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How a righteous became a sinner. But I found an internal balance. A moral essay

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    How a righteous became a sinner. But I found an internal balance. A moral essay.

  How a righteous woman became a sinner. But I found an internal balance. A moral essay.
  I don 't know who in our country thinks he 's a righteous man. I don 't personally think that I am a righteous man.
  It was necessary to grow up in the Tolstoy family in order to become Tolstoy.
  95 percent of the modern population was brought up in the post-revolutionary Russia. They had the same important points of domestic history: the Brest Peace of 1918, the revolution of 1917, the civil war, a public renunciations off a parents, a praises, a repentances, a glorifications and other. What was possible to do? A compromises were necessary...
  But it was pleasant to fall into a belief that somewhere, on sinful land, in sinful regions - already in our time - there was a righteous woman - someone like Joan of Arc ("the Maid of Orléans") - who came out of someone else 's hostile sin into the our righteousness, came (from afar) up to the our local authorities and offered to take part in the salvation ... of the country ... of our spirit ...
  Nothing is forever under the Moon. French Joan of Arc was not eternal.
  Therefore, when the modern righteous woman became less mythological, it was necessary to remind to himself and about the inherent all people a sin of pride (and who is free from it?), and about such quality as a love to an own children, which is characteristic for almost all a parents, and that "we are all similar to each other."
  However, the matter did not stop at lowering the level of mythology.
  One recent interview featured a words that could be perceived as a remorse.
  In other words, there could rise an impression that there had been a qualitative leap that the former righteous woman had become a (repentant) sinner.
  It was already necessary to raise from the depths of the own memory such stories, plots as the temptation of Christ ...
  But isn 't the bar too high, even if it 's about the modern Joan of Arc? No... no... It's not necessary to think so.
  The event related to the sale of a primogeniture (of a birthright) in exchange of a small amount of food (of a pottage of lentiles) came to memory. But both participants in this purchase and sale were men [not a women].
  As a result, the internal balance came with the words: "Who is without sin among you...."
  Nothing bad..., Joan of Arc was in the (French) history. Let 's direct our thoughts to her...
  "Russia is the European country. As a man who considers himself a man of a Russian (Velikolithuanian, East-Republican), European culture, I see in the depth of a common European history the hopeful image of Joan of Arc, " - with this thought I found an internal balance.
  January 1, 2020 16:00
  Translation from Russian into English: December 31, 2019 07:38.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Как праведница стала грешницей. Но я обрел внутреннее равновесие. Моральное эссе'.
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