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Rickshaw Vanya Winklov. A story

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    MMMDXXXIV. Rickshaw Vanya Winklov. A story. - August 28, 2024.

  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov. A story.
  In the evening, Vanya Winklov visited his vegetable garden on the outskirts of his native settlement "White Birch Trees". In a small shed, he opened a big bottle of life-giving moisture and drank several glasses of a pleasant drink.
  He returned home in the morning.
  His house was empty. There was not a single person in his native settlement. Only from somewhere there was a continuous noise - some kind of buzzing, as if a large swarm of wasps were flying.
  Vanya stood at the edge of the road in confusion. Suddenly, a "Niva" car appeared, in which a determined guy was sitting. On the "Niva" there were inscriptions: "Fast Communications".
  The guy shouted to Vanya: "Jump here, man! Quickly!"
  Vanya looked at the determined guy with surprise.
  At this time, the buzzing sound (from above) intensified, and a loud squeak sounded inside the "Niva". A determined guy jumped out off the "Niva" car and jumped into the bushes on the side of the road.
  Vanya continued to stand, still. The guy didn't come back.
  Vanya didn't like all this very much. And where are his wife Nyura, his daughters Valya, Tanya and Nadia? Why is their entire settlement of "White Birch Trees" deserted? Why is there not a single person in it?
  Vanya decided to go in search of his family.
  He returned home, found a cart that he used for household needs, loaded the most necessary things on it (clothes, shoes, food supplies) and returned to the road.
  The "Niva" car has disappeared somewhere.
  Vanya set off on his way.
  He thought that now he (himself) looked like a rickshaw with a cart, and now it is more correct to call him as Rickshaw Vanya Winklov.
  Two hours later, Rickshaw Vanya Winklov, approached a neighboring village.
  Aunt Luda lived here on the border of this village. She had a small house and a cellar (dug next to her house).
  Both Aunt Luda's house and the entire neighboring village were absolutely empty.
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov looked into the cellar just in case.
  To his surprise, Vanya discovered that the cellar had been significantly modified.
  The cellar is expanded, its walls are covered with some kind of smart material: it is neither cold nor hot, inside.
  There is a huge screen on the wall. There is electric lighting, huge stocks of various food and water, and a comfortable bathroom, toilet.
  In the past, Rickshaw Vanya Winklov always dreamed of buying for himself a TV with a huge screen. He sat down in a comfortable chair and turned his gaze to the huge screen.
  The huge screen was divided into several parts.
  In the upper part there were changing pictures of some areas, territories. A running text was visible at the bottom.
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov began to look attentively at the huge screen. The images were changing, as if he was watching several interesting films at once.
  During his military service in the army, Rickshaw Vanya Winklov received the rank of sergeant. He communicated with lieutenants, captains and majors. Therefore, he was interested in getting acquainted with the correspondence of high military officials - at the bottom of the screen.
  It was almost impossible to break attention and gazes away from the huge screen - it was so interesting all this. Only in extreme need did Rickshaw Vanya Winklov to run away from the screen for a few seconds.
  Vanya did not know how much time he spent sitting in front of a huge screen.
  But one day he discovered that the smart cellar had run out of food and water.
  When hunger and thirst became unbearable, Rickshaw Vanya Winklov came out of a high-tech cellar.
  Aunt Luda's house was empty. It was covered in cobwebs. The whole village was empty.
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov found his cart in the thickets near the entrance to the high-tech cellar and set off on his way.
  After a few months of wandering, he saw a road sign with the inscription: "New White Birch Trees." Next to this inscription were words (icons) that Rickshaw Vanya Winklov wasn't able to read.
  Soon Vanya saw a building that slightly reminded him of his own house (in the abandoned, empty 'White Birch Trees" settlement).
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov came closer this house. A car of a brand (unknown to him) was parked next to the house. "An electric car, the most modern, delivered through the parallel import!" - Rickshaw Vanya Winklov heard the words spoken by someone behind him.
  Vanya turned around.
  Isn't this his daughter Valya?
  "Who are you looking for, human?" Valya asked.
  "Don't you recognize me, Valyusha?" Rickshaw Vanya Winklov asked.
  An old dog rushed under the feet of Rickshaw Vanya Winklov, barking joyfully.
  Valya stared at the traveler: "Is that you, dad?!!"
  The father and daughter began to cry.
  Valya invited her father to the house (built with a financial support and by a preferential, interest-free, mortgage - the daughter explained).
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov looked back at the car: "And do you know how to handle it?"
  "My husband understands this..." - Valya replied.
  In the house, a joyful meeting of Rickshaw Vanya Vinklov with his (second) daughter Tanya took place.
  A bottle of cognac appeared on the table. Rickshaw Vanya Winklov drank a glass with pleasure. "It seems, that the presence of non-grape spirits is felt ..." - Rickshaw Vanya Winklov appreciated cognac.
  "My husband is engaged in it..." Tanya waved her hand carelessly.
  The daughters took their father to the post office, where the third daughter Nadia was at her workplace.
  It turned out that this post office functions on high-tech principles: ordinary geraniums are launched into the air and deliver mail to recipients.
  On the table in front of Nadia was a photograph of her husband, a handsome man with a beautiful beard. "Now he has gone to his native land, along a convenient North-South railway route," Nadia explained.
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov went to the grave of his wife Nyura. She did not live to see his happy arrival. Niece Olya boasted to Rickshaw Vanya Vinklov that a white bird from a large yellow mountain in the rays of morning Sun had brought a husband for her. "He is very neat and disciplined!" - niece Olya proudly boasted.
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov took his "old place" on the bench next a local cafe.
  He is reverenced as one of the patriarchs of the "New White Birch Trees" settlement and a chronicle of the old times "before the war." The settlers of the New White Birch Trees treat the stories of Rickshaw Vanya Winklov with full confidence, almost universally gave his stories full credit. And now, having heard a thunderstorm of a summer afternoon coming from the Altai Mountains, they say that this a high military officials are corresponding (with each others) on important issues. And it is a common wish of all henpecked husbands in the neighborhood, when life hangs heavy on their hands, that they might have of drinking the Rickshaw Vanya Vinklov's life-giving moisture.
  August 28, 2024, 15:39
  Translation from Russian into English: August 29, 2024 06:13
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Обидчивый юрист. Рассказ из юридической практики '.
  { 3563. Рикша Ваня Винклов. Рассказ. - 28 августа 2024 г.
  MMMDXXXIV. Rickshaw Vanya Winklov. A story. - August 28, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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