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Lenya Bobrov glorifies the magnificent tea from the wonderful island. A story

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    Lenya Bobrov glorifies the magnificent tea from the wonderful island. A story.

  Lenya Bobrov glorifies the magnificent tea from the wonderful island. A story.
  Once Lenya Bobrov accidentally bought a pack of tea from a wonderful island in a supermarket.
  Lenya liked this tea.
  This tea had a wonderful aroma and a unique healing-restoring effect.
  In the pack, Lenya found a postcard with a photograph of the owner of the tea plantations. The plantation owner wished the best for the tea buyers and guaranteed the excellent quality of the tea.
  Tea was relatively expensive. Lenya rarely bought it. But he tried to have a supply of this tea in case of poor health, loss of strength.
  Lenya began to buy this tea in a supermarket with a foreign name. There, the price was lower, and the deliveries were, most likely, direct.
  Then this supermarket got in trouble. It seems that after the construction of several shopping centers, the question arose: who owns the land under the shopping centers?
  As Lenya suggested, the result of long, costly and dangerous proceedings was a partial changing in the management of a supermarket chain with a foreign name.
  Soon Lenya noticed that the packaging of the wonderful island tea had changed. She hasn't changed much, but noticeably. The name remains the same.
  Lenya brought tea in a new package home and dropped the tea bag into a cup of boiling water. Tea had a completely different taste - not the one that Lenya was used to.
  Lenya could not wean himself from wonderful tea for a long time.
  He continued to buy tea in the already changed packaging. May be the quality of tea will restore?
  He unwrapped the packs with tea again and again and found that again and again he bought the wrong thing.
  He had to throw away the accumulated packs - they occupied a useful place.
  As a result, he stopped buying this tea - he realized that the quality of tea had changed forever or for a long time.
  He had two packages of this pseudo tea left on the windowsill in the kitchen.
  They were relatively expensive, and it was a pity to throw them away.
  What if they come in handy in some emergency?
  Meanwhile, news came from the wonderful island.
  On a wonderful island, a shortage of currency was revealed.
  Lenya opened the encyclopedia and got acquainted with the history of the island.
  It was a difficult story.
  At some point, the Empire became the owner of the island.
  Almost all tea was exported to the Empire, to the metropolis. And goods necessary for the wonderful island were imported from different countries.
  The balance of trade was in favor of the wonderful island.
  There was no fuel among the export commodities. Cargo was carried on bulls, on steam locomotives, steamers, sailboats and rowing boats. Steam locomotives, apparently, did not require a noticeable amount of coal, and sometimes local firewood was suitable for steam engines.
  Then, under the influence of the revolution in the Great North Country, political changes began throughout the world.
  Thanks to the activity of free people and the alliance with the Great European Powers, the Great Northern Country acquired vast territories rich in minerals.
  Then, she divided her western neighbor (a neighboring state) and annexed a significant part of its territory with a population that had experience in receiving university education since 1364.
  After the revolution, these people managed to arrange things in such a way that a significant part of the population of the Great Northern Country began to live at the lowest level of European standards and launched a spaceship into orbit.
  Such transformations were costly. The high price included the (almost) free labor of millions of people over several decades.
  At some point, people with experience in obtaining a university education (since 1364) were pushed aside, and new politicians began to teach the whole world how to live - in any case, to teach the part that lived relatively modestly - but after all, no one wished to hard work almost for free for several decades.
  The wonderful island gradually gained independence, broke off political dependence on the Empire.
  The Empire would never allow, that tea, produced on this wonderful island, to be counterfeited. The Empire was characterized by a commitment to tradition, to good tea. The Empire was hostile to throwers, spinners (twisters), rollers.
  Perhaps, the foreign trade balance would (will) be always in favor of the wonderful island.
  The inhabitants of the wonderful island - in the new political conditions - were convinced that they should live at least at the lowest European level. And maybe even better.
  But tea gave less and less income, and the needs caused by new views on life demanded more and more new expenses.
  Finally, the currency on the wonderful island is over.
  The president of an independent island rushed to the Great Northern Country for loans and fuel supplies.
  But he did not have time to carry out his plans.
  Outraged, the inhabitants broke into his palace and bathed in his pool.
  It seems that a new economic era has come to the wonderful island.
  Something was also changing in the Great Northern Country. A supermarket with a foreign name hinted at the prospect of ending its activities - in a renewed political space.
  Lenya presented all this in the form of a story, photographed packs of tea lying on the windowsill, and posted the photo on the Internet - with the caption:
  'I throw away bad tea. Looking forward to drinking great tea from a wonderful island!'
  July 10, 2022 11:34
  Translation from Russian into English: July 10, 2022 12:40.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Лёня Бобров прославляет великолепный чай с чудесного острова. Рассказ'.
  { 3089. Лёня Бобров прославляет великолепный чай с чудесного острова. Рассказ.
  MMMLX. Lenya Bobrov glorifies the magnificent tea from the wonderful island. A story. }
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