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How to become a space entrepreneur. A biographical note about Leroy Grumman

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    How to become a space entrepreneur. A biographical note about Leroy Grumman.

  How to become a space entrepreneur. A biographical note about Leroy Grumman.
  A space station in lunar orbit is gradually transforming from an idea into a reality.
  The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA and the Northrop Grumman Corporation have completed a $ 935 million fixed price contract for producing the module of the Gateway lunar station, according to media reports.
  What is the role of Russia in this project? If the role of Russia in the construction of the ISS was noticeable and significant, then in the project of the circumlunar space station, the role of Russia is not obvious.
  But let us not despair, let us make efforts - it cannot be that nothing is discovered.
  As for "Grumman" - where did this name come from?
  At the beginning of the 20th century, the Loening Aeronautical Engineering Corporation appeared, in which, in particular, Leroy Grumman, William T. Schwendler, and Jake Swirbul worked.
  In connection with the sale of Loening and its move to a new location, Grumman, Schwendler and Swirbul, as well as some other employees, quit and created the Grumman Corporation. Leroy Grumman mortgaged the house for $ 16,950, and Swirbul's mother borrowed $ 6,000. With this money, they created the company.
  Leroy Grumman himself received a higher technical education in the United States, worked as an engineer, then as a pilot, then as a test pilot, aircraft designer, and plant director.
  Finally, he became a co-owner of the company.
  The company produced a variety of vehicles - a sea, land, air ones.
  Leroy Grumman was surrounded by a narrow circle of people in the management of the company - mainly those who left "Loening" with him. Grumman and Swirbul remained key figures in the company's design bureau.
  In the 60s of the 20th century, Grumman made efforts to develop the engineering department. A small core of eight engineers was created to research the most advanced technology.
  On the initiative of Grumman, the Space Steering Group was created. The contract was signed on November 7, 1962. The company began designing and manufacturing the Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) as part of the Apollo program. By this Module astronauts reached the lunar surface in 1969. In the same year, the company was renamed Grumman Aerospace Corporation. The firm has built 13 lunar modules.
  And so, in the 21st century, Northrop Grumman Corporation begins to create the module of lunar station .
  If it is known about Jake Svibula that he is a native of Latvia, then about the origin of Grumman it is known that his roots are in Connecticut.
  According to some data, the Pomors called Spitsbergen "Grumant", and they lived on this archipelago in the middle of the 16th century ...
  July 12, 2021 16:47
  Translation from Russian into English: July 12, 2021 17:29.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Как стать космическим предпринимателем. Биографическая заметка о Лерое Грумманне".
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