Zalesski Vladimir : другие произведения.

Quasi-Bazhanov (fugitive to Japan), Far Eastern hectare, methods of enrichment in the East of Russia. Sketch-abstract-review

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    Quasi-Bazhanov (fugitive to Japan), Far Eastern hectare, methods of enrichment in the East of Russia. Sketch-abstract-review.

  Quasi-Bazhanov (fugitive to Japan), a Far Eastern hectare, methods of enrichment in the East of Russia. Sketch-abstract-review.
  Boris Bazhanov, an ex-assistant of Stalin, fled (1928) from the USSR to Afghanistan, and then to France. It was an interesting story.
  Boris Bazhanov's book "Memoirs of Stalin's former Secretary" is read with great interest. Especially impressive are the lines about Boris Bazhanov arrival in Paris and about his check-in at a Paris hotel. "I take a train to Paris, I arrive in Paris, and at the Paris-Gare-de-Lyon I say to the taxi driver, enjoying the moment that I foresaw back in Moscow: "Hôtel Vivienne on Vivienne street".
  Now, in 2021, some citizens are interested in the story of the escape of a mysterious man from Russia (from one of the Kuril Islands) to Japan.
  Who is this mysterious fugitive? Whose high-ranking relative or assistant is he? How did he get to Japan? In a comfortable plane of Bombardier? On an exclusive yacht (that is, on a huge ocean liner for an exclusive vacation of known people)? He really was swimming? He swam twenty kilometers in a wetsuit?
  It turns out that this person changed his name. If earlier his name was Vladimir, then later he found it expedient to change his name to some strange variant.
  The new variant of the name and surname is really strange option. There are certain advantages to this oddity. If you specify his strange name in the search engine, the search engine can offer several publications, some of which, apparently, fall under special citation rules. Thinkers (dumers) and advisers try to make life easier for readers and for writing people.
  So, I chose the material with the most informative title (where did the fugitive live before?) and started reading.
  It turns out that this energetic person had the name Vladimir, he studied at a Russial university, then he preffered to wander across different countries, abroad. He especially liked living in Japan. There, immediately after his detention, he was well fed. He was returned to Russia from everywhere.
  A fugitive through the Internet purchased a Far Eastern hectare on one of the Kuril Islands. Further, he lived as a free person who had the right to live as the owner of a hectare in the border zone, but he didn't burden himself with complex occupations.
  Finally, the owner of the Far Eastern hectare decided to request political asylum in Japan. He handed his motorcycle to some friend, asked her to sell the motorcycle, and send the money to him (to Japan?).
  Further, according to the main version, he swam 20 kilometers in a wetsuit, appeared to the Japanese authorities and requested political asylum.
  At this point, the sketch ends. At first, I wanted to put the Far Eastern hectare in the center of attention and show all the benefits of this program for the development of the Far East.
  However, in the same article there is an Internet link to other material. It turns out that one highly-oppositional journalist, who has repeatedly found himself under repression, visited the Kuril Islands earlier, in 2019, and he wrote a huge report.
  The report's volume (spaciousness) corresponds to the best traditions of a well-known media investigator of Moscow, who became a victim of provocation under the guise of fighting drugs.
  But to read the special report about the Kuriles, dated 2019, - it is much easier.
  I read this special report for an hour or two. But I succeeded to read all the text, nevertheless.
  And I came up with the idea to make an abstract.
  The Far Eastern hectare is a special option of income in the eastern regions of Russia.
  And in this special report, different income options are mentioned. So why not make a kind of abstract (summary)?
  So, a university graduate received a Far Eastern hectare, later he was homeless on the Kuril Islands under the guise of a land owner, then retired to Japan with a request to sell his motorcycle and to send a money to former owner.
  What is the income of this university graduate? (1) the Far Eastern hectare that he ordered via the Internet, and (2) the money received after the sale of the motorcycle (if the motorcycle is sold).
  Judging by a special report, dated 2019, there are good wages in the Kuril Islands. But the costs are also large.
  Young specialists receive a million rubles (or more) - something like lifting funds, but they must work there for five years. Or something like this-so it remained in my memory after reading the special report.
  Some active residents of the Kuril Islands receive Far Eastern hectares. The special report mentions cases when hectares were seized on the ocean shore or in places where there are thermal springs and you can take hot baths. That is, the new owners withdrew beautiful and useful places from public use under the pretext that they would invest there and clean up garbage there. On this occasion, I think that investments are not needed there, these places are good because they are beautiful with their freedom from human transforming actions. And the local authorities could organize a garbage collection - it's not so difficult.
  In the past, poaching generated revenue.
  Some income is generated by trade (buying and selling) with Japan.
  The special report quite laconically mentions the golden rain that poured on the Kuril Islands in the 21st century. Even billions of rubles and the number of residents of the Kuril Islands are compared. Where did the golden streams go?
  - Someone really likes money!
  As an example, the object of capital construction, to which the residents of one of the southern subjects of Federation were close, is mentioned (as succinctly as possible). They undertook to build the object, but they never completed it. Finally, the authorities threw in a new billion rubles - and the facility was completed.
  Another type of income is a business based on a high sense of memory about the graves of relatives. There are numerous Japanese graves on the island. And in order for Japanese citizens to visit these graves, a kind of humanitarian general cultural exchange is organized, when the Japanese go to the Kuriles, and the residents of the Kuriles (and other regions of the Far East) to Japan. Trips are at the expense of Japan. One trip of one Russian citizen to Japan during such an exchange costs Japan about five thousand US dollars.
  But enterprising people (from the Russian side) take money from Russian citizens for these trips - about twenty thousand rubles per person.
  What else can I mention? After all this golden rain, many residents from the special report live in houses, which made with foam, in houses with rats, mice and holes and crevices and a cold wind, with sinking (fallen) floors and leaking roofs and walls...
  This concludes the abstract (summary).
  A useful thing is a Far Eastern hectare-if you focus on a special report. What was a holiday destination of common access yesterday is now becoming private property. This is the potential of the Far Eastern hectare. The economy of the Far East is beginning to grow rapidly in an atmosphere of poisoned feeling of justice.
  This concludes the abstract and I move on to the review.
  The oppositional journalist showed his high level. The same huge, detailed special report as from near Gelendzhik (after the famous film about the palace).
  Maybe a famous Moscow journalist wanted to be like Chekhov? And why not?
  It seemed to me personally that the level of irony in relation to these residents of Kuril sometimes reaches the border. Which subtly separates irony from contempt and ridicule...
  In the works of Chekhov, if you try, you can feel this border as well...
  I can't say that these journalistic approaches are internally close to me, but if I strained, I could try to understand the internal logic of a well-known metropolitan journalist, if not accept it, then understand it...
  A huge, independent information layer - excellent photos located throughout the entire long text of the special report. They are dedicated to both the local Kuril nature and the everyday life of local residents.
  Yes, it's beautiful! But there is not enough Sun!
  I would like to conclude this sketch-abstract-review with some clear conclusions. Laugh, admire, be sad?...
  In general, somehow a timely, the owner of the Far Eastern hectare (a graduate of a Russial university, the former owner of name "Vladimir") rushed to Japan.
  Thanks to this follower of Bazhanov (Bazhanov fled to Afghanistan), I read a lot of interesting things about the Far East, about the Kurils and about the Far Eastern hectare.
  Yuri Lisianski , Adam Johann von Krusenstern, Gennady Nevelskoy, Nikolay Muravyov-Amursky look at the picture with sadness ...
  A note. I sincerely apologize for not mentioning (for not specifying) the authors of the materials and the source of the information.
  August 26, 2021 06: 46
  Translation from Russian into English: August 26, 2021 11:14.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Квази-Бажанов (беглец в Японию), дальневосточный гектар, методы обогащения на Востоке России. Скетч-реферат-рецензия'.
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