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Give (return) the Gold of Troy to the German people and stop fantasizing. A note

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    Give (return) the Gold of Troy to the German people and stop fantasizing. A note

  Give (return) the Gold of Troy to the German people and stop fantasizing. A note
  Another information about Heinrich Schliemann appeared on the Internet ("How the same person twice deceived the Russian Empire, and what does the Treasures of Troy have to do with it"). November 7, [?2019?]. The author identified himself under the name ""Notes of the Soldafon").
  Again, the stories ...
  1. "Henry sold for the front a huge batch of boots with ... cardboard soles,"
  2. "wrote an apologizing letter to Alexander the Second. And he even received the answer: "Come back soon. We will hang you!"
  All this is refuted by the certificate of the German Embassy in St. Petersburg, which was compiled specifically before the awarding of Schliemann in Germany-so as not to reward a person with a tarnished reputation. The certificate confirms the absence of any official claims on the part of the Russian authorities to Heinrich Schliemann.
  Where did these fabrications come from?
  At least, they are present in the book of one influential person close to "Russial culture".
  But apparently, the "minds" continue to work ...
  Schliemann "fled the country to distant America, where he began a new career and started a new family."
  Heinrich Schliemann lived for some time in the United States - to obtain U.S. citizenship and under simpler rules (compared to Europe) to get a divorce. He remarried in Greece.
  The "Treasure of Priam "("Gold of Troy") was given and accepted as a gift - a gift not to the German state, but to the German people.
  What is the point of keeping it in some museum vaults? ... Who needs a such "activity"?
  The German people lived and live not only in Germany. The Gold was never the property of the German state. It was not a trophy, the Gold was voluntarily handed over to the Soviet authorities by an employee of the German Museum for a safekeeping.
  What to expect? It is time to give (to return) the Trojan Gold to the German people - for storage in a special museum hall (in accordance with the conditions of donation), and to stop fantasies. Who needs these stupid fabrications? ...
  December 19, 2019 21:09
  Translation from Russian into English: December 19, 2019 21:47.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Отдайте Золото Трои немецкому народу и перестаньте фантазировать. Заметка".
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