Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Improper recreational and urbanic policies. One of the manifestations of the deadlock in domestic politics. The note

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    Improper recreational and urbanic policies. One of the manifestations of the deadlock in domestic politics. The note.

  Improper recreational and urbanic policies. One of the manifestations of the deadlock in domestic politics. The note.
  We have repeatedly written about the colossal risks of creating overpopulated megacities and creating an extreme overload modes for river systems, for example, for the Don River.
  Nevertheless, the territory of forest parks, urban forests is being eaten away by all means - for expanding housing construction.
  Even during the time of Mayor Mikhail Chernyshev, a colossal scandal arose with the Rostov Botanical Garden ...
  "March 22, 2011. Alexey Sakunov. In the Botanical Garden, instead of trees, cottages [country houses] have grown. The family of the Rostov mayor lives in one of them.
  In the past few months, the Rostov Botanical Garden has become a zone of close attention from law enforcement agencies: one after another, inspections are carried out, criminal cases are initiated. Finally, the verification of the legality of the provision of land plots that once belonged to the SFedU began.
  For 10 years, an elite cottage village has appeared on these lands, where rare tree species once grew. In it, along the perimeter, surrounded by a tall fence, well-known officials in the city and not the poorest citizens of Rostov found refuge. (...)
  When asked by a journalist whether the mayor of Rostov, Mikhail Chernyshev, who signed a decree on the seizure of the federal garden lands into city property, would be checked, the prosecutor answered evasively ... " [unofficial translation] ( vyrosli-kottedzhi-_194)
  "12.24.2014. Gorod N [newspaper]. (...) The reason for maintaining the status quo could have been the connections and influence of Mikhail Chernyshev in the structures of United Russia and even in the presidential administration. The mayor headed the presidium of the Council of Russian cities for many years. His wife Zoya Stepanova has been a State Duma deputy since 2003, and in 2011 she was the regional coordinator of the Popular Front. (...)
  The most difficult year in Mikhail Chernyshev's career could have been 2011. In November, the regional prosecutor's office recalled that in December 2001, by his decisions, Chernyshev illegally seized 5.66 hectares from federal property in the Botanical Garden (owned by the SFedU), then divided it into plots between a number of individuals for the construction of housing, one of which went to his close relative. Chernyshev, together with a relative, are co-owners of this 1400 sq. The prosecutor's office sent materials to the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for the Rostov Region to initiate a case against Chernyshev under the article on abuse of office out of selfish interest, which entailed grave consequences. The criminal case was never opened." [unofficial translation] (
  Long proceedings did not lead to useful results.
  Less noticeably, less scandalous, but also shortsightedly, were given the some territories of urban forests for different objects.
  Having shown his high management level, Mikhail Chernyshev moved to the State Duma and demonstrates his abilities at the federal level ...
  Now "investments" and "construction" have become icons and prayers of the new economic religion of effective managers. Now the local authorities have no maneuver left. They must increase the volume of construction. And for this they need to look for and give away free or cheap land - that is, the land which is using under a public facilities (urban forests, etc.). This is now a federal policy ...
  Slowly but surely, the worship of these pagan economic idols ("investment" and "building") is yielding results.
  For example, in different regions of Russia problems with water supply, with providing the population with drinking water are becoming more acute.
  But in some regions these problems can be overlooked or their solution can be postponed ...
  But what to do with that very Crimea, to where people from all over Russia are lured for a rest, for a vacations?
  'SIMFEROPOL, September 25 [2020]. / TASS /. The Russian government will soon prepare proposals for the construction of Russia's first seawater desalination plant to solve problems with water supply in Crimea, the head of the republic, Sergei Aksenov, said at a meeting on Friday about the situation with water supply to the region.
  On September 7, in Simferopol and 39 settlements of the Simferopol and Bakhchisarai districts, the third and most severe stage of restrictions on water supply began due to drought and the shallowing of the Ayan, Partizansky and Simferopol reservoirs. Drinking water is now supplied hourly in the morning and evening. (...)
  He did not disclose the estimated cost of the installation, but noted that the estimated cost of building a site for a desalination station for the needs of Simferopol will be about 20-30 billion rubles, excluding the construction of a water conduit and a desalination waste treatment station. To date, according to him, there is no experience in the construction of powerful desalination plants in Russia. Simferopol needs about 160 thousand cubic meters of water per day, the deficit is now about 60 thousand cubic meters, which is planned to be covered [to be neutralized, to be overcomed] by drilling new wells.
  About water scarcity
  The problem of water supply and irrigation of land in Crimea arose in 2014, when Ukraine unilaterally cut off water (from the Kherson region), supplied [to Crimea] through the North Crimean canal, which provided up to 90% of the needs of the peninsula. Now residents and enterprises of the region receive water from local sources. At the same time, the current year turned out to be very dry and there was a shortage of water. In the north of Crimea, problems arose in Dzhankoysky, Krasnoperekopsky districts and the city of Armyansk, where salinization of groundwater and a decrease in the water level in artesian wells are observed. " [unofficial translation] (
  So, a decrease in the water level in artesian wells [artesian aquifers] ... And, at the same time, "the deficit ... is planned to be covered [to be neutralized, to be overcomed] by drilling new [artesian] wells." We are dealing with effective managers and artificial intelligence ...
  What will be the tariffs for water consumption in Crimea? After all these one-time and permanent (ongoing) additional costs? !!!
  Or will effective managers include costs in the all-Russial tariff? !!!!!
  That is, all of us, residents of Russia, will pay for the recreational policy pursued by the Head of Rostourism ... (for some reason she is subordinated directly to the Head of the Government of Russia ???) and for the urbanic policy that is pursuing (here we hesitate to name the author ... - to whom is he subordinate?) ...
  Problems are growing like a snowball ...
  Inappropriate recreational policies and faulty urbanic policies are manifestations of the faulty domestic policies.
  And a dead-end domestic policy is being combined with a dead-end foreign policy.
  One can recall such a phenomenon as the destruction of the intelligentsia and the ousting of the remnants of the intelligentsia by effective managers and all sorts of prankers ...
  For a financing of those chimeras that are invented by illiterate, primitive and short-sighted people, there will not be enough Siberian riches, will not be enough gold and foreign exchange reserves ...
  [MCCСCXX. Mayor and journalist. A story. - April 22, 2020 - May 1, 2020.
  MCCСCXLVI. A caring mayor and a real estate insurance. A story. - May 19, 2020.
  MCCСCLXXVI. The program of restoration of Russia's economic during and after the 2019-2020 -... pandemic. The chapter "Tourism and related industries". - June 2, 2020.
  MDXLIII. A catastrophic climate incident in the Krasnoyarsk Krai and a new approach to recreational and urban policy. The essay. - July 5, 2020.
  MDCXCIV. Russia's economic recovery program ... Through a destruction of a remnants of normal life? An essay. - September 6, 2020.
  MDCLXXXIX. Moscow! Test tubes are ringing! (Man for the vaccine or the vaccine for man?). A sketch. - September 4, 2020.
  MDCXCVII. Digitalization in a Russial style. Or a peasant cart in front of a horse. A sketch. - September 7, 2020.]
  September 25, 2020 15:53
  Translation from Russian into English: September 25, 2020 23:07.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Неверная рекреационная и урбанистическая политика. Одно из проявлений тупика во внутренней политике. Заметка'.
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