

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    Sanya Lokhushenko is dancing a waltz at the New Year's ball. A story (continued).

  Sanya Lokhushenko is dancing a waltz at the New Year's ball. A story (continued).
  Sanya keeps his finger on the pulse. His team visits not only maternity hospitals, but also kindergartens - here they talk with children.
  Now the epoch of birch rods is over.
  But another time has come - older girls can beat a naughty kid. He will be greeted by them in the lobby. They will pounce in a crowd, will beat in the face, will knock down, will trample and kick, and will pull out hair. And then for months and years - the trial. The director of the kindergarten will make an impenetrable face, will pretend to know nothing. And looking for another kindergarten is a big hassle.
  Sanya's employees report to him that the conversations with the kids in the kindergarten went well.
  Maternity hospitals, kindergartens were visited ... Now what?
  Sanya decides to go to the New Year's ball. But he first directs his employees to the organizer of the ball with information. He, Sanya, is now kind, will not beat anyone with a stick, will not put anyone in a special apartment. So let them prepare for his arrival.
  Sanya comes to the ball - and there a bonus is prepared for him. He is invited to dance a waltz... Who is she? Not just mademoiselle, but - a participant in the Miss Belarus contest.
  The organizer of the ball knows how Sanya suffered with one of the 'Miss Belarus'. The host of the ball decided to pour balm on Sanya's soul.
  'Okay, I forgive you all!' ...
  Sanya danced, talked politely, and felt good in his soul. It was not for nothing that he showed rigour, it was not in vain that he closed girls and bankers in a special apartment, turned off the sewage system, opened windows in the cold and produced a bed of iron strips - now they themselves invite to dances, they dance with Sanya diligently, and say pleasant words.
  Now is such a time - strictness is needed. But - also - it's useful - to go to a consultant, get recommendations and start changing your image ...
  [MDCCCLXI. A restless week and a constitutional candy of Sasha Lokhushenko. The story. - November 27, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXVIII. Don't give anybody your beloved woman! The story of how Sanya Lokhushenko became a poet and an enviable groom. - December 4, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXXIII. Sanya Lokhushenko became a pop storyteller. A story. - December 6, 2020.
  MCMVIII. Sanya Lokhushenko and a cheap badge from a kiosk for a technical university. A story. - December 18, 2020.
  MCMXXI. Sanya Lokhushenko, a wad of money and the atomic prospects. A story (continued). - December 25, 2020.
  MCMXXII. Sanya Lokhushenko and the pitchfork. A story (continued). - December 26, 2020.]
  December 30, 2020 13:17
  Translation from Russian into English: December 31, 2020 21:53.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Саня Лохушенко танцует вальс на новогоднем балу. Рассказ (продолжение)'.
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