Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

I apply to the Government of the Russian Federation to get a compensation, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation send me a response. A diary note

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    MMMDXLV. I apply to the Government of the Russian Federation to get a compensation, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation send me a response. A diary note. - September 27, 2024.

  I apply to the Government of the Russian Federation to get a compensation, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation send me a response. A diary note.
  On September 27, 2024, I found an email in my email-box:
  *@667 КБ25 сен
  ФНС России23-11/024456@ от 24.09.2024: О рассмотрении обращения Залесского (электронка) (See attached file: gf_Ответ налогоплательщику_ФНС.pdf)(See attached file: ЭД.zip) Ответ на Ваше обращение находится в прикрепленном файле. ФНС России предлагает Вам оценить качество полученной услуги с помощью сервиса
  [*@667 KB25 sep
  The Federal Tax Service of Russia 23-11/024456@ dated 09/24/2024: On consideration of Zalessky's appeal (e-mail) (See attached file: gf_response to the taxpayer of the Federal Tax Service.pdf)(See attached file: ED.zip) The answer to your request is in the attached file. The Federal Tax Service of Russia invites you to evaluate the quality of the service received using the service ]
  Whether in a huge stream of legislative changes, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation is entrusted with the authority to pay a compensation (in connection with the deprivation by the Russian Federation of a citizen of the Russian Federation of his right of ownership of a real estate object)?
  In my application to the Government of the Russian Federation (as an accompanying question), the issue of protecting the tax interests of the state was raised. For me, this question is not the main one. I am not a government employee (official) who receives a salary from the state. I raised this issue as a citizen with a feeling of responsibility . The relevant issue has already been considered by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation back in 2021.
  (My application dated November 30, 2021 (to the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation) and letter number 23-16/3267@ dated December 23, 2021 (from the Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Rostov oblast - on behalf of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation)).
  The response of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (2021) I appealed (disputed) sending my statement to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (2022).
  (My application, dated December 26, 2021, to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the response dated February 10, 2021 number БС-3-21/1115@ (sent to me by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation on behalf of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation).
  I also received a response from the Ministry of Finance (2022), which I appealed (disputed) sending my statement to the Government of the Russian Federation (2022).
  (My application, dated April 27, 2022, to the Government of the Russian Federation: MMCMXII. Application to the Government of the Russian Federation sent by e-mail. A diary note. - On April 27, 2022.)
  So, 2021 and 2022 are followed by 2024.
  Well... As the poet wrote, if the papers are being drawn up, then someone needs it...
  The huge state apparatus is operating, and the electricity consumption is increasing. And this is a good sign.
  September 27, 2024 04:06
  Translation from Russian into English: September 27, 2024 07:14
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Обращаюсь в Правительство РФ за компенсацией, отвечает ФНС РФ. Дневниковая заметка ".
  { 3574. Обращаюсь в Правительство РФ за компенсацией, отвечает ФНС РФ. Дневниковая заметка. - 27 сентября 2024 г.
  MMMDXLV. I apply to the Government of the Russian Federation to get a compensation, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation send me a response. A diary note. - September 27, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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