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Prince Henry the Navigator and a ship's logs, Heinrich Schliemann and a daily logs (diaries). Essay on the history of the creativity of the daily written fixing

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    Prince Henry the Navigator and ship's logs, Heinrich Schliemann and a daily logs (diaries). Essay on the history of the daily log creativity. Translation from Russian into English. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Генрих Мореплаватель и судовые журналы, Генрих Шлиман и дневники. Очерк истории дневникового творчества".

  Prince Henry the Navigator and a ship's logs, Heinrich Schliemann and a daily logs (diaries). Essay on the history of the creativity of the daily written fixing.
  1. An Antiquity and a diary creativity
  Having finished the writing of the book "The Textbook of literary success. Heinrich Schliemann, Nikolai Gogol, Maxim Gorky and their lessons" and having begun to write the book about regularities of intellectual success on the example of Heinrich Schliemann, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison (in comparison), I continued to analyze the system of self-development of G. Schliemann, the "three foundations" of this system:
  (1) memorization,
  (2) writing of letters,
  (3) maintaining diary.
  Heinrich Schliemann was keeping a diaries. It made sense, it was giving the results. But how did the "diaries" emerge? How did the diary creativity (creativity of maintaining of diary) emerge?
  On August 11, 2016 I have glanced in Wikipedia, in the article "Diary". And in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1969-1978), in the articles (rus) "Epistolary Literature" and "Diary".
  The obtained information has surprised me a little.
  Epistolary creativity has been widely presented in antiquity (V.S. Muravyev make the mentions, in particular, of Epicurus and Cicero, Pliny the Younger, Katon and Seneca).
  As for creation of diaries, I.B. Voskresenskaya states the following thought: "real diaries" "for the first time" were widely represented "in England of the 17th century". Among examples on the first position - "the ship's diary of the seafarer J. Cook".
  The following remark was made in article (rus) of Wikipedia "Diary":
  "A certain impact on practice of maintaining the diary was done by Protestantism with his skills of rational management of "the soulful economy" - with his account of the made, the thought over, experienced in a day. (...) An overwhelming part of the known diaries belongs to the XIX-XX centuries. And they localized mainly in Europe".
  What is the reason that the antique authors - people often outstanding in the level of culture - did not show themselves in the creativity of maintain diary, - in the daily log creativity, - in the diary creativity?
  And in general, whether such point of view is right? What in the past?
  2. Fletcher, Pigafetta, las Kasas, Shprenger
  Francis Fletcher, a priest of the Church of England, who kept a written account of the second (in world history) circumnavigation of the world, cruise of Francis Drake (years of swimming of 1577-1580), has come into my memory.
  Lets look even more deeply in the past: the diary of Antonio Francesco Pigafetta, the Italian, participant of the first in the history round-the-world expedition of Magellan - del Cano (years of a round-the-world expedition of Magellan - 1519-1522).
  Even more deeply: Christopher Columbus's diaries (years of the first expedition of 1492-1493). However with Columbus's diaries the situation has turned out not such idle time. In the text of "diaries" about Christopher Columbus it is written in the third party (in the third face). In the "diaries" of Columbus posted on the Internet, the author is indicated: Bartolome de las Casas. In Wikipedia there is a mention: "Las Casas ... was an editor of the published logbook of Christopher Columbus". Probably, for hundred percent it is impossible to exclude creation by las Casas of the independent historical work presented in the diary form.
  Between Columbus's "diary" and the diary of Antonio Pigafetta, the participant of a global cruise Magellan, there are diaries of the German salesmen (merchants or representatives of the merchants) who have participated in the Portuguese expedition to India (Magellan also was involved in this Portuguese expedition which has begun in 1505).
  The reliability and value of these diaries, in particular, of the diary of the German salesman Balthasar Shprenger from Fils on Lech, judging by literature, doesn't raise doubts.
  Thus, the historian cultural search of results of a diary creativity has led me to a boundary between 1400 and 1500 years.
  At this boundary there are two documents:
  (1) the first (under some question) the ship's log of Columbus (to me the mention of this logbook only in connection with its hypothetical processing Las Casas has met),
  (2) the second (the indisputable) diaries of the German merchants (representatives of the German merchants), participants of the Portuguese expedition to India (started in 1505).
  Among them is allocated the diary of the German salesman Balthasar Shprenger from Fils on Lech.
  In this chronological point we meet two important mentions. First, about a ship's logbooks, secondly, about a merchants.
  3. The great moments of world history
  Stefan Zweig made the characterisation for the events which have taken place right after completion of a round-the-world expedition of Magellan (there has round the world passed one vessel - under control of del Cano - from five; Magellan has died during this floating).
  Stefan Zweig wrote:
  "The emperor Charles V has just returned from Germany - one behind another he endures two great moments of world history. On Diet of Worms (1521) he personally saw how Luther has destroyed by resolute blow a spiritual unity of church forever; here he learns that at the same time other person has changed understanding about the Universe and has proved at the cost of the life spatial unity of the seas" [Zweig S.] (Цвейг С. 'Магеллан. Человек и его деяние'. ([Zweig S.] Zweig S. "Magallanes. Hombre y su obra.')).
  Thus, to mentions of merchants and ship's logbooks, we will add a mention of Worms, the German city (port) on the bank of Rein (then an Imperial Free City of the Empire), the imperial diet (assembly) of the Holy Roman Empire held at the Heylshof Garden in Worms, Luther, one of founders of Protestantism.
  (Edict of Worms (Wormser Edikt), the decree issued by the emperor of "Holy Roman Empire" Charles V on 26 May 1521, declared Luther the heretic: "we want him to be apprehended and punished as a notorious heretic, as he deserves").
  The Russian-language article "Luther" placed in Wikipedia contains the following statements: "The concept of "destination" is considered one of the central and demanded provisions of views of Luther ... ... Luther believed, that God's grace is carried out in worldly life in a professional field . God intends people to this or that kind of activity, putting in them various talents or abilities, and a debt of the person to work diligently, executing the calling. In the opinion of God there is no work noble or contemptible".
  Adoption of such thesis by the person assumed a periodic or regular self-assessment that was promoted by maintaining the diary.
  If still to take into account that the German merchants are the authors of the diaries about the Portuguese expedition to India, so the Hanseatic union (Hansa), dates of existence: 1370 - 1669, is appearing in memory. (Dates are very approximate. "Decline" of Hansa occurred very gradually: for example, in 1494 in Novgorod the German yard was liquidated).
  The thinking in such direction is pretty logical. The merchants conjoined by the Hanseatic union often were both seafarers, and merchants.
  Both trade, and navigation promoted systematic conducting records. Merchants kept trade books, seafarers in any form kept more or less systematic records about circumstances of expeditions. Both trade and navigation assumed some education level and literacy.
  Thus, the culture of the systematic continuous consecutive daily written fixing of the taking place events was formed.
  Of course, such a written fixing had to be relocated from "level" of trading company or from "level" of the ship to "level" of the specific person. Probably, the role here defined was played by those spiritual and cultural tendencies which have led to emergence of Protestantism.
  Of course, we won't be focused only on Hansa. We will remember, for example, Genoa and Venice, if is wider - about Italy. In the trading and cultural centers of Italy both a merchants and mariners have been presented.
  Probably, the Italian Antonio Pigafetta has been culturally prepared for maintaining the diary during the first global cruise of Magellan. Vinchentsa, the hometown of A. Pigafetta, was within the scope of influence of Venice. We will note that Antonio Pigafetta was also a religious figure - the Knight of the Rhodes.
  With barely perceptible perplexity Stefan Zweig writes that "Pigafetta is seeking admission under the name of Antonio Lombardo (from Lombardy) to the flagship "Trinidad" " [Zweig S.] [for the Acquiring status of the expedition member].
  We will explain: one of versions of explanation of such renaming is the argument that the Lombardy approximately since the year of 1508 begins to pass into structure of the lands under power of the Spanish monarchs. And it is easier "to arrange" in an expedition of "citizen", than "stranger".
  The diary of the vigorous Antonio Pigafetta comes to the end with a phrase: "After that I have gone to Italy where I have located, having devoted modest work to preslavny and famous signor Philippe Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, to the worthy great master of the Military Order of Rhodes". Having read these words and having thought for a moment, I have exclaimed: "where is the diary describing the events connected with the Siege of Rhodes of 1522?!"
  4. Prince Henry the Navigator
  The seaworthy school founded in Portugal by Prince Henry the Navigator (years of life: 1394-1460) persistently "was knocking to a memory to enter", reminded of itself. This seaworthy school was organized at the expense of the Military Order of Christ.
  Prince Henry the Navigator have different historical merits. He organised, except the seaworthy school, the observatory. He developed the Portuguese shipbuilding (a caravel was prevailing). He organised the sea expeditions to Africa (the Portuguese captains Nuno Tristao, Dinis Dias, Alvaro Fernandes and others in 1434-1460 surveyed and have mapped about 3500 km of the West African coast).
  Probably, in this direction of thinking is a logic.
  The ship's log as a binding document did not exist at all times.
  There is a certain chronological point of his emergence.
  At some moment the culture of navigation has made a jump. A ship's log in a modern sense of a word has appeared out of a voluntary, independent, initiative, more or less fragmentary ship records, any other documents (a reports, for example).
  Perhaps, the seaworthy school founded by Prince Henry the Navigator has played in this process of emergence of the ship's log the fundamental or the important role.
  I will risk to assume that seaworthy school founded by Prince Henry the Navigator became the founder of culture of long sea and ocean voyages as segment of the all-European culture.
  The Vikings' far sea voyages culture, existed in more ancient times, was an element of rather special ethno religious culture.
  The Stefan Zweig's poetical description of the Prince Henry the Navigator 's activity is worth it that to quote him in this essay:
  "Perhaps, the Infante heard from the Moors' slave traders, that on the other side of Western Sahara lies the "country of plenty"...; and the truth, the present Guinea was correctly plotted on the map drawn up in 1150 by the cosmographer Arab for the Norman king Roger II... . (...)
  But the truly moral significance of Infante Enrique was, that... noble humility made him to realize that he himself would not see his dream come true, for a term greater than human life would be required to prepare such a giant enterprise. (...)
  The fragile small boats cautiously make their way along the coasts from harbour to harbour , without a true compass, without proper maps, in constant fear of storms and menacing pirates. They have no the far ambitious goals. With such a decline in cosmography, with such pathetic ships, there are no yet possibilities to pacify the oceans, to conquer the overseas kingdoms. (...)
  According to, perhaps, the Portuguese Chronicles' romanticized reports, he commanded to bring the books and atlases from all parts of the world, called on Arab and Jewish scholars and commissioned them to manufacture the more accurate navigational instruments and navigational tables. He was calling to himself every sailor, every captain who returned from the far sailing, and he was asking them in details.
  All these data were carefully stored in confidential archive ...
  Infante Dom Henrique tirelessly contributed to the development of shipbuilding; in a few years, the former barcas - small open fishing boats, whose team was of eighteen people - were transformed into real naos - stable ships with a displacement of eighty, even a hundred tons, capable of swimming in the rough weather in the open sea.
  This the class of ship, new, suitable for a long voyage, has caused also emergence of new type of seamen.
  To help the helmsman is the "master of astrology" - a specialist in navigation business, who able to understand the portolan charts, determine the deviation of the compass, to mark on the map the meridians.
  The theory and practice creatively merge together, and gradually in these expeditions the new tribe of seafarers and researchers grows from ordinary fishermen and sailors ...
  ...The Pope, that though as ever to deliver Infante sailors had to promise each participant of expedition full absolution. Only after that managed to recruit a few brave men, agreed to go to the unknown land. (...)
  With each new, successfully complete travel the courage of seamen grows, and the whole generation of a new young people suddenly appears ... And when the new generation solid and resolutely starts business, the world changes the shape. (...)
  A ten years more - and the smallest one of all European nations will lay claim on dominion and management of the territory exceeding areas of the Roman Empire in the period of her greatest power. (...)
  Throughout one unforgettable hour of world history Portugal was the first nation of Europe, the leader of mankind. (...) ... ... At all yards, at all universities with feverish impatience get acquainted with new messages from Lisbon.
  ... The long era of the Middle Ages has come to an end and the new era - "modern times" begins ...
  ...Prince Henry the Navigator prudently asked from the Pope an official document, under which all land, sea and Islands, which will be open behind the Cape of Bojador, will be given to Portugal, in the full, exclusive property.
  And the three popes, who had replaced one another since that time, confirmed this peculiar "gift record", which recognized the entire unknown East with millions of its inhabitants as the legal possession of the Portuguese crown by one stroke of the pen" [Zweig S.].
  It is well told: "... Suddenly the whole generation of a new young people appears... And when the new generation solid and resolutely starts business, the world changes the shape."!
  And what exact vision of the future!
  So: ... The long era of the Middle Ages has come to an end and the new era - "modern era" - begins ...!
  5. A church books
  However, even earlier - before the organization of a long sea expeditions in the open sea and the emergence of more or less systematic records in the ship's logs - there was a culture of a Church systematic records.
  This essay began with a mention of the self-development system of Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890), so we can recall the Church books, which Schliemann loved to read as a child.
  Heinrich Schliemann's father was a Protestant pastor. However, a church books were inherent, of course, not only to Protestantism. The Church books containing, in particular, a birth and a baptism records, occur in biographies of many outstanding cultural figures. For example, in N. Gogol's biography. Though maintaining Church books doesn't coincide with maintaining diaries (contents doesn't coincide), but, however, contributes to development of the culture of the systematic continuous consecutive daily written fixing of the events taking place .
  In article of Wikipedia "Benedictines" it is mentioned that in libraries of Benedictine monasteries were chronicled.
  A Church chronicles are well-known.
  Of course, one-sided concentration on the culture of systematic Church records in connection with the theme of emergence of the diary creativity would be a simplification.
  6. An Ancient Civilizations
  Anyway, the systemacity of records arises with the advent of literacy. A literate person more or less regularly makes certain recordings. The other questions: the degree of regularity, the completeness, the subject matter.
  If to connect the emergence of more or less systematic records with the advent of the letter and literacy, then, probably, it is possible to mention the Ancient Sumer, Ancient Egypt, ancient civilizations existing for several thousands of years before the New Era.
  But if from the level of "more or less" systematic records to go up to level of the regular and permanent entries, then it is necessary to call the annual records ("annals"), chronicles, chronographs, historical works. The term "annals" - of the ancient Roman origin.
  So, it is concisely possible to state the following items of not personalized "diary" creativity: an annual records (annals) - a chronicles - a systematic ship log's records, a systematic trade records of merchant firms (merchants). Probably, appropriate to note a maintaining Church books.
  7. A "nobody" or almost an "all"?
  At some point there is a jump from the non-personal the regular and permanent entries to the personal diary creativity of the concrete individuals.
  A change of the attitude of the person towards own personality, emergence of such problems of self-improvement as introspection, self-checking, self-development, increase in efficiency of use of personal time, an accounting and a rational use of an each day, a distribution of literacy, emergence of skills of regular records, (and can be, both simplification and reduction in cost of the process of recording with transition from parchment and papyrus to paper) - all these phenomena lead to emergence of such kind of activity as maintaining the personal diary by the specific person.
  Once again, let's turn to the chronological line between 1400 and 1500 years. Basically - if not to take into account some exceptions (for example, Hansa, separate self-governing cities, in particular, the Italian cities, and - the Cossack's societies) - it was an era of hierarchy, a times of the relations between seigneurs and vassals. In a hierarchical society, not a personality but a hierarchy is important.
  But here Magellan, not particularly successful soldier and businessman, Portuguese nobleman of military service, distanced from the Portuguese King's yard and government circles, without manor or Wealth, existed in Portugal on retirement with difficulties, entered into a contract with the Spanish monarch. How could this happen?!
  IT'S A QUESTION. On concepts of hierarchical society, he, Magellan, in general terms, - almost the noone. Besides, in Spain he, the Portuguese resident, partly - the foreigner.
  BUT! He is familiar with seaworthy business, he has courage, an intuition, the latest knowledge in navigation, cartography, experience, courage, will, skills of the seaman and commander; he is capable to make the project of a distant ocean expedition, to submit it for consideration, to protect him and to start implementation of this project. Magellan has supporters. moreover, his fighting friend separated from the Portuguese crown, has located and has become the influential the face in unexplored lands and expects appearance of Magellan there.
  (If not the Spanish Marine base, then at least some outpost, ready to provide hospitality and support, to provide information).
  Magellan unites a number of exclusive merits. If in mentality of the seigneurs-vassals' system he - noone, nobody, then on concepts of a Modern times he, Magellan, - almost an all.
  8. Magellan, Eratosthenes, Archimedes, Tesla
  In this point I propose to stay to clarify a few details.
  At critical discussion of the project of Columbus the following counterargument expressed, in particular: '... If the Earth is a sphere, its circumference must be very large. The ship, will start for the opening of new countries, will have to float for at least three years. In what way it is possible to place by the ship a sufficient reserve of fresh water and edibles for the such long term provision?"
  Stefan Zweig in the book about Magellan notes, probably for "a degree raising" of a tragedization, (1938): "... Nobody has measured the earth circumference yet, and the church doesn't agree to recognize the earth's sphericity" [Zweig S.].
  Konstantin Kunin writes (1940): "... Magellan and Faleyro's project was as follows: proceeding from the ideas of globe size dominating then, Magellan and Faleyro believed that the circumference of our planet on the equator is equal to two hundred one thousand stadions [stades], or thirty seven thousand kilometers".[Kunin K. I.].( Кунин К. И. 'Магеллан'. 1940. ([Kunin K. I.] ( Kunin K.I. " Magallanes". 1940)).
  The geographer and the mathematician Eratosthenes (apprx. 276-194 BC) has written books "On the Measurement of the Earth", "On the Measurement of the Sun".
  His researches have allowed to draw conclusions: " circumference of the equator is equal to 39 250 km, and diameter - 12 625 km. Here a mistake against the valid length of a terrestrial axis only about 75 km" [Lurye S.Ya, page 50] (Лурье С. Я. 'Архимед' - М. Л., Изд. АН СССР. 1945. ([Lurye S.Ya] Lurye S.Ya. "Archimedes" - M. L., Ed. USSR Academy of Sciences. 1945.)).
  Eratosthenes and Archimedes were age-mates, were in the friendly relations, entered throughout a certain period of time into the intellectual community grouped around the Alexandria Museum [Library of Alexandria].
  The Alexandria Museum [Library of Alexandria] has been organized by Ptolemaeus the I Soter, the tsar of Egypt.
  "The idea which has laid down in foundation of the organization of the Museum was very humane: to bring together the large, proved scientists in Alexandria, to exempt them from any vital cares, to provide them the maximum leisure and to give them, thus, the chance to be engaged, than everyone wishes, without any pressure of anyone.
  The famous scientists, collected from different parts of the world, lived at the temple of Muses on the full material support of the tsar...
  Serious scientific work and then already demanded heavy expenses: historians and literary critics needed good library; astronomers, physicists, scientists and geographers - in difficult tools and expensive expeditions. For all these needs money from Imperial Treasury was generously given out. So, the geographer and the mathematician Eratosthenes ... has measured terrestrial radius on the basis of the astronomical observations made in Rhodes, Alexandria and Siena; for this enterprise huge amounts of money were necessary, and they have been given out by the Alexandria king's yard" [Lurye S.Ya., pages 43-44].
  The Alexandria Museum [Library of Alexandria] - pretty unusual establishment for the ancient world, especially, for hierarchical Ancient Egypt. Whether Magellan knew about Eratosthenes's opening? Whether the Eratosthenes's conclusions have reached Magellan and if have reached, then with what completeness and accuracy?
  The Magellan's project was based an assumption of the length of the equator of 37000 km that differed from the Eratosthenes's data approximately on 2000 km. Anyway, participants of intellectual community at the Alexandria museum [Library of Alexandria] influenced the persons and results of activity the subsequent generations. For example, Nikola Tesla considered Archimedes by a role model.
  The Alexandria museum [Library of Alexandria] forms and shows a curious figure: the independent scientist conducting initiative researches, enjoying support from government institutions.
  9. Inform everyone!
  We will return to a boundary between 1400 and 1500 years.
  Of course, to represent Magellan as certain indiscernible social unit in the existing hierarchy - simplification.
  Anyway, he has served certain time in the Portuguese yard, was involved in fighting as a part of the Portuguese armed forces, had the right to ask the Portuguese king about personal reception, had right of access in confidential sea Portuguese archive (where has spent a lot of time), received - let and not big - pension from the Portuguese state.
  It may be appropriate to mention that both Charles V (Spanish monarch) and Magellan were the members of the Catholic Military Order of Santiago (were the Knights of this, the Order). Whether their membership in this Order was simultaneous, synchronous? - Author has no information on this matter.
  Partly artistically exaggerating, Stefan Zweig writes:
  "Even a special decree was issued ordering all government agencies and officials of Spain, from the highest to the lowest, from now to future times..., to be acquainted with this agreement in order to provide Magellan and Faleiro assistance in all cases and in each case in particular. And this decree must be announced (...) "... to the ... infanta Don Fernando and the infantas, prelates, dukes, counts, marquises, grandees, masters of Orders, commodores and vice-commodores, alcaydes, alguacils of our light and yard and offices... and all advisers, governors, corregidors and assessors, alcaydes, alguacils, foremen, chiefs of guards, the regidors and other faces consisting in judicial and civil positions in all cities, settlements and areas of our kingdoms and possession". That is this resolution absolutely clear announces to all estates, institutions, and individuals, from the successor of a throne and to the last soldier, that since this minute, in effect, all Spanish state is placed at service to the two unknown Portuguese emigrants" [Zweig S.].
  The personal history of Magellan shows a possibility of recognition in the European society of that time - still in many respects hierarchical - the value of personality per se, and irrespective of any large and obvious social cataclysms, revolutionary changes.
  A position of the personality is changing, a value of the personality is changing.
  A certain influence on development of diary creativity, perhaps, has rendered also change of "the time feeling", feeling of the time's limitation (not only personal, and a time in a broad sense - lifetime of the world; historical experience was added to religious views: the empires seeming eternal were crashed; the borders of time plus border of the world have been understood?); behind this change, perhaps, the feeling follows both the value of every day, and value of personal experience of each concrete personality.
  A time becomes a resource. A speed indicators are becoming the essential.
  10. "Modern times" and "New World"
  Some certain historical characters of the beginning of Modern times had a feeling - most likely, not especially clear, - that they were building a certain New World; respectively, they sought to record in writing the participation in this creation.
  Perhaps, a certain additional feelings arised. The feelings of personal control over own life and a self-awareness of personal responsibility for the individual life .
  It is possible that the new feeling of the personality, new value of the personality, new personal tasks which have changed "feeling of time", and new historical prospects explained the reasons of the beginning of intensive development of the personal creativity of the regular records-in-writing approximately since a boundary between 1400 and 1500 years, partly explained full or relative lack of diary creativity in the period of a very cultural antiquity.
  Anyway, diary creativity gains development during the period of civilization jump at a boundary between 1400 and 1500 years: long sea voyages (new forms of activity) begin, there is a new view on the universe, on the planet the Earth.
  With a share of conventionality (very large, of course) the creativity of the personal systematic records-in-writing can be called a sign of a human of the new Age.
  Of course, it is possible to remember examples of maintaining diaries by negative historical characters. Whether this circumstance casts a shadow on diary creativity? Maintaining diaries requires a literacy. the ability of negative historical characters to write and read may to cast a shadow on literacy?
  11. 18 diaries in 10 languages. "Drake is a great seaman!"
  Probably, a mention of such roots of diary creativity as church records, as trade records, reminiscence about Hansa, can seem not casual, but in a certain natural way connected with a name of Heinrich Schliemann, one of outstanding representatives of diary creativity, the descendant of Hanseatic merchants (among his literary heritage are 18 diaries in 10 languages ). (Even in case of possible specification of these figures - whether there will be a similar example?).
  However, the uniqueness of conditions of maintaining the diary can also draw attention: the Alain Bombard's the ocean journey - the transatlantic alone-style expedition (with the research purposes) , has taken place in 1952. This expedition included the maintaining the diary.
  We will note and still some hypothetical reflections about interrelation of events of a boundary between 1400 and 1500 years and Heinrich Schliemann's activity.
  Columbus and Magellan's expeditions show - except emergence (development) of diary creativity - and the one more curious phenomenon: a contract between the monarch and author of the project of a sea expedition.
  If we consider this phenomenon in a very broad context, we can find the emergence of two and a half centuries later Jean-Jacques Rousseau and his treatise "The Social Contract, or Principles of Political Right " (1762).
  But if not to come to such level of generalization, then it is possible to see that figure which has arisen: a figure of the person of knowledge and action - the author of a certain difficult social project, a figure rather independent, standing somewhat level with the head of the state. We won't overestimate a role of the contracts signed with Columbus and Magellan. Both Columbus, and Magellan fully couldn't use the relevant contract. Nevertheless, a culture and a tradition of relationship arised. The culture and tradition of relationship, - in some sense an equal relationship, - between the state and the talented initiative personality whose capital is expressed in knowledge, energy, an intuition, an organizing talent, courage, experience, ability to risk, sometimes - in money. Such culture and tradition gained development. Not always this culture and this tradition was culture and tradition of the contract. But mainly it were culture and tradition of relative equality, respect and mutual loyalty. Activity, for example, Thomas Edison who has become a national symbol of the USA - a good example of that.
  Not all outstanding people and have not always met a positive approach to their activities from the side of a state.
  But, nevertheless, the positive tendency is quite notable. For example, it is possible to claim, exaggerating, that in a fight with Spain the English state has put on "Hierarchical null (zero)", on "the hierarchical no one", on Francis Drake. But has won! Allegedly, having learned about defeat of Invincible Armada, the Pope exclaimed: "Drake is a great seaman!"
  You may remember about the culture and tradition of relationship between the state and the talented initiative personality at acquaintance with public archaeological diplomacy of Heinrich Shliemann.
  "Nothing" or "all"? That is the question!
  It seems that the existence of this culture and this tradition in the European community contributed to the success of Heinrich Schliemann, contributed to the implementation of archaeological projects Heinrich Schliemann, contributed to the emergence of Trojan, Mycenaean archeology.
  September 16, 2016
  Translation from Russian into English: March 4, 2018 - March 12, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Генрих Мореплаватель и судовые журналы, Генрих Шлиман и дневники. Очерк истории дневникового творчества'.
  This essay was included in publication (in Russian): "1519-2019. 500 years. From the past to the future. 16 essays about famous explorers, writers, scientists and inventors. Collection", 282 p.,. ISBN 978-5-4483-6197-5 (9785448361975).
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