Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

How was changed D-u-u-u-sh (The Story)

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    How was changed D-u-u-u-sh (The Story)

  How was changed D-u-u-u-sh (The Story)
  Nikolai Vasilievich turned on the computer and delved into the news.
  Suddenly he sees - the e-mail has arrived.
  He opens it. A strange letter. "This letter is notification about the receipt of the appeal to the public board." One phrase, only ...
  Nikolai Vasilievich was wary. "Nikolai Pavlovich does not like subtexts".
  Just in case, he opened a text program and thought: "I ought to change some words a little ...".
  "So ... What are we changing? ..."
  Yeah! "The only decent person prosecutor" - we leave in place.
  "But and he, in essence," we also leave in place ...
  "Now, we are making a new text!"
  "Deputy Chairman of the Committee."
  That's better...
  Suddenly a new e-mail arrives. Too weird. "The previous e-mail was sent as a result of an Internet failure."
  Nikolai Vasilievich sighed with some relief ...
  "Nikolai Pavlovich does not like subtexts, a double, parallel, associative meanings! .."
  Nikolai Vasilyevich looked at the monitor screen. "To back to watching the news?" "To take a walk along the Nevsky Prospect?" ...
  October 22, 2019 16:34
  Translation from Russian into English: October 24, 2019 19:17.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Как изменялась Д-у-у-у-ш-ш-шь... Рассказ".
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