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On the prospects of the Russial space station in the low Earth orbit. The note

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    On the prospects of the Russial space station in the low Earth orbit. The note.

  On the prospects of the Russial space station in the low Earth orbit. The note.
  A permanently inhabited space station in low Earth orbit is one of the achievements of the East-Republican civilization.
  Many circumstances called into question the continuation of the ISS mission - after a certain date (mentioned a different years when the ISS mission can be completed).
  As an alternative to the Russian segment of the ISS, the idea of a Orbital Service Station (ROSS) was put forward - this, as expected, could be a periodically visited space station.
  However, the ISS exists. But would ROSS be launched, and would it begin to function, would it be visited and with what frequency - these are questions.
  "The main design, technological and financial resources released from joint international research projects with the United States and the European Union will now be directed to the creation of exclusively defense and dual-use space systems." [unofficial translation] (
  "Now the corporation will direct resources to replenish the orbital group, the corresponding program has already been approved by the government. In addition, Roskosmos will continue to work on an interplanetary tug based on a nuclear reactor power plant, and it is planned to develop an updated lunar program together with China." [unofficial translation] (
  On the Internet, one can come across the opinion that Russial cosmonauts can join the work at the Chinese space station (and will they fly there on Chinese spaceships?). Previously, representatives of other countries were visiting the MIR station or the Russial segment of the ISS. Will Russial cosmonauts now start visiting the Chinese space station?
  Hopes continue for a certain exclusivity of Russia's role in cooperation with China in the space sector.
  One way or another, the prospects for maintaining a Russial (Soviet) permanently manned space station in low Earth orbit - one of the achievements of the East-Republican civilization - are becoming increasingly uncertain.
  March 4, 2022 07:54
  Translation from Russian into English: March 4, 2022 08:19.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "О перспективах российской космической станции на низкой околоземной орбите. Заметка".
  {2838. О перспективах российской космической станции на низкой околоземной орбите. Заметка.
  MMDCCCIX. On the prospects of the Russial space station in the low Earth orbit. The note. }
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