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Gogik begins mining the richium (Ree). A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками Юридические услуги. Круглосуточно
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    MMMDCXXI. Gogik begins mining the richium (REE). A story. - February 25, 2025.

  Gogik begins mining the richium (REE). A story.
  After attending the next meeting of the 'Russian North' forum, Gogik went to a bookstore. He was worried: how was his biography (recently published) was selling.
  In the bookstore, he found Signor Mio Rio, his buddy from the yacht club.
  - 'Hello, Signor Mio Rio! An unexpected meeting! Have you decided to buy my biography?'
  Signor Mio Rio replied after a short pause.
  - 'Your biography, Signor Gogik, is of great interest in the literary world. But I can't buy it now. The frost was unexpectedly severe. My fingers are numb. I came here into the bookstore to keep warm.'
  Gogik looked at his interlocutor. He was wearing only a light jacket. And it is minus fifteen degrees Celsius in the outdoors!
  - 'What brings you, dear Signor Mio Rio, to our capital in such weather?'
  - 'A new economic trend: mining of rare-earth elements (REE)! How would it be in Russian: "You need to strike the iron while it's hot!"'
  - 'All right, Signor Mio Rio, follow me.'
  Gogik and Signor Mio Rio headed into the warm interior of Gogik's car (a German-made car of the most modern model).
  Soon, the car stopped at a sportswear store.
  At store Gogik explained to Signor Mio Rio:
  - 'Tourists wearing this type of jacket were caught in an avalanche near Krasnaya Polyana (these are mountains, 65 km from Sochi). They spent the whole night under a snow without any problems for their health!'
  Gogik paid for the jacket and helped Signor Mio Rio put it on.
  - 'Thank you, Signor Gogik!' Signor Mio Rio directed his gaze towards the exit of the store.
  - 'Wait a second!' Gogik politely took Signor Mio Rio by the elbow and led him to the sports bags department of the sportswear store. - 'It won't be difficult for you to choose a good bag.'
  Signor Mio Rio was not familiar with the local fashion. If it is necessary, so it is necessary. Two minutes later, Gogik bought the largest sports bag for Signor Mio Rio.
  Gogik and Signor Mio Rio returned to the warm interior of the car.
  - 'We have almost created the Monsoon Richium Company with an initial share capital of one trillion dollars,' Gogik said. - 'But I need a block of shares: five percent.'
  - 'If we create this company today, it is quite realistic,' - Signor Mio Rio said.
  - 'How long does it take: to register a company in jurisdiction of your native country, to issue shares and to start selling them on a stock exchange of your country?' Gogik asked.
  - 'We are currently experiencing the digitalization of the economy. All these things will take half an hour.'
  - 'Excellent,'- Gogik said approvingly. - 'I think that today a company for the extraction of richium will be created.'
  Gogik took out his phone and dialed someone's number.
  Soon, the car stopped at a high-rise hotel complex. The car door opened, and a man sat down in an empty seat.
  Gogik introduced a new acquaintance:
  - 'Second Deputy of the Federal State Geological Agency (in the past). A famous player in combat computer games. He've been cleaning Lake Baikal in the past! He left the Agency to become an international consultant for the extraction of rare earth metals.'
  A consultant on the extraction of rare earth metals explained that the richest deposits of the REE richium are located near the Severo-Sibirsk settlement. The place is not occupied by anyone yet.
  After several clarifying questions, the consultant got out of the car.
  - 'How much does the consultation cost?' Signor Mio Rio asked.
  - 'That's my question,' Gogik replied. - 'Now we are heading to the sidelines of the 'Russian North' forum.'
  Gogik and Signor Mio Rio got out of the car and entered the high-rise hotel complex.
  They walked around several premises in half an hour. Gogik represented Signor Mio Rio: "The investor (from the Global South) in the extraction of the REE richium - Signor Mio Rio."
  Signor Mio Rio was greeting, politely, participants of forum and was speaking in quite decent Russian: "I like Russian frosts and I don't like sanctions."
  Gogik and Signor Mio Rio left the hotel complex. Gogik said, "Everything is fine! You made a good impression. Consider that a company for the extraction of richium has been established."
  The car headed down the snowy street and stopped at a restaurant.
  The companions got out of the car.
  -'Take your bag with you,' Gogik reminded Signor Mio Rio.
  A man in a business suit was dining in a large hall with pleasant music.
  - 'Hello, Vitaly Vitalievich!' - Gogik said pleasantly and introduced his companion:
  - 'This is an investor (from the Global South) in the extraction of the REE richium - Signor Mio Rio. He is participant of the 'Russian North' forum. He made a good impression.'
  Vitaly Vitalievich cast a benevolent glance at Signor Mio Rio.
  Then Gogik introduced a man in a business suit:
  - 'Vitaly Vitalievich is the curator of a harmonic economic development.'
  Vitaly Vitalyevich kindly pointed to the empty chairs at his table and motioned to the waiter.
  At this time, new visitors entered the hall: three athletic men.
  Vitaly Vitalievich twirled the fork in his hand:
  - 'Let's continue our conversation tomorrow at the same time.'
  Gogik looked at Signor Mio Rio. He nodded his head in agreement.
  - 'Signor Mio Rio will be here at the same time tomorrow.' Gogik said.
  Gogik was silent for a few seconds and turned to Vitaly Vitalievich with a request:
  - 'There is a huge interest in rare earth metals now. Can we go to the Department and get a license?'
  - 'Yes, of course. You may go there. I'll do a phone call at Department now and I will give them an order to issue a license to Signor Mio Rio.'
  Soon, Signor Mio Rio had a license in his hands. The license provided for the right to mine the REE richium in the area near the Severo-Sibirsk settlement.
  - 'Signor Mio Rio, call your office, order your employees to register a company for the extraction of richium, to issue shares and to start selling them on the local stock exchange,' Gogik recommended to Signor Mio Rio. - 'Of course, they ought to post information on Internet sites. Don't forget about my five percent stake.'
  Signor Mio Rio called the office and gave the order.
  Gogik offered Signor Mio Rio a ride up to the hotel where he was staying.
  On the way to the hotel, Signor Mio Rio continuously answered numerous phone calls: the mining of the rare earth metal richium in the area near the Severo-Sibirsk settlement aroused a great interest among a wide range of investors from all continents. The shares of the Monsoon Richium Company increased in value several times, and the growth continued.
  The car stopped at the hotel.
  The companions got out of the car.
  - 'My congratulations to you on the establishment of the Monsoon Richium Company and on the start of richium mining!' Gogik said to Signor Mio Rio. - 'I'm currently returning to the 'Russian North' forum, and then I'm heading to a Buddhist monastery. Immersion in the wisdom of thousands years helps my business thinking, opens up the information space for me. I'm going to experience nirvana. I am waiting for phone calls from you at any time.'
  - 'Very good!' - Signor Mio Rio approved Gogik's plans.
  - 'I would like to help this monastery in building a hotel for pilgrims. If we have established a profitable enterprise for the extraction of rare earth metal, then this is a good sign. So, we need to do good things. Give to your employees the order to sell my block of shares. This money will be useful for the monastery.'
  Signor Mio Rio made a call to the office. A minute later, Gogik received a notification on his smartphone that funds from the sale of five percent of shares had been credited to his account.
  Gogik shook hands with Signor Mio Rio.
  Gogik soon returned to the 'Russian North' forum. The next one was his performance.
  The Chairman of the forum meeting announced:
  - 'The floor is given to the creator of the industry for the extraction of rare earth metals, Mr. Gogik. He will do a report on the topic: "How to prevent overheating of the economy in the face of a rising ruble exchange rate."'
  Gogik went to the podium for the speakers.
  February 25, 2025, 09:29
  Translation from Russian into English: February 26, 2025 09:12
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Гогик начинает добычу редкоземельного металла ричия. Рассказ. '.
  { 3650. Гогик начинает добычу редкоземельного металла ричия. Рассказ. - 25 февраля 2025 г.
  MMMDCXXI. Gogik begins mining the richium (REE). A story. - February 25, 2025.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}

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