Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Do not hang noodles on ears. A sketch

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    Do not hang noodles on ears. A sketch.

  Do not hang noodles on ears. A sketch.
  The morning of January 4, 2020 began with news. And some war correspondent came on the air.
  The military correspondent spoke about the personality of the foreign general, about whose existence personally I, it seems, knew nothing at all until yesterday (in any case, I could not remember anything).
  This foreign general was respected by everyone ... The war correspondent started listing... Of those, who respected the general. In this list the military correspondent named and - "Russians."
  I will refrain from personal attacks and personal comments.
  The Leninist foreign policy demanded with a great respect, with a great homage to treat a peoples whose rights are "violated...". All the Soviet people liked these conversations. In general, it 's nice to feel yourself, at least a little bit, people with a moral height, with a moral superiority...
  Vladimir Ilich 's mother tried for some time to turn the future revolutionary Volodya Ulyanov into a provincial landlord.
  A just, an equitable, a kind landlord, logically, periodically appears before the peasants and demonstrates his nobility and his a moral height.
  Nothing came of Maria Alexandrovna 's attempts. The son became a revolutionary and left abroad. Perhaps the general's pension paid by the Russian Empire to the widow of a civilian general was a good financial help.
  The Russian Empire was heading East. The influence of the Russian Empire (USSR) on eastern countries is as contradictory as the influence of the Portuguese Empire (Portugal).
  In any case, in the edges and areas, where Portugal and Russia came in, modern states with many modern attributes, with medicine, education, modern lifestyle appeared. And no one is going to give up modern attributes.
  After the Portuguese the Carnation Revolution (1974), began the mass escape of Portuguese from overseas territories (including of those Portuguese who was born in those territories)...
  In general, it is not necessary to portray (yourself) as noble gentlemen-landlords (their fate also turned out not to be enviable. Lenin settled much better abroad)...
  It 's more useful to think about own, and world, history. And to stop demonstrate the Leninist games, traditions and performances.
  January 4, 2020 9:07
  Translation from Russian into English: January 4, 2020 10:51.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Не вешайте лапшу на уши. Скетч'.
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